wh0care ago

the pics attached with the email show the end line of this race with them, they not look like a pedo hunting-kids team to me...but hey, who know...

by reading the whole email it look like some kind of run-game, (more like a game than a run - i dont the exact name in english)

pics attached in the email here : https://i.sli.mg/ZdA2Wb it make me think its a wrong lead... (bt maybe not, some comments i saw here can point out to some leads maybe..)

Kouba (Dustin Kouba in the email list [email protected]) I AM NOT SURE, but it seems to be the guy in green on right of the pics, and maybe if him a captain in Air force member of a special counsel to sexual assault survivors (here an interview of this dude to compara face > https://www.dvidshub.net/video/291253/svc-special-victims-council )

ich1baN ago

How are you guys able to see the images?!?! It's always just a text for me - is there a way to copy/paste the text and find the images? Sorry if this is a noob question.

wh0care ago

oh sorry i forgot to mention , the attachement is in this one : https://www.wikileaks.ch/podesta-emails/emailid/36772

ich1baN ago

Thanks m8!

clearenceclearwater ago

Where are all the attachments?

wh0care ago

pics attached in the email here : https://i.sli.mg/ZdA2Wb from : https://www.wikileaks.ch/podesta-emails/emailid/36772* (same day/game)


ich1baN ago

One of the men I list in my OP, Tony West, defended a Taliban terrorist and also somehow raised $65 million in cash for Obama (pretty absurd number to raise from a relatively obscure person)... there could be more than meets the eye here:


wh0care ago


terrordactyl ago

I think we can debunk this - http://dc.backonmyfeet.org/events/dc-ragnar-relay-2015 dates line up with the emails.

ich1baN ago

Yes of course they line up, I'd be surprised if they didn't.

terrordactyl ago

The whole email chain seems to coincide with timing on the race. This one just seems a dead end but keep digging!

ich1baN ago

I also find it strange that someone as old as Mary and John Podesta would be running in a 24 hour race... this doesn't really add up to me, but I could be wrong here.

DeckoGecko ago

ok,, so feeling a little less freaked out, but deffo gonna have to come back to this later.

At least we've now found the answer to the question on what that symbol was on the pic of podesta,, clearly the Ragnar relay logo

Wolftrail7272 ago

I vaguely remember that.

ich1baN ago

What pic are you referring to, can you link please? Thank you.

DeckoGecko ago

ah man,, yeah I'll find if someone hasn't posted already

ich1baN ago

Can anyone make a connection with their affiliated partners and Alefantis orgs?


From their wiki page: Depending on the geographic area where each Ragnar is run, different charities are supported by portions of race entry fees, fundraising by teams, and fundraising by the charities at major exchanges along the race course. Major exchanges are the starting line, exchange 6, exchange 12, exchange 18, exchange 24, exchange 30, and the finish line. Depending on the race, Ragnar invites charities or local community organizations to fund raise at these major exchanges. Such fundraising activities include providing hot meals and beverages, showering facilities, or tents for runners to sleep in. The charities that Ragnar officially supports are:

Adirondack Mountain Club (http://www.adk.org/)) Back on My Feet (non-profit organization) (http://www.backonmyfeet.org/)) Bolder Options (http://bolderoptions.org/)) Special Olympics Massachusetts (http://www.specialolympicsma.org/)) Clothes-Pin (http://www.clothes-pin.org/)) Girls on the Run (http://www.girlsontherun.org/)) It Ain't Chemo (http://itaintchemo.org/)) Climb for Five Outward Bound (http://www.outwardbound.org/)) Park City Education Foundation (http://www.pcef4kids.org/)) Running With Ed (http://runningwithed.com/)) Soles 4 Souls (https://soles4souls.org/)) SOS Outreach (http://sosoutreach.org/)) St. Baldrick's Foundation (http://www.stbaldricks.org/)) Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (http://www.lls.org)) KEEN - Kids Enjoy Exercise Now (http://www.keensanfrancisco.org/))


These 2 in particular stand out:

KEEN - Kids Enjoy Exercise Now (http://www.keensanfrancisco.org/)) Girls on the Run (http://www.girlsontherun.org/))

Wolftrail7272 ago

I spy a butterfly.

elgindelta ago

What kind of sick fukje runs for fun? These people gotta go.

ich1baN ago

Here is a more complete Ragnar gamday chain:

"Team TBD is now in the terminal kill phase, having just launched Gabe for the final 11.1 mile sprint to impact."


DeckoGecko ago

half of me wants to think it''s all kosher and the other half thinks this could be like the ninth circle stuff I read which was straight up like that movie hostel but worse... [hostel was the one where they hunted people right?]


ich1baN ago

I did more research on that link you sent me... I'd be really careful, that looks like it could be a psy-op probably put out by the CIA to see if they can get us to believe in something with Confirmation Bias... there is no such thing as the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.... it's literally a guy sitting on his toilet dishing out sentences to the Royal Court. There's a youtube video somewhere on it.

DeckoGecko ago

cheers,,, don't worry wasn't banking on it. Thought it was weird I'd never come across the ICLC before ;)

Only shared it cuz it was silly o'clock in the morning. It's a good read though lol, I was more keen on the 'testimony' of that lady but again this hadn't ranked high on the solid lead list and I think the best i could find was a vid with subtitles. It's on the list to watch later but yeah.

I have heard of the ninth circle from Savile stuff though,, that's really what caught my eye.

wh0care ago

yea, the ICLC seems to be some kind of citizens court, non-officially established, i did research on it few years ago..most of their claims cant be verified...not mean its false, but it could...on an other hands we can assume if they tell the truth that elite will be covring-up...so..i still not sure what to believe about them..

ich1baN ago

Yea I agree with you... it's fascinating and if you watch some youtube videos those victims are obviously not just making this shit up... There's videos online where they interview some indigenous Indians in Canada and you can tell they aren't lying about this but at the same time the ICLC needs to update their professionalism or else they will be taken as provocateurs. Perhaps this is the mindset of those that are in "Greenpeace" type organizations as well, they sort of have that aura of not really abiding by society's basic norms (hence why the guy from ICLC read a court verdict from his toilet).

crazyworld ago

This link should be a new thread! 2014 wtf

ich1baN ago

Just read and up voated your link. Thanks for posting... Totally horrifying... We should look up D Kouba and the other names mentioned to see who they are and if they're connected to Alefantis in any way... Through instagram posts, etc

UglyTruth ago

"We are 50 meters out of the shoot on the left, up against a barn."

"Kouba made 22 kills and made up a few minutes of time."

Maybe "fun-run" is a codeword for the most dangerous game.

http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/dangerous_game.htm https://www.scribd.com/document/56126770/The-Most-Dangerous-Game-Ragnar-Benson

ich1baN ago

Yes it's very fitting that they did a run in relation to a pagan mythological god as well.

DeckoGecko ago

sht,, just read your second link! why else would they reference Ragnar... this is just fkin crazy!! am I missing something,,,,

that half of me that thought it was kosher and we were reading too much into just evaporated. completely!!

This email is way more damning than the Thelema one from the other day imho

Wolftrail7272 ago

Had to go back and double check and you are right. Ragnar was the author of the Most Dangerous Game. This was absolutely some kind of killing game.

Ang68 ago

They use vans is what made me curious...

DeckoGecko ago

I've never heard of either the Ragnar run [and that logo looks hella mkultra if you ask me] and I've never heard of Ragnar the author. I'm kinda disappointed in myself for admitting both of those things but hey. What I'm not sure about is if I'm immediately tying these two things together in my mind because of the fact I've never heard of them... just seems like something to look at if you ask me.