reasonedandinformed ago

Another shill. They always join and post this unsubstantiated wall of text about Arab/Suadi involvement with zero substantiation. Then we ask them to provide support, they label US as CTR. It is a joke as they make it so obvious that they are CTR with the repeated pattern. SHOW US YOUR PROOF...and they copy and past the unsupported post. I exposed @LegionWill as he created a fake document to frame one of our Mods as compromised. He was so stupid that he claimed censorship by this Mod on Reddit and time stamped the thing 5 days after Reddit banned our sub. Anyone defending LegionWill, given his history, is confirming that they are a shill in that one act. Leave shill.

Eph513 ago

LegionWill's CIA JA connection just before he was scrubbed of Voat.. pasted below:

Warning: you're going to need strong nerves for this. But those of us with the eyes to see, will see it. Here it is:

James Achilles Alefantis is regarded as the 49th most powerful person in DC

James Achilles Alefantis has several global holdings, most of which involve "kid friendly" bastions where groups of children gather. He, his registering agents, and administrative functionaries use several different aliases, but they can be seen if you dig hard.

James Achilles Alefantis works in producing "films" and "music videos" with Amanda Kleinman, the quality of which indicates deep budgets. As someone with a decade of experience in cognitive science and studies in perception, I can tell you the "films" and "music videos" contain highly professional hypnotic inductions and neuro linguistic programming techniques to induce trance states in the viewer and embed suggestions and commands. What is called "mind control" in popular parlance. Example:

James Achilles Alefantis has not been arrested, despite overwhelming empirical evidence that he is a central figure in an international child trafficking and child prostitution ring. Far from it, there was a questionable event involving a "gunman" who was found to be a paid actor. That event was then used as a pretext to censor us.

James Achilles Alefantis is being protected by key figures in mainstream media, social media, local law enforcement, and government.

James Achilles Alefantis has visited the White House five times and is working intimately with and on behalf of the Clinton Foundation, Podestas, Carlos Slim, Frank Giustra, Jeffrey Epstein, and Soros.

James Achilles Alefantis's inner circle collects imagery and artwork depicting torture techniques and psychiatric conditioning employed on children, including pulling teeth and putting children in coffins with insects, the very same techniques that the CIA used at black sites on Iraqi children.

Folks, it's time to open your eyes. James Achilles Alefantis is a CIA operative and the CIA is involved in child trafficking and experimentation for billionaires. We have been staring this in the face this whole time, but haven't drawn the proper inferences.

I have never been one to promulgate talk of "CIA child trafficking and torture" but, unfortunately, that is what we've been looking at here.

Think of the CIA as a rogue organization that works on behalf of a select group of billionaires who are about to have a heart attack right now. Yes, this goes directly to George Soros.

I have many friends in positions of influence who are watching me and whatever comes my way, so I have no fear in conveying this info, and nor should you.

Yes, this intelligence agency and the billionaire ideologues for whom it works is what is behind all of this. Comet Ping Pong is one small glimpse into this, but one that is sufficient to pull back the curtains and reveal Soros, Giustra, Slim, Clinton standing there naked.

This is why you see everyone from Hillary to the Pope trying to stop us. This is why you see unprecedented censorship. They are pulling out all the stops, because you are all right, and these people are finally exposed to the world. They have been exposed, and their international spheres of influence are now being shredded as well. Their operations in and with Saudi Arabia, South Korea, the Eurozone, Turkey, etc. They're finished.

They should hang themselves, because it's going to be hell for them otherwise.

Good work everyone, now's the time to increase the exposure and fight with everything you've got. Those of you who have the eyes to see, and the relevant background knowledge -- this will "click" if it hasn't already.

To the stragglers who say "this isn't proof," as if James Alefantis needs to email you his CIA payroll records directly, I recommend introspectively questioning and revising your presuppositions about what constitutes adequate proof, and think carefully about the probability assignments to the data points and patterns involved.

Footnote: I'm going to offer some further thoughts on the roots of this "agency" and some worldview considerations. But these are just my own, and nothing that was shown above hinges on what follows. That we have been outing the CIA as a child trafficking ring (and worse) is true regardless of the veracity of what I'm going to say next.

At the root of this is a relatively small organization of individuals with a worldview according to which they have been freed from the constraints of morality which bind ordinary folk. These are not religionists per se, but they create cults and cult symbology as heuristic devices for the initiated to have a sense of power. Perception is intertwined with reality.

Another researcher has uncovered the connection between all of these cults, their involvement in child trafficking and torture and programming: In my view, this is an international operation. They start these "cults" everywhere to gain influence at the highest powers and "initiate" people. The blackmail keeps everyone silent. The South Korean cult is an example, the Moloch/Crowley cult in the US is another example.

These are individuals who created the CIA and other organizations and used their wealth to maintain a stranglehold on society and culture, not vice versa.

Whether you are an atheist or a Muslim or a Christian theist, it does not matter. You do not have to believe that the entities they talk about actually exist, the point is that they believe "Lucifer" and "Moloch" are real, and that by participating in blood letting and debauchery without limit they are thereby privy to hidden knowledge, technologies, and strength.

When they cut open children and drink the blood, they get a biochemical rush, and it only serves to strengthen their belief in "Luciferianism" or the other silly gods they serve. They are, of course, deceived and delusional. A bit of superficial reasoning leads them to their ideology; but depth in reasoning would show them that they are subject to group influence, standard hypnotic conditioning, blackmail, and confirmation bias. They never dreamed that the world would see everything in the light of day. Their sense of absolute privacy has given them confidence to do what they want without limit. They were wrong. And they are tortured by the realization of their mortality -- they're going to die, yes, and it's their biggest fear. They're going to lose everything, and they're going to burn.

logjam ago

Thank you.

VieBleu ago

Fine - the info is driven underground. This group KNOWS that going undergroud only makes things thrive.

Johnny3names ago

Blueberries came back with a new name after previously deciding to delete his/her acct and not realizing it would take everything posted along with it. It's in other threads.

It is always more productive to ask somebody if you don't know something then pull a storyline out of your ass and promote it.


ghost_marauder ago

SPAM, copy pasta is lazy shill

epluribisgoat ago

Tell us why blueberry & legionwill the two best investigators we ever had here have been scrubbed and disappeared from the sub?

I know why, they are the one's who started the investigation of pizza blocks owned by saudi, and linked to DOJ(KLINE), since then all hell broke loose, and the VOAT got compromised and deleted all source material. With 100% backing by king-kong mod a /reddit/the-donald hack

zlomsocz ago

i definately never saw their saudi posts , legionwill was around about fifteen days ago his accounted was activated from recolection, and he posted questionable stuff and trolled peopled good leads, his highest rated post was about the shooter at CPP if i remember correctly, where do u have the sub he made that he was the one who linked the saudi connection?

reasonedandinformed ago

@LegionWill was the concern troll hitting you about the #CPLOVE hashtag and trying to stop you from looking at Podesta's FB friends. I discovered in his history a post where he literally fabricated a doc to implicate one of the Mods. He was 100% shill as is OP.

BlueBerryPie ago

This is the post that legionwill posted on saudi connection that was deleted, and note it had 170 likes, after they deleted his post they banned and deleted him, the reason I was able to find this record is because it was posted also on //v/pizzagateunedited

zlomsocz ago

unsubstanciated claims about the saudis accepting children in lieu of billion dollar donations to the clinton foundation. sensationalism : if you read the comments from the archived thread that your provided me with, it answers all your questions. @BlueBeryPie

KingKongisCTR ago

My name has a reason.