connornm777 ago

Also note that the owner of this pizza place is Danny Meyer, who is and was heavily involved in politics. Another pizza-place owner with powerful influence in Washington.

magol ago

I lived in Moldova, and tbh I never knew Moldova still has a human traffic problems and that much. And I saw the problems are around one of Moldova's most richest man" plahotniuc. I'll tell what I know and most citizens of Moldova know. He is basically the president of Moldova, he has ties to the most dangerous Russian mafia, and is believed that he is just a tool for them, to infiltrate the Moldovan government, he has 2 kids, he was accused by the ex post of Moldova director of trafficking drugs through post of Moldova. But info of him is too little, but there is another Moldavian politician, who supposedly hates him, and threaten to reveal some of plohatniuc's secrets, his name is renato usatii.

magol ago

I understand Romanian any articles if needed I can and will try my best to translate.

interested ago

those brothers! somebody did terrible things to them

quantokitty ago

Yes, that's exactly right. "I gotta pass" or "I'll pass because I have too much to do" would be normal. "No need for pizza"?!!!! Not normal at all.

Freed0mFighter ago

Slavery: A 21st Century Evil - Sex slaves (Moldova related) -

waxdino ago

Someone covered this beautifully already:
And what happened after they noticed that:
It is a good place to dig!

PodestaMolestaDBesta ago

Holy crap, I was looking at that google maps link you posted and I got a call from a DC number. I live across the country. Picked up and it was a car warranty phishing scam... scared me for a second.

I was wondering this same thing though. Google's presentation of this block is particularly odd.

magol ago

Holy Beautiful

lukynumbrkevin ago

This is not the embassy (Consulate) that is blurred out. The Moldovan Consulate is about a half block down 29th on the same side of the street. I think that post is reaching a bit. Go ahead call me a shill, but all I am is a concerned citizen who wants us all to stay on the right path.

Source: I do some work in the construction industry and it is very likely that the building is high end apartments for the rich, what with the building being on Park Ave. and all. It is not atypical for apartment buildings to ask google and the like to censor construction shots of their building. Think about it like this; If you were super rich and bought an apartment overlooking Park Ave. you would not want pictures that could potentially give away the layout of your apartment. Privacy is important to these people.

I do not think it is worth it for us to look into that particular building, maybe Moldova, but personally I see nothing odd regarding the censorship of construction besides the fact that they censor the sidewalk also.

Edit: I was wrong, but close. It is this luxury high-rise hotel:

standalone ago

Asking people not to look into something is the best way to make them look into something. .

lukynumbrkevin ago

I provided evidence and critical thought, feel free to rebut me but I am right on this one.

PodestaMolestaDBesta ago

Right that does look on the other side of the street. Still all else equal, the whole thing looks suspicious.

PodestaMolestaDBesta ago

Sorry it's the Consulate and not Embassy of Moldova. My apologies.

This is completely circumstantial evidence, but worth taking a look at. I just thought it was weird that Tony's reply was 'no need for pizza' since he had too much to do before heading to Michigan. Why wouldn't you just say 'I can't do dinner'. No need for pizza just sounds like some other type of action than actually eating pizza.

State department on Moldova trafficking:

antiracist ago

This is completely circumstantial evidence

We need to stop saying circumstantial evidence, and start just saying evidence.

For idiots.