MolochHunter ago

OK, one of the ngo partners of Half Sky movement - one of the 3 sex trafficking concerns listed - is a mob called ECPAT - and if we look at our colleagues previous post:

Beyond Borders ACROSS THE ROAD FROM COMET may actually be a branch of ECPAT and that post says " you'll notice that the (ngo) puts a particular emphasis on Haiti, including the statement "Sign up for updates direct from Haiti" at the top right hand side of the screen."

Dressage2 ago

We definitely need to research this more for sure!

MolochHunter ago

If someone wantsta share the load, Im looking at their site

can see any classic pedo logos in the NGO's listed, so I'm homing in on these 'Sex trafficking' NGO partners ECPAT Polaris Project Shared Hope International

lemme know if anyones found any dirt on these guys in previous threads

Melitica ago

Ok. There are two "half the sky" groups....or so they claim.

Half the sky movement at is the Facebook game group which gives money to Heifer. The game is supposed to portray empowerment of women as they start in a dirt hut...get businesses...become world they won't become part of sex trade.

Haven't looked really deep but funders are ordinary feel good SJW corps. Can't see clear CF link and they clearly state that they are NOT affiliated with other group.

The other is much worse I think. Half the Sky Foundation is now called "one sky"

They have groups in Canada, Netherlands and...Australia. Supposedly started by a woman who adopted a Chinese provide caregiver training ... Ugh.

They say "We design and implement affordable, replicable model programs to help communities and caregivers unlock the vast hidden potential of the world’s most vulnerable young children. We also provide ongoing training, guidance and support for individuals, communities and governments while they take our models to scale."

Their funder list is huge...which could be just good grant skills or much worse. The only direct link I can see without a few hours on it is the Skoll group. Skoll CEO, Sally Osberg is at least an acquaintance of Hillary... See email 5

Now, what does this mean? Face value...nothing but I think it needs more digging.

stickittotheman ago

Man, the Clinton crime family has to be the biggest mafia on the planet, literally got their tentacles everywhere, i think they almost deserve the title of Vampire Squid more than goldman stacks.

2impendingdoom ago

it is astonishing. I can see how they really thought she had the election in the bag, there is almost nobody but us not corrupted by her. No wonder they are panicking. Trump has 3 Goldman appointments, so they are still in the running for vampire king.

stickittotheman ago

Yea, the deck is being stacked with squids. Ill give Trump 100 days to show his worth before i write him off as another pile of the same old.

Godwillwin ago

I buy bunnies, rabbits, goats etc from Heifer every year for Christmas gifts for people in my life that want for nothing. They seem to like a flock of ducklings being given to a family in their name.

I will not be doing thus anymore :( The Clintons ruin everything!

2impendingdoom ago

I think it really used to be a good program. clintons do ruin everything.

EndThePizza ago

Regarding shipping, I made this post a while back but I think it got buried under shill spam. Records may be able to give us some leads or evidence.

2impendingdoom ago

I thought of this thread and then got distracted.

SavingGrace ago

The Australian Govt has gifted hundreds of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation / Associated entities for global education, climate change and HIV Aids etc. Got nothing as far as we can tell in return. Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard was given the top job for the slush fund she set up with the Clintons for 'global education'. Another former Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd got to spray his ego as a peacock on the world stage and his wife's company profited handsomely from using other government's money and selling her company to Clinton cronies. The current PM Malcolm Turnbull (former lawyer/Goldman Sachs trained Banker) is a shonky globalist - wasn't voted in by the people - knifed our elected PM Tony Abbott per the Goldman Sach's playbook. Tony Abbott was questioning/stopping monies going to the UN/The Clintons and so met with a political death. Politics are bad Downunder. The Clinton machinery has infected our Parliament, our state run media - the ABC and societal values - quite horribly.


CIA has operated in Australia since they set up ASIO in the menzies era.AUSTRALIA has existed in a constitutional void since the become a voting sovereign in the league of nations 1919...hansard records it being declared ....the house of lords heard it said aust,NZ,CANADA,STH AFRICA and india were now equals to their motherland. Jullia gillard was charged with treason and concealing treason in victoria grand jury which discounts her from public office.

SavingGrace ago

Julia Gillard has proven that she is above the law. Michael Smith News @mpsmithnews and Pickering Post are on her case. She's seen by some in the know as a Hillary type Clinton. Liar, cheat, thief, political assassin and fraudster...


By virtue of her being positioned in UN PROVES she is dark.I've seen the court documents of her charges.Victoria is the only state that still had grand jury law remaining..Go into court...although the crown charges you, the symbol is emu and kangaroo.What happen to the lion and unicorn?The symbol of the crown corp.

Godwillwin ago

Whoah. Wow. Sorry our rotten Govt.corrupted y'all :( I've been worrying about this. Obama keeps saying other nations like America more now, but we all know he's a liar.

Our government seems to have made quite a mess of things all over the globe --Syria. Haiti, Australia, Libya, Iraq and the list goes on. It's shameful and embarrassing.

But it starting to look like a LOT of the elites across the globe are evil, but the Clintons definitely seem to be the Stars on this stage.


It's not your gov't....yours is a corporation and AUSTRALIA COMMONWEALTH OF is registered with the US sercurity exchange.Your country does not run the world.The united nations runs it on behalf of......?australian govt acts of treason

Godwillwin ago

I'm not saying America runs the world. I'm saying the Clinton Foundation and our government have participated in corrupting/corruption with other governments and that's shameful


no doubt....They are the heavy of the block.

SavingGrace ago

Yes evil is all over the world - it's a global phenomena - aided and abetted by the Clintons and their sort...Sweet to say sorry but if Australian politicians weren't in on the party and were more upstanding patriots like Hungary's, Orban and your Trump things would be a whole lot better. We all have much work to do to drain our respective swamps. At least the world is learning that things are not as they appear on the surface :-)) Corruption in Govt is a bipartisan problem in both our countries and exposing it is a trans-partisan obligation...

Godwillwin ago

Check out this thread if you don't mind - it involves Fiona Barnett and dr Kidman of Australia. Is this common knowledge in Australia?

SavingGrace ago

It's not common knowledge unfortunately. The pedo ring as Barnett describes goes to the very highest echelons of Govt, the Judiciary and media here and so it is shut down. It's also so horrible and shocking that it's not the kind of conversation you'd have with your neighbour and expect them to look at you ever again in the same way. I have read Fiona's accounts and watched her videos and even posted on here about it. Also I don't think it was any coincidence that Nicole Kidman got to star in Eyes Wide Shut either. Kubrick knew what goes on...

Godwillwin ago

Cheers to that! Much work to be done!

2impendingdoom ago

I am so sorry to hear this, your beautiful country does not deserve clinton / goldman poison. When you say knifed, do you mean actually murdered? I recommend where there is some good info on the banking activities and other corruption, there is an article with the list of banker murders/accidents/suicides. It might even relate to pizzagate.

SavingGrace ago

'Knifed' in as much as stabbed full frontal in a party room coup. Modern day Australian politics. Thank you for the recommendation to read WallStreetOnParade :-))


WE australia have been in constitutional void....]( you go through the literature you will read what Kim beaszley said in parliament regarding the UN having ownership of all titles in australia....your car,home bizzo....the lot.They will pass control of them to the parliament with the commencement of the republic.

2impendingdoom ago

There are so many people dead that you never know...

SavingGrace ago

Looks like Heifer, Clinton Foundation and Palladium are all tied. Palladium has moved into Australia. Took a staggering $1.3 BILLION from Australian taxpayers last year. Palladium has recently bought out shipping concern, HK Logistics Pty Ltd T/A HK Shipping International Pty Ltd – Logistic and supply company - a preferred Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade shipping/logistics contractor. Here's someone who has worked for both Heifer International and Palladium. Oh, what a tangled web the Clintons have weaved!

2impendingdoom ago

This looks promising. I will archive your links for you. I can't imagine why they need 600 ships and I didn't even know that animals could be lactose intolerant. That's fucked up. Its like a walmart charity sending crappy quality goods. I met a woman who went to Napal for Heiffer International a billion years ago she didn't say they were fucked up, it was probably not back then.

SavingGrace ago

That was really funny! Thanks for the giggle about the lactose intolerant animals. I thought exactly the same.

2impendingdoom ago

but you know if it were possible to have lactose intolerant animals, the clinton's would be involved. ...A massive scheme to ship farting sheep to all corners of the world...

Dressage2 ago

Thank you for archiving these! I meant the people are lactose intolerant. I will fix to be more clear.

2impendingdoom ago

Oh, I totally misunderstood! Sorry! Anyway, there is also a HAITI connection here.