AreWeSure ago

This is so stupid.

AreWeSure ago

So we're moving to unsupported speculation about today's events to unsupported speculation from 135 AD?

AreWeSure ago

It's not strange at all, he was basically venerated after his death as an adult. That's when all the statues of him were commissioned. When he would have been 18-20 years old and as your link says, his body was shaped after years at gymnasium which is to say years after he was brought to Rome. The Statues are of an adult.

The idea that Antonius was no longer needed by Hadrian is not supported. By all accounts, Hadrian was grief struck at his death.

AreWeSure ago

that profile pic is assuredly Antinous as an adult.

LaDonnaRae ago

I question the "watch tower" thing. First, there is no reason for a "watch tower", and it would be ridiculously obvious if it WERE a "watch tower" (as all of these posts attest). Second, have you ever been to D.C.? Those "towers" exist all over town! D.C. is much like NY City in that it is extremely crowded and space is scarce. In fact, looking around the spot where I am at present I see THREE "towers". They are not "towers". They are rooftops where people either go to enjoy the skyline, or fresh air, or smoke (smoking is extremely limited here), OR they house air conditioning/heating units and the rails are there to keep repairmen from falling off the rooftop. So, let us be really careful here. That being said, that "museum" does not look like any museum I have ever seen.

SecureYourSeats ago

I would think it would be a great idea for someone to position a camera that watches the tower and the park 24/7. Any takers? It's best if you don't announce your intent. :)

KansasJakeBG ago

This post has changed my life! I have been looking at creepy art for weeks trying to glean 10% of the stuff that you guys have come up with in 1 day. I am curating all the interesting points in this follow-up Let's make sure this community retains all the compassion. If we are compassionate in how we talk about this, we counteract the media who is duplicitous in its compassion for James. Please let us make sure the ones benefiting from James' work don't throw him under the bus. To the top we must go!

KansasJakeBG ago

The next generation is very important. Why kill children of the people who dutifully serve you. Raise them with a purpose. We really have to focus on the children external to this core family. Those who are fodder for ritualistic sacrifices and cannibalism. I also suspect that a lot of this is pretend. It all depends on how easy they have made it for themselves to get "meat". This is what we must focus on. The supply chain. Here's what was gleaned from James' communications and it is ALL based on this thread.

Thank you HopingToHelp for causing a flurry of realizations with this post. It's not the kill room per say, it's everybody's comments about how deliberate Alefantis is in his organization of everything.

KansasJakeBG ago

Yes, I have looked at this. There is an EXCELLENT youtube exploration of this

thicktail1730947 ago

It's going to be magnificent if this guy turns out to be the Achilles' heel to the powers that shouldn't be.

KansasJakeBG ago

Don't get hung up on the name Achilles. It was given to him by his mother, a woman who has written a letter of support for a friend who is a pedophile. He is also the grandson of a woman who was a member of The Daughters of Penelope. Penelope is the mother of pan, another figure James OPENLY associates himself to. These people are obsessed with Greek mythology. What we are seeing is a very intentional application of the meaning of Achilles, by a parent who is also part of this culture (or cult) and who set out, raised or install their children to do certain things. Like the now infamous Evie (step-grand-daughter of Luzatto), A BABY, who is meant to rule the whole U.S. of A. Maybe James was raised to LITERALLY be Achilles "ruthlessly slaying women and children."

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I do not think it is! I really think like Obunghole, he was given a name and a whole new identity.

KansasJakeBG ago

No, his family is connected and he has been raised to do this. EVERYBODY in his circle of influence has been acquired through the networkd of children who were raised in the Secret Pizza Party cult all over the United States. If he had a new identity, he would not have a pedophile supporting mom and a Daughter of Penenlope for a grandmother. His path to becoming Achilles has been set from birth.

Sharipie ago

Is anyone else wondering if James Alefantis is actually his real name?

KansasJakeBG ago

His story is supported going back 3 generations to Buffalo, New York. James' mother write a letter to support a friend who went to jail for pedophilia. She raised Achilles to become Achilles. James' grandmother was a Daughter of Penelope. Penelope is also the mother of Pan (a figure James openly associates with, Pan is also the Pizza noid, and he is the pied piper and Peter Pan who lures away children and kills them). James has been purposefully raised and supported by a network of people to accomplish what he is doing today. Achilles is his real middle name.

salinaslayer ago

it's his "culture" lmao

KansasJakeBG ago

@RomarinBouteille made a post about this that is now on the front page. Holy fuck, his posts usually get deleted. We have been trying to cract the culture nut for 3 weeks and it all came together during the night. I'm so fucking tired.

Sharipie ago

Wow! Is mind control involved in this, do you think?

KansasJakeBG ago

Blackmail is also mind control. I think there are many layers of controlling behaviors in this.

APC_Frankfurt ago

This museum finding is gold! Inferentially, at least 5 Jesuits properties I have examined contain a tower, and are built as coumpounds and impentrable, they always have secondary access. They re strategically placed within very short distance of places of culture and power and governement. And they have often a feminine element that constrast the fortification. Why I am saying this is because we can learn from analyzing how they build. In turn they have leanned from China. Here is a telling picture of how they can put their signature on cloisterd monastery altar.

Yuke ago

I don't know whether to laugh or cry sometimes. We are going round in circles so many times. The YouTube video was based on a thread posted on voat yesterday! And now we have people coming to voat to tell us the news (also that someone else found it and it was actually one of us!) I guess that's the internet for you.

Singleservename ago

I'll put this here even if I find the search for meanings in names and words tedious, suggestive and unfruitful.

What's up with the 'kids' tag and the numbers (616? 64?) beneath it on the wall next to the Pegasus building? @ I saw a video this morning of some rather lame larper (no offence, you did great) who approached the building. On the wall at the entrance of the alley someone painted 640 above the letters BMP. Now that's surely no tag. Could it be related to the kids sign?

Also, is any serious researcher prepared to argue the building site pictures of what is likely the freezer hashtagged #killroom by JA's IG gang, is in fact at this place?

Right now I'm fairly sure the building site isn't at McCullough (the rear door doesn't match) but not convinced either that it's at the Pegasus.

Btw if it can be proven to be there, that's a (weakly) smoking gun because a walk-in freezer in a pedo's museum could be little else than a 'killroom'.

joeysaperv ago

I had a question about this link also and was given this as a reply

I'm not convinced the cooler is at pegasus either. I think the main hypothesis is that there is a depression in the floor of the cooler that might match the hole and trenching. My experience is that walk-ins have a metal floor over an insulated base, so any construction patching would not be visible.

anolegion ago

No, it reads

640 BMS Definitely not a random tag though.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I found a few things???!

bms Acronym for Broke My Scale. Used usually on instagram when users gives rates on another user's pic or account. A:bms B:thanks @A A: no problem @B

bms #instagram #comments #acronyms #bmss

by forever Unknown January 24, 2015

BMS Baby Making Sex Lets have bms

baby #making #makin #sex #bms

by Casperr. September 07, 2012 BMS 640 - Experimental Methods in Cell & Molecular Biology - Acalog ... The University of Maine › gradcatalog › ... BMS 640 - Experimental Methods in Cell & Molecular Biology. Focuses on a wide range of common techniques used

640 The name for any location where cowards hide from the wrath of rival

640: bms rise of thadland

Blue Mountain State: The Rise of Thadland is a 2016 American comedy film, based on Spike TV's Blue Mountain State. Directed by Lev L. Spiro, the film stars Darin Brooks, Alan Ritchson and Chris Romano. The film was released on February 2, 2016. Wikipedia Initial release: February 2, 2016 Plot summary Edit

Thad Castle, recently drafted into the pros, is now an ostentatious multi-millionaire with high prospects as an NFL player. At Blue Mountain State, his former team is training as normal under an increasingly frustrated Coach Daniels and new assistant coach Larry, with Alex as the senior captain. However, Alex realizes that the only three players with any notable skill left are himself, Harmon, and Donnie, and declares that he will devote himself to partying for his final year of college due to the fact that his team is set to have a losing season. Sammy, meanwhile, is still attempting to find sexual gratification, usually masturbating to the sight of either Alex's -- or his sister Mary Jo's -- conquests. Mary Jo, still a lesbian, tells Alex about her newest conquest, a ditzy airhead named Holly.

After returning from practice, Alex and the team are confronted by the new dean of the university, Oliviares, who declares that the Goat House will be auctioned off so as to avoid further damaging the school's reputation. Alex is aghast, and seeks Thad for help. He meets him at a garish and expensive restaurant, whereupon he is also confronted by Thad's equally bombastic cousin and bodyguard, Dick Dawg. After a bit of convincing, Alex convinces Thad to purchase the Goat House, with Thad's condition that he throw a massive party in his honor, an idea that he dubs Thadland. He gives Alex a crudely drawn picture book, and the team gets to work, stopping to puzzle at the contents of the last page, which shows a crayon drawn Thad with angel wings.

Coach Daniels, facing his second divorce from Debra and the decline of his career, drinks his sorrows at a bar in town, where he meets a young woman, to whom he offers a ride on his bike. While she performs fellatio on him during said ride, he crashes and breaks his arm. The party begins days later, and Thad and Dick Dawg show up, with the former highly impressed with the results; however, the popularity of Thadland causes the drug supply, of which Harmon collected from literally half of the United States, to decline. Sammy, in an attempt to impress Thad and make him remember his name, asks Harmon to offer his experimental drug of choice. After Harmon initially declines due to the drug's potency, he relents, first testing it on Billy before sharing it with the rest of the party in the form of a gas sucked from balloons. The drug is wildly successful, and the party is renewed.

Sammy, again attempting to make Thad remember him, tries to make conversation with him, only for Thad to offhandedly give him a "sloot" named Tina, who is insistent upon anally playing with a tied-down Sammy, who relents on the condition that they have sex afterwards. Tina leaves the bedroom to grab more items; while she is gone, Billy, in a drug-induced haze, anally rapes an unknowing Sammy, horrifying Tina upon her return.

Alex begins to flirt with Holly, infuriating Mary Jo. Upon seeing her anger, Donnie tells her that she is not gay, but rather, in love with Alex, which she denies. She asks him how he is so sure of her sexuality, to which he responds that he himself is gay. Thad and Dick Dawg overhear this, and happily announce his sexuality to the party in a misguided show of support, surprising everyone except for Harmon, who already was aware of it. Coach Daniels arrives at the party to see Thad, and the two struggle to admit that they miss one another.

The auction begins for the house, and Thad bids five million dollars on it (having outbid himself from three million). Alex celebrates having "his" house back, and Thad confronts him on only thinking of himself when agreeing to create Thadland. Thad angrily banishes Alex from the Goat House. Outside, Alex finds Mary Jo and Holly talking about their date, and, after taking a hit of Harmon's drug, confronts the former on her supposed inability to turn Holly gay. Mary Jo, to disprove this, kisses Holly; Alex does so as well. Finally, Mary Jo and Alex kiss, and they confess their feelings for one another before the drug causes the three to hallucinate having an orgy before passing out.

Alex, in a dream, sees a potential future where Sammy is dead, Thad, now a middle-aged wash-up, is living in the Goat House, having never left, and Alex is now his house boy. Horrified, Alex wakes up in the middle of a deserted field. He walks to a nearby road, where he flags down a car driven by his old teammate, Craig Shilo. The two go to Thadland together, which is still running as a shell of its former self, with derelict amusement attractions and multiple deaths as a result of partying too much. Alex finds a drugged out Sammy, who has eaten Billy as a form of vengeance. Thad and Dick Dawg approach Donnie with a gay young man that the former bought for him. Despite the off putting start, Donnie and the boy, Frank, seem to hit it off. Out of options and seeing Mary Jo flirting with Thad, Alex asks Larry for help in rounding up the team.

At a press conference about Thadland and Coach Daniels' liaison and subsequent car crash, Daniels angrily tells the reporters and Dean Oliviares off, admitting to everything he's done and denying any regret for it. Dick Dawg, at the conference, hands the dean an envelope from Thad.

In the basement of the Goat House, Alex confronts Harmon about the balloon-based drugs and what is inside of them. Harmon reveals that the drugs are a fermented gas derived from the house's septic tank. A disgusted Alex uses his authority as captain to coerce Harmon to shut the tanks down, to which he complies. Upstairs, Alex finds Thad and Mary Jo, both of whom are high due to the drug. Alex confronts him about his supposed wealth and asks why he can waste his time at a party at a college campus rather than attending practice with his professional team. Thad tearfully reveals that his contract was voided due to his bad behaviour upon receiving his money, and that all of his wealth was fake. He also reveals that Dick Dawg told the dean this. Alex, enraged, asks why he did that, and Thad produces a handgun, declaring that if he couldn't have his wealth, he wanted to die. Alex sadly realizes what the final picture in the Thadland book was: it was a picture of Thad "in heaven." He refuses to help Thad kill himself, but instead has another plan. He asks for Dick Dawg to come to him as police sirens approach the house.

In the basement, Dick Dawg begins to rig the septic and gas tanks to explode, where he is confronted by a naked and drugged Sammy; the two fight, with Dick Dawg easily overpowering Sammy, who is knocked unconscious by falling debris. The house begins to crumble, prompting everyone inside to evacuate. Upstairs, Alex and Thad embrace, with Thad asking him to remember his story. Alex leaves with Mary Jo, which Dick Dawg carries the unconscious Sammy out of harm's way. The Goat House explodes.

Mary Jo sympathetically consoles Alex about the house he fought so hard for, to which he responds that it's "just a house," and they kiss. The Dean celebrates his so-called victory over Alex but begins to hyperventilate from the excitement. Before Alex can confront him, Harmon, in the guise of providing oxygen, gives Oliviares a puff of his drug. The dean begins to hallucinate and promptly tries to sexually assault a news reporter, likely costing him his reputation and job. In a line-up, Alex, Mary Jo, Larry, Donnie, Harmon, Shilo, and Radon all toast to Thad's memory.

One month later, a girl is seen running with a mojito to a rocky beach in an unknown locale. There, a poorly disguised Thad, under the alias of "Mr. Poontang," takes a sip of it, only to angrily declare that it lacks lime. As the girl hastily runs back to the bar to correct the mistake, he finds the lime "hidden under all the mint" and tells her to return.

In a mid-credits scene, Dick Dawg calls out Sammy's name for him to wake up. Upon opening his eyes, Sammy accuses Dick Dawg of knowing his name, to which the latter vehemently denies, infuriating Sammy

wokethefkup ago

I think earlier it was said that the red writing says "kids 4 6", surely you know what the number 6 is code for and for the daft bunch "kids for sx".

Singleservename ago

So any connection to 640 and BMP at the beginning of the alley?

SpikyAube ago

"All along the watchtower" by Dylan seems somehow really apt for this whole situation as well. Not that it's connected, just interesting how that song kind of conveys some dark and impending, inescapable global doom, as 'the Princes' (i.e. pedos) keep watch all along the tower. Creepy.

MolochHunter ago

This has been well covered in previous posts. Still its good refresher for new eyes

Castellum also has an alternative meaning of 'storage tank' - in Roman context that was for water. But in a child trafficking context ......?

I always like to bang this drum, too: Antinous the 13 year old lover of Emperor Hadrian is in my belief, not an object of Alefantis' desire: Rather, he IDENTIFIES with Antinous...... just which past POTUS was it that set him on his path? It also broadens your understanding of the culture - while some victims are satanically butchered, others... they take a shine to ... and 'cultivate' them after their own depraved ways

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Obunghole being one of them.

oldchangling ago

It's almost like Riddler out of The Batman comics...

derram ago :

MiG29ToW comments on Youtuber claims to have found the 'killroom' at pegasus museum owned by Alefantis :

GrayManTheory comments on Youtuber claims to have found the 'killroom' at pegasus museum owned by Alefantis

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