basil999 ago

It's just speculation that this David Jennings is the one mentioned in the song but given the subject matter of their songs it seems likely. I just found him by clicking on the creepiest picture in an image search. How did The Apes know of this guy? The only articles I found on him were on the Huffington Post Canadian edition site. If he received no American press then this would indicate The Apes had some inside connection.

rush22 ago

I'm getting "This video is not available" but here's another

VieBleu ago

From the linked article: "In June 2012, before the incident involving the eight-year-old boy came to light, Mounties arrested Jennings following an incident outside a pizza chain, where he allegedly tried to pick up a 14-year-old girl."

And people are still asking why it's called pizzagate.

BTW good on you, I was hoping someone would start going through the Apes "lyrics". Not easy work.


Does YT allow you to play songs at half-speed?

basil999 ago

Yes you have to go to the settings. I forgot the exact steps but search for "playing youtube videos at half speed"

basil999 ago

Also look at this large picture of David Jennings. Coloboma type eye at the 6 o'clock position of the left eye.

My link to the picture didn't work. Just do an image search for David Jennings and click on the 2000X1000 size image of him to see the left pupil, dark at the bottom.