CrackerJacks ago

Is it me who only thinks the judge did this so that nothing that came off that laptop can be used against Hillary? Because they never had probable cause to attain it.

standalone ago

—think the judge that signed it was a bonehead—?

No, I think what's implied here is that the judge is sold to Putin and that the FBI is an extension of the KGB. At least that's these crazed conspiracy theorists well meaning democrats are thinking.

Forgetmenot ago

This is relevant wiener is a pedofile and also a politician. In addition he is connected to the Clinton email and foundation. Not sure why anyone would want this post deleted??

Fateswebb ago

What a horrible propaganda lie filled article.

2impendingdoom ago

this could be creating an excuse for obama to issue a premeptive pardon

Guy_with_the_face ago

Considering his birth certificate is fake, proven 100% to be a manufactured document, he's technically not the president and has no Presidential powers. I don't know why people ignore these things, this man works for the interests of Islam, not the American people, and especially not Christians.

2impendingdoom ago

I suppose congress or the Supreme Court (I really don't know how this would happen, I'm not a Constitution expert) would have to address that issue, and until they do he is in the office for another month.

madhatter67 ago

If that happens, and we find proper evidence of some of the stuff we suspect, it really will shine a light on the sickness in the system, and I can't see people just accepting it

2impendingdoom ago

I dont see how the people would have any choice, is there a procedure to undo presidential pardons?

Guy_with_the_face ago

There might be a way to reverse it, this is just speculation on my part, but if Obama isn't an American Citizen, proven by his manufactured birth certificate, than he could be facing major legal repercussions in the future. If this happens, maybe pardons can be reversed in order to bring known criminals to justice. It could just be wishful thinking on my part, but I believe the American people have a legitimate basis to impeach Obama, and prevent any presidential pardoning. Or at least some temporary order to limit Obama's power during his remaining days in office.

madhatter67 ago

Pitchforks and torches? If they are going to be that brazen about being above the law and lacking any kind of humanity, personally I'd take that as being a declaration of war against the people...pure conjecture until it happens of course

2impendingdoom ago

frankly I think they already are that brazen. The wall street business is all fraud against the people. as is pharma price fixing, cps and the foster industry, etc etc. Bernie was trying to open peoples eyes and look what happened there. There is some really good reporting and investigations in which is worth checking out the Martens work exposing this shit.

2impendingdoom ago

How would anyone know, so much of it was redacted.

webofslime ago

I haven't actually seen the warrant, but I did see the complaint to unseal it.

The complaint, itself, admits that the warrant was issued in the case involving Hillary Clinton's emails.

That is probable cause, especially when you consider that they actually found Hillary Clinton's emails.

The rest might have been a surprise, but given that Trump was tweeting about it two years ago suggests that everyone had every reason in the world to serve that man with a warrant.

To be clear, that lawyer's complaint already expressly states that the probable cause was the suspicion that Anthony Weiner had possession of Hillary Clinton emails.

That suspicion was further founded when they found Hillary Clinton emails.

micha_ ago

Could you correct me please, if I understand all that correctly?

Classified material was found on Clinton's private server. Which is against the law. But the FBI under Comey does nothing with all kinds of shady excuses, while many other people are destryoed and thrown into jail for minor breaches. Ok.

But then some or all of these emails are discovered on even another private computer! So they were spread.

And now the FBI under Comey argues, because the FBI already knew about these emails, that this was no problem?!

Is that correct?

webofslime ago

The FBI officially stated that there was no prosecutor who would prosecute, alluding to the fact that they were all "in bed together."

They then released, via the FBI Vault, other investigations that shows the corruption has been going on for a long time.

The FBI only investigates. They don't prosecute. So, while they can know all of the bad things that go on, they are powerless to do anything about it, if Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Peter Kadzik, etc are still in charge.

micha_ ago

I do not agree. If the FBI publicly says, that they believe they catched a criminal, then the prosecutors have no excuse not to prosecute and come under pressure. But if the FBI itself says nothing to see here, then they take away any pressure on the prosecutors and help with the cover up.

webofslime ago

They didn't say, "nothing to see here." That is mostly the media putting words into Comey's mouth.

The actual letter explains that classified information was mishandled, but that no prosecutor was going to do anything about it.

Later, the investigation was reopened, based on what was found on Anthony Weiner's laptop, at which point Peter Kadzik was put in charge of the investigation, making the FBI come to the same conclusion.

Everything else is the media's injected narrative that doesn't really exist.

I'm not saying the FBI are the good guys. I'm saying it is not their job to prosecute and pressure needs to be put on the DOJ because of things like Fast and Furious. Organized crime has infiltrated the DoJ. Probably the FBI, too, but the DoJ are the ones holding up justice.

anonymousgate ago

Thank you for putting it so perfectly.

webofslime ago

For anyone who wants to have a gander to confirm. I think it is in the first paragraph.

gopluckyourself ago

MOOOOOOODDDDS /u/kingkongwaswrong [O] /u/Melitica [J] /u/Crensch [O] /u/numbchuck [J] /u/KnowThyself [M] /u/heygeorge [D] /u/VictorSteinerDavion [O] /u/Phobos_Mothership [M] /u/Millennial_Falcon [M] /u/RedGreenAlliance [J]3. EVERY new discussion post needs to cite at least one source and provide an explanation as to why you believe it is relevant or furthers the investigation. 7. Where the title is not sufficient to explain the connections/content of a link, the body must explain the connection.

madhatter67 ago

I understand claims need references, and the investigation needs to be kept on track

But surely the Weiner/Huma/Clinton emails cut right to the heart of it all, and are very likely our best chance to get some concrete evidence, or indeed to show we were wrong all such the legal wranglings over them are hugely important and may well make or break any chance of justice

Now, why on earth would anyone interested in pizzagate want to bury a conversation about them? This stuff pretty much is pizzagate

2impendingdoom ago

why? this is a relevant post. We want to see CF emails.

gopluckyourself ago

provide an explanation as to why you believe it is relevant or furthers the investigation. 7. Where the title is not sufficient to explain the connections/content of a link, the body must explain the connection.

2impendingdoom ago

the title mentions weiner's laptop.

gopluckyourself ago

ok and? tie me in I also can say weiner's laptop it doesn't make it relevant.

2impendingdoom ago

Weiner is married to Hillary Clinton's top aide

gopluckyourself ago

yeah and??? how is this helping us further the investigation. Read the sidebar rules. You're violating several of them.

Forgetmenot ago

Why don't you try to find a different topic to discuss that you are interested in. Since you seem to have an ulterior motive to suppress it. Thank you for demonstrating that this topic is on to something that the pedofiles want to suppress. Good job!

gopluckyourself ago

read all of my arguments then come back and say the same thing.

Wolftrail7272 ago

You do seem to spam that one single thing and constantly try to talk down to people rather than calmly and efficiently explain exactly what steps someone could take to make their post better. You're fake and gay.

Forgetmenot ago

I have read all of your posts. I also see that you cut and paste the same thing in different threads repeatedly. I suggest you find a thread that you support instead of trying to delete possible new avenues of research. You are really aggressive and hostile and you don't seem interested in investigating. Rather you are trying to get threads deleted.

gopluckyourself ago

This sub is bloated with off-topic posts and posts that don't follow the outlined, easy-to-follow structure (rules) meant to make this sub readable and worthwhile. Posts related to similar topics belong in similar subs, not this very specific sub that is dedicated to a singular issue and furthering public knowledge solely on that topic. I would like to ask everyone to please move your posting on a broader range of topics to the relevant subs. My goal is to trim the fat so that we can keep current on the sub's topic without devoting entirely too much time to trudging through the swamp of posts that belong elsewhere.

I had help writing this from a friend who is disconnected from this so that I could not come off as angry.
Thank you for pointing this out to me I will try to improve my responses in the future to be less aggressive and more improvement oriented rather than exclusionary.

2impendingdoom ago

this is not my post, but I'm not seeing how it violated the rules. What rule am I violating?

Crensch ago

@gopluckyourself @Forgetmenot

How does a lawyer's reaction to an FBI warrant have anything to do with pizzagate, besides the fact that Weiner's laptop is the source of some pizzagate material?

Does the fact that this laywer was "appalled" somehow further the investigation? Does the obviously predictable fact that some lawyer somewhere would find an issue with some side of some thing merit discussion or attention where the pizzagate investigation is concerned?

Basically, some idiot reporter that couldn't get a better story asked a lawyer to give him one.


If everything even tangentially related to pizzagate, like where Weiner went to eat last night because of his laptop, we'll never see the end of the bullshit posts that do absolutely nothing for this subverse.


Forgetmenot ago

This is current news that is directly related to wieners case. It also helps bring awareness and Public outrage to demand accountability. Knowing both sides of the story and all opposing opinions are tremendously important to investigating leads. Part of the reason that pedofile sex rings flourish is a lack of awareness and complacency from the public. I also find it telling when there is a lot of opposition about certain subjects from shills and trolls. Demands for deletion are definitely a heads up from shills to investigators that this might be a hot lead. There is no need to delete threads just let them slide off. In fact only the pedo protectors want censorship and definitely trying to keep the public Distracted, ignorant, so that the judges and law enforcement can do what they always have done: COVER UP the crimes of the pedofile elite sex ring.

Crensch ago

@gopluckyourself is doing a great job alerting the mods to offending posts. Demands for deletion are from the active investigators of this sub to keep the clutter to a minimum.

The rest of your post seems as if you think this submission is somehow mainly supposed to reach people that don't already know about PG. Since this is a PG subverse, that entire narrative is laughable.

Forgetmenot ago

The username you referred to has not contributing anything others than requests for deletions. Has not provided one useful thread. His posts are copy and paste of the same exact thing. You are acting hostile and demeaning which seems typical of shills. No offense intended. I hope you are just uninformed but study the franklin cover up and you will see that deletion equals cover up. Only the pedo protectors benefit from controlling discussion and investigation.

Crensch ago

The username you referred to has not contributing anything others than requests for deletions.

And he's done it well. I've not seen him ask for any deletions that weren't against the rules.

Has not provided one useful thread.

Lots of useful comments alerting us to offending submissions.

His posts are copy and paste of the same exact thing.

Not a lot of creativity needs to go into rule-violation alerts.

You are acting hostile and demeaning which seems typical of shills.

You're losing credibility with me, as I've not been even remotely hostile. It looks as though you've just come from rEddit, so I really suggest you grow a thicker skin. Voaters don't mince words like the people where you're from.

No offense intended.

You really should lurk around outside of PG here.

I hope you are just uninformed but study the franklin cover up and you will see that deletion equals cover up.

I'm not here to study anything. An article specifically about a lawyer whining about a warrant is not useful to this investigation.

Only the pedo protectors benefit from controlling discussion and investigation.

You're sounding more and more like you're trying to COINTEL this. I'd stop while you're ahead.

Only pedo-protectors benefit from useless garbage posts like this to help slide the forum. Period.

Forgetmenot ago

Are you a moderator? Not sure your motivations but you are labeling me in a rather negative light. Again that seems hostile and aggressive. You can ask me if I come from Reddit. Rather than accuse me see one is a hostile approach the other is trying to understand. Reddit censors and deletes which is what you are supporting. Do you come from Reddit? Are you a moderator? Why are you so invested in defending that other username, or is that your alt? See I don't need to accuse you or get hostile, I hope that you can clear this up, I am very interested to learn where you are coming from.

Crensch ago

Not sure your motivations but you are labeling me in a rather negative light.

... Do you remember when you said this?

You are acting hostile and demeaning which seems typical of shills.

And I'm acting like a shill?

Again that seems hostile and aggressive. You can ask me if I come from Reddit. Rather than accuse me see one is a hostile approach the other is trying to understand.

So extrapolating from incomplete data is "hostile" to you. This website is not the place for you, apparently.

Reddit censors and deletes which is what you are supporting. Do you come from Reddit?

I delete crap that violates the rules. Your second sentence... kek. As if someone like me could post there and not get banned immediately.

Why are you so invested in defending that other username, or is that your alt?

Because this subverse, and the people trying to help keep it useful, are constantly under attack by intellectually inferior idiots like you.

And why are you so invested in defending this submission? Did you submit it, or was that your alt?

See I don't need to accuse you or get hostile,

You could use a bit of thought put into your responses.

I hope that you can clear this up, I am very interested to learn where you are coming from.

You asked something twice here, and it'd be entirely too easy for you to figure out the answer yourself... beyond too easy.

Because of that, I really don't care much where you're coming from, as you've shown nothing but your inability to comment on any subject whatsoever as anything more than a shit-stirring moron.

Forgetmenot ago

Lol, I am here to help in whatever way I can for these poor kids. You can see my post history and I stand by that. I might not be able to help much but I try to contribute if I can. I have a right to my opinion and so do you. Useless threads should be slid. No question about. Deleting a thread simply because you don't agree with the content is dangerous water. Instead contribute content that gets upvoated. But who am I to suggest that? I don't need anyone telling me what is applicable to pizzagate I can judge for my self. Everyone here should be trying to help contribute. This thread is full of shills and you have not hurt my feelings at all, it's all good no sweat. my focus Is the children. Hopefully we share a common goal. This whole chat has been odd. If you find that other username useful, with his requests for deletion with out simply asking the op delete and repost and explain the rules. Then that is your opinion, but it seems very Reddit like to me and unlike the rules posted on the sticky. No need to reply thanks for the odd chat. Hopefully we share some common ground: the children.

Crensch ago

Lol, I am here to help in whatever way I can for these poor kids.

Easy enough to say.

You can see my post history and I stand by that.

A whole 13 days. Wow, nobody would ever think to hide behind less than 2 weeks of lies.

Useless threads should be slid.

Idiot. It's the useless threads that slide the useful ones, not the other way around.

Deleting a thread simply because you don't agree with the content is dangerous water.

It violates the rules. Period. A lawyer's bitch-fit has nothing to do with the PG investigation.

Instead contribute content that gets upvoated. But who am I to suggest that?

No, and you're nobody.

I don't need anyone telling me what is applicable to pizzagate I can judge for my self.

Apparently, you cannot.

Everyone here should be trying to help contribute.

And by defending shitposts, you're not.

This thread is full of shills and you have not hurt my feelings at all, it's all good no sweat. my focus Is the children.

I bet it is.

Hopefully we share a common goal.

Not if you defend shitposts that have nothing to do with pizzagate being posted here.

This whole chat has been odd. If you find that other username useful, with his requests for deletion with out simply asking the op delete and repost and explain the rules.

Rules should not have to be explained. They're pretty much eli5 material.

Then that is your opinion, but it seems very Reddit like to me and unlike the rules posted on the sticky.

You don't really have a good grasp of what it means to be reddit-like, because you have every hallmark of having been swimming in that shithole until very recently. You don't get to comment as if you know about that place what others, who have been gone from there for many months, know.

No need to reply thanks for the odd chat. Hopefully we share some common ground: the children.

Maybe, but I'm certain that my interests in them are not the same as yours, since you appear to be defending the sliding of legitimate investigative posts.

gopluckyourself ago

sorry I'm used to arguing with the op about this I didn't even realize you weren't lol.
basically this doesn't provide an explanation as to how it furthers the investigation in either the title or the body paragraph. It's an opinion piece about a lawyer that's mad that something made hillary look bad. Who gives a shit about that? There's no new info. It's barely tangentially related to pizza gate. The post doesn't ask any questions that could lead to more discoveries being made.

2impendingdoom ago

if the judge is creating grounds for Obama to preemptively pardon HRC, we are all going to go out and riot.

gopluckyourself ago

yeahhh less on the otriaye talk we'll cross that bridge if it happens

derram ago :

Lawyer: 'Appalled' by FBI warrant that shook Clinton

'Under the Fourth Amendment, search and seizure can only be granted when proof of probable cause of criminal findings has been documented. '

'The FBI request concludes there is “probable cause to believe” that the laptop contained “evidence, contraband, fruits and/or items illegally possessed."', "Clinton campaign officials echoed Schoenberg's complaints Tuesday."

'Two days before the election, Comey confirmed there was no new information. '

'Trump called it “bigger than Watergate” and predicted that the FBI would "right the ship" after previously deciding against criminal charges. '

This has been an automated message.

Forgetmenot ago

Upvoated this thanks for posting!