Pizzalurker15 ago

I dont want to discourage you or anyone from the research. Please continue. This is not a battle between us.

Pizzalurker15 ago

I did. I dont see anything here. Two guys have the super common last name harris. If you think you have a lead post and explain. This is misleading and uninformative. You are reisisting connecting the dots here and explaining because you cant. Just because people in different countries have similar names doesn't mean a thing. This kidsworld is suspicious but i dont see you connecting them anywhere except the names rhyme

DC-DismalSwamp ago

[1] I think there is a close, though inconclusive, similarity between the image of 'James Alefantis' and the image identified as 'James Achilles' shown in the following link which was provided earlier in this comment thread by Thrulkggis:


The dark glasses worn (intentionally as an attempted disguise???) by Achilles and his black-white image shown certainly make difficult its positive comparison to the full-color image of Alefantis. Nevertheless, I ask the reader to closely examine and compare the following face and neck features on the two images:

  • Prominent Adam's Apple
  • High Forehead
  • Small Ears, Flat Against the Head
  • Hair Texture, Hair Shade and Short Haircut Style
  • Relatively Short Distance Between the Nose Tip and the Upper Lip
  • Relatively Long Distance Between the Lower Lip and the Chin Point


[2] Several commenters have stated that there has not been any real indication (YET PUBLISHED) of actual child trafficking connected to the site. I concur at present with this conclusion.

However, I think if we can just positively connect JA with the sleezy, sexually oriented, KIDZ UNFRIENDLY site we will have achieved a MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT.

Keep digging!

Birdzeyeview ago


DC-DismalSwamp ago

The full-color image shown in the following link is identified as 'James Achilles' (jamesachilles) and the short bio appears to match that of the James Achilles with dark glasses shown in the black-white image. I no longer think that James Achilles is James Alefantes. Sorry for the confusion.


Pizzalurker15 ago

Jumping to conclusions?!? You post title says that alefantis is running kidsworld then you post a massive archive of unexplained twitter pictures and random files? What is jumping to conclusions. This post is crazy long without explanations. Includes pictures of the guy who is absolutley not James Alefantis. I dont see anything here but the ravings of a madman

Pizzalurker15 ago

This has been posted. His picture is available online. Two different people

MolochHunter ago

I recommend you do an edit of the post so that newcomers see the credibility in the Alefantis/Achilles link, then the discussion can move onto if/where/how the kidz website facilitates trafficking

Truthseeker3000 ago

@dcdale9 You are a wealth of information!! Please add in anything more you can provide on this topic. Do you know the dirt on Frank Giustra of Vancouver Canada and whether he is linked to Kidzworld in Vancouver? He has a boys foundation there and a Radcliffe(?) refugee foundation with various pics of him with kids etc, on their website. Frank Giustra seems to heavily push the Soros' globalist agenda hard in Canada. There was an online article where he was pissed about the media contacting him about the Clinton Foundation and how angry he was saying he didn't get enough recognition for doing philanthropy like some $500k urban garden in empty parking lots. He kept deflecting throughout the article. The author even spoke about him slamming his fists into the table and yelling. What is his connection, if any, to child trafficking/James Alefantis....

dcdale9 ago

Alefantis is also listed as an owner of Kidzworld.. I do have some files on the Global kids online. No one was interested, but they show case kids here. This is not for kids. Geez. I should have checked in earlier.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Thanks for your reply. Please tag me with anything else you come up with or anything regarding Frank Giustra.

dcdale9 ago

Business address is Vancouver. Do you want what I have? Also list what you are looking for. I just may have something to offer. Giustra is a major child trafficker. Billionaire. He also is a major player in the Clinton foundation....murder for hire, kidnapping, organ harvesting. I have more on him. Active in the overthrow of all the middle eastern countries. The people in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Haiti were killed and the countries raped of their resources including the people.
Giustra and a whole host of government officials killed all these innocents because they are building oil and gas pipelines. In Syria they are missing hundreds of thousands of people. They have been taken to harvest the organs. Egypt is responsible for the harvesting of Syria. Organ harvesting and trafficking of organs, blood, and body parts.

Hospitals going up all over the middle east for heart, liver, kidney, cornea, transplants. Organ harvesting and the black market is big business. It helps finance these illegal wars. I have so much on Giustra.

Truthseeker3000 ago

@dcdale9 wow. Yes, I'd love to read what u know about Giustra. Is he involved somehow in Kidzworld financially or tied to James Alefantis in any way? Please advise what you know about Giustra being "a major child trafficker". This is very important. Thank you in advance. Kindly tag me in your post so I'll be sure to see it wherever you post!!

dcdale9 ago

Yes. He's one of the world's top organizers. The money the trafficking of children for sex and organ harvesting is laundered through his movie company Lionsgate. Many of the movies actually tell the crimes he's committed. Every top actor has made movies for him. I'll get the links for you. So start with Giustra, Lionsgate, DynCorp. Haiti, organ harvesting. Syria Africa Clinton Foundation . He's in it all. Kidzworld. I didn't find anything. I ll check again. Brownstone ops. He's involved . Ok I'll get as many citation as possible.

Truthseeker3000 ago

An excellent comment from someone on an article on billionaire Frank Giustra of Vancouver Canada who is good friends with Bill Clinton: Charles Krauthammer alluded that he had no doubt some of the 30k emails Hillary deleted from her private e-mail server very likely had references to the Clinton Foundation, which would be illegal and a conflict of interest. The Clinton Foundation is "organized crime" at its finest. Here is a good, concise summary of how the Clinton Foundation works as a tax free international money laundering scheme. It may eventually prove to be the largest political criminal enterprise in U.S. history. This is a textbook case on how you hide foreign money sent to you and repackage it to be used for your own purposes. All tax free. Here's how it works: 1. You create a separate foreign "charity." In this case, the Clintons set it up in Canada. 2. Foreign oligarchs and governments, then donate to this Canadian charity. In this case, over 1,000 did -- contributing mega millions. I'm sure they did this out of the goodness of their hearts, and expected nothing in return. (Imagine Putin's buddies waking up one morning and just deciding to send untold millions to a Canadian charity). 3. The Canadian charity then bundles these separate donations and makes a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation. 4. The Clinton Foundation and the cooperating Canadian charity claim Canadian law prohibits the identification of individual donors. 5. The Clinton Foundation then "spends" some of this money for legitimate good works programs. Unfortunately, experts believe this is on the order of 10%. Much of the balance goes to enrich the Clintons, pay salaries to untold numbers of hangers on, and fund lavish travel, etc. Again, virtually all tax free, which means you and I are subsidizing it. 6. The Clinton Foundation, with access to the world's best accountants, somehow fails to report much of this on their tax filings. They discover these "clerical errors" and begin the process of re-filing 5 years of tax returns. 7. Net result -- foreign money goes into the Clinton's pockets tax free and untraceable back to the original donor. This is the textbook definition of money laundering. Oh, by the way, the Canadian "charity" includes as a principal one Frank Giustra. Google him. He is the guy who was central to the formation of Uranium One, the Canadian company that somehow acquired massive U.S. uranium interests and then sold them to an organization controlled by Russia. This transaction required U.S. State Department approval, and guess who was Secretary of State when the approval was granted. If you're still not persuaded this was a cleverly structured way to get unidentified foreign money to the Clinton's, ask yourself this: Why did these foreign interests funnel money through a Canadian charity? Why not donate directly to the Clinton Foundation? Better yet, why not donate money directly to the people, organizations and countries in need? This is the essence of money laundering and influence peddling. Now you know why Hillary's destruction of 30,000 e-mails was a risk she was willing to take.

AreWeSure ago

The reason that charity was set up in Canada was so that Canadian donors could get tax benefits. The sale of Uranium One which Frank Giustra no longer was involved required more than State Department approval. It needed approval from the 9 agency Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. State is only one of those agencies. The deal went through without Clinton's approval because most CFIUS issues get handled below the Secretary of State. The deal was unanimously approved by all 9 agencies and the NRC because it posed no threat to national security. Uranium is easy to obtain. Also the company that owns the mines can't export the uranium as they have no export license.

thisneedstoend ago

this was actually really helpful in clearing pathways in my head re: clinton foundation + investment! Thanks +upvoat!

VieBleu ago

I've saved this comment. This kind of explanation needs to be a part of our discourse. Thank you.

PizzaGate711 ago

Wow look at the downvoats. JA and Brock's team working overtime.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wow. An article on Kidzworld below and it is in Vancouver Canada. 'Kidzworld' says man-and-woman only standard is 'so last century'

Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:00 a.m. Eastern By Bob Unruh

A website that targets its messages to 'tweens,' which it identifies as those ages 9-14, is promoting homosexuality to those children because the idea of one-man-and-one-woman only is "so last century."

The website also is lobbying children to oppose the policy by the Boy Scouts of America against allowing homosexuals to lead troops of young boys, and advocates for the "rights" of homosexuals to adopt children.

A website spokesman declined a WND request to comment, and said the president, Allen Achilles, would be back in the Vancouver, B.C., office of the company later and would be given a message.

But the website's agenda is unabashed throughout its messages to the children:

"Isn't the most important issue to have two parents who love you? Does it really matter if a child as two mommies or two daddies?" it tells readers.

In reference to a Florida law banning homosexuals from adopting, it says, "Steve and Roger have done more than most straight people applying for adoption. They have proven their dedication, love and ability to provide a healthy and stable home for their kids. Florida should congratulate them not punish them with outdated laws and narrowminded 'tudes!"

To "molly_holly," who says her boyfriend is "gay" but "he likes me too," the website responds: "What do you mean, he's your boyfriend? Do ya mean he is your friend and he's a boy? Or do ya mean he's crushin' on ya… like he's your hottie? Cuz if this boy's gay, I think you're gonna have to get use to being his good friend. Sort of a Will and Grace set up. I hope you're cool enough to not have any issues about his sexuality, cuz homophobia (the fear of gay peeps) is so last century."

In a book review, it says: "The only difference is, this book is about Paul, a 16 year-old gay boy who has fallen in love with the new boy in town, Noah. It's really cool to have a book that portrays something other than the cliché cheerleader/football player love story…" Regarding the Boy Scouts, whose dispute went to the U.S. Supreme Court which ruled that as a private organization the scouts are allowed to set moral standards for their leaders, the site provided a link for children to complaint to the scouts, and then noted "a lot of pressure" is being put on the scouts to change.

Then the site provided a link for other volunteering opportunities that connected with a promotion for World AIDS Day.

The site's privacy disclosure notes that when children age 12 and up sign up on the website, their parents are sent an e-mail notifying them, and for children younger than 12, their parents must respond to an e-mail before they can sign up. However, signing up is not required to view any of the information, only to participate in the chat rooms and other options.

And, none of the pro-homosexual comments was found on the first page, the location most parents who actually do inspect a site would be most likely to check out, either. They were found embedded in the site as a reader follows various links.

"I don't think it's an appropriate forum (for this type of information)," Linda Klepacki, the analyst for sexual health issues for Focus on the Family, told WND, "until we get much more maturity – at least into high school.

"There are many websites that are promoting their own morals and values – or lack thereof," she said. "Middle school students have very little abstract thinking ability. They see something in printing on the computer and believe it's true."

She said at this age, parents need to be the primary educators on sexual issues for their own children. Such discussions are not appropriate in the context of public school classrooms, because only parents can identify the issues and influences with which a child is dealing as an individual. That is being "person-appropriate," she said.

Most kids in those years of childhood just prior to the teen years don't even fully understand the word sexuality, said Klepacki, from the Colorado Springs headquarters for the family-oriented Christian ministry.

One WND reader has raised issues about the website, noting he'd typed in "sperm how made" on Google, and the came up as the first link with this:

"What Is Sperm? | Male Puberty | Sperm Production | Teen Boys … A Kidzworld peep recently asked, ‘What is sperm?’ Well, we’ve got the answer – including how these guys are made, how fast they can swim and how many come … – 26k – Cached – Similar pages"

"Then I started to read it! A text link near the top is worded "make a baby" wow … this is a kids web site? Further! I clicked on 'make a baby' – and got All About Gay Parents," he wrote.

That link started out: "First comes love, then comes marriage, and then comes the baby in the baby carriage – or so the saying goes. But we all know that families are lot more complicated than that. Kidzworld takes a look at the issues facing gay 'rents. Gay Parents – Where do Babies Come From?" he wrote.

"First, the obvious problem – if nature requires sperm to fertilize an egg for a woman to become pregnant, then how do two people of the same gender have a baby? The quick answer is: with outside help.. …" the site continued.

It also discusses adoption and surrogacy, and in response to its statements that Florida and other states make it impossible for homosexuals to adopt, "BMA," who identified herself as age 12, said, "Some people grew up thinking that if you're not heterosexual then it's a sin. But I personally think it's OK and it is a person's choice who he/she wants to be with."

"kizzy333," age 13, also said, "I'm not gay but I really dislike homophobic peeps. If two peeps of the same sex are in love, what's the harm in it? My mum's friend is a lesbian and she hasn't changed. She's a really loving parent too. It's da bomb!"

The site features advertising from HarperCollins Children's Books, the Cheetah Girls and GameBoy products, among other children's attractions.

The site, which says it has had 4.4 million unique visitors, explains it is "the ultimate in online entertainment for kids nine to 14 (a.k.a. Tweens.)" and allows that age group of children to "interact, communicate and explore the digital world" and where they can "play, discover, voice, gather and belong."

"Parents can be confident that Kidzworld is an online global community providing only positive experiences," it assures parents. And, it confirms, "Our information is appropriate for kids aged 9-14."

It also collects information such as IP addresses, name, e-mail address, age, gender, general location and personal likes and dislikes of users. "This information is used to get in touch with our members when necessary."

VieBleu ago

good stuff. thanks for posting

Melitica ago

It's not christopher Achilles, it's castelum. Still, no relation.

MolochHunter ago

agents address for achilles and alefantis match, and the agents names virtully match

Melitica ago

Discussed repeatedly. Read this thread

PizzaGate711 ago

This is well worth a read.

PizzaGate711 ago

Did Canadian business tycoon and Vancouver based, Frank Giustra, Director of the Clinton Foundation and supporter of Boys Club Network, Elpida etc etc appear in your search with Kidzworld Canada? Can anyone find out the owner of the property at 475 Howe Sr Vancouver?

Truthseeker3000 ago

475 Howe St Vancouver looks to be the securities trading building or the former Vancouver stock exchange. Apparently Vancouver doesn't have a stock exchange anymore because of too much shady dealings. Also to note is the Allen Achilles' real name is Alasdair Achilles but goes by Allen as I searched the name and found court docs from his former years trading stocks etc. He also lives on some island just outside of Vancouver called Mayne Island. His personal cell phone number is 604-818-1314. He also has another business front Harbour Creek Managaement 604-688-2010 same phone number as Kidzworld and yet another location at 470 Granville street Vancouver. And Kidzworld inc is also listed at 203-1937 west 4 Ave Vancouver with Richard W Harris as agent. The Deanna Beaudoin character is listed as a "catholic youth pastor" riiiiiiiiight!!!! No doubt this screams PEDO to me I mean come on, a middle age to older man who only does a kids website connecting 9 to 16 yr olds and it basically talks about sexual related issues as attested by other people who say their kids used the site and were bombarded with inappropriate innuendo. Too weird, something's NOT right....

PizzaGate711 ago

Brilliant work! Now to see if any are associated in anyway with the work of Clinton Director, Frank Giustra of Vancouver. Boys Club Network etc. Something tells me Giustra owned/s / has some direct tie to the property on which the Stock Exchange was located. The Clinton Foundation exists in Canada after all. Money on it that Giustra is tied up with Canada. Off the board now for the next day.

Chatman ago

Havent found the child trafficking link yet, am I missing something?

VieBleu ago

sorry no one has answered you. I ask too. But I can say the site looks like it slides into talking about sexual topics for no good reason (ie it is not a kids health site, sex ed site, etc.)

Chatman ago

From the screenshots, I don't think it's massively sexual. At the least I didn't see anything that might indicate trafficking.

VieBleu ago

no not trafficking more like grooming stuff, and could be passed off as "edgy" pop culture for tweens? I stress passed off. thx for your reply.

Chatman ago

Seems thin but if there was groomers in the forum yeah it would be concerning

MolochHunter ago

This should be flagged accuracy in question until we have a more credible proof that James Achilles is actually Alefantis

AreWeSure ago

So much of this is in question.

DarkMath ago

"So much of this is in question".......God forbid you lift a finger to change that. Maybe do a little research AreWeSure? Would that kill you? As far as I can tell you just come here and shit all over stuff and then fly away.

How about you do a little work for a change and track this one down:

"the agents name and address in the archive link is nearly identical - both Castellum LLC (Comet) and James Achilles (kidzworld) list richard (or robert) w harris of Sedgwick ave connetticut"

EQJ ago

Googling both of them shows two completely different companies. Similar names but sadly not the same. Here's the address to Kidzworld agent. 6121 LAKESIDE DR STE 260, RENO, NV, 89511

VieBleu ago

what about this? Ownername for Comet Pingpong is CHRISTOPHER ACHILLES LLC

Pizzalurker15 ago

Christopher is his middle name

MolochHunter ago

Ah - ok looking in the archived like more closely, the tie is in the AGENT both James Achilles and Jimmy Alefantis companies list their agent at 4834 Sedgewick street - but get this, one agent is Richard W Harris, the other Robert A Harris (so unless they are brothers/father/son working same company, there's falsified identites here)

Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe without any further evidence of child trafficking we have Mr Alefantis and his associates on FRAUD here

have now upvoated post, genuine connection here for certain

Cuboctahedron ago

Good job, there. Upvoted.

AreWeSure ago

Alefantis only used the one in DC. Kidzaworld Inc only used the one in Nevada. What am I missing?

MolochHunter ago

the agents name and address in the archive link is nearly identical - both Castellum LLC (Comet) and James Achilles (kidzworld) list richard (or robert) w harris of Sedgwick ave connetticut

VieBleu ago

glad I could help. We are sitting on a lot here.

Psalm100 ago

Agreed. Perhaps it's possible but there's no proof it's actually true.

PizzaGate711 ago

Achilles is a name he likes to use occasionally - it's a family name - father's side and all. People like JA act as though they are above the law. A bit of name reengineering here and there I expect would be just something he does. Besides, what's the law got to do with things when you've been getting away with murder for so long and Obama and the Clintons have got your back?

FriesischShipping ago

Pffff, if he has a father then I'm a priest.

MolochHunter ago

yes but we need to apply standards of evidence. We have a potential collateral damage situation. If James Achilles is unrelated to Alefantis and we as a community destroy his reputation and business it will be OUR MOVEMENT that suffers in loss of credibility

So i repeat, we need to make that connection in evidence before we make the ASSERTION. We are entitled to conjecture- conjecture is what drives enquiry - but we must be circumspect about our assertions, which the title of this thread categorically fails to do

Birdzeyeview ago

newsflash, you already have NO CREDIBILITY

MolochHunter ago

no, see YOU have no credibility, because you used an ad-hominem attack on me , rather than addressing the merits of the evidence. See how that works? Its called investigating and debating.

Birdzeyeview ago

all you muppets here cannot 'investigate' your way out of a soggy wet paper bag!

as you were...

Solver2 ago

Haven't logged in in a while but even I know that the Alefantis family has used the Achillies name before. It has come up in other threads and links with them using the name.

PizzaGate711 ago

I understand your point but let's not insist that we be shy in our assertions either. These seem pretty compelling to me. Let's face it JA is NOT a law abider....Fraud on paper would mean nothing to him - to have the Archilles name on a paper may though - it's a family name. Trudeau is mentored by Soros. Soros is tied to JA/Comet. Those committing, aiding and abetting are working all media with 'fake news' headlines that absolutely damn and slam solid evidence. Let's not cower on the basis of needing solid hard core evidence. Investigations start and progress with reasonable assertions and compelling history/behaviour. Just saying :-)

AreWeSure ago

So let's throw standards of evidence out the window and pretend whatever tenuous connections we can make are the truth?

How did you link in Trudeau?

PizzaGate711 ago

Well if you have to. But do try and apply standards of evidence, and leave the window of tenuous evidence well alone. Arewesure - always seek to be sure and true :-))

MolochHunter ago

im eating my hat now - there is a connection drilling deeper into the evidence. look at the comparative agents name and address in the archived link

PizzaGate711 ago

Good on you. Imperative and brilliant :-))

MolochHunter ago

lets not be shy in conjecture, but assertions? Always. Only a judge in a court of law has that honour

I ain't saying don't post this or don't look into it, I'm just seeking to improve the professionalism with which we handle this POTENTIAL connection. The mods have an 'accuracy in question' tag for a reason, I think they should deploy it here - especially if the outcome is to make investigators drive harder for evidence that reasonably demonstrates it isnt an innocent bystander with a coincidentally similar name

doubletake ago

the usual outcome i'd think, as the mountain of posts grows, and folks like me want to see the good evidence folks like you can discern, is that when i see that tag i think 'suspicion or doubt' and am apt to pass on it to something more meaty. maybe come up with a new tag like 'promising' (?). What you say is on the money, the tighter the better. this whole thing is an incredible enterprise; it's got to be a tough job. thx


so we cant find one picture of the president of the biggest kids site in the world? not one?

Pizzalurker15 ago

His picture is in the link. Its not the same guy though. This is a different man running kidsworld


i saw it. first i wasnt able to find any picture of him. now it is clarified

Melitica ago

Not james Alefantis James Achilles


thanks, i saw it in the meanwhile, wasnt able to find a picture in first place at all. nowi its ok but still they are very odd

MolochHunter ago

look closer melitica - agents name and address match in the archived file. it is an alefantis concern 99% certain. but ive yet to see anything illegal on the website - sure it seeks to normalise homosexuality - thats no crime in this day and age - but its a massive website

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Does not look like same person!

Madwack ago

I cant post the blogs link, 30 second warning over and over. that in itself is triggering me.

Don-Keyhote ago

This raises the question of what to do when we actually find a cp site

I was looking into someone and found multiple image hosting site mirrors of a (never clicked but search results are cp) and even found a forum where someone wanted to block the site without her dad realizing she had cAught him.

surgeson ago


abortionburger ago

There is no evidence that James Achilles is James Alefantis. They have different faces, interests, and are from different countries. This needs to stop being pushed because it's distracting from actual information.

MolochHunter ago

there is a link in the evidence - same 'agent' r.w.harris same address sedgwick st

but now where's the evidence this kids website is a conduit for trafficking?

Thrulkggls ago

This provides very good support for James Alefantis' connection. Look at the entire post...many details are noted.

Pizzalurker15 ago

No it doesnt. Right off the hop it says alefantis owns kidsworld. He does not own kidworld. We have been over this before

SturdyGal ago

I agree. If you look at the entity filing detail page: you can scroll down and see that they all have Canadian addresses. Also I found this guy before on Canadian white pages, so , he's probably Canadian, eh?

Madwack ago

there is a lot more info on the actual blog page.

cantsleepawink ago

WRONG. Please use the search bar..this has been covered many times in voat.

VieBleu ago

have you changed your mind about this? just keeping up with changing opinions.

cantsleepawink ago

I haven't looked at this for ages. I'll have a look again.

VieBleu ago

Today you said "WRONG. Please use the search bar..this has been covered many times in voat."

You were on a thread that was looking at this again.
I'm confused by your response - you are very sure it is wrong today, but haven't looked into it, but were on the new thread looking into it saying for sure it was wrong.

I thought you replied early on saying it was debunked and then would follow how the thread went. Anyway, let me know if you decide that your WRONG of today was something you are not sure of now.

cantsleepawink ago

This was looked into some time back. Yes, the Kidzworld site looks dodgy. But is there a connection to Alefantis? I myself found a James Achilles in Vancouver...tracked it by the address of the Kidzworld company I think. Found his social media and that of family and verified in my own mind that it was a false lead. Here's one of the older threads, have a look through the comments:

I posted earlier today because I didn't want people 'reinventing the wheel' by going through the same process that we already went through. If new information has come to light, that's great. But I haven't got the time to look into this right now as I'm chasing other leads at the moment. If I was mistaken and hasty to write that the assumptions of this thread title was wrong then I apologize. I was just advocating for caution in terms of the Alefantis connection.

VieBleu ago

thank you for your reply - it's enough. I'll check the link. keep strong.

Madwack ago

yes and there are still weird connections.