PieInTheEye ago

( @AustinBostin @exposethecriminals ) ... the connection between David Brock, James Alefantis, Podesta brothers, and the 'arty' crowd (most of whom are rather deranged and lacking in talent from what I have seen), is the most important element in the Pizzagate investigation, but it is not getting enough attention as far as I can see.

QUESTION: How does James Alefantis know Nilay Lawson?

ANSWER: Through the Transformer gallery that Alefantis became President of in December 2006; ostensibly through his connections with David Brock. On the Transformer gallery /Documents/ section of their webpage is a dedicated promotional flyer/memo for Nilay Lawsons' first public exhibition of her 'art', which is apparently her chosen career path based on a family predilection.

ORIGINAL: http://www.transformerdc.org/documents/Transformer-Nilay.Lawson.pdf .

ARCHIVE: http://web.archive.org/save/_embed/http://www.transformerdc.org/documents/Transformer-Nilay.Lawson.pdf .

... "Further documentation of objects used and discarded can be found in Nilay’s video game-esque, looped animation of trash being passed or apparently floating by on the sidewalk, and her diorama composed entirely of a spectrum of seeds and pits obsessively collected from various organic matter she’s consumed over several years." ...

OK, were the seeds/pits of fruit and food that has been 'consumed' and then 'obsessively collected', referring to seeds/pits simply collected directly after consumption, or through a fascination with coprophilia (aka, scatophilia); filtering ones own excrement to retrieve them after digestion, and then including them on a mosaic to produce some semi-occultic link between the human 'artist' (or Magickian as Crowley called it) and the regeneration of plant life/art expression as a synthesized concern in natural Magick? Crowley was obsessed with sexual pleasure derived from feces and, was a regular coprophiliac, taking part in communal coprophagic practices referred to as 'sacraments' (welcome one-and-all to the seedy world of Thelema ... Satan's 'arty' expression of moral redundancy ... personally I consider all copraphilia to simply be a mental-disorder, but also a symptom of demon possession; but that's the Christian in me speaking). I have some experience in Thelema after studying -- but not practicing -- it for over five years. These people seem to be highly Thelemic in their life choices and choice of 'art' ... just like Marina Abramovic, who seems to be their role model par excellence; almost like a coven leader.

There is also a short bio for Nilay included in the above cited Transformer memo as follows:

"Nilay Lawson was born in Wertzburg, Germany in 1980. As the daughter of an Army dad, she spent the earlier part of her childhood moving around and traveling frequently. Her family was an adventurous one that spent many weekends exploring and making trips, even after moving to the US in 1990. Nilay recalls that, no matter where they were, her father always maintained a creative environment and had a studio in their house filled with books, notebooks composed of short stories, and piles of paintings and collages. Nilay finished her last years of high school in Laurel, MD before attending the Corcoran College of Art + Design, Washington, DC, where she majored in Graphic Design and studied printmaking. Since earning her BFA in 2002, Nilay has continued to live and work in DC, exhibiting her art in the city and beyond."

We have here a German connection, perhaps tying in with Alefantis' own escapades and connections with Germans through Dr. Pong (Oliver Miller), and the Nalu Diner in Berlin. I find the fact that her father was an army dad posted in Germany very interesting, because all of research I have done leads me to believe that a Le Cercle/Finders/NATO/P2/Gladio/GehlenOrg connection is the crux of all of these connections; ie, Military/Intelligence spook families that are tied up with the occultic underbelly of that particular milieu. Nilay seems to have a connection with Italy, though born in Germany on a military-families estate no doubt, in the 1980's; Italy was the center of covert NATO Gladio operations around this time, and the US Military specifically hired American-Italians to liaise or take part in such operations; because they would fit in and spoke the language.

I would suggest, perhaps, that we focus our efforts on finding any relationships between the Berlin-Alefantis operations and the Lawson army family. The fact that Nalu Diner is also a Hawaiian themed restaurant -- because of Alefantis' past connections in Hawaii -- makes me double certain that this is related to Military/Intelligence type service people that have a heavy presence in Hawaii, especially if they are Democrat leaning. There is something strange going on in Hawaii, and I believe it all links back up with the mysterious Dave M. Stone (or Dave Flintstone/Mr. Potatohead stuff), because he apparently 'died' (11/23/2009) as a retired Rear Admiral in the US Navy and former head of Transportation Security Administration ( https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/15365 ), and his 'contacts' were so important that they were revived by his business partner James F. Blom ( https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/240 - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1459779 @TheGrimReader ) for use in a mysterious Delaware shell company called Stone Harbour, Llc - created specifically to aid in 'Human Trafficing' matters; whether to fight and/or partake in trafficking is not clear, though the best trafficking front would be one that appears to legitimately be saving 95% of victims whilst providing a stream of 5% for elite pleasure/cult requirements). Perhaps David M. Stone has a son called Dave Stone, and that this is the guy who runs the shady Island Distillers operation.

However ... remember that strange Cheesybay/Cheesebay review that strangely said "Ping, Pong, Chang, Yeeeeehaaaa, Smashin ++++++++++++++++++++++++" ( https://i.sli.mg/gZsujP.png ) ... Ping Pong and CHANG all in the same comment? Remember the David S. Chang connection which some people believe is a false lead to Dave Flintstone? ( @Poncho567 @stab -- https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1464593 ). Surely a coincidence! /sarc off/ I'm not so sure Chang is not related to all of this somehow, and could simply be a business connection to Dave Stone etc...

Transformer also had the following files in its /Documents/ folder relating to a Hawaii artist collaboration with the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI), which centered around an artist named from the Kamehameha Schools connected to the shady Bishop Estate (B P Trust) which the Democrats hijacked and which bought into 5%+Equity of Goldman Sachs stock using Trust funds. See following Transformer promotional flyer:

ORIGINAL: http://www.transformerdc.org/documents/Transformer-Hawaii-Brochure.pdf .

ARCHIVE: http://web.archive.org/save/_embed/http://www.transformerdc.org/documents/Transformer-Hawaii-Brochure.pdf .

The promotional image is super freaky and occultic ... and this one is the email memo version:

ORIGINAL: http://www.transformerdc.org/documents/Transformer-This-IS-Hawaii.pdf .

ARCHIVE: http://web.archive.org/save/_embed/http://www.transformerdc.org/documents/Transformer-This-IS-Hawaii.pdf .

I'm going to start a new Sub with this post to specifically target the art connection, but I also started a sub about art being used as a money laundering vector here: ( https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1504213 ) ... the key is the art$

Truthseeker77 ago

baby #doublemayo wtf??? That was one weird Instagram conversation.

MaryWolf ago

Dinner at Bucks, click pic to advance thru all.


She is definitely a cult member. Look at the "all seeing eye" on back of shirts, goat in book...ect


And weird dual speak, disasociation


GermanynamreG ago

The edit button

Commonwombat ago

From jabbaroos account which Nilay follows.

Commonwombat ago

https://www.instagram.com/p/BKAhyLeh2mM/?taken-by=jabbaroos Interesting photo of a dismembered Mr Potato Head referencing David Flinstone

PieInTheEye ago

( @Commonwombat ) ... this is freaky ... I just got finished typing the above very long comment about a Hawaii and Mr. Potatohead connection, and then I saw your comment, which synchronistically reinforced by suspicion. The Instagram has been deleted/blocked, but there is an archive copy here ( http://archive.is/ZBrl0 ). How does this Jabbaroos and Nilay connection with the Mr. Potatohead stuff fit into the LARGER picture !! ?? !!

GermanynamreG ago

Ofc do whatever you want lol

GermanynamreG ago

pandaheadmorgans website says he is partner of the white house



AustinBostin ago

A quote from Nilay Lawon pertaining to the video posted by NSCLADY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKfX8lQE4lI

"I finally got around to watching that utube link aaaaaand it's nuuuuuutz! It's a lady freaking out and screaming at an Instagram feed of a married couple's banal life and their new born kid. And she's screaming all because the husband from that Instagram account commented on a video post of mine from archived home footage of me as a child lip syncing to opera. I personally love to lean towards conspiracy theories but this one called pizzagate takes the cake on being so obviously not a real."

AustinBostin ago

Nilay responded to the "precocious" comment and the context of the video on her Instagram account. I'll post in a few. Perfect example of something that looks really bad, but turned out to be rather innocent.

reasonedandinformed ago

SHe had startling comments in jimmycomet's instagram. I put together a list of those making suspicious comments, and she was one of them. Here is the killroom image ("just rinse it off when you're done"): https://archive.fo/0fIhm

Sorry, I guess others beat me to this. Yes, anyone making these strange comments should be investigated.

mrjdouble ago

I've seen the image of the kill room, but I didn't notice that he uses the hashtag, "#murder". I get the creeps when I see some of these pics and comments.


AustinBostin ago

I think it's fair to look into her. Like I said I don't want to hurt her, but we need to know what is going on... This is up to us to research, because no one else is going to do it. It's a shame we are having to do the journalist duties of our country. This is about one thing and one thing only, the children! I hope the people who are being looked into understand this. None of this is personal...

AustinBostin ago


What does "Purple Heart" mean? I'v seen photos and symbols using a purple heart for terrible things.

mixelplfft ago


Purple Heart Corazón úurpura A heart is used to symbolize the emotion of love. Humans have long associated the feeling of love with the heart. The organ used to pump blood around the body. The symbol for Valentine's Day is a heart. A purple (violet) heart can symbolize a sensitive, understanding and compassionate love. Duty, honor, royalty, and good judgment. A purple heart is awarded to United States military veterans when injured while serving their country. A symbol of honor for sacrifice.

AustinBostin ago


What does "Just rinse it off when you're done" mean? The infamous "Torture Chamber" photo.

CrackingYs ago

None of the images in this entire post work anymore :(

Wolftrail7272 ago

Interestingly, I was looking at this photo and noticed something significant, but I'd like some feedback. It seemed that this room had been newly constructed at first, since it was a large area with nothing in it, but on closer inspection you can see rust shadows where certain shelves may have once stood, meaning this room was cleared out for some reason. Why? How often are walk in fridges cleaned? What chemicals are used to clean them? Would they have removed rust? Do they also breakdown body material? Why are there no drains in this room? Is that also standard of these fridges? Is it better to process blood and remains than let them seep anywhere or go down a drain?

AustinBostin ago


Her "original" Instagram profile picture.