MolochHunter ago

If anyone is referring back to here for more recent links, this thread seems to have merit - there is an apparent link between James Achilles and James Alefantis in the name and address of the listed agent see notes and the archived file in

HelpingChildren ago

Don't you think it odd that James Achilles has a partner James W. Harris, when Robert A Harris is James Alefantis lawyer and partner in Big Cheese AKA Comet Pizza? This is either a plant by some one, or a very strange coincidence. Just saying... / Partner in Big Cheese Lawyer on Open Corporates is Robert A. Harris IV

standalone ago

I give you the proof this lead is phony in my first sentence. But you are free to waste your time reading the entire thread if you are so inclined.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Yes, I have basically spammed the thread. You are right hahah sorry just trying to get people off a false lead.

willnotbesilent ago

As I said, whether or not something sketchy is going on i don't know.

But you can't say this is James Alefantis being James Achilles as listed on their website. Either you're a shill trying to lead ppl in the wrong direction or simply just blind to the obvious facts presented to you.

willnotbesilent ago

This is Allen Achilles listed as the president and ceo of Kidzworld. He's the father of James and Jordan Achilles that also work at the company.

And here's a picture of his wife Marian, Jordan and James

And this James is married to a woman!

Edit: Archive of picture of wife, Jordan and James just in case

willnotbesilent ago

This is Allen Achilles listed as the president and ceo of Kidzworld. He's the father of James and Jordan Achilles that also work at the company.

And here's a picture of his wife Marian, Jordan and James So is that proof enough for you that it's not Comet James?!

Whether or not there's something sketchy going on idk, but it's not James Alefantis.

OliversWilde ago

Reading through this post, and I see a LOT of bogus info here, no proof of anything at all- No proof that James Achilles is James Alefantis. Period.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Alright there man.



willnotbesilent ago

Yes of cos, i'm that much of a shill that I spent a solid 7 hrs looking into the Clinton Foundation today and you can clearly see from all the other comments i've posted elsewhere that I'm a shill. smh But go on and dig deeper into this, then I'll continue on looking at the CF.

HelpingChildren ago

Ty yes it is from what I understand.

willnotbesilent ago

There's also an Achilles Lee Alefantis, looks like that's Susan's brother maybe.

HelpingChildren ago

Achilles is James father.

willnotbesilent ago

okay :)

brandnewset ago

Different dude.

Even if he's a SJW, different dude.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Yeah I know but it matters if everyone is chasing a false lead just to connect him to KidzWorld. Just investigate KidzWorld on its own and stop wasting time trying to link it speciously to Alefantis.

kingkongwaswrong ago

you're right, I've removed it because it violates rule 3.

Also, do not claim that you don't need our help

I absolutely never claimed this - I have continuously invited you to help starting from inviting you to be a mod in the first place (which you did nothing with).

There are still other avenues to help, I added you to the mods discussion board, and you can certainly continue to weigh in on which threads are good/bad which I appreciate, but so far you've done nothing but sit back and be very difficult to reach, as well as do nothing useful.

On reflection I have very little trust for you guys since you've done nothing that would make you seem trustworthy.

HelpingChildren ago

Why on My Life is Achilles Alefantis listed with relative Susan Alefantis?

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Wow! This is the best thing I've seen yet! Just this alone with his pedophilic postings is enough, tho there is enough the chase here. Good work!!

Kastonomy ago

Shills are stiring, must be in the right track. Dig and archive

Kastonomy ago

Also looking up his alternative names in social media and internet websites

JeremiahSinclair ago

Totally a false lead. OP's evidence didn't point to James Achilles in literally any way at all. Thank you for helping to restore sanity.

JeremiahSinclair ago

They don't even share an agent, one is a Richard and the other is a Robert.

28leinad82 ago

Mods need to flag this as potentially misleading or a dead end. There's good evidence to suggest this person is entirely unrelated to James.

JeremiahSinclair ago

It's definitely not definite. How did you come to that conclusion?

srayzie ago

Everyone is arguing about if it's Alefantis or not. I want to know too. But hello people. Don't you think it's a big deal that there is a social media site for kids full of perverts with Hillary and Chelsea Clinton's name on it? Especially if the FBI already knows and hasn't done anything. I would say that's a pretty big deal.

Schade ago

I did. I'm not finding anything to connect the two.

srayzie ago

Wow why would it say we're partying with Podesta 3 days ago? That was weird!

standalone ago

Here is the github profile of the KidzWorld guy: look at the photo (no sunglasses this time). Not at all the same guy. Please remove upvotes, this thread is a false lead.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

It would be possible to create a false identity on the internet to go along with a pseudonym. Lead needs investigated until no connections are found. We're not talking about a trucking company or a lawn furniture company. This is a pedophile's playground.

standalone ago

It would be possible to create a false identity on the internet to go along with a pseudonym

Which means you would have to investigate all and every pseudonyms on the Internet. They are all equally likely to hide James Alefantis.

Lead needs investigated until no connections are found

And when exactly is "no connections are found"? You can't use a non-event as a terminating condition. Absence of proof isn't proof of absence. Your proposal is absurd.

CJJacobs ago

This lead is not looking as promising as I first thought.

standalone ago

"false flag" doesn't mean what you think it means. Perhaps you meant "shill post" or "astroturfing" or "fake lead"?

willnotbesilent ago

Not James Alefantis took me 2 mins to find this. Not worth spending more time on, at least not if you're trying to find out if it is James Alefantis.

reasonedandinformed ago

This guy is a known shill. Disregard him.

standalone ago

Go to for this listing of his corporate holdings. He is VP of Kidzworld Media at 475 Howe Sr. Vancouver.

No he is not. There isn't even a company called Kidzworld media in OpenCorporate. Just another shill post it seems.

Rightfight ago

Great Find , fairplay

VictorDaniels777 ago

DISINFORMATION TRYING TO DISTRACT YOU ... THERE IS NO CONNECTION Iwould love to be wrong. Follow the bullshit LIAR chance903. Ch.Clinton not connected to Achilles.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Anti-hillary movie with unwarranted 1-star official review....yup this place stinks...

dootdootbeepbop ago

Following your instructions, I went ahead and archived the search results and put it into a formmated bullet list :)

Site Search Result archived

  • ALEFANTIS , JAMES, governor, United States flag BIG CHEESE LLC (District of Columbia (US), 9 Jun 2005- )
  • ALEFANTIS, JAMES, ceo, United States flag BIG CHEESE LLC (District of Columbia (US), 9 Jun 2005- )
  • ALEFANTIS, JAMES, governor, United States flag BIG CHEESE LLC (District of Columbia (US), 9 Jun 2005- )
  • ALEFANTIS, JAMES, governor, United States flag CHRISTOPHER ACHILLES LLC (District of Columbia (US), 26 May 2005- )
  • ALEFANTIS, JAMES, governor, United States flag BIG BUCKS LLC (District of Columbia (US), 1 Aug 2003- )
  • Alefantis, James, ceo, United States flag Castellum Achilles LLC (District of Columbia (US), 16 Jun 2014- )
  • Alefantis, James, ceo, United States flag BIG BUCKS LLC (District of Columbia (US), 1 Aug 2003- )
  • Alefantis, James, governor, United States flag BIG BUCKS LLC (District of Columbia (US), 1 Aug 2003- )
  • Alefantis, James, governor, United States flag Castellum Achilles LLC (District of Columbia (US), 16 Jun 2014- )
  • JAMES ALEFANTIS, agent, United States flag branch HERECOMESYOURMAN LLC (District of Columbia (US), 27 May 2014- ) inactive JAMES ALEFANTIS, agent, United States flag inactive LITTLE JIMMY INDUSTRY INC. (District of Columbia (US), 10 Dec 2002-10 Sep 2007)

JeremiahSinclair ago

Right, so as far as we can tell, a different person with the last name Harris. That's closer to being evidence that it ISN'T Alefantis than evidence that it is.

JeremiahSinclair ago

That's true, I'm still seeing more evidence that it is a different person though.

logjam ago

If Alefantis is this big - he sure played himself down in that video where he was interviewed/questioned.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

It would be a very big coincidence if it were two different people. A pseudonym seems more likely. But you never know...

Reminds me of the rugby player pic in the Instagram and the pedophile rugby player that looked JUST like him and it turned out to be different people. Maybe these are purposeful false leads. At any rate, it should be investigated until proven that its definitely not him.

MrNagasaki ago

Not the same, for Big Cheese it's ROBERT A HARRIS IV, for Kidzworld it's RICHARD W. HARRIS. But this actually looks fishy. Especially if it's true that we have other records that show James Alefantis calling himself James Achilles.

Chance903 ago

Only one way to find out how creepy. I am sure the fucking Pedos that are lurking on voat will be only too happy to take their sick asses over there. But yeah undercover is a good way to find out how sick these fucks are.

MommyLove ago

Regardless of whether Comet Dude is involved, what about the sketchy stuff with Kidzworld and the supposed Clinton Foundation connection? Remember, this isn't about bringing CometPP down. It's about getting info on the pedophilia/child trafficking ring among the upper echelon to show what is going on worldwide and the possible connection with the Clinton Foundation.

The_Kuru ago

I think you're on to something. It should be easy to show they are different people but instead you find nothing substantial about the 3 achilles siblings. Just a purported pick or comment here and there. If their business was as important as claimed, you'd find something obvious to distinguish their identities.

SpikyAube ago

Same thing happened to me :-( That guy if he's not Alefantis is going to be weirded out and if he is then that's just horrible I REALLY don't want him knowing who I am, my jobs, where I live etc. Fuck. They really really need to put a warning on that. :-(

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Last time I'm going to say this here, i hope it doesn't hall on deaf ears...

This is NOT the same person.

Although it is a strange and creepy site, lets not let it distract us from from the real evidence we have gathered and lets stay FOCUSED.

MommyLove ago

What about the Clinton Foundation connection?

redditsuckz ago

I dont think its him...but his dads name is Achilles Alefantis and possible alias include



His father Lee Alefantis had a facebook freind of the son of someone from the Bilderberg Group.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

richard w harris != robert a harris

safetythrowaway1234 ago

How is this definite? can you provide any source for his pseudonyms? His middle name is Achilles not Achilles Alefantis.

28leinad82 ago

Until we can verify it's the same person this is a dead lead. There is nothing to suggest it's the same person other than the name "Achilles". There are 748 people with that surname in the US alone, and Alefantis isn't even one of them. Can we dig further to find out if there's a connection at all?

SpikyAube ago

So it looks like he is listed under 'James Achilles' as VP for Kidzworld, so you have to search James Achilles to find Kidzworld on his record on Are you sure it's the same person? It looks like that James Achilles does live in Vancouver. But perhaps they are related? It seems a big coincidence that they have the same name and this guy also has dodgy kids stuff going on...

Htaed ago

Perfect target for interrogation. Easy access to him too.

reasonedandinformed ago

Whether this connects to James Achilles Alefantis or not, this is a treasure trove in terms of learning about an online pedo platform to connect via role playing.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

not the same person

spez_dispenser ago

Honestly guys, I think James Alefantis and James Achilles are separate individuals.

But, keep digging.

reasonedandinformed ago

Or a worse interpretation of what the right hand is actually doing. This is a website designed for pedo sickers to connect via role playing.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Its not that same person....A quick and easy search tells us this..

Wisen up guys.

Kastonomy ago

Who cares if it is or isnt. its sketchy as fuck and requires more review. We'll get back to you in a week with our findings and you may be proven right. Wish us luck

reasonedandinformed ago

LegionWill is an exposed CTR shill. Disregard anything he posts.Background:

JeremiahSinclair ago

Why do you think it's likely?

We_The_People ago

All of these little shell companies.. I am starting to see why he is on the top 50.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Not the same person....

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Seriously guys?

A simple google search disproves this.

joey4track ago

Bring out your downvotes kids, this is the only post from this dude and non of it is relevant

JeremiahSinclair ago

Sorry man it wasn't meant to be a personal attack, I'm just getting frustrated by this thread because there's no evidence that James Achilles is associated in any way with Alefantis, but everyone is flipping out like this is a huge bombshell. KidzWorld looks super sketchy, but evidence of any Alefantis connections are nil.

concernedcitizen36 ago

ITS NOT THE SAME PERSON. Kidzworld is in no way associated with James A.

I just looked up Herecomesyourman he is an agent for. It's a construction company. Seems pretty legit, nothing suspicious thus far.....

UPDATE: This has been looked at on Reddit....

Agent Name JAMES ALEFANTIS Agent Address 5031 CONNECTICUT AVE NW, WASHINGTON, District of Columbia, 20008 Directors / Officers JAMES ALEFANTIS, agent KREHER, JOHN, governor

JeremiahSinclair ago

Thank you! Sanity returns.

SpikyAube ago

His Achilles Castellus business or whatever it's called is really dodgy - on Google street view, you can see the address has the word KIDS painted in red on the wall directly outside the house and there's a little statue of a little child by the door and the lower windows are barred up. No indication what it's used for, the company looks like it was set up just to buy the house. So creepy.

forkintoaster ago

if you are referring to the 11th St house then yes, the neighbors retaining wall by the sidewalk has "kids 61 6" painted on it in red. the house is listed as a museum on Google called "pegasus" with no other info given other than a 5 star Google review by James Alefantis. it's really weird. behind the houses in the back yard is a weird white building with bars on the windows and a loading dock and no address. 5 stars sketchy Alefantis property, building permits

concernedcitizen36 ago

You need to achieve, screen shot and post and share here......

concernedcitizen36 ago

A castellum in ancient Latin is usually either: a small Roman fortlet or tower, a diminutive of castrum ("military camp"), often used as a watchtower or signal station e.g. on Hadrian's Wall.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Yeah but has nothing to do with KidzWorldMedia. They just provide info on media organizations, the two are not associated.

JeremiahSinclair ago

THANK YOU. Good god, I can't tell who in here cheerleading this is shilling and who just needs to take a deep breath and actually look at the evidence, which only points to Achilles NOT being Alefantis.

Celticgirlonamission ago

I dont know to many weird things that conmect him! Have yall seen this?

YingYangMom ago

This pretty much proves that James Achilles, married to Marion and brother of Allen is NOT James Alefantis. Thanks.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Ahh yeah I kind figured he could be connected to that site

YingYangMom ago

Who? James? How?

JeremiahSinclair ago

On what basis have you concluded that this is a pseudonym? There is no evidence that they are the same guy, for real. Gotta slow down and look at the evidence that it's Alefantis, and there isn't any!

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Well a quick google search on James Achilles brings me to this twitter..which is obviously not Alefantis.

Also kidzworld is based in Vancouver, and this James Achilles from Twitter is also from Vancouver.

Did you guys jump the gun on this?

reasonedandinformed ago

May not be the same guy, but it is the same sick pedo stuff in the middle of an online pedo platform. We need to look into this as relates a broader ring.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Yea it is a weird site, but lets not get distracted...There are much bigger fish with much more telling evidence against them.

Lets stay focused!

JeremiahSinclair ago

They completely jumped the gun and I suspect OP is a shill, because he lists as his evidence a site of business holdings that doesn't even include KidzWorld Media. Then a little basic searches uncovers more about James Achilles without any evidence at all that it's the same guy as Alefantis.

mangala ago

far too ambiguous to read into,

LadyMinx ago

Omg that website. There are forums and chat rooms about p uberty and s exuality. Graphic info. There's a link to "casting calls" for nick and Disney. A pedo-magnet for sure. Sickos.

bopper ago

I'm sure Disney is infested (understatement).

JeremiahSinclair ago

Right, because Achilles is Alefantis' middle name. But this James Achilles is a differnet dude entirely.

baron_samedi ago

I cant sign in , they block it somehow

mangala ago

INVESTIGATE WITH CAUTION , seems like there are many shills here.

Kastonomy ago

I KNOW RIGHT. "it not him, false lead" etc etc We'll fucken decide if its a false lead

JeremiahSinclair ago

Guys, the OP has zero comment/posting history other than this post. His post offers zero corroboration for his claim that this guy is Alefantis, even though it's filled with implications that his sources provide proof. Five minutes of digging show that it is most likely not Alefantis. Then a bunch more people, maybe some shills but likely also people getting all excited without doing the five minutes of research for themselves upvote, post ideas about archiving, uncovering more, etc., except there was nothing to uncover in the first place.

I rarely accuse people of shilling because it's dangerous terriotry and hard or impossible to prove, but this post is total bullshit and OP has no lead, no connection, no nothing here. Kidzworld looks super sketchy, but it has nothing to do with Alefantis. Do five minutes of digging for yourself -- his references to Alefantis' businesses on that registry don't even include Kidzworld, but he clearly implies in his post that they do, and it is utter nonsense. He is BULLSHITTING and I think he fucking knows it.

" More people need to research these corporations associated with him, especially Kidzworld Media where he is the vice president to see what they are all about."

Except there is zero evidence provided that he is assocated with KWM, and only evidence to the contrary. Then everyone looks at KWM website and freaks out even though there was no discernible association with Alefantis whatsoever to begin with.

reasonedandinformed ago

Get it, but if this was an online pedo pad, we should not easily dismiss. There is a lot related to our goal of bringing down sick pedos, and the thread is connected to this effort.

mangala ago

yes they are , i think this is a FALSE FLAG, I am seeing a few shill posts on here intentionally trying to mislead us. Indeed, there may be something going on that site but there is no evidence to link to pizzagate.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Exactly, OP is completely full of shit and I think there's a small shill army helping push this post up with more BS comments and upvotes.

mangala ago

pretty sure that comment dosent come up shill.

pby1000 ago

I think his middle name is Achilles, right?

reasonedandinformed ago

His name is James Achilles Alefantis. Whether this connects to him directly or not, it is a pedo cesspool again!

concernedcitizen36 ago

Achillies is Jame's father's name. So more then likely his middle name, yes.

mangala ago

yes it is. otherwise it is weird coincidence


Author decided to delete it (i think)

reasonedandinformed ago

Careful: The same name does not always mean the same person, so please everyone be careful in making claims (such as with the Andrew Kline claims)...

Freemasonsrus ago

Agreed!! I do not believe they are associated.

Here's a review of site and also search Allen Achilles Bio. Seems to be unrelated and just someone who wanted to create a safe place on line for kids. Until harder evidence besides a first name I brought up I'd tread carefully. The only thing that peaked my interest was the NV connection since they are from Canada. Maybe someone can explain why that would be. From: Countable Data Brief is tracked by us since April, 2011. Over the time it has been ranked as high as 24 505 in the world, while most of its traffic comes from USA, where it reached as high as 10 322 position. It was owned by several entities, from Allen Achilles to Allen Achilles of Kidzworld, it was hosted by Gossamer Threads Inc and Inc.. While was its first registrar, now it is moved to NAMESCOUT CORP. Kidzworld has a high Google pagerank and bad results in terms of Yandex topical citation index. We found that is poorly ‘socialized’ in respect to any social network. According to MyWot, Siteadvisor and Google safe browsing analytics, is a fully trustworthy domain with mostly positive visitor reviews.

cantsleepawink ago

Okay, this may a wild goose chase. Allen, James and Jordan Achilles seem to be a family that live in Vancouver. I have found the pinterest account for Jordan which I won't add to this comment.

derpderpderpderp ago

Kidzworld is huge. This is very clearly a pedo op holy fuck.

JeremiahSinclair ago

It may very well be, but there's no evidence that Alefantis is involved.

derpderpderpderp ago

His middle name is achilles.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Yikes. The wife of the James Achilles of Vancouver's facebook has a link to this story about a boy who is suspected of being abducted by a "pedophile ring".

I guess if her husband is a part of this Kidzworld, that maybe it wouldn't be so out of the ordinary for her to show concern about it.

reasonedandinformed ago

I found that he also has a NY entity (formed in 2012), Alefantis Group, Inc. and ALEFANTIS AND ASSOCIATES INC (formed in 1997) in VA. I could NOT find this Kidzworld Media in the search tool you gave ( Can you post a direct link to the result please?

JeremiahSinclair ago

I checked too and it's not there, there is no evidence at all of Alefantis having anything to do with KWM except for the similar name "James Achilles". OP is 100% full of it.

featureblue ago

One way to confirm if it's the right one: find out if James Alefantis has family members with these other names from Kidzone:

Management Allen Achilles President and CEO [email protected] Jordan Achilles Community and Editorial Manager [email protected]

James Achilles Vice President [email protected] Deanna Beaudoin Digital Communications

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

Vancouver is a known hub for money smuggling. If you get caught, YOU GET TO KEEP THE MONEY, so any business there should be scrutinized. However, I don't think this guy is our James Alefantis.

Says in the company bio that James Achilles has a brother Allen Achilles from Ontario who is president of the company (also leader of a boy scout troop and softball teams...must really love kids)

Freemasonsrus ago

There are three Achilles associated w that LLC

Chance903 ago

Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair, Clinton Foundation

Coincidnce, I think not. one of the best finds.

Freemasonsrus ago

It pulled up fine for me.

mangala ago

wow, 500 internal server error.

rooting4redpillers ago

I wonder how much closer you good people will have to get, before something drastic happens with these people. And I wonder if James Alefantis sees himself as a target. The Podestas, Clintons, other gov pukes, could have him permanently removed from society, mourn his accident, suicide, poisoning, then release just enough dirt (real or fabricated or both) about CPP to pin the whole of pizzagate on Alefantis, act shocked and surprised, then "nothing left to see here, this is over." If I were him, I'd sure have one hell of deadman switch in place for massive public release.

JeremiahSinclair ago

GUYS James Achilles of Kidzworld and James Achilles Alefantis are two different people. There is zero evidence they are the same guy, this is a total speculation and there is only evidence that they are NOT the same person, not the other way around.

Chance903 ago

Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair, Clinton Foundation

Coincidence, I think not. one of the best finds.

JeremiahSinclair ago

I'm asking what her connection is to Kidzworld, which is what I thought you were saying. Her being on the CF board is old news, and of course not a coincidence, she is a Clinton after all...I'm not sure what you're getting at. How is this one of the best finds?


Could James Achilles just be a fake identity? There's only ever one pic of this guy and his Twitter is pretty much the same post about Kidzworld repeated over and over again.

JeremiahSinclair ago

It could be, sure, but there isn't any evidence for it at all.

e-traiu ago

Dis dude shure likes kids...

Chance903 ago

You found a Hornets nest my friend, maybe if people have time togo undercover in chat and do a undercover type thing ,record all information

nitro169 ago

So They are the same person???

Dagnysghost ago

Kidzworld looks shady, but the linkedin account is different. I don't think he would create a fake history of his college choices, he hasn't really hidden much so far. I think this might be incorrect.

JeremiahSinclair ago

THANK YOU. there is no evidence this is James Alefantis. Kidzworld looks sketchy as hell but Alefnatis is not involved, at least there is no evidence of it. Everyone is flipping out about a complete non-connection here.

Dagnysghost ago

The spelling is off. James Achilles.

Chance903 ago

EXTREMLY GOOD find, well it is no Suprise A CLINTON is involved here. Board of Advisors Our Mission Community Guidelines Privacy Policy Third-Party Service Providers Children's Privacy Policy Social Login FAQs Site Terms of Use Staff Leadership Our Ten Beliefs Board of Advisors Editorial Advisors Education Ratings & Review Program Advisors Policy Advisors FAQs Aileen Adams, Former Deputy Mayor, City of Los Angeles Larry Baer, President and CEO, The San Francisco Giants Rich Barton, Co-Founder and Executive Chair, Richard I. Beattie, Chairman, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP Angela Glover Blackwell, Founder and CEO, PolicyLink Geoffrey Canada, Founder and President, Harlem Children's Zone Marcy Carsey, Founding Partner, Carsey-Werner Productions Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair, Clinton Foundation Ramon Cortines, Former Superintendent, Los Angeles Unified School District James Coulter, Founding Partner, TPG Capital, L.P. Yogen Dalal, Managing Director,The Mayfield Fund Steven A. Denning, Founding Partner, General Atlantic Partners Susan Ford Dorsey, President, Sand Hill Foundation Millard Drexler, Chairman and CEO, J. Crew Ezekiel Emanuel, M.D., Ph.D., Chair, Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, UPenn Robert J. Fisher, Director, GAP Inc. Howard Gardner, Ph.D., Professor, School of Education, Harvard University Jim Herbert, II, President and CEO, First Republic Bank David Hornik, Partner, August Capital Ron Johnson, Trustee, Stanford University Mitchell Kapor, Partner, Kapor Capital David Lawrence Jr., President, The Early Childhood Initiative Foundation Eddie Lazarus, General Counsel, Tribune Company Ronnie Lott, NFL Hall of Famer Susan McCaw, U.S. Ambassador to Austria (Ret.) Nion McEvoy, Chairman and CEO, Chronicle Books George Miller, Education Advisor to Cengage Learning and retired Member of Congress Nell Minow, Founder, The Corporate Library and Movie Mom Newton Minow, Counsel, Sidley, Austin and Brown; Former Chairman, Federal Communications Commission James Montoya, Senior Vice President, The College Board Becky Morgan, President, Morgan Family Foundation David Plouffe, Strategic Adviser, Uber Michael Riordan, Founder, Gilead Sciences George Roberts, Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Jesse Rogers, Founder, Altamont Capital Jim Ryan, Dean, Harvard Graduate School of Education Carrie Schwab Pomerantz, President, Charles Schwab Foundation Alan Schwartz, Executive Chairman, Guggenheim Partners Darrell Steinberg, Chair, California Government Law & Policy Practice, Greenberg Traurig LLP Thomas Steyer, Founder and President, NextGen Climate Deborah Stipek, Faculty Director, Haas Center for Public Service, Stanford University Mike Tollin, President, Mandalay Sports Media Robert S. Townsend, Partner, Morrison & Foerster LLP Laura Walker, President, WNYC Radio Eugene Washington, M.D., Chancellor, Medical School, Duke University Alice Waters, Founder, Chez Panisse and Chez Panisse Foundation Robert Wehling, Founder, Family Friendly Programming Forum Tim Zagat, Co-Founder and Co-Chair, Zagat Survey

Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair, Clinton Foundation

Coincidnce, I think not. one of the best finds.

VictorDaniels777 ago

Am I wrong or is this person trying to spread DISINFORMATION. I would like someone else to comment on the connection it makes with Ch.Clinton and this Achilles character. What is the connection?

Chance903 ago

let me pose a question if you come to me and I recommend you to a babysitting service, I supposedly vetted the service and then your child gets raped I am at fault? Just answer the question

reasonedandinformed ago

Can you please link to this as I cannot find it? Thanks!

Chance903 ago

As I said Chelsea Clinton is on the board of a media group that Supports is the link and I will copy paste as well. Miss Clinton is on the board of advisors.

VictorDaniels777 ago

You are total bullshit. There is no connection.

Chance903 ago

I think you are not quite clear on how that would be stated. IF you are NOT making a personal attack. and you disagree with the information. You would say I think your information is incorrect and then state why. Do you understand how that works?

VictorDaniels777 ago

I did several times. And it wasn't an attack. It was a warning to others. I asked and others too, how you make the connection between Chelsea Clinton and the Achilles character? When you spell it out for me. I will shut up. No attacks. Just back up what you say, or get confronted. Deal with it.

grlldcheese ago

Fuck you.

Fucking shill piece of shit.

Your point is not worthless. But you're being a little cunt and pushing it so hard it seems like blatant disinfo.

Chance903 ago

Your keen sense of intellect is blazing and if you took half the time you spend on flaming people on forums put that to investigating/researching you might be worth your weight in Cheetos. Your what you post is even worth less than a shill's.I can never put any merit in anyone that cannot have a cannot have a conversation without degrading their own self by speaking like less than a neandertal. Are you even capable of having an intelligent conversation? You may not agree with what I post but there is no need to cuss me out, at least I am trying to contribute ,what have you done besides come on the forums and show people that when you are upset and disagree with them that you are capable of spitting out your porridge and shitting in your pram.

VictorDaniels777 ago

Why do you continue to act as if you've made a connection?

Chance903 ago

You are hopeless do not go into the STEMS. you will not be able to connect the dots.

Baluga ago

A review! Commonsense has over 10,000 reviews. The KW review happens to be slightly positive.

We_The_People ago


LadyMinx ago

Chelsea Clinton, David Pflouffe, Ezekiel Emanuel. Quite the cast of characters!

mangala ago

nearly every chat site is crawling with freaks but this is an obvious target for predators .We don't have any real evidence to link this to alefantis but I have to ask are they complying with laws and regulations?. Do they need a special license to have such a site?

Commonwombat ago

Ok we don't know for sure that he actually is James Achilles so we need to make that connection before this becomes fact. I wouldn't doubt it but let's be smart about it.

Banned4Truth ago

It's not the same guy, this is his linkedin page. Went to BCIT in Vancouver. Not the 49th powerful pizza guy in DC.

MaidenMotherCrone ago

I have connections at BCIT and will verify his attendance there. I find it odd that KidzWorld was started in 1999-2001(?) but he didn't go to BCIT until 2010? Also, I am from Vancouver and have lots of contacts in media, but not one connection to him. Also random is his education in Victoria (no one I know there has knowledge of him) but the dates seem off. His Twitter is lame too. All the social media for a person with such a huge following for his online company would have more connections. Has anybody checked out the siblings? Also of note, the color of his title on the about-us page is different color indicating it may have been altered at some time. I'm waiting on confirmation of his studies at BCIT.

Kal ago

Someone mentioned in a review that it's free with no advertising? How do they make money, and if they don't, what is their motivation?

LadyMinx ago

If you go to the website, there's tons of advertisements all over the place.

psmith85 ago

My guess is they're just shell corps to hide assets and activities in and around the pizza place, not any kind of legitimate independent businesses

hashtaggery ago

Holy shitballs

Freemasonsrus ago

Wtf is up w them and NV? DC, MD, NY and NV I have seen associated with his businesses but NV is the one that fits in the least geographically. Any ideas?

Commonwombat ago

I tried putting his name in search at and came up with nothing. How did you find the connection? Edit: I found it, nevermind.

paulf ago

Imagine extremely angry billionaires with intelligence agencies at their beck and call and you'll be close to who really runs the show.


Founded in 1890's....

hubertbutternut ago

Spread this like wildfire!!

JeremiahSinclair ago

Hey all -- I went to and couldn't find records for KidsWorld Media. I checked the Linkedin for James Achilles listing him as VP, but nothing on there indicated it was the same person as James Alefantis. Where is the information/source confirming that they are the same person?

JeremiahSinclair ago

In fact, everything I'm finding is indicated that the KidsWorld VP is NOT James Alefantis, but a different guy entirely. Can someone please confirm or debunk? If this is true it's huge, but my spidey sense is telling me this is BS. OP made it look easy to confirm that the Kidsworld guy is James Alefantis but I couldn't find anything in his sources that corroborated that at all.

Wanderlust16 ago

I searched for james achilles on and it's not the same person. There's a link to his twitter. I thought it was a good find, damn

Commonwombat ago

Whoa this is big news, huge. It always leads back to the kids.

Wanderlust16 ago

This is a good find! Been reading the comments on kidzworld and there's definitely something not right with that site

rutkdn ago

This was discovered last month - Google kidzworld alefantis - and at the time many were not convinced this is indeed Alefantis. We need a solid connection. Everything so far is James Achilles without Alefantis anywhere.

bolus ago

the kidzworld whois has emails and phone numbers which i'd rather not publish.

registrant: allen achilles, though.

jiminy christmas, he has an app.

We_The_People ago

Good work OP. They better have a public hanging for this motherfucker.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Sorry man, no evidence it's the same guy. James Achilles/James Achilles Alefantis, similar but no cigar...

We_The_People ago

They have a connection to a Harris to a separate company known to be run by Achilles. It's in the thread. It's enough to cast reasonable speculation. Hard evidence will come. Patience.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Right, but it's a different Harris. I just don't see anything there warranting the level of excitement in the thread, forgive me for my skepticism. If there is a connection that would be huge, but right now I see a whole lot of nothing.

The_Schattenjager ago

In case you haven't', ARCHIVE THOSE REVIEWS.

UncookedSpirit ago


I was finally getting back to normal and now I'm about to barf again. "The Illuminates" roleplaying "The Building Blocks of Psychosis" "Come with me.... help me build hell and heaven... I invite you..... to my little corner of private affairs...." "We were not born monsters....but we became them when they abused there power"-Me

Celticgirlonamission ago

Me too! Crazy effing shit when does it end wow

jealoushe ago

This website is sketch as hell.....

MrNagasaki ago

James ACHILLES Alefantis? Since when is that his name? There is a James Achilles listed as secretary of KIDZWORLD.COM, INC., but no James Alefantis. Then, when you look up BIG CHEESE LLC, there is James Alefantis listed as govenor and CEO. What leads you to believe those two are the same person? Kidzworld looks like a pedo paradise, but I don't see a connection to Alefantis.

Commonwombat ago

His Middle name is Achilles.

cantsleepawink ago

Prove that James Alefantis is not Achilles. I've just been looking for information on Achilles and its sketchy as fuck.

standalone ago

Prove that James Alefantis is not Achilles.

Investigations don't work like that. You don't start investigating random people and considering them involved unless its proven that they are not.

I've just been looking for information on Achilles and its sketchy as fuck.

If everyone who is sketchy as fuck has to be included in the investigation just in case he is really Alefantis in disguise, we are not out of the wood...

oresd ago

You cant prove a negative.

cantsleepawink ago

I've just found enough information on the Achilles family in Vancouver to convince me there is no connection with Alefantis.

MrNagasaki ago

Err, I just want to know how this connection was made in the first place. All I see is them having the same first name. If that is everything it takes, we can start connecting everyone to everything.

SpikyAube ago

James Alefantis' middle name is Achilles and on some records he lists himself as James Achilles, so that's where the confusion came in.

MrNagasaki ago

Do you have a link to those records? Would be great if they could be added to the OP.

cantsleepawink ago

Sorry. I'm always telling people not to jump to conclusions and now I'm doing that myself. Needs further investigation.

bolus ago

whois on

Registrant Name John Kreher Registrant Organization Here Comes Your Man LLC

cantsleepawink ago

WHO IS ALLEN ACHILLES ? Twitter account says he's Founder, President & Serial Entrepreneur, Kidzworld Media

featureblue ago

The VP of Kidzworld shows James Achilles, it doesn't say Alefantis, and the picture doesn't look like him so I don't think its our James Alefantis. But keep looking into that; that would be really big if he had his hands on a major kiddie site.

forgotmyuser ago

Found more on Achilles. Looks to be a different person. There's an audio interview at that link- maybe someone wants to listen and confirm the voice.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Good find. The voice sounds like a different guy, but honestly it's already pretty clear this is a different guy. All we have from this is evidence that it's a different guy and a bunch of people claiming "this is one of his aliases" without any evidence, with some others talking about Chelsea Clinton "being on the board" of a totally unrelated site called

People should investigate KidzWorld but the whole claim that it connects to Alefantis and the Clintons is has totally no evidence.

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

Could be, but the James Achilles from Vancouver supposedly lives at 4552 Puget Dr Vancouver BC. Houses in the immediate vicinity are selling for upwards of 7 MILLION DOLLARS. Does this sound like the kind of money a hobbyist internet site creator would have?

it_was_foretold ago

He has alliases. Its the same person

JeremiahSinclair ago

What evidence do you have that this is one of his aliases?

standalone ago


Schade ago

it was foretold... No, this is starting to look like a snark hunt.

CJJacobs ago

My understanding is that his middle name is Achilles.

Atlantean120 ago

This comment should be at the top.

bolus ago

the registering agent for is richard w harris, the registering agent for several of alefantis' other ventures is robert a harris.

i've spent the last few hours trying to connect them. I can find all sorts of family for Robert A, and go back three generations. All I can find for Richard W. is a birth record (july 29, 1945 - odd) with no father, and a generic mother. school and bar records, no pictures, and his practice's website is a total dud:

Violets-Are-Blue ago

I feel like I"m spamming but I'm not. Remember that James Alefantis' middle name is Achilles. Be a hell of coincidence that a guy named James Achilles is not an alias/AKA for James Achilles Alefantis, VP (governor?) of Castellum Achilles LLC.

CJJacobs ago

The Registering Agent for Big Cheese LLC in D.C. -- also mentioned in the op - is a Robert A Harris IV.

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

source pls

thegenericoperator ago

That's a little too close, yeah.

We_The_People ago

We have fire.

LA_Trump ago


JeremiahSinclair ago

Bingo what? There's no connection unearthed here.

Prepper_Jack ago

Yes, good eye - went to look for confirmation, and here's the twitter page with his picture:

So, may very well not be the same guy, unless James Achilles Alefantis (who uses his middle name in one of his companies) is just using another picture.

Edit: I'd also find it a bit surprising if he was moderating and running a kids website when he has a lot of other pizza duties to attend to.

Violets-Are-Blue ago

10 tons of tomatoes in the basement will keep a man pretty busy.

redditsuckz ago

His dads name is Achilles Alefantis and possible alias include



His father Lee Alefantis had a facebook freind of the son of someone from the Bilderberg Group.

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

I found a website that used his twitter picture mislabel him as James Archilles.

srayzie ago

Are the JPG links above working for you guys? For me it says Requested content not found

JeremiahSinclair ago

You are correct, nothing right now indicates that Alefantis is the same guy. Nothing at all. Looks like a combination of shills and lots of people jumping the gun in their excitment without doing five minutes of their own checking. Keep your heads screwed on straight, people!

CrackerJacks ago

Duties? Putting tomatoes in cans and burning pizza?

RandomInterjector ago

No, I think he means "pizza" duties, wink wink.....

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Didn't he change his name at some point though? I thought I saw that somewhere along the way.

Edit: Nope. I think you are right. This appears to be someone else.

standalone ago

Can you try to find back the reference to a possible change of name regardless? James Alefantis is an almost perfect anagram of "J'aime les enfants", or "I love kids" in French. This is a troubling coincidence, but if that's his birth name, it's meaningless as evidence. Now if he did indeed change name and chose deliberately "James Alefantis", the anagram meaning would be much more meaningful.

Violets-Are-Blue ago


That's not what anagram means. Probably more accurate to call it a homophone (no pun intended), but there's probably an even more accurate term that escapes me right now.

interested ago

Kidzworldmedia has some reviews on

n case some people don't realise this website is very dangerous , people can say there are someone but the appear to be someone eles ,,, how dangerous is that , I'm sure not parent would want that for their kids, many people find someone attractive on this social media site and could agree to meet up .... turns out that guy or girl is a much older person , this website is dangerous , I'm sure many parents and even police can agree with , don't persuade your children to engage to this website.

Karen E. 1 review 3 helpful votes “This site is not good for socializing with other kids” 9/16/13 This site is not good for socializing with other kids. It claims heavy moderation in the chat, etc...but there is a heavy lack of moderation. First, you do not need to verify your email address to participate in socializing. Kids begin their catfish style social life (pretending they are someone else) with a heavy access on the emo meter. Who knows what kind of creepy predators could be hanging out there. When my daughter was on there chatting with several other so called friends, who gave each other passwords, names, real ID's and pics. They then began skyping each other, using other non-moderated chat rooms, etc. There were a bunch of them on there, threatening to commit suicide or cut themselves if they didn't have her as a friend. It is apparently a hangout for very lonely kids with emotional problems. I can't even tell you how many comments I read where people were talking about cutting. I got into her account thanks to parental control software and changed her email (was using a bogus one) and her password. I reported several of the cutting, suicidal style comments and messages and requested her account be closed. Nothing happened, there was no reply to my emails. Her account was not closed and I found no way to close it. I send an email to their CEO - what a joke. I told him I was a parent and concerned about the lack of moderation, how the kids were talking to each other, etc... He emailed me back and all it said was "shame on you". Very very bad site for kids. What kind of response is that from a CEO?. It makes me wonder what kind of person he is. Stay away from Kidzworld!

Kal ago

PARENTS BEWARE! Within 3 hours of being on that website for the first time, my daughter was contacted by at least 3 adults who asked for photos of her legs in stockings, a miniskirt, etc. The website is a haven for predators and should be shut down.

featureblue ago

One of the companies you mentioned is: HERECOMESYOURMANLLC this a home improvement contractor site.

youhavetogoback123 ago

Go to his kidzworld site and archive, archive, archive.

LostandFound ago

This is literally one of the biggest finds I have seen thank you from everyone. PEOPLE WILL UNDERSTAND THIS

youhavetogoback123 ago

archive everything

Thrash57 ago

one review a person claiming to be a girls mom said her daughter was contacted by 3 separate individuals asking for perverted pictures

cantsleepawink ago

I found corroborating information on reddit*

Inside the Kidzworld Media website is a page that looks quite suspect:*


JeremiahSinclair ago

That Reddit post is wrong, it's not the same guy as James Alefantis -- at least, there's no evidence for it.

21yearsofdigging ago

We have to be very diligent when we go off on wild goose chases. Not saying it was altogether wrong, I mean we have dug up alot but check and double check.

JeremiahSinclair ago


reasonedandinformed ago

But this still might be a great thread to pursue another stream of perverts, which is our goal. The Clinton connections, if confirmed, look huge, but I did not see a link...

MommyLove ago

Yes, could still be a pedo ring and, if so, there is a Clinton Foundation connection if that part was accurate.

JeremiahSinclair ago

No I agree, the KidzWorld website seems sketchy in a huge number of ways. I just think it's distracting to that goal to focus on Alefantis when he has nothing that I can tell to do with it. Just focus on investigating KidzWorld and this Achilles guy and leave Alefantis out of it, it's a legit lead for finding people involved in pedophilia rings but trying to link it Alefantis feels like a red herring.

And the Clinton connections are nonexistent as well, this guy keeps linking to the website for, which Chelsea Clinton is on the board of, but has no direct connection to KidzWorld.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, I've made a couple of comments further on in this thread about that. I jumped to conclusions too quickly.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Thank you for your candor man, I got excited when I saw it too and I'm sure most of the people cheerleading this are in the same boat. I definitely feel like there's shilling at work as well though.

Littleredcorvette ago opencorporates alefantis search

redberries ago

I can't find Kidzworld. What did you type?

EDIT: Found it, holy shit.

It would be pretty big if it's true, I mean a social networking site for kids is basically a heaven for pedophiles. I just would like a link to show he's VP.

Prepper_Jack ago

Looks like it may not be:

Of course, it could be a pseudonym and a fake pic. Gotta dig a little I suppose.

redberries ago

You're right, yeah I don't think it's him.

Pretty damn creepy either way.

KingKongisCTR ago

Kidzworld Media, sounds shady af. 2million visitors a month?

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

These reviews are pretty telling...

Edit: Oh look Looks like Jimmy himself left a glowing review here. Shady review by user 'hugebear'

Edit2: Hmm this doesn't appear to be Alefantis as user featureblue points out elsewhere in this thread. Still shady AF.

Violets-Are-Blue ago

Don't forget that James Alefantis' middle name is Achilles, and he is the VP (governor?) at CASTELLUM ACHILLES . Could be a coincidence. But could also be alter ego/AKA.

LacunaPerpetual ago

Yikes. Yeah, no way adults will go there and try getting featured on "To Catch A Predator".

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago


Chance903 ago

I looked at your links. one reviewer said this but many more said things very much like this:PARENTS BEWARE! Within 3 hours of being on that website for the first time, my daughter was contacted by at least 3 adults who asked for photos of her legs in stockings, a miniskirt, etc. The website is a haven for predators and should be shut down.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Yeah. Seems like the best case scenario is that they are full of shit about the steps they take to ensure children's safety and the worst case is, well...

Chance903 ago

The fact is the common sense media is a place that advocates safe places for children, yet Kidzworld is far from safe. the fact that Chelsea Clinton is on the board of directors recommending KW is odd.

pgthrowaway ago

This is impossible to ignore. I can't wait til theres some sort of evidence on this guy, he's fucking sickening.

RageGoddess ago

Oh. My. God.

Prepper_Jack ago

Oh.. look who admins...

I has been friends with some of the members for nearly five years now and I would never leave (until I'm 18 when the account gets locked). The Admins - The Achilles family is amazing and they care about all the KW users.

reasonedandinformed ago

The full post from 9/16/11: KW is awesome KW is the best kids site ever. I joined when I was ten and I have the most amazing friends from all around the world. I has been friends with some of the members for nearly five years now and I would never leave (until I'm 18 when the account gets locked). The Admins - The Achilles family is amazing and they care about all the KW users. The Mods are awesome and they keep everyone safe too. Me and some other members got made Junior Mods in January and we help out on the boards. There's a filter monster that eats anything whats not appropriate and plus if anyone reports anything the Admins deals with it fast. KW is me online family. Thank you Allen for making KW :) ~huge. The sexual content is not aloud so I dont know why 40% of parents and educators says that its there (Thank you for reading me post) .

We do need to 100% confirm connection to JA.

CrackerJacks ago

That made me chuckle.....

saltminetimes ago

So why are we under the impression that Allen W. Achilles and James Achilles are related to or alternate identities of James Alefantis? This is a bit of a leap, unless there is some evidence that I'm missing.

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

Allen Achilles appears to be a real person on LinkedIn

JeremiahSinclair ago

There is NO evidence they are the same person and only evidence to the contrary. Post is either a shill or just an over-eager voater jumping to conclusions.

Prepper_Jack ago

Read my other replies here. Also posted his twitter account:

So, unless he's using his "Achilles" name as a last name in business as a front "family", and just posted a fake picture, then we can probably assume it's not him. That's not out of the realm of possibility, though I do find it a bit unlikely that he would be spending time running or moderating a kids website, when his schedule already appears a bit busy.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Yeah, I just saw that too and added to my original post. Hugebear is an odd name don't you think?

Prepper_Jack ago

It definitely catches the eye.

Just need to confirm this is Alefantis. We know his middle name is Achilles, and that he uses that name for his company, but there's a possibility it's an actual "James Achilles" running the show.

eiggaMAD ago


Prepper_Jack ago

Yeah, been reading them... kids cutting themselves? Adults hitting on kids?

Whoa.. so Alefantis is VP of a web pedo hangout. That's news...

Edit: May have jumped the gun a bit. Unless they're using pseudonyms (and Alefantis seems to like his middle name), and fake photos, it's not James Achilles Alefantis.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Nice catch... But, then again, I'll check into To see if it is the same

21yearsofdigging ago

Vancouver is a port and is a known pedophile hangout. Also, some very nefarious activity at a politician, lawyer`big business hangout called the Vancouver Club

JeremiahSinclair ago

Jumping the gun is right. Guys, I have no doubt pedos use this site to find victims, but Alefantis has zero connection to it whatsoever. How is this thread being upvoted so much when it provides zero genuine connection?!?! Look at his links, they provide ONLY evidence that it is NOT Alefantis: a LinkedIn with history that is not Alefantis', a Twitter account showing anoterh guy's face, a guy named "James Achilles" that doesn't include the Alefantis name at all...there is NOTHING HERE that is connectable.

Violets-Are-Blue ago

James Alefantis' middle name is Achilles. James Achilles Alefantis. And who among us doesn't have separate accounts. Shit, the only account I have with my real face is my LinkedIn. Everything else is an avatar, a stock photo, or possibly my rare pupper.

I'm not saying any of this proves connection, but it doesn't disprove it either.

JeremiahSinclair ago

I also never said it disproved it, I'm just pointing out what there is and isn't actual evidence of.

JeremiahSinclair ago

It doesn't disprove it, but when the evidence for a connection on one side are weak and evidence that it isn't him much stronger, I don't get why you would still go with the weaker one.

HelpingChildren ago

There is the Clinton Foundation connection, Chelsea, and if more time is pent who knows who else will be found involved. I posted the information about finding Alefantis about a week ago, and some other links to him. His corporations, open and closed should be looked into, but I am not sure how to do it. So I posted it here. There are so many great researchers here I know you will find the links to more. Search my posts by searching HelpingChildren ty.

JeremiahSinclair ago

There is nothing connecting Chelsea and the Clinton Foundation to Kidzworld. They are connected to that site where Kidzworld was reviewed, but there is no affiliation between the two websites at all.

Kastonomy ago

Then keep digging. It's a new lead, so dig.

HelpingChildren ago

Ty and will continue to look at those involved by media at the library with access to their indepth search of periodicals, newspapers, books, etc. To what other websites etc for children they have reviewed.

CJJacobs ago

Somewhere else on voat I read that Alesfantis' middle name was Achilles.

JeremiahSinclair ago

It is, but there is evidence that this is another guy.

PolybiusPizza ago

That one Democrat chick... Wasn't she holding a pizza company under a different name? Names under shell people with similar names is a common thing among people who think they will never be audited...

grlldcheese ago

"Know" they will never be audited.

Remember Trump taxes and him bitching about 10 years of audits?

I member.

Chance903 ago

Clintons daughter is also on the board

Fifthestateknows ago

And she is also on the board of The Daily Beast. Appropriate name.

srayzie ago

Can you post a link for her?

SpikyAube ago

Where is the link to that info?

Chance903 ago

I posted it several times it is in the thread

Dressage2 ago

That is crazy!!

JeremiahSinclair ago

You're full of shit, Clinton's daughter has nothing to do with Kidzworld. Everyone already knows she's on the board of the Clinton Foundation, it has nothing to do with this thread.

Chance903 ago

She is also on several other boards that direct children to safe Kid places to hang out.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Yup, I know. But again, that has nothing to do with Kidzworld Media, and therefore nothing to do with this thread! Do you understand what I'm saying to you?

Chance903 ago

JeremiahSinclair ago

You still haven't explained what Chelsea Clinton has to do with Kidzworld. Again, posting utterly irrelvant shit and jabbering about Chelsea Clinton when there is zero discernible connection to KWM.

Chance903 ago

If you are not smart enough to follow the evidence I suggest you go back to online gaming or sucking up to the Clintons, you are most likely a Pedophile

JeremiahSinclair ago

Evidence? YOU HAVEN'T PROVIDED ANY. Just a bunch of irrelevant links.

Chance903 ago

MY you sure are defensive, Fan of Clinton Crime Family huh? you sure were trigger .

JeremiahSinclair ago

I'm a fan of people posting relevant shit and not distracting the convo with utter nonsense that has zilch to do with anything in the thread.

Chance903 ago

So am I am so far you cannot keep your calm react like a special snowflake and cuss me out like a 3 year old having a fit in his pram.

JeremiahSinclair ago

I react like I'm talking to someone who doesn't offer anything helpful, and seems willfully ignorant which, yes, is frustrating as hell.

Chance903 ago

You do not react like an intelligent adult, you would be laughed at in the work world.

JeremiahSinclair ago

A remarkable assertion, since you have zero idea what kind of work I do professionally. I'm not going to respond to you anymore; you either don't know what evidence actually is, aren't smart enough to know what constitutes a substantive connection, or you just don't care. Either way you're clearly wasting my time.

Chance903 ago

Yes, after all I was the one cussing at you? Please do not respond to me that is a wonderful idea. One thing Mr.Grow-up when beginning a conversation and exchange of idea's one never begins with cussing someone out and attacking them. I am Sorry you voted for Clinton and lost. Now run along Shill, don't you have some children to stalk

JeremiahSinclair ago

I don't think I even cussed at you other than saying "shit." And if I did, who cares?

Chance903 ago

Classless and immature they should ban Shills like you,go defend your child fuckers elsewhere , you Clinton Fan.

JeremiahSinclair ago

You are diseased and have no basis for anything you're saying. I said I would stop engaging you, and this time I'm going to keep my word....

Chance903 ago

Lol baseless accusations, very fitting of a Clinton CHILD Rapist SUPPORTER . Good luck with keeping your word Pedo supporter.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Can you link to your source please?

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Yeah. Looking through to see if there are other reviewers that we can link.

100011 ago

That's some good research

interested ago

it is. google this and you will find the California case in a word doc where a predator was preying via kidzworld:

Around August 2009, Cawkwell, 39 years old, began communicating with 11-year-old S.B. on an Internet chat site called Cawkwell stated in his Kidzworld profile he was 13 years old and wanted to chat only with girls. S.B. believed everyone on Kidzworld was approximately her age. Cawkwell and S.B. chatted online about general matters a couple times a day for about a month. He told S.B. during their online chats that he cared for her and wanted to meet her. Although Cawkwell never talked about kissing or anything of a sexual nature during that time, S.B. believed he was acting "like a boyfriend."

reasonedandinformed ago

Can you please paste in the article since it requires a subscription to see the actual piece? Thank you!