hedy ago

Child Abduction Rapid Deployment https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1519787/7393606

chickyrogue ago

TY so much for the link

spicitoarbos ago

Just a quick heads up:

The Red Cross is the symbol for the Knights of Templar.

The Red Cross got its name giving symbol from the inversion of the Swiss flag, in honour its founder, Henry Dunant. The origins of the symbol on the Swiss flag, white cross on red, can be traced back to the Cult of Ten-Thousand Martyrs, which predate the Knights Templar by approximately two centuries.

chickyrogue ago

i know when i realized this i stopped even wanting to donate [they got more than me]

myowneyesnears ago

Cards, cell phones, voting data - all a way to track ppl w/out saying we r tracking you. Every time you fill something out it is entered into a database and used /sold. When you fill out paperwork for benefits w/ Red Cross they ask about dependents/children. This is a way to collect personal info and track ppl. If you have "location" enabled on your cell, this makes it even easier. Notice when you post, email, text it from your cell, it has your location. I only turn mine on when I check the weather.

chickyrogue ago

you r smart

myowneyesnears ago

Makes sense, though - "we will "help" you if you give us all of your info". Living down here I Katrina land, it was common for ppl to have to ask for help. I remember listening to the radio/news and families were separated when they were taking ppl from the Superdome. That is one of the worst memories I have - listening to a father tell how his little girl was taken on a bus and he had to stay behind. They only let elderly, women and children first. The men had to stay and wait. It was so sad to hear him say that he had no idea where they had taken his little girl. That stayed with me until a few months later when I heard him say that he found the little girl in Atlanta. When a disaster hits, you have to make hard choices. Thank God that we were able to leave before the storm. Anyway, this is also a way to separate the parents from the children. What a perfect disguise - a charity. I am not saying the Red Cross is bad, but who else has access to the info? They use the data to "plan" in case of another emergency.

chickyrogue ago

they take advantage of our trusting natures...

420skankhunt ago

Interesting lead, as far as google-fu tips are concerned possibly try amother search engine, duckduckgo maybe? Google is known for being "bias"

chickyrogue ago

actually someone just told me yesterday that startpage [ google driven but anonymously so] is a good way to search engine without leaving tracks

just sayin .... hopefully google iwll correct their allgorhythms or else will become as worthless as they seem to be striving for!!

rush22 ago

Reading some more about these cards: Cash catches up

chickyrogue ago

see its all a way to infuse the banks with the flow of it to my thinkin

rush22 ago

"Plastic cards" sounds like a Red Cross Beneficiary Card (Source)

This year, we helped the British Red Cross to create BRKs in Panama, Nairobi and Kuala Lumpur. These kits can provide up to 150,000 people with beneficiary cards to access support, cash or vouchers to meet their basic needs immediately after disaster has struck.

Better Future Report - May 2014

Just after nine o’clock, community members are let into the school courtyard. The first thing they do is sit down and listen to Nepal Red Cross technical officer Sarita Dhungana. She explains how to use aquatabs correctly to purify water as well as demonstrates some good hygiene practices, such as the proper way to wash hands. She then moves on to explain how to use the tarpaulins and shelter kits correctly.

After the demonstrations, people are asked to line-up and present their Red Cross beneficiary card, which they received previously during an assessment.


hedy ago

See Child Abduction Rapid Deployment https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1519787/7393606

Theupsidedown ago

I have to say, this is very intriguing and the lack of interest on here is also interesting.

The fact that there is very little info available on what the purpose of this arrangement is seems to be telling in and of itself. Definitely worth looking into further.

2impendingdoom ago

I think the lack of interest is because there have already been a zillion threads about this. One problem with so many new members is that duplicate threads are swamping the forum. Probably 90% of threads.

Theupsidedown ago

Beneficiary Registration Kits (BRK), that are comprised of: mobile devices, plastic cards, and bar-code printers.

I haven't seen any other posts about this specific thing.

2impendingdoom ago

I think plastic cards are like debit cards with money on them to give clients. This is what they do for people in the US (for fire victims etc), so the cards would need to be printed and the money allowance issued to the card for each client.

hedy ago

Or Child Abduction Rapid Deployment https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1519787/7393606

chickyrogue ago

i have seen this in practice thank you