Yuser_Manuel ago

Something I found regarding cards " Playing cards represents a supernaturalism, with a deck of 52 representing the Pagan calendar. Four seasons of thirteen weeks each provide an important structure for the worship of the ancient gods in the witch's celebration of the circle of life."

Yuser_Manuel ago

I didn't notice...that is weird. It is in one of the first batches that were released, I came across it the day it was leaked.

hedy ago

During the "FBIanon" conversation about "the cards", someone posted a reference to FBI's Child Abduction Rapid Deployment ---and "FBIanon" seemed to support this response to his/her references. https://www.fbi.gov/audio-repository/news-podcasts-thisweek-child-abduction-rapid-deployment-team.mp3/view

sensitive ago

About FBIanon's mention of "cards" - maybe thinking over all existing types of cards triggers something with someone? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Card

speckie ago

I think FBIAnon was using a metaphor and that cards were not meant literally. Looking at the Clinton Foundation tax return and related entities it looks very much like a street vendor's card deception game. FBIAnon's point - I think - was simply to follow the money trail.

hedy ago

Child Abduction Rapid Deployment https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1519787/7393606

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Bob Hope was also very involved with this. I don't know if this has been discussed here yet. Hope was involved with the trafficking and child slave auctions overseas while pretending to work with the USO's, and doing entertainment concerts for the soldiers. That's all good. But his real job was the auctions. The kids would walk the plank in good clothes...the finest. Then they would come back out naked. Bob Hope had his own sex slave too. Her name was Brice Taylor. She wrote a book too, just as Cathy O'Brien did. Brice's book is called 'Thanks for the Memories', when she was finally able to 'recall'. She has videos up on YouTube as well. Don't forget the Mandrell sisters. I remember being a kid and reading about the car accident. One was in the hospital in a coma. I read in the Detroit News years ago as a kid that she had a guard posted outside her room. I thought perhaps because she is a famous singer. Cathy speaks about the 'Grand Ole' Oprey' being the cocaine station for the MKULTRA program under Sen Robert Byrd. Later I read that the Mandrell's were also 'used' in this way. They were afraid while she was mumbling in her coma state and coming to, she did not have her 'programming' in place. She could say anything! So not just anyone could see her, and that was the real reason for the guard. They waited until she was out of the coma, and then reprogrammed her, and the sisters went on to make more music, of course. It's funny when you remember a tidbit from so long ago as a kid, a singing star in a car accident, and many years later when those incidents are recalled by those in the know. It was in one of those two books I read about the Mandrell's, stating she 'had to have a guard outside her door, as they had no control over her thoughts and what she could/would say'.

Also, we have learned that Lawrence E. King, of Franklin is once again setting up 'parties' in D.C. Since he got out of jail he was also working at a car dealership but he is no longer working there. But I'm sure he's still setting up parties. We just have to find him! After he did his 15 years he went right back to work. The dealership was a cush job in Maryland for the bullet proof Mercedes everyone leased. PS. I'm sorry I have not done my bio yet. It would help everyone, I could help with a question or two and continue to spread your verified info. I won't be able to do this until after the New Year.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Welcome! We are careful here.

Yuser_Manuel ago

And then there is this picture from the podesta emails titled "action shot". I'm not sure if it is related but its worth looking over. photo of john podesta playing cards with other people https://sli.mg/wPY1FQ The email it was found in (there was no text, just an image attachment) https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/35941

rush22 ago

peechag8 ago

sorry about the repost, missed it

witch_doctor1 ago

Interesting theory that could hold some weight....what sucks IMO is that FBI anon should have elaborated on those search terms. IIRC, they were "officers", "favors" and "cards"...

I have always wondered if by cards, he meant the picture of the girl that looks like an age appropriate Madelyn playing cards with Molesta...the possible zip tie on her wrist made it even more chilling.

witch_doctor1 ago

Yeah, I have seen that before and can't figure out how it fits in...know what I mean? If that was FBI Anon's clue, was he meaning that they were involved, or maybe to follow leads based upon who they arrested?

hedy ago

From what I remember, he/she was unclear other than acknowledging another poster's identification of the root of the acronym. To me, that meant to follow those associated leads. But also, I followed the chan conversation for months afterwards and there were some discussions - not many.

witch_doctor1 ago

I SO wish he/she would show up again for some clarification and proof of life.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

In 2013, BT committed to extending an existing partnership with the British Red Cross by providing $75,000 in funding to support the development of three Beneficiary Registration Kits (BRK), that are comprised of: mobile devices, plastic cards, and bar-code printers. The BRKs will enable Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies to distribute assistance during and following disasters in a more efficient and targeted manner. Using lessons from previous disaster situations, the BRKs will be prepositioned in three regional locations including: Panama for the Americas, Kuala Lumpur for Asia Pacific, and Nairobi for Africa. The BRKs will then be deployed to disaster situations across these regions as needed.

Panama for the Americas, Kuala Lumpur for Asia Pacific, and Nairobi for Africa.


Panama is a source, transit, and destination country for women and children subjected to trafficking in persons, specifically forced prostitution.


Malaysia is a destination and, to a lesser extent, a source and transit country for women and children trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation and for men, women, and children trafficked for the purpose of forced labor.


Kenya is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and sexual exploitation.

Note that the GVNet sources for this, is from a 2009 state department report. A CLINTON state department report.

derram ago

https://www.ceddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5kgv2a/fbianon_said_to_follow_the_cards_to_uncover_the/ :

FBIanon said to follow the cards to uncover the Clinton Foundation. I may have found them. : conspiracy

This has been an automated message.

peechag8 ago

Hey guys, I'm linking to reddit because he wanted to post on this sub, but couldn't due to invite only.

ThePuppetShow ago

Sems to be a reoccurring theme. Can any mods answer where the invite link is?

lawfag123 ago

Seconded. How do we invite him to voat?