HerbertMurray ago

Great job man!!

Devious1 ago

The building of the roof - view window:


rickman ago

Think I just gave myself nightmares exploring round the Pegasus building and seeing what looks like a man wearing a red hooded garment staring out the window of house.

Creepy red man?

LostandFound ago

Heres the permits for the roof work

Permit application B1503188 / search via https://eservices.dcra.dc.gov/obpat/default.aspx

'repair roof, repair broken concrete, repair railing on deck, replace doors and windows'

B1503188 Alteration and Repair Permit 01/06/2015 3518 11TH ST NW CASTELLUM ACHILLES, LLC

Other permits can be found here http://www.checkpermits.com/contractor/Castellum-Achilles-Llc

Devious1 ago


Roof Window, you have to open in new tab: couldn't remember the standard they use on voat as I fur doesn't display correctly

specialplan ago

its that '666' has been argued to be a mistranslation, as someone else commented. it might have been 616 originally. So thats satanic graffiti.

28leinad82 ago

Here's a version of the video on Streamable that Youtube cant remove: https://streamable.com/kg5cb

28leinad82 ago

Found a good copy of the original video - download it ASAP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnT9QzmMAe4

Vindicator ago


VieBleu ago

OP - this is ridiculous. You've hit a nerve, wait a few hours and resubmit, don't lose this. Keep strong.

Beaucephus ago

You guys really need to start uploading videos to vid.me so they don't get taken down.

Vindicator ago

Agree! Disappointed. I was nuking shills and by the time I got to this, it was gone. :-(

Brinecat ago

so we have 2 points of interest:

1 - Pegasus Museum 2 - Pajama Factory

i have always said based on the structure of the building i didn't think the basement was in comet pizza, i was called a shill when i pointed this out... what told me that was the pattern of bricks, the width and the position of the exit door, but no one seemed to listen.

Also glad i downloaded the video before it got pulled ( i had a feeling it would)

on a side note THE SHILLS ARE IN FULL EFFECT: when the video only had 230 Views, there was a comment " what evidence do you have that this is a kill room ? "


I don't recall seeing that, but I hope someone saved it or made a screen capture.

specialplan ago

Video is gone

616 is a supposed true 666, I remember reading that. Whole phrase is triangular.

GenghisSean ago

Yea, the oldest version of the bible had 616, but it was mistranslated into 666 long before the King James version everyone's familiar with.

VieBleu ago

FBI, are you looking at this please?

Selnee ago

Is that writing on the building below where the guy is standing on the roof? I can't tell.

unfuckitup ago

What's the sq. footage of the building. You might be able to work out the proportions.


The only thing that makes me disinclined to accept that the Pegasus location is the right one is that the space in the Alefantis Instagram photos looks considerably larger than this would be. Could this simply be an illusion caused by the way the photos were taken?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

no doubt

Commonwombat ago

This has been brought up before, not sure whàt the conclusion was but it's definately interesting.

Lunari ago

Yeah I was wondering what was concluded of if when it had been brought up before. It seemed like everyone just stopped looking into it for the most part.

Commonwombat ago

Unfortunately, I think people find some really interesting leads but can only get so far before it dies.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago


A video detailing the info on Pegasus

srayzie ago

The video is removed now

GenghisSean ago

I hope the poster archived it so it wasn't lost.

srayzie ago

I can't archive. I'm on an iPad. There is way too many. I found this a while back and saved it in Instapaper

whirledpeas ago

That is an impressive breakdown of the evidential data. Props to all the researchers working on this topic & the vid-maker!