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This proves, as we should suspect, that Alefantis has his fingers in LOTS of pies. Since, so far as we know, Alefantis is not in the building industry, it is hard to imagine what his connection to this work could possibly be. The obvious conclusion is that Alefantis actually owns this house - I've seen information suggesting that he owns a good many properties - and that the record you've seen indicating that it is owned by Boris Tochilin is a mistake or is out of date. I wonder how far it is away from Comet.

SherlockMcGyver ago

I've added Boris as a friend on Facebook, we'll see what happens there. I found him on some Russian social networking site, as well. I have pics. Check it out.

meister_eckhart ago

Since, so far as we know, Alefantis is not in the building industry, it is hard to imagine what his connection to this work could possibly be.

He actually does have a tenuous link to a construction firm. One of his LLC's, HERECOMESYOURMAN (nice name) is co-owned with a guy named John Kreher. I found Kreher's LinkedIn which states he's a project manager with a DC-based general contractor called the Ley Group:

I'm pretty sure that the John Kreher from that LinkedIn page is the same person in this construction picture from Jimmy Comet's instagram:

Been lurking these threads for a while, and I've held off on posting this because, except for the above links, Kreher is a ghost on Google. The only other thing I can find on him is that he attended an art reception:

But he must be pretty close to Alefantis if they run an LLC together. If anyone could find a link between Alefantis and The Ley Group, that would be interesting.

mysecretidentity ago

I believe he Co owns at least 3 construction companies. ...

NoRagrets ago

16 mins at 0300.

NotAnIdiot ago

Or maybe the other name is just a fake person.


Why would you say that? He's clearly a real person.

NotAnIdiot ago

You're right. It was just a guess. I hadn't looked into it at all. There are actual records on him.


Yes, I considered the possibility of a bogus identity first, but then found evidence of his existence.

NotAnIdiot ago

That is the exact chain of events I went through.

webofslime ago

5 minutes