AreWeSure ago

It wouldn't be libel to describe what's in the photos, but something like "Here is the pedophile's Instagram account" would be libel per se.

AreWeSure ago

Interesting. I did not know that definition. Of course, that is not the legal definition of libel. I was working from legal websites.

Blasphemy, of course is not a crime in the US. Looking up blasphemy and libel I find this **Blasphemous libel **was originally an offence under the common law of England. Today, it is an offence under the common law of Northern Ireland, it is a statutory offence in Canada and New Zealand, and it has been abolished in England and Wales. It consists of the publication of material which exposes the Christian religion to scurrility, vilification, ridicule and contempt, and the material must have the tendency to shock and outrage the feelings of Christians. It is a form of criminal libel.

Lucky for them they don't live in New Zealand.

AreWeSure ago

I pee for the truth.

AreWeSure ago

What you call cherrios, I call libelling people with incredibly weak evidence.

JudaismForGentiles ago

Would this be relevant for minerva/athena rule?

"The Club motto is "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here", which implies that outside concerns and business deals (networking) are to be left outside. When gathered in groups, Bohemians usually adhere to the injunction, although discussion of business often occurs between pairs of members."

HarleyDavidsonRider ago

Larry Nichols did touch upon HRC being involved in a witch's' coven while working for the Clinton's.

doubletake ago

no no, don't worry. just tap your heels together and repeat after me: "there's no place like Weiner's laptop, there's no place like weiner's laptop ... " I don't think we can yet imagine what's on there other than the yelps from NYPD, and they never yelp. It's not only 650,000 emails, who knows what is on the rest of the hard drive! So, there's some hope. Imagine there's got to be some priceless thumbdrives floating about somewheres.

Alpo ago

Larry Nichols said Hillary was a witch:

Womb_Raider ago

I could explain this but it would take a substantial amount of time and its enough to know that they exist and they continue to manipulate the world to their liking.

"I could explain this, but I won't" Okay...

continues to write three separate paragraphs based on this rampant speculation


I'd imagine they have something to do with this:

Sithisip ago

"Horus, the "savior" of the Babylonian Church, is also known by Tamos. His mother is Semiramis, and she has a huge representation in image as the Statue of Liberty. Molech is worshipped as a Bull, and an Owl. This is done to protect the worshippers of said deities, to mask who or what it is that they are really praying to. "

From an Icke forum post. Others tie Moloch to Lilith as well.

AreWeSure ago

2. No. He simply isn't evidence for your claim

3. In the preface to the book, Hegel stated: "The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk,” meaning that philosophy comes to understand a historical condition just as it passes away.

4. This is just nonsense. Nothing is unusual about the use of penance in that sentence and nothing religious is implied.

The FBI was able to review her deleted emails

SocratesOP ago

The FBI was only able to see the emails that they recovered from her and humas devices. They are unable to see emails which have been wiped and not contained on either device. They cannot "undelete" emails in this particular instance.

So no, the FBI did not read her emails in their entirety.

AreWeSure ago

So no, the FBI did not read her emails in their entirety.

I agree. But they recovered thousands of them from her server (not just her devices) and found nothing significant in those either. The theory was the ones she deleted must be so terrible she had to delete them. This where you find her child-trafficking, lesbianism, bribery, enemies murdering acts, and all the other fantasies people have in their heads and the emails showed none of that. It wasn't just a handful of emails either, they recovered 17,000.

The State Department has confirmed she had the right to delete personal emails. Only emails that qualify as a government record needed to be turned over. People act like the very act of deletion is an indication of guilt and it is not.

SocratesOP ago

See your main problem is assuming I think the cause of her guilt is indicated by her deletion - when her deletion is actually her admission. Under federal subpoena by congress she illegally deleted federal records. This - in itself - is enough to charge her. When congress requests emails "in their entirety" what do you think this entitles them to? Some of them? Stop moving the goalpost when she clearly disobeyed congress multiple times by withholding.

Now of course that begs the question why you would go to those lengths to delete the emails if they were merely personal, risking repercussion congressionally - you can see why someone might expect foul play. Maybe the contents of the emails are worse than the possibility of being held in contempt of congress?

AreWeSure ago

In addition, your last point

is belied by the fact that the FBI recovered many thousands of emails and found nothing unusual.

AreWeSure ago

She was not under subpoena when she asked that her personal records be deleted. That subpoena came four months later i

Dec. 5, 2014: Clinton’s team provides 55,000 pages of emails, or about 30,000 individual emails, to the State Department. Mills tells an employee at Platte River Networks, which managed the server, that Clinton does not need to retain any emails older than 60 days.

APC_Frankfurt ago

Owl in Europe from schools to cemeteries. The St. Benedikt school in 54 Eaton Rise London, 2 owls with one raised posture, underneath the owl there is the double swastika (left and right spin joined). There are 3 owls for each of the 4 pillars of the entrance on 19th century cemetery of Greco in Milan, Italy.

trollghost15 ago

Guccifer's spelling isn't too great.

dogwalker ago

Keep up the good work

rickman ago

Moloch is such an obscure reference to throw in as a joke. Many people wouldn't get it.

sunajAeon ago

I studied ancient history and this is the FIRST time I have ever heard anyone throw this phrase around

AreWeSure ago

Many people would and given the structure of the joke you don't actually need to know anything about Moloch to get it.

It's has the classic "three things" structure used in a lot of jokes.

blind_sypher ago

Its also on the back of the dollar bill. This cult is ancient and huge.

Whizwit21 ago

You ever look at the back of a twenty?

mrjdouble ago


Free_Radical ago

Exactly. It's not something you'll post to your boss unless... they're already on the same wavelength...

AreWeSure ago

You may want to up your fact checking skills.

  1. Guccifer has absolutely no insight in the Hillary Clinton
  2. The guy who jokes about sacrificing a chicken hates Hillary Clinton. And he is joking about supersititons.
  3. Did you even look up Owl Minerva rule?
  4. Do you think penance involves being in a cult? For one the first defintion in your image shows you can use it outside of a religious context. Because I don't think Catholics are in a cult.

mrjdouble ago

I was reading along and giving you the benefit of the doubt until you said you don't think that Catholics are in a cult.

AreWeSure ago

Are you anti-Christian in general? Are just anti-Catholic?

mrjdouble ago

Neither, I'm hesitant to even answer this question, but I'm a scientist. I believe in facts, no feelings. Brilliant thing about religion, you know what it is? There are more sects of religions than there are languages and the one thing they all have in common is they think they are right and everyone else is wrong and going to suffer the consequences.


Sithisip ago

Pretty sure the owl of Minerva is Molech in occult traditions

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Your kidding right? Catholics not a cult? – Child Abuse Recovery »

Pope Francis found guilty of child ... › pope-francis-f... Jul 20, 2014 - Pope Francis was also found to be a perpetrator in satanic child ...... Mark Passio On Donald Trump & Satanic Pedophiles In Government

throwitawayn0w ago

You don't think Catholics are a cult? Why? Because they're more of a military or...?

cult (kŭlt) n. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader. n. The followers of such a religion or sect. n. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.

AreWeSure ago

If you think Catholicism meets that first definition, you have never really spent any time with Catholics.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I don't think anyone believes the rank and file Catholic family is in or believes they are in a cult. Just that the Catholic leadership operates with such a high level of secrecy and ritual that it's entirely possible that the leadership is corrupted.

throwitawayn0w ago

I think a lot of people are desensitized to how extreme the implications of Christianity... and the level of ritual that's involved in Catholicism specifically. They have a figurehead that is recognized as such. They chant chants in dead languages. The romanticize cannibalism. It exists on the importance and power of secrecy (the apostles being the elites and given insight, the common folk being shown "miracles" and told "riddles" to insight faith), and the idea that going against the leaders is seen as prideful and merits being cast out of heaven (God> Satan> Man relationship).

Very extreme, cult-y, brainwashing.

Cuboctahedron ago

At the heart of the occult are Gnostic heresies. Those who claim to have secret 'knowledge', the enlightened children (illuminati), are really children of the 'light-bringer', or Lucifer. Wolves in sheeps' clothing. I don't feel like putting the effort into debunking your points, but I can compare all (devise-your-own-faith) religions as being some analogue to Satanism. "Do as thou wilt." is really the same kind of thing, in application. But you are entitled to your own opinion, I suppose.

AreWeSure ago

If you want to call Clinton a cultist, because she is Christian, have at it. It's not what most folks, including probably OP.

Lobotomy ago

American Catholics are just scared agnostics. Real, actual, Catholics are cultists.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Yes! Having been raised Catholic this statement hits the nail on the head! Most American Catholics are pretty normal; its the ones who go more than once a week or to confession on the reg are the cultists.

Cuboctahedron ago

Most American Catholics are fraudulent Cafeteria Catholics, who advocate a pick-and-choose-the-doctrines-that-I-want-to-follow lifestyle. They're from the Northeast. They support abortion, etc. They're no different than "Reform Jews". But first, tell me if the Twelve Apostles were following a cult? Look up the definition of 'cult', to help you.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Cafeteria catholics, nice. My brother in law calls me a CEO Catholic: Christmas and Easter Only. Which isn't even true because I havent been to church in at least 13 or 14 years.

AreWeSure ago


Devious1 ago

Shadow Group / Shadow Government > Being run by the occult