joeysaperv ago

Even large walkins are pieced together with sectional walls, floors and ceiling parts. I've seen a 12x12 cooler brought in piece by piece through a regular door and assembled in the final room. Its pretty routine. Never have seen a walkin on a concrete floor. Not that they don't exist, I just have never seen one. Always needed to step up into the cooler, because the base is part of getting a good surrounding insulation and is vital to the door seal.

karma101 ago

At Voat - the ants are becoming aware and organized :)

Htaed ago

Achilles, I know you reading this maynneeee!! Let the children go!!!!

zoltan907 ago

Yes, most museums are established as 501(3)(c)s. Which means that if they actually are raping and killing kids in there, they're receiving taxpayer money to do it.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

New thread with more proof in comments

Tsuishika ago

Goddamn pedo motherfuckers think they are infallible. It's time we bring back drawn and quarter punishment to these homo fucking pedos.

Selnee ago

There was just a thread up about this video and now it's gone. What is going on?

wellington33 ago


Selnee ago

Do you know why? Who deleted it? So strange! I didn't even get to read the comments. lol

wellington33 ago

Investigate1999 removed 36 minutes ago on 06/01/2017 2:12:50 "spam; after a heart felt plea to stop investigating, Pizzagate Gear requested that we buy more shirts"

wellington33 ago

when users delete their content, it shows as (deleted by user). it shows just (deleted) so it was deleted by mods!

surgeson ago

I don't like the sound of that at all

wellington33 ago

i think that's how it is!

Selnee ago

Ok thanks well it's still on youtube for now. So strange. If it's true this is huge!

surgeson ago

I got the vid just in case. People dismiss it 'cause he's pushing t-shirts or whatever, but this vid doesn't tick any LARPing boxes for me. Except the classic unrecorded phone call, perhaps.. but then again I wouldn't know how to do that in a hurry either.

Selnee ago

I agree. I wouldn't have thought to do it either. He was under a countdown and had to decide what to do quick.

eyeswidewoke ago

I'm trying to get my head around the post that the original creator of this video just posted then deleted with the claims of direct phonecall death threats from Alefantis?

atheist4thecause ago

Mirroring on Voat is not smart. Way too much censorship here.

Jehosefat ago

It's D.C. Man, everyone has bars.

memegod420 ago

Except for everyone else on that block, including the same house with bars. Only their top right window is barred.

Stukov ago

The white house, which he owns, has bars only on the 2nd story and no other house on that block has any bars whatsoever. Please try again. We researched this in really early days and saw the kids spraypaint long time ago. We also questioned the gnome in the house nextdoor as well.

zoltan907 ago

Alefantis owns the house with the bars in the window?

Stukov ago

Yes, I don't recall which thread it was in, I will see what I can find.

Jehosefat ago

The wall says "Kids 4 6".... = kids for sex.

Fateswebb ago

Okay then based on my analysis of this, the room with the door and the stairs is to the right of the "kill room" which means this creepy door reads right into it. And when you look through this creepy door you can see what appears to be a work bench and sink. Very creepy indeed.

RedCatus ago

what is the name of the school/church nearby or whatever is related to the playground next door? maybe these are tunnels built to and from such places and to this sketchy as fuck house

hubertbutternut ago

Guys this does not look like the same building at all ; as much as I want to believe it has been found - the dimensions here dont work - digging pic wall to edge of door looks roughly 14 feet going by purlins above - to edge of wall out side on streetview it is 10 max!

Also height above door not consistant with windows outside from streetview

Baluga ago

Is there any chance this building is a former museum that closed before Alefantis bought it?

kenny_r ago

At 2:14 look at the uneven appearance of the carpet just to the right of the stairs, it's not just cement foundation under it. Any guesses on what would cause that appearance? It is aproximately the same size as the hole dug at the :30 mark.

kenny_r ago

Any speculation on what that padded table thing is at 2:13? I still don't see how Pegasis is the same as the area with the trench. Where are the brick patterns he points out in the room with the trench in Pegasus?


Actually the can. Twin towers became razor blades in china fast. Sandy Hook school was scheduled for demo before the drill. And nancy lanza home demo too. Give them a reason and they will demo a whole fucking city.

kenny_r ago

Someone should get a buddy that does search and rescue and take a cadaver dog over there. They can detect dead human scent for a long time. Heck they werre even using them to sniff out Charles Manson's old hide out near death valley a few years back for buried bodies 40 years old.

Truthseeker77 ago

Yes!! Cadaver dogs!! Wouldn't a positive hit from a cadaver dog be enough for probable cause??

NonexistentNihilist ago

I believe I watched that documentary. It was pretty disappointing. If I remember right they didn't find anything. Not that I'm doubting a pup's sniffer.

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

great idea! just go to check out the new "museum" to

  • get a closer look at the inside of the exciting new museum,
  • what exhibits there are,
  • when is it going to open,
  • ask neighbors if they are excited about the new museum,
  • ask kids and nannies at the playground if they've heard about the new museum,
  • ask artists if they are excited about james alefantis' hot new museum

oh and btw, it would be a shame if the police showed up AFTER YOUR GONE to investigate any trespassing and find that the "museum" is actually a kill room.

just do not telegraph when you're going, who is going or any personal information as you will be wading into the most dangerous part of investigation, first degree information. guard your identity with your lives.

WatcherWatcher ago

Terrible idea. It'll look like (or at least MADE to look like) a bunch of "nuts" harassing this poor pizza shop owner's properties all over DC.
Making them nervous works against us. We'd be better off letting them relax so they get lazy about defense measures. This video (which basically identifies the street address of the "hole in the floor" instagram pic. This is great because all the energy people were spending looking for a secret "basement" or "tunnels" at CPP can be put to better use) is important but maybe we should wait to post info like this until we've got a complete understanding of the significance. I don't think we can say this is the "KILL ROOM". A lot about this "Museum" and its location is interesting. We need to dig here... ha! Get it?

Anyway, there are 2 units in that building, 3516 and 3518. Does Alefantis own both?

Edits: cleanup hastily written post...

Stormtrooperx52 ago

How about a godundme to foot the cost of an Olympic sized swimming pool full of oxidating sodium hydroxide and getting it transported w/ the scumbags to the Halftime show of Super Bowl.

contrarianism ago

Somebody should look at who owns the houses bordering Pegasus.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Wait for what? Time for the people to claim this country back. You want due process? A fair trial? HA!!!! Should have thought about that before deciding to bypass congress, the Constitution, and then torture and rape our children? Just like 9/11!!! I hope this time the cruise gets parked up your ass!!! Then we'll edit the video and tell the world how "PAN" threw an exploding Dildo all the way from Saturn.

KansasJakeBG ago

It's important for every last bit of this story to be told to the entire world. Vigilante justice can only help the elites throw James under the bus and claim a lone wolf scenario, yet again. This needs to be so well known by Americans that they will be able to feret out the copy cats in every state!

SoonerJJ ago

I'd be curious to see a list of all owners and residents in the surrounding buildings. These people have a lot of money and could easily own the block.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Wait till you see the trail I've got. Just been waiting for this. Can't wait. Saturn Death Cult is real. The crazy beliefs are real. Whether you believe, dismiss, whatever! These people believe it, and they are acting on every little bit of it. If you can't bring yourself to just LOOK. And dismiss it as beyond nuts, then please seek a psychiatrist!!! Operation Monarch has caused SEVERE DAMAGE! Hopefully Trump can work out a compensation plan for those suffering total mind control.

Investigate1999 ago

I request that you all stop posting stuff from Pizzagate Gear in this forum. Do it in the other forum, because he is only regurgitating information that we have already found, and then advertising his merchandise like the shirts.

I welcome him promoting his shirts, but not in the main research forum.

gonegoogling1 ago

Who gives a shit if he is selling shirts. The information getting out is way more inportant than bitching about selling shirts. Jesus fucking christ this shit became reddit really fucking fast.

Investigate1999 ago

No, man. He can post his video in the other forum. We have distinct forums for the overall benefit of everybody. It's Pizzagate related, so other Pizzagate forums are okay.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

T-shirt guy should be screen printing targets on every member of this twisted Cult

Investigate1999 ago

That works for me. :-D

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Completely missed part about selling t-shirts! LOL

Fateswebb ago

We should just make our own shirts that are sold at cost no profit. Then it spreads the word but is some money maker idea.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

I'm in here like an Autist. GLAD IT POSTED. NEVER SAW IT.

SoonerJJ ago

With art, any and all strange transactions can be attributed to sold artwork, which can be valued at any price.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Agree with you both. Also, if anyone says "Where's the art?" they can say oh we won't receive our major pieces until x months or years out.

SoonerJJ ago

Exactly!! A price of art depends on the buyer and has been used to launder money many times through history.

Black_Jesus ago

you're paying for the kid. the 'art' is complimentary

SoonerJJ ago

As a child, I thought I was MacGyver. I was capable of and did take a locked door off its hinges. I just needed a flathead and something to stand on. However a lock can and does often have keyholes on both sides. Hinges on the outside is extremely unusual.

Fateswebb ago

It is unusual, if you wish to keep people out, which makes you wonder how easy it would be to get in that door, were you a curious thief.. certainly it wouldn't be hard at all.

zoltan907 ago

Or just curious in general.

shaboyi999 ago

My guess is Satantic ritual "artefacts",

billybigrigger ago

Images of interest:

"Kids" graffiti on retaining wall of residential building in front of Pegasus museum.

Red marks on ground at rear of building behind overhead door:

Graffiti on rear man-door:

SoonerJJ ago

Great observation! Also, what good would hinges be on the inside if a potential prisoner could pop out the pins? There could be a key lock on both sides. Most likely no hinges on the inside.

LawofTruth ago

Thanks for getting this back up. Watched it last night and thought it was very conclusive, although we know this isn't related to the freezer pic.

We should get this over to as well.

kenny_r ago

If you compare the view of the roof at 7:05 to 7:40, in the 7:40 view you see a triangular frame on the top behind the man it does not appear to be on the roof in the 7:05 part of the video.

Womb_Raider ago

Keep in mind, the FBI may already know this and want to wait for Jan 20th.

TryOurSalsa ago

forgive me, i'm very out of the loop at the moment. What is happening Jan 20?

BethesdaDC ago

Pedopfile round up day

Black_Jesus ago

trump takes office. and his new doj

Womb_Raider ago

Trump officially takes office. Meaning Obummer can't pardon Hillary if they prosecute her.

kenny_r ago

At 6:49 in the video it shows on the map that the playground is also a trolley turnaround. is it possible there is something underground there, an old tunnel?

Htaed ago

In the msm he said this room was from a restaurant he was trying to lease. Straight up bullshit.

kenny_r ago

If you look at the 2:15 to 2:17 part of the video, frame by frame, you can see that top floor is on wheels and can be slid from side to side, Also the stairs are designed so that children can not climb up them. Any ideas on why they would want a floor to be able to slide back and forth?

Fateswebb ago

Here are the pictures. If you look closely there may be more than one of these sliding balconies, but one picture shows one of them where it can be slid over to where the stairs can no longer access it, however there is an upstairs door that can access it. I find this very interesting and even sneaky. If you can lock the balcony away from the stairs you ca. Lock access to both the balcony, any computers on it and if it's the only access to the second floor access to that. And also if this is how you access the tower or roof you could use this to limit access to those areas or others.. what's interesting is the wall with the sliding door and the upper door with the sliding balcony leads into said kill room, and if you look through the sliding door you can see a bench and sink that look super creepy.

Fateswebb ago

Oops forgot the link and for some reason it's not allowing me to edit my comments.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

So they can connect it to the dark room which is on McCullough side of building

party1981 ago

Maybe it has something to do with the occult ceiling. Like on Epstein's island temple.

SoonerJJ ago

Great observation on the stairs. I just woke up so I didn't make the correlation. I just thought why I'm the world would you make a stairway so dangerous. At the time, I was just thinking it was artsy. Your explanation makes more sense.

kenny_r ago

I thought it was already shown that the room where they have dug the trench is attached to Comet Ping Pong with a small gap in between and a door that slides up and to the left. There are photos from both CPP and the room with the trench showing that same door so the trench room is not in the Museum.

shaboyi999 ago

This video is more convincing.

SpikyAube ago

And if he was opening a museum, surely there would be all kinds of references to it on his social media, him saying stuff like the museum is finished, this is what we are exhibiting in our museum, come and check it out! And strangely the museum has no signage outside, no front door or anything, no website, no flyers advertising it. Given how much he seems to go on about all the arty stuff he gets up to or puts on etc, it's really suspicious that he hasn't mentioned this at all anywhere.

Also weird is the fact that on the Google listing, the address is wrong. He has put 3516, when it's actually 3518 (as you can see from the other documents). I'm wondering if this is some kind of secret method for letting perverts know there's some kind of child brothel there, perhaps 'Museum' means something else in their world. Maybe people should start looking for weird museums in residential areas that have no other online presence, and see if there are any, and if there are, go check them out!

WatcherWatcher ago

I believe there are 2 units in the building, so I assume their mailing addresses would be 3516 and 3518. Does Alefantis own both units?

SpikyAube ago

Yes I think he owns front and back, but I'm pretty sure they are 3518 and 3518 R (R standing for Rear) and the rear property is Pegasus, and that's the one that has a tax code 062, for vehicle sales.

throwitawayn0w ago

The words used are way too indicative of something...

Castellum: 1. a small isolated fortress, or one of a series of such fortresses, of the ancient Romans. 2. a diminutive of castrum ("military camp"), often used as a watchtower or signal station.

Pegasus: 1. A winged horse fabled to have sprung from the neck of Medusa when she was slain. He is noted for causing, with a blow of his hoof, Hippocrene, the inspiring fountain of the Muses, to spring from Mount Helicon. 2. Pegasos' name means either **"of the spring" **from the Greek word pêgê, or "sprung forth" from the word pêgazô. The first alludes to the steed's connection with various springs, and the latter to its birth from the Gorgon's neck.

James "Achilles" (Greek myth, Greek hero, the son of Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis: in the Iliad the foremost of the Greek warriors at the siege of Troy. While he was a baby his mother plunged him into the river Styx making his body invulnerable except for the heel by which she held him. After slaying Hector, he was killed by Paris who wounded him in the heel) Alefantis is Greek Othodox.

Podestas (The chief magistrate in any of the republics of medieval Italy) are Roman Catholic.

Whhhaaaaat is going on here? Are we still under pseudo Mediterranean rule? These coincidences and homages are crazy.

KansasJakeBG ago

Yes, the bloodlines of the illuminati :) But remember these people must communicate their preferences LOUDLY without being discovered by us normies. SO they use, names, stories, symbols, art and such. And a lot of that gets around to unintended eyes.

Waalchastazoor ago

I think it's also important to note that castellum has been used specifically to describe the watchtowers along Hadrian's Wall. The Roman emperor Hadrian is the one who took his boy-lover Antinous and formed a cult around him after his death. Alefantis used a bust of Antinous for his Instagram profile pic.

throwitawayn0w ago

Shhhhiiiiit, you're right,

APC_Frankfurt ago

Hi do they make videos there, did the buy CCTV equipment? CCTV is used to make videos. Who owns the building that face the road, even the building with the pyramid top. Are there any secondary exits???

DustyRadio ago

Doesn't JA know the internet is forever?? He can delete all he wants, it just makes him look more and more guilty.WTF.

APC_Frankfurt ago

Found the manhole outside garage providential. DID THIS MUSEUM PURCHASED ANY VIDEO MAKING OR DUPLICATING EQUIPMENT, COMPUTERS? DID THEY PURCHASED ALARMS, CCTVs? The man on roof is a sentinel. Question also how are the going ins and the going outs.

SoonerJJ ago

"Sentinel" Exactly!! It has views on all sides. They could man it when they are using the building to keep an eye out for early warning. Perhaps so the people could escape through the tunnels...if there are tunnels connected.

bikergang_accountant ago

Mirrored off of youtube:

unconceivable ago

The only thing this means is that he owns a museum. The "killroom" is probably propaganda by disinformation spreaders and is simply a joke made by alefantis and friends on instagram. Think about things, please. Be wary of people trying to lead us down the wrong path and inciting "citizens arrest" and stuff

KansasJakeBG ago

Oh please stop saying that things that take money and effort from a group of people that happened YEARS ago was planted. It's not possible for this to be a hoax at this point. And it will also be super hard to wipe off the entire internet.

pizzathrowaway7 ago

Also note the lock on the back door of PEGASUS:

Truthseeker77 ago

Definitely sketchy, but why wouldn't he just use a deadlock with two key entry sides?

goodguy1367 ago

Looks like a dead lock that's high enough any kids trying to escape couldn't reach

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

That is a really great find! Way up high where kids can't reach it. No standard door is configured like this.

zzvoat ago

First of all, this is quite amazing work. Congrats on that!

Two issues:

The ceiling. The ceiling in the construction room with the trench looks too high for the Pegasus Museum.

Using rough measurements taken from the specs on the pingpong table at the Joola website, the rear wall in the construction trench room appears to be much wider than the back wall in the alley identified as the killroom wall.

zoltan907 ago

If the Alefantis text messages are legit, there must be some reason he's panicked about discussion of Pegasus, whether the kill room is there or not. He removed the Google listing around the time Pizzagate broke. He also told Ryan he could "keep the kill room shit." He seemed less concerned about discussion of the kill room than he was about discussion of Pegasus.

Jehosefat ago

The bricks are what convinced me. Also the location of the garage door.

hubertbutternut ago

This - lets not jump the gun here guys, need to be analytical - challenge all research yourself

Californiadeplorable ago

I tried to point this creepy place out 1 month ago!

KansasJakeBG ago

I've known about it this long too but it took a while for all the clues to come together as they have in the past few days. I'm sure there is a lot more going on with lots of other leads that are getting slowly documented. This is great but it's not over.

APC_Frankfurt ago

Hi do they make videos there, did the buy CCTV equipment? CCTV is used to make videos.

pizzathrowaway7 ago

The roof view on google maps is different from google maps.

google maps:

google earth:

Fateswebb ago

The first one appears to be covered with a tarp possibly it was under construction.

rippingtheveil ago

good video, I'm thinking next if fbi won't, citizen arrest

delivery1 ago

How much more evidence is needed to start a full blown investigation?

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

Yeah. what a great location for a "museum" Right next to toddlers playing on swings with a hidden alley. Hmmm maybe they are trying to target the nannies who bring the kids of two-parent working families to the playground to the museum for some cultural enrichment? /s

KansasJakeBG ago

I don't think the playground is related. But it makes a nice buffer on one side. One less neighbour to worry about. This location is very secretive given that it is HUGE and also behind an actual normal looking row house.

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

but then why take the risk of people there with their kids? too many eyes to see what's going on IMO. there are plenty of ally's and hidden streets in DC and in a lot more non-descript locations than this. and also, why the tower and rooftop balcony overlooking the playground? i like the theory of letting the captive kids play there too just like at CPP where they can get some playtime in w/o risking escape or suspicion too.

KansasJakeBG ago

Yes, so I think the park is convenient because it gives them a much larger view on a fork of two streets. I wonder how many Castellums there are in D.C.

Dressage2 ago

This is shocking! So the guy in the tower is checking out what Kid to lure in?!? I think we need to investigate what name of park is, if any reported missing children since the building has been finished; police reports of missing kids in area and if any kids missing. Will google go back far enough in time to see if "kids" "4" "6" has been recently added? Makes sense if building surroundied by other buildings you would have to be able to tip driver off to location in back. Nice roll up door for dropping off drugged kids into building from drive. No one sees a thing bc hidden by other buildings and call it a museum makes neighbors think no big deal. Would electric bill be much higher due to "kill room" coolers than a normal building this size? It might be something we might be able to see online. I remember reading electric bill is what would sometimes tip off cops of pot growers because of such high usage while growing pot indoors. Just another thought.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

To see if it's refrigerated/hotter because of servers, whatevwr, Wait til it's really cold out. Hose down the side of the building and a side wall made of the same material. See if it freezes/thaws at a different rate of time with thermometers. Call me McGyver you're welcome.

SoonerJJ ago

I don't think the tower is used to scout for children. I think APC_Frankfort is correct about it being a place for a sentinel or sentry.

Dressage2 ago

That makes sense.

joeysaperv ago

OP refers to killroom repeatedly but the killroom comment was made to the walk-in cooler instagram pic. Was there a definitive link between the cooler and the construction pics that I missed? If so, this information needs to be pointed out.

Otherwise, this is a really interesting video. Great documentation. The first thought that comes to my mind is "money". Another property purchase in DC by a pizza shop owner. Where is the money coming from?

KansasJakeBG ago

The damning evidence is the depression at the back right of the kill room. It's surrounded by concrete sheet rock BUT it was probably hosed a few times because the floor took the shape of a bad construction job on the infamous hole.

throwawaa ago

Here's the infographic connecting the killroom pic with this construction pic:


joeysaperv ago

I think the main hypothesis seems to be that there is a depression in the floor of the cooler that might match the hole and trenching. My experience is that walk-ins have a metal floor over an insulated base, so any construction patching would not be visible.

happyme73db ago

excellent researching....

AFriend ago

Great Breakdown.

I am sharing this on other forums. We will make progress.


this has been known for over a month - edit (that he owns those buildings)

party1981 ago

This is the first rock solid, easy to digest evidence that the white building is the same place where the killroom / construction was being done, instead of Pajama Factory or CPP next door.

abortionburger ago

Are you sure? This is the first I've seen and I follow PG religiously.

SpikyAube ago

The buildings at 3518 and Pegasus and the kids playground have been known about for a while, not sure about the identification of the kill room as being there.

The museum building is also licensed as a garage that sells vehicles, weirdly.

Millstone ago

This needs more upvoats. Good job!!

coinscoin ago

JA deleted pegasus off google when pizzagate broke out? Hahahahah. How can they be this stupid and arrogant?

juhos ago

Freaky pedo-like guy owning a museum without actual museum, children playground next to it, man on the roof, text "kids" pointing underground.. Is this from a movie or something?

Alpo ago

As a result of this video, its author has been threatened. Please share this video as it offers some protection to him and his loved ones:

Throwthisaway33 ago

If this is real it sounds like he hit a nerve

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

If this is real, James is Donezo. Seriously, This is more likely to end up fucking him over, than the crimes themselves.. Which makes it hard for me to believe this is actually him. But this dude has been digging his grave, all along the way.

What I don;t understand is, WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T HE RECORD!. HE knows how to record a fucking youtube video. Do that, and put him on speaker or something.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

My only problem with this situation is the proximity to the playground. For a low-level offender I can see proximity being a plus, but at the level we suspect this operation? It seems like they would want to stick to Haitian/Dominican/Mexican/Orphan, that this would be too overt. I would think this would be one of those "Don't shit where you eat" scenarios, but all of the convincing theories I have seen seem to defy logic, so I gave up trying to make sense of it.

Jehosefat ago

Agree. I think the dude on the roof is suspicious but the playground might be coincidence.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

Again, I've given up trying to apply logic. I would think that most children playing in that area would be too risky of being high profile, but then everything else feels WTF about this case, so why would this be any different?

goodguy1367 ago

Fuck I wish it was from a movie at least then you know it's not real! Why that cunt on the roof in a watch tower that looks straight to a fuckin playground.

zoltan907 ago

It looked to me like he might have had a camera, and was taking pictures of or filming the kids.

srayzie ago

James Alefantis and this whole Pizzagate situation would be better than any movie. You can't make this stuff up. There are so many connections like a spider web. I would love to read a book or watch a movie in the future about a load of pervs from Washington, politicians, bankers and globalists being caught in a Satanic ritual pedophile ring. Their trials, tears and all of the kids rescued. That would be my dream anyway.

Itsdefinitelyreal ago


thisneedstoend ago

shiiiit we're getting somewhere for real now.

Itsdefinitelyreal ago

Incredible. My Chrome browser AND Safari keep involuntarily shutting down every time I bring this video up. Wtf

Fatsack ago


AugustaJulia ago

I was actually going to ask what kind of museum it was. I thought I had missed something.

I also didn't understand what it meant that it was now deleted (I don't mean the video). A building can't be deleted. So what exactly was deleted?

Fateswebb ago

The building had an online presence as most businesses do, that presence has been deleted.

BarryOSeven ago

Reminder: Please upvote if you like it and think it contributes to the investigation.

28leinad82 ago

And when this gets deleted, here's a Streamable: