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Millennial_Falcon ago

OP, I have to remove this post per Rule 2. The following claims need reliable sources:

Kevin Jennings in 2011 who is a homosexual activist, who believed that it was fine for adult men to have sex with young people.

And we find this throughout transgender activists groups, these people who are advocates for pedophilia. Pedophiles are behind much of the transgender movement.

He also points out that the roots of transgenderism where pedophile men, Kinsey, Benjamin, John Money

You cited a reliable source, here, but didn't provide a link:

WikiLeaks has this on him: Obama's safe schools czar, Kevin Jennings, founded the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, a homosexual activist group that now has thousands of chapters at high schoolsacross the nation. GLSEN chapters and materials have promoted sex between young teens and adults and sponsored "field trips" to gay-pride parades. Jennings was the keynote speaker at a notorious GLSEN conference at Tufts University in 2000 at which HIV-AIDS coordinators discussed in detail, before an audience including area high-school students, how to perform various homosexual acts.

Jeremy20_9 ago

I ask that you reconsider this. Many of the links in my last source corroborate this statement that is in contention.

I'm not sure if got it right, so here it is again:

Particularly this one:

The standard you are applying here is not realistic. No one can no for sure what anyone believes, but the statement is being made about the pattern of support Kevin Jennings has for sex between adults and minors can be demonstrated by the particulars of his activism.

Millennial_Falcon ago

The standard you are applying here is not realistic. No one can no for sure what anyone believes, but the statement is being made about the pattern of support Kevin Jennings has for sex between adults and minors can be demonstrated by the particulars of his activism.

If you're making factual claims, it's your responsibility to provide sources. Please repost and include embedded sources for each of the claims. Thanks.

Jeremy20_9 ago

I'd like to edit the thread, but I can't if it's deleted.

As you state yourself, one of my sources wikileaks corroborates the claim:

Obama's safe schools czar, Kevin Jennings, founded the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, a homosexual activist group that now has thousands of chapters at high schoolsacross the nation.

GLSEN chapters and materials have promoted sex between young teens and adults and sponsored "field trips" to gay-pride parades. Jennings was the keynote speaker at a notorious GLSEN conference at Tufts University in 2000 at which HIV-AIDS coordinators discussed in detail, before an audience including area high-school students, how to perform various homosexual acts.

I'm happy to add this link which I forgot to add if you can undelete the post.

Secondly, that claim is from an interview with Walt Heyer. I am not making the claim. I am reporting it in a transcript I typed up of the interview.

Millennial_Falcon ago

No need to undelete. Just repost with sources. Thanks.

Secondly, that claim is from an interview with Walt Heyer. I am not making the claim.

OK, just be clear that he is making the claim.

Jeremy20_9 ago

Will do, but will the comments preserve? A couple users had some very useful insights that I'm afraid will be lost.

Millennial_Falcon ago

When you repost, it would be helpful if you could include direct quotes from your sources, rather than just a link to an article, interview, etc. Thanks.

Jeremy20_9 ago

Okay, thank you.

I'm sorry for the confusion. I'm new to this forum but I understand the pressure you are under to keep things grounded.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Try to find original or primary sources. The guy you are citing makes some extraordinary claims. What are his sources/evidence for those claims?

Jeremy20_9 ago

yeah, I removed Walt Heyer statements and reference from the repost:

Going forward, I will keep rule 2 in mind. I hope my repost is solid, but feel free to delete it if it is still lacking. I don't take any moderation personally, I only care about this story.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I understand the pressure you are under to keep things grounded.

THIS. thank you!

Millennial_Falcon ago

No, comments will not be preserved.