zzvoat ago

I've been digging into all aspects of this darkness, as so many of us have. One video was very interesting to me for a number of reasons. I guess because it dovetails with a lot of other things I've encountered over the years.

If you watch this, try to keep an open mind and temporarily suspend your disbelief. Also, it's CRITICAL to remember that not all Jews or all Christians are Zionists, although many in each group are.

1666 Sabbatean-Frankist: Satanism & Extremism (History)


Godwillwin ago

Brussels Belgium court in 2014 said America's Cargill Corporation associated with the Ninth Circle

Child Sacrifices scheduled by Ninth Circle Satanic Cult

August 12, 2014


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Yesterday two suspected members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult were arrested during their preparations for what appeared to be a child sacrifice. Evidently the child homicide was to take place on a blood-stained altar in the basement of a residence in the upscale neighborhood of Outremont Montreal Quebec Canada. During an older woman’s arrest she admitted that the child sacrifice was scheduled for midnight and involved executives of America’s Sinclair Oil and food giant Cargill Corporation. According to an officer of the Brussels Belgium ICLCJ Court, their team worked in conjunction with Montreal police to perform the citizens arrests.

“This informant claimed that the two children to be used at the Montreal event were held at a separate facility at McGill University,” the ICLCJ Court press release stated, “but she claimed not to know where. She said that the normal procedure was to deliver them in a drugged condition just before the ritual began. The woman said cult members describe themselves as part of the Ninth Circle society and carried tattoos of the Ninth Circle insignia.​”

“Cargill Corporation Executive Kerry Brick is among the suspected Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members,” Kevin Annett of the ITCCS said in today’s interview. “Months ago a survivor testified that as a child they were taken to Cargill Corporate Headquarters in Wayzata Minn where they were forced to observe a child sacrifice. From what other eyewitnesses reported to the ICLCJ Court, Ninth Circle members appear to be very influential and able to get away with doing child sacrifices across the globe.”

A security guard at the Montreal private residence showed arresting officers a small sub-basement sound proof chamber that contained a blood-stained stone altar and two small prison cells with wall shackles. An adjoining room held locked cabinets with child pornographic material and articles of children’s clothing. Evidence such as samples of blood, metallic torture devices, ceremonial swords and sophisticated film equipment was photographed and bagged for analysis.

The suspect identified child sacrifice participants as Cargill Corporation Executive Kerry Brick of Wayzata Minnesota and Sinclair Oil Executive Stephen Holding of Sun Valley Idaho. A prior ICLCJ document claimed other Ninth Circle members included Montreal Catholic Archbishop Christian Lepine and a prominent US billionaire. This same influential American businessman has been identified by eyewitnesses as being at Ninth Circle human hunting parties in the Netherlands. Children were stripped naked, raped, hunted down and killed – as were children in an Australian CIA mind control program according to eyewitness Fiona Barnett. Barnett chronicled her experiences in this article.

“Our team restrained all three prisoners, locked down the premises and took videos and samples from the underground chamber,” wrote a member of the arrest team. “We then secured a covert ​perimeter in the neighborhood in ​anticipation of the arrival of the cult participants and their victims. Unfortunately, although we maintained our vigil until well after midnight, ​no-one else arrived at the premises for the rest of that day and evening. We must assume that the participants were somehow alerted to our presence and aborted the ritual.”

Montreal police supported the Ninth Circle member citizens arrests and planned to eventually take charge of the suspects. “The security guard in our custody was released after he proved that he had been retained in a private commercial capacity. The two cult members are being held in our DAU prison facility in Montreal prior to their questioning by the Court Prosecutor and his Canadian affiliates. All samples and film we obtained are in transit to Brussels headquarters for analysis.”

The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, which has been prosecuting cases against Ninth Circle Satanic Cult members in the ICLCJ Court since 2011, had called for protests against child sacrifices believed scheduled on Aug. 15 for Reine du Monde Cathedral in Montreal and Pro Cathedral in Dublin Ireland. The Ireland child sacrifice was thought to be under the direction of Catholic Archbishop Dermot Martin. Evidently because of protests, the Montreal child sacrifice was relocated from the Montreal Cathedral sub basement crypt to an underground facility at McGill University, then to the private estate in Outremont Montreal.

McGill University had a history of torturing children in satanic-related mind control experiments. In the early 1950s at McGill, President of the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations D. Ewen Cameron, tortured children as part of USA’s CIA MKULTRA program. In 1964 the US Congress supposedly shut down MKULTRA after a successful lawsuit against Cameron and McGill University by mind control survivor Linda MacDonald.

In these videos mind control survivors Claudia Mullen and Christina Nicola testified in the 1995 Congressional hearings about the CIA mind control of children. MKULTRA supposedly ended in 1964. However, in this video Jenny Hill discussed her 1965 witness to a child sacrifice under the direction of a CIA master mind controller thought to be head of the government’s program. The first fifty comments in this petition to Congress for an investigation of the CIA program, most by CIA mind control survivors, indicated that children were still being tortured even today in the government program.

Witnesses to these child sacrifices have alleged that the Ndrangheta Criminal Syndicate worked with police, Vatican and Catholic orphanages to provide children for torture and killing in monthly blood sacrifice rituals by the Ninth Circle. There have been 34 Catholic child mass grave sites found in Ireland, Spain and Canada. The grounds were believed to contain bodies of over 350,800 missing childrenalthough the respective governments and Catholic Church have refused ITCCS’s continuous requests for excavation.

Popes Francis and Ratzinger, plus Queen Elizabeth have all been named by eyewitness testifying before the ICLCJ Court as having killed and raped children in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult human sacrifice ceremonies. Over 60 eyewitnesses from several different countries have testified, with more contacting the Court each week.

Since 2011 six judges and 28 jury members of the ICLCJ Court have been litigating Ninth Circle Satanic Cult members. In Aug 2014 Pope Francis was found guilty of child trafficking; Pope Ratzinger resigned after his 2013 guilty verdict for Crimes Against Humanity and Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were issued arrest warrants for their guilty verdicts in the 1964 disappearance of ten children from the Canadian British Columbia Kamloops Native Residential School.

The ICLCJ Court has over 450 Common Law Peace Officers in 13 countries, with 51 local chartered groups operating. Organizing funds were available for common law groups wishing to apply. To contact the ITCCS, ICLCJ Court in Brussels or to volunteer, email: [email protected] or [email protected].

About the Author Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, retired, author of “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities” (http://www.22faces.com)) is a retired therapist, Public Speaker, Activist and investigative journalist whose articles on international child exploitation rings have been cited on hundreds of blogs and websites. The ex-Supervisor, Alberta Mental Health and Director Provo Family Counseling Center is the CEO of Child Abuse Recovery and Speakers Bureau (http://www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com)). If you have news tips about child abuse issues please email Judy [email protected].


Holy fucking shit 💀🙈👆👀

party1981 ago

"Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult."

Is that the name for all of this? Is the CF part of this?

What do we know about this ninth circle?

Godwillwin ago

That video has me in tears. It's just so sad. Why haven't the good people of the world stopped this by now? My heart is broken. I have a 5 year old and a 9 year old and 1 year old and 2 teens and 7 year old. I just can't understand HOW someone could do this to a child.

Stellarjay ago

It goes so far back it's unfathomable. Can you see the need to show your children good from bad more than ever. Now you are educated and you can keep a watchful eye and teach your children the same. Let it give you inner strength to help you and your children through this. We can feel broken by this but we are the light of the world, only we can change ourselves through truth.

Godwillwin ago

It comes up in a lot of articles I read. I think it maybe started with Alister Crowley. I may be misspelling his first name.

You should read up on Crowley. It kind of pulls it all together

Stellarjay ago

This might help. The ninth circle is becoming more and more known through pgate. Something they don't want us to know. The catholic church is as evil as Washington and the satanic cult runs through the Catholic Church. http://childabuserecovery.com/pope-francis-found-guilty-of-child-trafficking-rape-murder/


Did some diggjng. The premise might be wrong if there's no "common law" in belgium. I still think all this info should be fully investigated. The more I learn the more I either want to die or go postal.

wh0care ago

9th circle is a pedo/torture ring allegedly linked to the catholic church..maybe to the Saville case too..

party1981 ago

Interesting. I had not heard of it before. It would fit the facts of pizzagate, since torture has come up so much.

OrwellKnew ago

Good find!

Yesterday Barnett released her own theory about Kidman’s death,” The main perpetrator of my child sexual abuse, Antony Kidman, is dead after I filed formal complaints accusing him of the rape, torture and murder of children in an exclusive Sydney pedophile ring. As a child victim of mind control I feel he’s been sacrificed for failing to adequately program me.”

“Kidman was responsible for ensuring that I never disclosed pedophile ring activities that I witnessed as a child,” she continued. “He failed. News of Kidman’s death impacted me, someone who has undergone intense treatment. I know that there are other victims of Kidman’s crimes out there who are perhaps not as far along the healing path as I am. I anticipate that news of Kidman’s death may have a serious impact on these victims. A perpetrator’s death can even trigger suicidal ideation.

“My complaints last month to the Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission detailed two incidents in which Kidman subjected me to horrific physical and sexual assault” Barnett said. “But there are even more serious crimes against children that I witnessed Kidman commit as a member of the elite Sydney pedophile ring. Those complaints have gone to the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.”

Barnett spoke out the day of Kidman’s death – White Balloon Day 2014 – an event aimed at raising awareness for Australian children affected by sexual assault. She stated, “My contribution to White Balloon Day 2014 is to urge my fellow victims of crime to fight the filth that this monster deposited in their minds and if they can muster the strength, join me in my effort to give a voice to victims who are no longer with us.”

The ICLCJ Court has been looking into Barnett’s allegations against Kidman in relation to their investigation of the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult. Over sixty eyewitnesses such as Barnett have testified of Ninth Circle child sacrifice and pedophile activities that spanned the globe, including criminal activities against children in the Americas, Netherlands and UK commonwealth countries such as Australia.

LawofTruth ago

This article ties directly into another article written on the Vatican crime syndicate Octopus. Article.

My name is Anne Marie van Blijenburgh. I have been married for twenty four years to Kees van Korlaar. Together with his three brothers, Kees van Korlaar formed a criminal organization known as the Octopus Syndicate (The Octopus Syndicate is a Holland slang term for Ndrangheta, the modern Italian-based mafia connected to the Vatican

Stellarjay ago

Fiona Barrett account of abuse https://youtu.be/87lRjfLg2Sk

sunajAeon ago

I wonder has anyone seriously questioned her story? This is the most believable testimony I have seen yet (and the most disturbing)

Godwillwin ago

She speaks around the world at conferences to other victims so I guess she's legit