Fateswebb ago

The videos were deleted by YouTube, web isn't CIA or FBI I don't think just a real good researcher. All the stuff he talks about is public knowl she just he puts it together in a way nobody else does. Also he said about 20 percent of this stuff is "working theory" as in he believes but can't prove..

SChalice ago

Mentioning child trafficking is dangerous but publicly supporting the notion that all high-level dems are the most traitorous and murderous evil humans in history is not?

FBIAnon would always throw in these derogatory racist comments that were out of place and made me believe he was just a /pol/ larper.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yea, well he throws in some speculation, which he qualifies by saying 'this is speculation' or 'a friend told me this' which means its not sourced and shouldn't be used in an argument, but its something to think about.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

It seems like he's trying to say maybe that they arranged a deal to pin extra murders on LISK to cover for rich foreigners?

Eastwood350 ago

I don't know. I'm not a sleuth but his words " the other girls were just a cover" is what has me stumped. He did mention foster parents too. Are they getting some children from foster care?

dcdale9 ago

May I add something he said about the girls. The period of time GW was talking about is in the early 90's. the girls came from Easter Europe during the war. Bosnia, Herzegovina and possibly other Eastern European countries.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

He's simply linking based on other journalists work, and his knowledge of the players, which seems to come from books and the news and public knowledge of government positions, he doesn't seem to have access to knowledge that we don't he has just researched it well and put it together, which is why i'd imagine he doesn't have anything on Mossad. Our newspapers don't investigate Mossad, it never comes up, I'd say thats why he can't mention them, it would be speculation.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

He lists his sources you clown.

wokethefkup ago

Saw on vice a woman working to help ppl from sex trafficking and damn they showed that craigslist is very seedy. 14yr olds posting that they're 20 and change is usually a red flag as some of these girls most likely aren't posting these ads.

billybigrigger ago

Another crumb he mentioned: "Look at where the gas attacks are (in Syria), then look at the contractors building in that area."

Seems like he is implying:

"They" (ISIS/US sponsored militants) gas the local resistance (if any. Eg. Ghouta, Aug 2013)

The contractors come in (CCC), and get the kids (or enable the "white helmets" ).

The kids are then shipped to ministers of the UAE/ME

Then the pipelines/construction projects are built after the political "topple" (This is where GWebbs work picks up).

Links of interest to info in this section of his video:



chickyrogue ago

he is not only implying this they put the parents as human shileds when they get bombed they keep the kids its all worked out

billybigrigger ago

@ 6:07 "If you want a lead, there is where you should look".

Pointing at logo of Consolidated Contractors Company.

alliecapone ago

I noted on the wiki, the celebrating "60 years" logo..it's a swirl to make the six.

billybigrigger ago

Success of #pizzagate will be uncovering of incontrovertible evidence, either directly through citizen journalism, or through the shaming, or celebrating, of some true journalistic professionals (it's THE prize in journalistic circles) in uncovering the story. Think "Project Veritas" for pizzagate. After this, significant political pressure will need to be created to give cover to JD/FBI white hats to bring the case to the AG. Hope is the next AG will be receptive to this investigation.

Mtnchan ago

So he's a software sales and marketing guy with a new bag / hobby apparently, don't see anything in his history indicating any particular expertise. My concern with the vids, he seems sincere, but wondered about jumping to conclusions, filling in blanks without sufficient proof. That's fine I suppose, just kinda talks as if he was with one of the three letter orgs, like he wants you to think he was. He wrote a book linked below about thirty years in sales.



billybigrigger ago

Discussion on credibility of GWebb is irrelevant if all he's doing is pointing to or making connections between existing/open facts.

Firstly, it's clear he is knowledgeable in intelligence analysis (notice even the presentation style).

Secondly, it correct to assume most of what he is saying is "bullshit". He is trying to "cover" what he is saying, but also leaving clues. Probably de-risking his situation.

Thirdly it's impossible to know his intent, and whether he's just trying to serve a honey pot. But follow the facts, do your own research, come to your own conclusions, and all that "free thinking" stuff.

I think there is an underlying message to what he is saying. He's trying to tell one story, through another story. The "inconsistencies" are where the stories don't perfectly line up, and he has to "patch" them together. He also has to do it referencing existing factual information, so he can't be seen as revealing anything.

Fateswebb ago

I don't see how what George is doing could be considered a honey pot. A honey pot is set up to attract criminals, making them believe they are commuting a crime, but really the police or good people are tricking them. For instance a bait car, the term comes from setting out unsecured servers in hope of catching or analyzing the tactics used by a hacker.

billybigrigger ago

Generally honey pot or "honey dick" is a common term online for being baited with something you wish was true.

I don't think George is at all. In most of his videos he sounds quite nervous. Pretty good active if not legit. Also all of his info checks out. He's just connecting dots. Maybe the connections are legit, maybe they aren't.

chickyrogue ago

to me he is a very rational thinker and he digs and finds dots to connect its very comprehensive

Womb_Raider ago

In that case, ignore anything he says that is not verifiable. Even doing that, his roadmap is still pretty filled out. You don't even really need his "this source tells me that..." quotes to follow his logic on why pizzagate is real.

Either way, he has a lot of real evidence neatly organized for easy digestion. Just listen to A, C, and ignore friend B. Still worth listening to what he has to say.

LolturdFerguson ago

I was living in East Hampton during the LISK slayings. It was a crazy time.

You can connect a lot of the elite rings to Watermill and East/Southampton. It's where all the elite's rub elbows...partly the reason I moved far, far away.

chickyrogue ago

there really are some strange age old money rich people out there.....

DopeandDiamonds ago

That area feels like another world to me. I have never attended a party or event there and not felt creeped out.

LolturdFerguson ago

I went to a 'gala' of some sorts on climate change there during the summer of '99. It was strange.

Their consideration of 'art' is something that leaves much to be desired.

DopeandDiamonds ago


Womb_Raider ago

If you can give me some solid examples of what you mean, I can help fill in the blanks for you. Without you being so vague, this discussion will just perpetuate without any closure.

I'm having trouble understanding what he's said that you cannot verify with either Wikileaks or other sources... so far, he has pointed to the sources he uses to find information. You seem to imply he doesn't do so, that's where my confusion rests

hanknut42 ago

in that same vein i wonder if thats how the Backpage guy got off on trafficing charges?

article bout charges dropped


FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

You da man, man. Thanks.

Marthvedderette ago

I'm thinking this guy is FBI/CIA. His information seems to be 1 part truth 2 parts bullshit. The CIA is heavily invested in the honeypot trap, as is there counterparts at MI6. Read up on your co-intel-pro. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO. Another thing to consider in all of this is, in these alphabet agencies there are black and white hats. Their term, not mine. Black hats of course being nefarious, and white hats actually want to do good. Problem is it seems that the black hats have more power due to the fact that the guys in charge of promoting people are most definitely controlled through pedophilia of course.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

CIA is much more black hats, FBI has a lot more white hats, especially at lower levels.

endview ago

I agree that he is FBI/CIA. If you listen to his Day 67 part 1 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3mwF1W_jnI&t=546s, at 10:26 he says, "like people who ran my secret service detail when Bill Clinton was in the White House". In addition, Webb is not his last name and there was a link on voat directing you to another page in which he states his full name and talks about the possible pedophile connections, or bread crumbs. By listening to him and doing research on my own, his facts certainly seem sound.

FriesischShipping ago

Maybe ex secret service, he keeps talking like he was around these people.

Marthvedderette ago

Controlled opposition? Could be classic CIA bullshit. Disinformation is always 1 part truth 2 parts spook bullshit

Womb_Raider ago

What has he said that made you so suspicious, anyway? Virtually everything he's said that is verifiable is totally true.

Very few things have come out of his mouth that cannot be verified, in fact. Have you even attempted to verify it?

remedy4reality ago

His series on Braverman is SOLID and is integral to understanding the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative and all the players at the top of the pyramid.

remedy4reality ago

Youtube is clearly manipulating likes, views and uploads, regarding PG...

The fact that you give credence only to videos with 'likes' shows how programmed you are. Go watch 'Gangnam Style' if you want videos with lots of likes.

e-traiu ago


cosmicmind ago

Yes. I noticed when I up vote articles on this main page the vote deletes. I go back and up vote, scroll back up and notice its gone. If I press refresh some are saved and some aren't. The amount of likes isnt an indication of anything accurate on this forum. The important thing is to keep this topic moving toward education and action.

SChalice ago

"The amount of likes isnt an indication of anything accurate on this forum"

I assumed it was the opposite.

LadyMinx ago

Lol @ remedy! Gangnam Style

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

It could die, but you can't say "it's going to die without victims testimony or simple victim confirmation."

Yes, that would be a super beneficial game changer...but by no means is that aspect the only chance we have.

The only way this research dies, is if they succeeded in suppressing the internet. I don't mean, suppressing youtube, or twitter... Obviously those are on their way.... but they could ban all pizzagate/pedogate/government corruption related material today, and it still wouldn't kill this.

But if they were to succeed in complete suppression of information, then we're fucked. As long as there's at least once place pro pizzagate, this movement will continue to grow.

I guess we can take comfort in the fact they legitimately can not "turn off the internet". I mean, I don't even know if they could actually do that, just from a technical stand point... But even if they could, The fallout from doing that would be much worse than the fallout they are currently trying to prevent...The worst case for them, as of now, Is that a fuck ton of powerful people will be implicated and fucked. If they turn off the internet, They are ALL fucked.

If you think it about, you know there people at the top scrambling to save themselves, or better yet, simply not evil as fuck... jesus christ. Think about all the shit that is going on right now, that we don't even know.... Like we know these people are scared... but what are they doing that we don;t see... Obviously we see the attempt of coverup....

But you know it doesn't stop there. Like, are they getting ready to take off to their moon base? They have to have a secret moon base built specifically for this... This being, the mass awakening. You know shit is fucked when it's hard to think of a hypothetical scenario, that doesn't seem too unlikely.

Ok, now I'm just ranting... Don't even remember what the point of this comment was. Carry on.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I don't think it's suspicious at all... Or maybe suspicious is the correct word. I too would like to know who is he is, but not because I think he's a "Plant" or whatever we're calling them now... That being said, I'm sure george webb isn't his real name... If anything, that makes him more "Credible" in my eyes. Actually, If his profile picture is real, Then maybe it is his real name... because you wouldn't use a fake name and real picture, Right?

Regardless, all I'm saying is that some of the biggest game changers were put forth by a completely anonymous source (FBIANON).

That being said, it's a legitimate question to ask. "who the fuck is this guy?"

Devious1 ago

"long island serial killer", a similar context is "Jack the Ripper"

Not nessesarialy one person, but a colective of a few > Tidying up events


Link not displaying correctly - copy and paste into browser


Who are the other girls? Where did they come from?

Like yacht girls at Cannes? https://www.datalounge.com/thread/12775325-the-sex-trade-at-cannes- https://archive.fo/jFvjU

Here's a potential pipeline who is linked to this and linked directly to the Clinton Foundation, Haiti, and Qatar: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1524304

dcdale9 ago

May I add. GW said some of the girls at the party were from Eastern Europe. Bosnia and Herzegovina. They did not volunteer. They were kidnapped during the war. Other girls came from Craig's list. GW said they were murdered as a cover for the pedo ring. Why murder them? Was it because they were drug raped and possible witnesses? The missing children from, Haiti, Libya, and Syria are kidnapped. The white hats are kidnapping the children of Syria and taken to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and one other country. GW states the parties moved from NY to Paris and Africa.

Freemasonsrus ago

Not very difficult to get girls. Lots of dumb girls online posting pics hoping for followers and get "flattered" when someone offers to fly them to "work an event". Not hard to cover those tracks if done by professionals. Not saying this is their main method but a possibility. Sometimes those girls get paid, get a nice trip, are an escort for some rich dude and everything's kosher but I'd assume their are also predators.

Mtnchan ago

Why did I get chastised for asking who George Webb is, told to leave the man alone and deleted, when all I asked was who he is? Rule four btw, link to meta section is broke.Very strange, seems like considering you all repost his every video a bunch of critical thinkers such as yourselves would want to know something about the source and it's credibility. If he's putting up YouTube videos holding himself out as an expert on specific topic, and I believe he is an expert, just seems logical to be curious about where the info is coming from, otherwise a lot of it could be made up peppered with verifiable truths to make the larger picture look real in full. I think he's the real deal, just don't understand why there are so many rules here to the point of stimying free and objective thinking. Can go on all day about tacos so long as there's a hyperlink to something even if it's complete nonsense, but let's not show any original thoughts of our own, not sure how anything gets solved that way. I've been following since wikileaks started dropping emails and had a few minor contributions to the overall view of what we now know, 4chan was chaos, but didn't mind wading through it and deciding for myself what was real and what wasn't. Here now it seems we're just getting reposts of other people's info with someone deciding what we get to see and know about it. Sorry to be so critical, probably get downvoted and deleted, for it, whatever that all seems childish to me, but most people commented in response to the sticky that they don't like all the rules, and want the focus to be on what we believe is happening to the kids, yet we keep getting more rules. So I ask who is George Webb?

NoBS ago

Since you wish to see this man dead, no, it's NOT his real name. He is still alive.

Guy_with_the_face ago

It seems this subverse has become controlled opposition. I've seen quite a change in the direction of this investigation on voat since pizzagate started. Now I see more people calling out the moderators and questioning all the new rules, that in itself is becoming a distraction.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

You haven't been doing this very long have you? This is probably the cleanest community of this type I've ever seen. You're worried about a couple of concern trolls?

Guy_with_the_face ago

Obviously you can't use a mouse otherwise you'd see when I joined! I'm not wrong in saying that shills and trolls have taken over this investigation on this subverse, clearly! Anyone who can think critically can see that, regardless of what your opinion is.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree, I tried posting about the Dozier Boys School in FL, and the horrors of sexual abuse and using the boys for slave labor. Many unmarked graves on the property ran by the State of Florida. However, both my posts got deleted. The YouTube links would not work or something??. I gave up trying.

myowneyesnears ago

He has said that he investigated Franklin and there were 2 many deaths. He is very nervous when posting and to many ppl have been harmed when coming close to the truth. He is giving many leads and IMO we should not dig around in his life. We may put him in danger. He has given many solid leads - just take them.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

IMO we should not dig around in his life

Wrong. ALWAYS question the source.

I GUARANTEE (based on personal experience) that if the info is dangerous to dangerous people, the Feds are doing a more thorough investigation of his life than we ever could.

dcdale9 ago

The source should be protected. He revealed his real last name last week in case he is murdered. MTCHAN has no right to the this man's sensitive information. GW is not a public figure, therefore he has no argument as to what he thinks he has a right to know. THE SOURCE NEEDS PROTECTED.

myowneyesnears ago

Yes, you may have a point, but we are putting it out there very publicly so any leftist nut can see it. They make take matters into own hands.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

If he doesn't have good security protocols in place, you should warn him personally.

Sharipie ago

LISK is Long Island Serial Killer, but what does ME stand for?


Middle East

Sharipie ago


crystalclearme ago

I'm not familiar with LISK . Is it explained or can you share a brief summary?

RumplestiltskiaAT ago

LISK (Long Island Serial Killer) There are many people from all walks of life investigating and posting about this. (P.I.'s, ex-Law enforcement, etc..) It even has it's own TV show I've seen several times. All, or almost all of these murdered women seem to be prostitutes and have been found in a relatively small and remote area of Long Island, NY.

Freemasonsrus ago

One of the best clues was an Asian man dressed like a female, a baby and a woman all related. That is not a random prostitute serial killer.

DopeandDiamonds ago

You forgot very rich area. One of the wealthiest in the country.