Haldelos ago

Not saying that this doesn't deserve a closer look...but...the "right around the corner" part of the argument should be dropped. I live in NYC and if i was telling someone where this was i would also say right around the corner...alleys don't count as corners

popezandy ago

Ah no my schedule got fucked last minute, now I'm booked all week

Pizzagatethrowaway ago

There's also a Moldovan embassy in DC

doubleherpes ago


Here's what stresses article "Moldovan political elite. Who are they? "Which intrigued the netizens in 2012:" Is that Plahotniuc who was trafficking in brothels in Europe. Many girls have gone through Albania, Bosnia, Croatia. But their parents believe that their daughters works as a guide, manager or business woman. "

The pimp was offering such services Plahotniuc elite diplomats, judges, Members of Parliament, and intelligence chiefs. They, in turn, offered him protection Plahotniuc. "Şmarovoz" (no. Fish) - that was his nickname and Plahotniuc profession, he knew a small circle of people.

Always polite and very courteous with customers, pimp understand the benefits that can profit in this position. He began to film with hidden cameras guests with outstanding reputation in the company of prostitutes minor. Judges and prosecutors became manipulatable after fierce pimp show video clips.



popezandy ago

I read your suggestions to add this link, I don't want to be the asshole that decides what is worthy and what isn't, but this seems heavily speculative. So here's what I'll do, I'm in NYC, tomorrow I'll go visit this site and see what I can ascertain from the ground. If you want to prove this suggestion, the best way would be to see the receipts of March 3rd of this year from the pizza place, but I am not a police officer so I'm not sure how to gain that access. Anyways, if I pick anything up I'll let you know. Until then I'm on the fence, but thanks for bringing this to my attention.

doubleherpes ago

That's a good plan, I don't know that the Moldovan connection even needs an associated email to be valid though.

Podesta got a huge lobbying contract from the Moldovan billionaire this summer, and that billionaire got powerful by blackmailing pedos. That alone is an important thing to note.

Thanks for looking into the IRL aspect! Would be good to discard that email if it's not right.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

How can you prove this contract? Link?

doubleherpes ago

Just google Podesta Moldova lobbying. That's how I found this whole thing- several articles stating the Podesta got a $600k lobbying contract from the Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM), which is financed by this blackmailing child sex trafficker billionaire Vladimir Plahutniuc.

popezandy ago

Well now that you mention the lobbying contract, I mean are there any more connections between Moldova and this investigation? That's circumstantial evidence, at least. Plus it might lead to some loose ends.

doubleherpes ago

Not really that I've found. The billionaire owns a couple hotels and a nightclub in the Moldovan capitol, which is a trafficking hub. The CIA factbook also lists Moldova as being landlocked, when Google Maps shows that it has at least one place to dock ships. Interesting discrepancy there on the CIA's part....

popezandy ago

who is the billionaire?

doubleherpes ago

Vladimir Plahutniuc, richest man in Moldova.

popezandy ago

wait, duh, the one that donated. my bad

popezandy ago

wait, what's his name

doubleherpes ago

Vladimir Plahutniuc, richest man in Moldova. Bankrolls the PDM party, who paid Podesta to lobby for them starting in July 2016.

Black_Mirror ago

Why is that building censored on Google Maps. Isn't is strange?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

If the Podestas are doing business in this part of the world they are coming into contact with people who run drugs,arms,and trafficked humans, these boys running the former Soviet Republics are the worst of gangsters, especially Moldova, well no they're all bad, but Moldova and its breakaway state, can't remember the name of it, are notorious for tricking young girls into jobs in rich European countries, taking their passports and pimping them out.

zlomsocz ago

this is an amazing find i still dont understand why great posts like this lack upvoats, good work.

mrjdouble ago

upvoats are hard to come by for new users on this platform

derpderpderpderp ago

I like this a lot

doubleherpes ago

Democratic Party of Moldova to pay $600K to Podesta Group for lobby services


The Democratic Party of Moldova contracted with the American company Podesta Group for lobbying services, reports newsmaker.md.

According to the US Department of Justice, Podesta Group will represent the interests of the Moldovan Democrats in the US Congress and in the relations with other decision-making players. Podesta would have to improve the Moldo-American relations and would organize meetings with American officials. In other words, “Support Democratic Party policies”.

The 600,000 US dollars contract was signed on June 22nd 2016 and will last until June 21 2017.

One of the founders of Podesta Group, John Podesta, is now the leader of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, while the other founding brother Tony Podesta is known for being in close ties to Barack Obama.

Podesta Group previously offered lobbying services for Wal-Mart, BP, Sberbank, an NGO close to former Ukraine President Yanukovich and the Azerbaijani government.

doubleherpes ago

The Democratic Party of Moldova (Romanian: Partidul Democrat din Moldova, PDM; Russian: Демократическая партия Молдовы) is a social-democratic[2][5] political party in Moldova. Established in 1997 as the Movement for a Democratic and Prosperous Moldova,[3] it is an associate member of the Party of European Socialists (PES)[6] and a full member of the Socialist International,[4] also participating in the Progressive Alliance.[7] The party is closely associated with its chief financial backer, the oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc.


According to Komsomolskaya Pravda in early 1990s, when Plahotniuc held the position of specialist at the "Minor" Center for prevention and rehabilitation of juvenile offenders, he started recruiting young ladies from socially vulnerable families for sex slavery abroad. Many trafficked girls disappeared in Albania, Bosnia, Croatia. But their parents believed that their daughters were working as guides, managers or business women.[69]


doubleherpes ago

More info on Plahotniuc:


Vlad Plahotniuc is widely considered to be Moldova’s wealthiest person. However, the full extent of Plahotniuc’s assets and wealth remains unknown. He owes his financial standing to a privileged position in the inner circle of former Communist President, Vladimir Voronin. However Plahotniuc remained in the shadows of Moldovan politics while building an economic empire throughcommercial raiding. Moldovan media did not even have a photo of Moldova’s richest man until 2010.

Once the Communist Party lost power in 2009 and a pro-European coalition emerged from Moldova’s so-called “Twitter Revolution” [US black op?], Plahotniuc began to appear in Moldovan politics. He was quick to change his allegiances by sponsoring the then-opposition Democratic Party, of which he is now deputy chairman. The oligarch was also instrumental in promoting his protégées in key state offices, including the judiciary and law enforcement.

Financially, Moldova is yet to recover from one of the largest banking heists in history. This event saw $1 billion dollars (15% of the country’s GDP) disappear from the country’s three banks in late 2014.

Coupled with his media empire (he owns Moldova’s main TV channels), Plahotniuc’s influence is now unchallenged. His fortunes rose with the October 2015 arrest of Vlad Filat, Moldova’s ex-prime minister and former leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. Filat also happened to be Plathotniuc’s main political and oligarchic rival. After eight months in custody, Filat was convicted in July 2016 to nine years in prison for his connection to the one billion dollar theft.

In July 2016, a Moldovan banker, Veaceslav Platon, was arrested in Ukraine in connection with the banking theft and, despite possession of Ukrainian citizenship, was nonetheless hastily extradited to Moldova. Platon is now in pre-trial detention. This turn of events contrasts to the fate of Ilan Shor, another wealthy Moldovan-Israeli businessman considered the central figure in the banking heist, who was arrested back in 2015, but was then allowed to run for mayor of Orhei, a town not far from Moldova’s capital. He ended up winning with a landslide.

derpderpderpderp ago

Nicely fucking found.

doubleherpes ago

Thanks, just linked this info to today's sticky thread.

derpderpderpderp ago

I'd give you ups but I dont have any left to give =(

Royce_of_Veason ago

Got it covered - gave what I had left