Jeremy20_9 ago


Jeremy20_9 ago

@basil999 @Phishingteam @Arrvee @LolturdFerguson @Slash @Boud8814 My post got deleted:

I appealed in my reply.

I'm new to voat so I don't know the protocol here.

nathanwblair ago

what reason did they cite? they have to state the rule(s) you broke

srayzie ago

Since Obama entered office, he has pushed for nothing but moral corruption. People are so confused about their sexuality. LGBTQ everywhere! Those who do not want transgender men in the women's bathrooms are attacked by the liberals. We're called sexists. We must change OUR way of life to make THEM more comfortable. New words are taught in schools now so they can be used to avoid using the words HE or SHE. God forbid if you say some trigger word in front of them. They can now run to their safe space where they can color and play with play dough. If that isn't good enough, they can have counseling.

We're raising a generation of little pansies. They need to be treated like little snowflakes. They aren't going to know how to deal with the real world when they are older. Is this so that people start eventually depending more and more on the government for everything? Young people are being brainwashed to accept everything and question nothing. If they do, they are labeled as conspiracy theorists and alt-right. Only liberal news is acceptable. Many homeless shelters, even ones that are church ran, and not depending on government funding, are being forced to allow transgenders on the women's side. Many churches are now breaking the law if they don't allow transgenders to use female bathrooms. Now, our tax dollars are starting to be used to give people sex changes. Wtf is happening to our world??

They are taking God out of schools. Many schools ban praying. But some make special areas for muslims to go pray since they do 5 times a day to their God. "In God we trust" is being removed from some courthouses. There is talk of the Bible being taken out of hotel rooms.

The Obama administration is bringing in thousands of refugees and we have no idea if they are terrorists. The children are sent to homes of known pedophiles. Thousands are now missing! Obama, Hillary, Soros, and our shadow government are leading us to war, taking away our free speech, trying to take away our guns, and less transparent than ever.

The DNC blatantly broke the law and they are so arrogant. They do nothing. They are not even secret about showing that WE HAVE NO VOICE anymore. The democrats have tried to change the results of the election and even tho they keep losing, they are now saying they will fight to change Trump's choice of cabinet. Obama just screwed Israel over for revenge. He's so narcissistic that he keeps going on about how good he's done and how many people like the direction he's been leading us. Wow really?! How he would have won if he had ran against Trump. How the Russians are what caused Hillary to lose. Oh it couldn't have been because the Clintons are the most powerful corrupt couple in the world?

I'm sorry. I had to vent. I started to reply and my blood started boiling and it all just poured out. Some of you may talk crap about my views. This is what free speech is about. But, if a person makes a choice to be transgender than that's fine. But others shouldn't have to accept it and change their way of life. They certainly shouldn't be considered "woman of the year" because they were so brave to come out.

Obama has screwed us in every direction and is trying to hurry and do more before he hands the power over to Trump. That's if they don't find a way to execute Trump first or start war with Russia so that Obama can stay in power longer.

The_Kuru ago

If there is a faction of the lgbt community who are appalled by pedophiles, they sure aren't apparent. I think they are very open to adding the letter "p" to their alphabet soup.

Millennial_Falcon ago

OP, I have to remove this post per Rule 2. The following claims need reliable sources:

Kevin Jennings in 2011 who is a homosexual activist, who believed that it was fine for adult men to have sex with young people.

And we find this throughout transgender activists groups, these people who are advocates for pedophilia. Pedophiles are behind much of the transgender movement.

He also points out that the roots of transgenderism where pedophile men, Kinsey, Benjamin, John Money

You cited a reliable source, here, but didn't provide a link:

WikiLeaks has this on him: Obama's safe schools czar, Kevin Jennings, founded the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, a homosexual activist group that now has thousands of chapters at high schoolsacross the nation. GLSEN chapters and materials have promoted sex between young teens and adults and sponsored "field trips" to gay-pride parades. Jennings was the keynote speaker at a notorious GLSEN conference at Tufts University in 2000 at which HIV-AIDS coordinators discussed in detail, before an audience including area high-school students, how to perform various homosexual acts.

Jeremy20_9 ago

I ask that you reconsider this. Many of the links in my last source corroborate this statement that is in contention.

I'm not sure if got it right, so here it is again:

Particularly this one:

The standard you are applying here is not realistic. No one can no for sure what anyone believes, but the statement is being made about the pattern of support Kevin Jennings has for sex between adults and minors can be demonstrated by the particulars of his activism.

Millennial_Falcon ago

The standard you are applying here is not realistic. No one can no for sure what anyone believes, but the statement is being made about the pattern of support Kevin Jennings has for sex between adults and minors can be demonstrated by the particulars of his activism.

If you're making factual claims, it's your responsibility to provide sources. Please repost and include embedded sources for each of the claims. Thanks.

Jeremy20_9 ago

I'd like to edit the thread, but I can't if it's deleted.

As you state yourself, one of my sources wikileaks corroborates the claim:

Obama's safe schools czar, Kevin Jennings, founded the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, a homosexual activist group that now has thousands of chapters at high schoolsacross the nation.

GLSEN chapters and materials have promoted sex between young teens and adults and sponsored "field trips" to gay-pride parades. Jennings was the keynote speaker at a notorious GLSEN conference at Tufts University in 2000 at which HIV-AIDS coordinators discussed in detail, before an audience including area high-school students, how to perform various homosexual acts.

I'm happy to add this link which I forgot to add if you can undelete the post.

Secondly, that claim is from an interview with Walt Heyer. I am not making the claim. I am reporting it in a transcript I typed up of the interview.

Millennial_Falcon ago

No need to undelete. Just repost with sources. Thanks.

Secondly, that claim is from an interview with Walt Heyer. I am not making the claim.

OK, just be clear that he is making the claim.

Jeremy20_9 ago

Will do, but will the comments preserve? A couple users had some very useful insights that I'm afraid will be lost.

Millennial_Falcon ago

When you repost, it would be helpful if you could include direct quotes from your sources, rather than just a link to an article, interview, etc. Thanks.

Jeremy20_9 ago

Okay, thank you.

I'm sorry for the confusion. I'm new to this forum but I understand the pressure you are under to keep things grounded.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Try to find original or primary sources. The guy you are citing makes some extraordinary claims. What are his sources/evidence for those claims?

Jeremy20_9 ago

yeah, I removed Walt Heyer statements and reference from the repost:

Going forward, I will keep rule 2 in mind. I hope my repost is solid, but feel free to delete it if it is still lacking. I don't take any moderation personally, I only care about this story.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I understand the pressure you are under to keep things grounded.

THIS. thank you!

Millennial_Falcon ago

No, comments will not be preserved.

last-word-rosebud ago

It all fits into the big plan of these twisted people. Alinsky was all for this as it helped further the Socialist/Communist cause. If you have never seen the documentary Agenda, get a copy. It hits on the whole homosexual aspect of their plans.

Jeremy20_9 ago

We went through this in the Catholic Church, and we're still going through it. The number of boys molested by priests vastly outnumbers cases of molestation of girls.

The distinction you are making presumes something that reality doesn't uphold, and that is that homosexuality is a static, well defined thing.

The Church scandal is relevant because it forced the conversation on the topic of pedophilia, although most media worked overtime to thwart the connection between homosexuality and pedophilia (see 'Spotlight' movie).

Here's a news source that is willing to tell the truth about the Catholic Church abuse scandal and the link to homosexuality:

Key portion:

The homosexual subculture has always involved sexual attraction to youths, and is a well-accepted part of the gay lifestyle. (The term "twink" denotes an adolescent sex partner, a common occurrence among active homosexuals.) And evidence shows homosexuals abuse children at far higher rates than heterosexuals. According to one study, "homosexual men molest boys at rates grossly disproportionate to the rates at which heterosexual men molest girls." This bears out: Although homosexuals comprise only 1–3 percent of the entire population, they are committing up to 33 percent of all sex crimes against children.

Here is the study they mention:

Sexual deviance is disorder, any attempts to fit it into something socially acceptable have created the depraved culture we live in.

Boud8814 ago

Excellent post, thank you, I agree!!

unconceivable ago

Michelle Obama is thought to be a transgender himself, so I can believe this

Arrvee ago

Kevin Jennings showed up at the outskirts of Gamergate. Here's what was found:

  • Jennings and Jon Stryker run the Arcus Foundation which is a big Clinton donor.
  • Jennings is a member of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention along with key people in Games For Change, the Trevor Project, Entertainment Industries Council, Facebook, A Purpose Driven Life, the NFL, DoJ, DoI, HHS, and Veterans Affairs.
  • Jennings is a member of the Ad Council along with key people in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Gates Foundation, New America Foundation, Open Society Foundation, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Urban Institute, and New York Times.
  • Jennings wrote the foreword for the book Queering Elementary Education which advocated for “acknowledging children as sexual beings” and promoted Harry Hay, founder of NAMBLA.
  • Jennings joined Shirley Steinberg and Joe Kincheloe in promoting the book "Gender, Bullying, and Harassment: Strategies to End Sexism and Homophobia in Schools." Steinberg and Kincheloe are leaders of the Paolo Freire inspired "critical pedagogy" movement in education.

8chan also dug up some stuff on the transgender activist group Sylvia Rivera Law Project. Several of their members are on record wanting to overthrow the USA and they are linked directly to the National Lawyers Guild.

Jeremy20_9 ago

Wow, that's some solid work. Thank you.

Jeremy20_9 ago

Yes, that's my thought as well.

Walt Heyer knows his stuff. He's paid a price for turning against the transgender movement because he knows it cold. He saw Obama's appointments, and was not afraid to make the connection to pedophilia, based on his own knowledge of the transgender community.

Also, it is noteworthy that he singled out Jennings, imo. Jennings was protected by the media during his tenure with DOE, but this is clearly an extremely unstable individual put around kids. And Obama intentionally put him there.

basil999 ago

It's possible from reading your post that the "David hey Jennings" lyric in the Apes song is 3 different names; David, hey(Heyer), Jennings. This would make sense because the too is pronounced as too (also) not two or to. "David, Hey(Heyer), (pause) Jennings too"

Is there a David closely associated with activities of Jennings and Heyer? Any Rawleigh?

Jeremy20_9 ago

I'm reaching here, but could it possibly related to @Arrvee's findings above?

Jennings wrote the foreword for the book Queering Elementary Education which advocated for “acknowledging children as sexual beings” and promoted Harry Hay, founder of NAMBLA.

Boud8814 ago

Why did they delete this entire thread? How can we solve this with blinders on??

Jeremy20_9 ago

It would have been nice to have a chance to edit the post before it was deleted.

If I repost, I suppose all the comments are lost?

basil999 ago

Interestingly, there is a David Jennings lyric hidden in The Apes_Info Ghost song (has a word hay, hey, hate, haight, eight or just H. between the pronuciation of David and Jennings). I theorized it was a Canadian pedophile, but maybe some relation here? Here's some more lyrics from that song, "INFO GHOST- :34 now I need a new tran, David hay Jennings too, come away again, some say they're born with the heads the size of men, no one says the dragging (dragon?) clings, pray now you'll know their names, run to they door somethings suspicious, they hardly go outside, I spoke to them once before Raleigh (Raleigh NC or Rawleigh the name of a person) just carnivores."

I'm decipering lyrics and hidden words in Heavy Breathing and The Apes songs and people associated with them. If anyone wants to give my posts a quick look so that this stuff stays in the back of your mind while investigating, who knows maybe a connection will be made.

My post with links to images of David Jennings, /canadian pedophile;

LolturdFerguson ago

I always felt their was something nefarious behind the movement. I have no problem w/ homosexuality or cross-dressing/ long as you aren't piddling kids or causing harm to another.

Yet it seems that people pushing these 'gender specifications' seem to be fucking crazy. I filled out an online form and under the 'sex' tab, it literally had a drop down menu. A DROP DOWN MENU WITH 8 CHOICES.

No, I don't identify as a pan-gendered female living in a male's body while identifying as a fox. I'm just A. Male or B. Female.

It's like Archer stated...

"BPA and Transgendered Frogs, Kreigar!"

SIash ago

What really bothers me about the movement is that they are promoting it to kids in schools, even giving hormone therapies to small children that can in no way consent to it. The same way that gay prides push pretty toxic sexual ideas to children, even involving them in their parades and clothing them in adult outfits. I have no problem with how people live their lives as long as they do not bother anyone else. They shouldn't push their adult themes upon children or normalize deviant behaviour in schools.

Boud8814 ago

Yes, this is when I started getting upset at their community. This is child abuse, pure and simple. This is how they recruit....