Flat_Truth ago

The owner of that channel put out this video: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1538422

yabbadoody ago

gee, if they'd only invented CARS before 2016... like the neighborhood actually MATTERS?

BULLETS MATTER. DEATH MATERS. MURDER MATTERS. MOTIVE MATTERS. Proximity? Meh, not so much, unless they can be proven to be at the scene, at the time.

yabbadoody ago

probably a specious "copyright strike"... they've been using these in unwarranted, predatorial fashion. It's a weapon of choice for trolls.

B3nder ago

I have reupped the video (version 3) to vid.me:


kenny_r ago

Wouldn't it be quite easy to see if any kids turned up missing in that playground by Pegasus Museum? I don't know how to do it but it seems like it would be in some public archives especially if more than one kid ended up missing.

crashing_this_thread ago

To be fair, any death in Washington D.C. is just blocks away from a killroom or a business acting as a front for pedophilia.

olive611 ago

this gave me chills. the person on the roof looking at the playground scared the shit out of me. if this isn't part of the smoking gun, i don't know what is

crazimal ago

Why do people go along with this "kill room" bs?

The picture of the walk-in cooler posted on IG by alefantis and tagged #murder and by him and #killroom by someone else (werkinonmanightcheese or w/ever the handle) has been demonstrated to NOT be at comet ping pong, and it is almost certainly NOT at 3518 11th st, either.

The 4chan/pol thread https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/105683310 linked in this post shows at post 105701957 a chat with alefantis, presumably from early days of pizzagate, in which he says it was from an empty restaurant space he was looking at. Considering there is no food in it, and it doesn't look new, this is likely true. Even liars tell the truth sometimes. It is also rather large for a cooler, at least 20 feet long, with a lot of cooling power. To build a cooler like this would probably cost in the high 5 figures, and require a big outside unit. It would likely be found attached to a commercial building with a 600+ amp electrical service, of which it might consume 250+ amps, or ~6000-8000KWH per month. In other words, it might cost $600-1000 or so, monthly, to run it, and it would not be easy or safe to do so through a typical 200A residential electrical connection. And the power co. would notice, especially if you weren't paying for it.

The utility poles in the alley appear to carry only cable/data wires, so it looks like the electrical supply is buried in this neighborhood. Perhaps searching electrical permits or IRL investigating could show what the service to this address is.

Ask yourselves why, other than operating a profitable food business, such a cooler would be built. Sure, the people under investigation may be suspected of being involved in trafficking, child abuse, murder, even cannibalism. But are they going to serve a dinner to several hundred cannibals at once? It is bloody unlikely, no matter how depraved they might be.

It is very unlikely there is a huge hidden cooler in this building owned by alefantis. Possible I suppose, but unlikely.

Quite possible he or others have done things there he would not like to come to light, though, just not ones requiring a hotel-sized walk in freezer.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Crazimal- basically everything u just wrote there was BS u pulled out your ass. If thats even a freezer, where are the door handles? There has to by law be a handle accessible from inside.

Womb_Raider ago

...Ah. Well, I hadn't considered that angle. I just thought it was a noble idea to preserve the data.

And you're right, they appear to have deleted their own vid. I think it was fantastic and ought have been preserved, that's all.

phlux ago

the museum needs to be continually monitored to determine if anyone shows up and tries to remove actual evidence.

roundhouse1776 ago


Womb_Raider ago

Aww man, you think I'm a shill? That's a shame.

I really only paid attention to the "Pizzagategear pulled their video" bit of the title, and went to look, and it was indeed taken down. It was a pretty good video, too. I assume youtube removed it or they decided they could better present the information.

As far as Seth Rich being killed near Pegasus, I have no idea of the validity of that. Still not sure how this makes me a shill though

pizzathrowaway7 ago


Google Maps: http://sli.mg/sExBhp

Google Earth: http://sli.mg/iZMUJ8


rippingtheveil ago

Google, YouTube, we all need to find new platform, praying for Ryan, pizzagategear, while i watching video, I thought man he must be kinda freaked, I mean, these peeps need to go down,

Prevent-1984 ago

I am not sure if he is giving the proper proof tho... I want to believe him, but I don't know if I can. I am talking about the video he made in which he stated that James Alefantis threatened him. I am not sure if he is giving proper evidence to show that he was actually threatened by him. Why would he post the video that shows James Alefantis threatening him if James Alefantis had truly threatened him. He should now be in more danger than before if he is telling the truth, so why would he do it?

QuestionEverything ago

Why are we so sure he's not with the FBI?

From what I've investigated: His family doesn't seem worried.

DarkMath ago

Hi there!

waybackwhen1987 ago

btw fuck youtube archive any relevant info post vimeo or some shit

waybackwhen1987 ago

this is huge what was the timeline on the seth rich homicide didnt he have like 2 hours of his evening unaccountable... could he have been taken to a room similiar to this so many questions

e-traiu ago

Is the suicide confirmed?

Was it the ol regular suicide by two bullets in the back of the head?

hanknut42 ago

it was a mugging yet nothing missing from his body

e-traiu ago

May he rest in peace ❤

This has to stop. Civil war II

LostandFound ago

Thanks for the clarity here

B3nder ago

I got a video - VIDEO 3 - "Alefantis Kill Room Found" - where should i upload it?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

vid.me is becoming popular now.

RedPowerRanger ago

@IDeliverPizza the energy still makes me suspect of you. Good catch though and great reporting. Your autism is strong.

Maybe add the above link to the OP so that people can see what you mean by "blocks away"?

IDeliverPizza ago

Your constant skepticism still makes me suspect of you lol. But yeah ill add the map to the main post.

YingYangMom ago

@IDeliverPizza Nice catch. Only thing I have to add is I really don't like your username lol. But I guess I'm gonna have to live with it...

fartyshorts ago

Yes, that's it. It has been in the internet vocabulary for... Well, at least 16 years.

BarryOSeven ago

Good work!

Personally I don't think the killroom is in that exact room. I think the hole in the ground was a start of the construction of an underground lair.

As you can see that Wills dude is into ironworking and he made the stairs with the little desk on top. That would be a stairs suitable for a "secret staircase"

I do think we found something. The images were absolutely at that location. The question is, what is beneath that room?

It could also be they are constructing "kill rooms" for home owners and installing them on location. But good work, if we had law enforcement on our side we'd have arrested these bastards this week.

Maybe we should do it ourselves.

ravensedgesom ago

Yeah this seems to be the location seems to be located underneath building


According to legend, everywhere the winged horse struck his hoof to the earth, an inspiring spring burst forth.

Rigg5 ago

Stop using youtube.

Https://Www.Vid.me ???

zzvoat ago

First of all, this is quite amazing work. Congrats on that!

Two issues:

  1. The ceiling. The ceiling in the construction room with the trench looks too high for the Pegasus Museum.

  2. Using rough measurements taken from the specs on the pingpong table at the Joola website, the rear wall in the construction trench room appears to be much wider than the back wall in the alley identified as the killroom wall.

billybigrigger ago

You didn't take into account the floor surface that would have to be replaced after the trenches were dug. Could add at least 1' to the level of the finished floor, making the ceiling 1' lower relatively.

quantokitty ago

Agree. The dimensions are all wrong. Off on a tangent here.

IDeliverPizza ago

account for zoom and you still have perfect dimensions and match.

SpearOfDestiny ago

Ple@se could your help with this link i found http://pingpongclubmanchester-blog.tumblr.com Its a blog from way back in 2010, the connection to look at is the event flier, i think theres a lot of connections to be made and possibly even smoking guns but i need more eyes on it, real researches.!!!

fartyshorts ago

I don't even get what I'm looking at. Dr. Pong is hosting a night at Comet Ping Pong?

Comet Ping Pong + Dr. Pong: https://i.sli.mg/MshKIH.png

OH, now I get it. All of these Ping Pong places from around the world are meeting up for a "congress of ping pong party people" in Berlin (2010).

srayzie ago

Thank you. That makes sense tho

srayzie ago

What does bump mean on 4chan? Is that an upvote? That site is so confusing to me

srayzie ago

It was deleted really quick too! Within just hours of it being posted

Snailracer ago

Here's a HQ repost of the Pizzagate Gear killroom video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnT9QzmMAe4

The website the matching wall was from. http://www.margotwork.com/about/

Californiadeplorable ago

I tried to point this creepy place out 1 month ago! https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5chiep/breaking_james_alefantis_aka_jimmycomet_owns/

Womb_Raider ago


Guys, we should crowdfund a single account and query that account to download pertinent youtube videos in HD. I know they offer free SD downloads, but if 20 folks threw in a single dollar (I'm down), we could get higher quality vids which plebs will appreciate.

We need to save this stuff before Google wipes it away.

ravensedgesom ago

Agree backing up these videos is our immunity

Womb_Raider ago

So the Pizzagate Gear youtube channel has been removed entirely? Holy shit. Channel is up, just the vid was removed.

I just watched their video a few hours ago.

I even commented defending them from someone saying it was 'wrong' that they were selling shirts to spread the message. This is unreal.

IDeliverPizza ago

It is blocks away though about 22.

AreWeSure ago

This is also know as almost two miles away.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

City blocks are various sizes. What's the actual distance here? The graphic linked above indicates 1.7 miles by road, so I'm upvoating your "almost two miles".

IDeliverPizza ago

What do you fucking mean they are a 30 minute walk from eachother. https://is2.4chan.org/pol/1483590710122.png

Antonius ago

Very strange coincidences. I am talking about the neighborhood.

Brinecat ago


his channel is still here, maybe he will upload a less rough version of the video, also en.savefrom.net <-- download all important pizzagate YT videos...

Womb_Raider ago

Channel is there, but video is definitely removed. The video was fantastic, I can't imagine them wanting to make an edit. Very odd. Did they have more videos before? They only have 5 vids

gopluckyourself ago

video removed by the user.