FBIAnon said "Follow the cards." Someone from r/conspiracy thinks he found them. (reddit.com)
submitted 8.1 years ago by peechag8
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hedy 8.1 years ago
During the "FBIanon" conversation about "the cards", someone posted a reference to FBI's Child Abduction Rapid Deployment ---and "FBIanon" seemed to support this response to his/her references. https://www.fbi.gov/audio-repository/news-podcasts-thisweek-child-abduction-rapid-deployment-team.mp3/view
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hedy ago
During the "FBIanon" conversation about "the cards", someone posted a reference to FBI's Child Abduction Rapid Deployment ---and "FBIanon" seemed to support this response to his/her references. https://www.fbi.gov/audio-repository/news-podcasts-thisweek-child-abduction-rapid-deployment-team.mp3/view