Holabebe ago

check Cayuga Center in NYC. please i'm suspicious about them

Holabebe ago

Check Cayuga Center in NYC

yabbadoody ago

PLEASE, somebody. PLEASE... anybody... Bueller? Anybody?

just STOP using the words "kill room" until you've actually located the large, multi-refrigeration unit walk-in cooler, okay? IT"S NOT TOO MUCH TO ASK. People who AREN'T as well versed as many of us, are getting CONFUSED AS HELL... time to put on our grown-up pants, and shed the depends... act like real citizen journalists, and not over-promote a story we don't have yet. Let's not waste time and ehergy sh*tting ourselves over material we haven't done the LEG WORK FOR YET...

Good work on Pegasus, excellent find... but keep working on "kill room", comprende?

Koched_Up404 ago

That's what i thought

Good luck with your list

Koched_Up404 ago

You again. This user - @armyseer - banned me from a subverse i didn't even know existed, pizzagateshilllist or something.

Hey @armyseer - Why don't you put up or shut up?

You put me on your shill list and your justification was - Amalek alt

I read the criteria about how you determine who the shills are, and sent you a pm asking wtf you put me on this list.

You have yet to respond.

I invite you to go through my comments and posts.

Here's your chance to show I'm a shill.

What you got?

9217 ago

They are calling PleadingtheYiff a shill over on that sub. I don't get why. FFS this is ridiculous.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Wondering about that myself. @Koched_Up404 what exactly is your basis for thinking there is a "kill room" at Pegasus? Obviously there's a connection to Alefantis, but I don't see any basis for your conclusion about the kill room.

Koched_Up404 ago

I'm not claiming "Kill Room Found!", It's in the title to link to the other posts about "Kill Room Found!" as i linked to at the top of the post. All, I'm saying is that if this is the Kill Room at the suspected address then these Youth Centers are in close proximity and worth investigating.

Millennial_Falcon ago

It's problematic because it's giving people a false impression that there's a consensus that there's a "kill room" at that location. I just ask that OP's be more careful with titles.

Koched_Up404 ago

Duly noted, i see how this is jumping to conclusions. I should have kept it out of the title or at least put it in "quotations".

YingYangMom ago

Nice catch but no evidence the killroom is there yet. I think I found the killroom in the back of CPP. In this video here, the white cropped room (about the same size as the walk-in freezer, # killroom) at 3:40. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMGGSY0A8r8 Located at the back of CPP, actually in between McCullough and CPP's backdoors. Point of view from parking lot in video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMGGSY0A8r8

In my opinion, accessible from inside by secret passage way behind the black curtains at the back of CPP's kids party room. Can see from the picture here https://archive.is/yLNJR that there is space behind curtains if you follow the wall all the way up to the ceiling. I'm sure if LE just went there and pulled down those curtains, they'd find it or even a secret passage way or stairs going underground to a basement or something. According to the video here, 20 people went in as well as children and never came back out. They can't just disappear now, can they?


Edit: formatting

yabbadoody ago

this is the most likely location of "kill room" yet, the walk-in in the alley behind Comet. If it isn't, however, this is MAJOR... because wtf, what "museum" needs a full-on walk-in large freezer unit? Jeffrey Dahmer museum of wax puppets? Hannibal Lechter Steak House? I mean really... let's make it STICK before using that term loosely, or we defeat ourselves with our own mal-rhetoric.

And frankly, judging solely by the number of REFRIGERATION UNITS (count them, upper left corner of the photo), I'd say this was a walk-in FREEZER, and not a walk-in cooler... there are variables, but that is a LOT of refrigeration power for this room, just to keep things "cool" and not frozen solid. Like icecicles cold.

YingYangMom ago

I agree. It would be a walk-in FREEZER.

delivery1 ago

How is it possible that no full blown investigation hase been started by the police? The amount of circumstantial evidence here is staggering, and investigations have been initiated from much much less than this.

remedy4reality ago

The only thing preventing you from answering that question for yourself, may be a lack of imagination of just how BIG the pedo network could be. It's the same reason why Seth Rich's murder was whitewashed by DC Police.

JoJoVoat ago

I posted 124 individual posts of government employees, all branches at every level, convictions for child porn, child rape..etc and thats just a short period of time. That's beyond comprehensible. I mean some of these guys are raping their own children, including babies, recording and selling. That's about as sick as it gets.
I mean, how is one able to do that? Thats some serious evil

retreaux ago

If they did, Obama would have pardoned all the people that needed to pay, while the underlings took the brunt of it. If they wait until after the 20th, there's a possibility that the majority of these pedos will go down. Just a theory.

JoJoVoat ago

agreed. after trump gets in office and I guarantee there are lots of investigations going on and have been. I cant imagine how many government employees have their asses all in a pucker rt now.
Nothing worst than being a pedo/child porn/satanist .....in prison. They'll take care of these ppl

joeysaperv ago

Link to CGI important.

remedy4reality ago


is Hillary's code for this massive child trafficking operation

Fatsack ago

How many children were they able to snatch from Honduras during the coup Hillary orchestrated?