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UncookedSpirit ago

Uhhh... so check out what's spray painted out in front of this place... you fucking with us, OP? O_O,-77.0285226,3a,15.3y,247.81h,75.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAS9gKpiIuzw5pFS-cmO5Tw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

r3dtr1x ago

It's right next to a playground at 11th & Monroe. It's called.. rather creatively.. "11th and Monroe park"

UncookedSpirit ago

? I don't see it from that point looking 360 degrees around, anyway.

r3dtr1x ago

you have to use google street view and go down the street a little.. look to the left. I was trying to see if streetview went around the back side of the property, and noticed there's a playground on the street corner