save_thechildren ago

Saudi's through Clinton Foundation??

DystopianDaze ago

Virtually all websites need maintenance periodically. Until this, I have never had cause to use the DC site. It has been working fine, but this may have been scheduled for some time, or it may be that it became necessary due to heavy traffic they have surely been experiencing of late.

NumbCuck ago

PG. Secondly, property owner's NAME: Conneb II LLC, H Gill & SonJPG. Now who the fuck is that?

Yep, just your everyday normal SAUDI investor who decides to turn those FIAT paper dollars into child sex organs paved from Dupont-Circle to DC Capitol

The problem with you theory is that you assumed the 'investor' wasn't the pedophile.

We now know PG. Secondly, property owner's NAME: Conneb II LLC, H Gill & SonJPG. Now who the fuck is that? SAUDI ARABIA

NumbCuck ago

PG. Secondly, property owner's NAME: Conneb II LLC, H Gill & SonJPG. Now who the fuck is that?


Conneb Ii LLC is a big Saudi Arabia firm fronted in DC seem to own all the real estate in the area,

Well now we have our SAUDI CONNECTION that links all the PEDO, ..think of this street as disneyland, you want kids, you know the logos to look for, and we also now know why all the crazy websites for child snuff videos views, probably for saudi clients abroad that eat up watching little white kids murdered,...


for me it looks like this:

CeepsNo ago

If what you are saying is true get better opsec. get off windows, run linux

HomeboyChris ago

Sounds like some CIA shit to me. Reminds me of Sandy Hook. Didnt they find a bunch of houses that were bought for $1?

popezandy ago

I fucking love you blueberries please teach me how to investigate like this. You are always constantly killing it.

Chance903 ago

Your outrage is dually noted. You are entitled to your feelings. It would behoove you to emotionally withdraw and try to think in a calm manner. a Response is always better that a reaction. I still stand by my post.

Nana66 ago

Tell me more about these $0 investment opportunities.

Hopevoats ago

You said it will not be tolerated by anyone; and I strongly disagree. I think the fact that pizzagate is a thing, at all, is testament to just how much it is tolerated.

Keep in mind that there different sets of rules for the plebes and the elites. This means that we must question the motivations behind those 30 year sentences. The big players rarely get caught; and I would wager that what they get convicted of is only a taste of what they have really done. The really nasty general population pedophiles are probably being recruited and integrated into the cabal. The stupid ones who show up on "To Catch a Predator" are just the right kind of patsies for convincing us that someone is paying a price for these crimes. The number of people arrested in the CP stings are a paltry drop in the bucket. I don't think it's economically feasible to go after all of them.

I don't talk about it a lot, because my friends and family don't generally have the critical thinking skills and/or mental stability to take on this horrific reality. But the ones who do entertain the concept seem to accept that this takes place, yet are completely unwilling to speak out. Nobody wants to rock the boat because they can't be bothered to swim.

zlomsocz ago

ASKING everyone to look into jay livesay who is mentioned on the permits, google his name the fb profile is satanic please upvote to help investigate and archive the people on the permits overnight!

zlomsocz ago

contractor or owner? Dennis Shaffer; Conneb Li Bruce Barnes Rodney Acker; Jay Livesay?

zlomsocz ago

i know these permits have been posted else where but to substantiate the arguement, here are 7 permits for comet ping pong, at least one of which says its for a basement renovation:,+washington,+dc+20008

YingYangMom ago

Comet Ping Pong address is 5037. 5015 is Politics & Prose.

bopper ago

Heavy Breathing Majestic Ape sniffing polish remover from, guess where, CVS (very plainly shown).

24Rainier7 ago

I have looked at google earth imagery and see some visual clues regarding tunneling/trenching , please see , without getting into all that detail here the significant thing that strikes me is that if there is common ownership and/or collusion no one is going to complain about the side effects of remodel and construction work. And there is a construction company right next door, just another convenient coincidence.

I also took a closer look at this image , and see . So there is a pharmacy nearby , ok fine, the picture shows two visual clues that could help narrow down some of what is going on. Clue 1 : the bar code, is there a way to read it from that image and decipher what it means ? Clue 2 : The pill bottle on the right shows RPH : Nathaniel ( I can't read the last name) . A quick search RPH = Registered Pharmacist . So, is this pharmacist working at the CVS ? Is there a way of determining who the prescribing doctor is ( anesthesiologist anyone ?). The context of the image is partytime , seems to me HIPPA is no longer much of a cover to suppress info. Input from medical professionals is more than welcome.

spez_dispenser ago

Possibly related history from the area: Clover Market

Child Lover

C Lover


http://www. << copy/paste and remove space.

On Connecticut Avenue between Nebraska and Fessenden, across the street from Marvelous Market and Politics & Prose, there was a lesser known convenience store called Clover Market. The store recently shut its doors for good, but many residents of the Forest Hills and Chevy Chase neighborhoods will not soon forget it.

I worked at Clover for three-plus years back when it was run by Joseph Kang. Before that, a man named Sam owned it and, as I’ve been told, he and his butcher Jim were a huge draw, much like the French-style oven of Marvelous Market and the amazing selection of books and series of great visiting authors at P&P.


Kids were my biggest customers. Some kids coming to the store after school didn’t have money. All kids like to have candy, so I gave them free candy.

Nana66 ago

Perhaps there's someone who inherited of these properties all at once? IDK if that would be how they would look transferred with no cost.

CandyPanda ago

I have run into this too in my research through OpenCorporates. The agent is a lawyer named Andrew J. Kline who is the acting agent on the majority of restaurants in the Washington Area (as well as some in Maryland). He's also the legal counsel for Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington. There's also an article where he was caught moving money around through a trust, and received a lot of support to lessen the penalty against him when it was discovered - he probably should have been disbarred. (I've posted the links several times, so I'm not going to do it again unless there's something specific to this needed). It's also all part of what's called the Golden Triangle which is an effort to revitalize the Washington DC area which dates back to the 90s. So at the surface, it's at least an example of crony capitalism, but that this guy was caught moving money through foreign sounding companies that didn't seem to exist (and went out of business right after he was caught), it's absolutely possible that money laundering is at work. Doesn't prove the cult angle, but certainly invites corrupt activity since there's no real checks and balances going on.

citizen444 ago

P1 is the probability that there is no collusion between the tenants when different landlords.
P2 is the probability that there is collusion between the tenants when different landlords.
P1 > P2
P3 is the probability that there is no collusion between the tenants when same landlord.
P4 is the probability that there is collusion between the tenants when same landlord.

P3 < P1
P4 > P2
But we still have P3 > P4

fvckh1m_up ago

Wow, an expert opinion, gonna get myself checked now, thanks

SeanBox ago

How far do these tunnels go exactly? John Podesta's house is only a few blocks away and I read Obama got a house right next to him. The tunnels could easily extend that far.

bryoneill11 ago

Conspiracy of Silence?

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Pence is moving to Chevy Chase and everybody threw up rainbow flags lmao

apparently lgbt outnumber everybody since the 70's when Lambda rising book and sex shop opened and this place was like a command post for organization of all the liberal rainbow and heartflower pride crap which has been such a benefit to the ph6sical and mental health of our collective society...I wonder if they know that the hiv associated encephalitis causing amoeba also discovered in primate in san diego at the same time aids came about (which is purposely misdiagnosed globally as an array different illness because it pronounces itself in so many forms of illness such as staph infections (a literal plague in the lgbt community) neurotoxoplasmosis necrotic diseases and meningitis encephalitis ) is also Heartshaped. Heart shaped HIV associated amoeba

baron_samedi ago

When did they add the extension to the comet, clearly it was not there , it says 4500 sqf but with the back store it seem over 8000 sqf.

try to have idea how far it goes with this video

KingKongisCTR ago

5025-5029? That makes it sound like they are connected somehow.

comeonpeople ago

People used similar property database records -- same purchase date, $0 price -- to support their insistence that Sandy Hook was a government conspiracy. Turns out those kind of entries are extremely common absolutely everywhere, usually it's because the place switches computer systems or something and re-enters info using placeholders and never get around to updating them.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

A lot of the parents had won multiple lottery payouts also.

Additionally there's a lot of evidence Newtown CT is a fake town run by spooks.

fvckh1m_up ago

Well something has yet to happen so at this point you're on par with Belgium. Not only that, also with Nazi Germany with the denial of the public of this problem similar to the extermination camps then. Most people had no clue and didn't want to hear anything about it! It's all just rumors and fake news, guys, nothing to see here! Talk is nothing as long as they can keep doing their heinous acts.

Modern day European (and most of Europe for centuries) doesn't care about waiting for corrupt authorities. If there's an unacceptable crime or movement things will get done some way or another. I can send you a small army of activists and they will happily rek your psychopath elite shit with proper Political Correctness. All it takes is a subtle hint of some sketchy business and some hooligan, activist or gang will respond quickly. It worries me nothing is done in America, it is either a sign of a deeply rooted problem (political turmoil is distracting the people), having a lying psychopath elite or a lack of disclosure. Don't you guys have bikers who know how to start a fire?

Sorry for this lecture, I'm sure you're as worried as I am. There is no shame in fighting this. Use the tools that you have.

Royce_of_Veason ago

Thank you, and you are correct. I think McCarthy may simply be who filed in VA, but Gill looks like he may indeed be the principal (or one of several) for the DC branch or the entity as a whole.

Royce_of_Veason ago

Okay so it seems that CONNEB II LLC which is run by John W Gill Sr is a branch of CONNEB II, LLC in Virginia which is run by Kevin McCarthy. Unfortunately there are 142 Kevin McCarthy listings in Virginia.


These two LLCs were filed one week apart in late 2002. TBH this is looking more and more like just a firm with investment property holdings. They could easily be involved or at the very least complicit even by just turning a blind eye. But potentially tenants would need permission for any structural changes not expressly allowed by contract.

Yuke ago

To save you some time

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Given the spirit cooking, if they are sacrificing kids, i'd be shocked if they weren't doing that. I can't even say the words, its so obscene to even fucking contemplate, god damn it.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Mate Hollywood is a pedo playground and everyones known it for years, Franklin had senators convening and they put the children they acknowledged were abused in jail, because they decided that, while the children were abused, they were lying about who did it. One lad went to jail, and only because it couldn't be avoided and the ring cut him loose. The only people who go to jail for trafficking are those who are deemed expendable by those in power.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

What the fuck this shit gets more and more bizarre... this is a great lead, I'd love to hear people dismiss this as ridiculous tinfoil theory

Hopevoats ago

I think it would be more appropriate to say that Americans have been trained to forfeit critical thinking in exchange for the false sense of moral superiority that accompanies religious extremism. Combine this with the comforts that accompany culture of isolationism and conspicuous consumption, and the result is a country full of people who are consumed with trying to keep up with what they think they should have and who they think they should be. Too busy for anything else.

They want to believe that they agree on "leave the kids alone", but they generally only care about their own kids and usually not even enough to protect them from the predators in their midst. If you don't believe this, then start asking around about how many children have been sexually abused by a family member or person brought into the household by a trusted parent. Then find out how many of those children have been called liars or told to keep the abuse a secret. Then you'll find out why Americans turn a blind eye to this most heinous side of human nature.

DystopianDaze ago


drunk420 ago

Dig deep into the construction company who was doing the work in his IG feed.

Thakiddds ago

Hypothetically if one of these guys were convicted sometime in the next 20 years. What is the likelihood they would actually see a prison cell. Do u get secret service in prison

llm2016 ago

Franklin Cover-up

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Red fox was one of the first videos i saw on this. It has a flower symbol, that has connections to child harm, in the concrete work. Similar flower to the one used by Biden in his friendship bracelet.

bibigirl_ ago


YouaremeandIamyou ago

Politics and Prose has a swirly symbol in the lettering. And a "children" section in the downstairs section -basement- with creepy "sell" sign, next to a "children" sign.

Chance903 ago

I worked the sex crimes unit , so you go ahead and disagree unless you have 20 years on the force, I am not having any of what you are selling.. But please feel free to think as you like.

Chance903 ago

because they need certain body parts for certain rituals , some people are rumored to eat the pineal gland , for a high.

By Henry Makow Ph.D. (from Dec. 12, 2009)

The Illuminati sacrifice children in rituals eight times a year, "Mary Anne," an Illuminati defector who had been groomed for high political office, told me Sept 21, 2008 .

I am summarizing my 2008 interview here and another 14 months later. Much of what she says is simply outrageous. I can't vouch for any of it. But it is consistent with the testimony of other defectors, Svali, Sue Ford and Cathy O'Brien. The Illuminati count on people to be incredulous. That's their protection. The more egregious their crimes, the safer they are.

Mary Anne sounds convincing to me. Why would anyone defy the most powerful people in the world? Decide for yourself. Also, both interviews, although 14 months apart, are consistent. People who invent stories rarely can keep track of them.

Sept. 21, 2008 was the autumnal equinox. Mary Anne said that tens of thousands of children will be sacrificed that night in Illuminati ceremonies. The children are bred for the purpose or kidnapped. Satanists believe they gain power from killing. Often they rip out the heart and eat a piece of it. They prefer it to be still beating. At Easter, they kill adults.

There are also sexual rituals involving young children. They are believed to increase power, and create fear and solidarity in members. - See more at:

1992 FBI Report – Satanic Ritual Abuse

by Kenneth V. Lanning, Supervisory Special Agent Behavioral Science Unit National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime HISTORICAL OVERVIEW

In order to attempt to deal with extreme allegations of what constitute child sex rings, it is important to have an historical perspective of society’s attitudes about child sexual abuse. I will provide a brief synopsis of recent attitudes in the United States here, but those desiring more detailed information about such societal attitudes, particularly in other cultures and in the more distant past, should refer to Florence Rush’s book The Best Kept Secret: Sexual Abuse of Children (1980) and Sander J. Breiner’s book Slaughter of the Innocents (1990.)

Society’s attitude about child sexual abuse and exploitation can be summed up in one word: denial. Most people do not want to hear about it and would prefer to pretend that child sexual victimization just does not occur. Today, however, it is difficult to pretend that it does not happen. Stories and reports about child sexual victimization are daily occurrences.

You will have to follow the links and read

YouaremeandIamyou ago

LLC -limited liability company. Description here:

Royce_of_Veason ago

In some businesses (insurance, real estate), "foreign" can just mean not domiciled in the state it's operating in, and "alien" would then mean out of country

Chance903 ago

Just curious, did you mean "what we need to consider?"

r3dtr1x ago

Might be Able to check with the county tax assessor and see who is paying the property taxes. A lot of times, if there is a mortgage, the taxes are paid by the bank holding the note.

r3dtr1x ago

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but a $0 real estate sale could be a quit claim deed, or a refinance. Correct? It's not uncommon for one investor to buy up entire strip malls.

jmbatl ago

Others elsewhere have pointed out that the info isn't provided unless logged in as a user and common to not disclose it unless you have access. The buyer is still interesting

jordankelly ago

Fuck yeah! I have nothing to add but thank you so so so so much. I could kiss u

Royce_of_Veason ago

I think the "Lic" is a misprint. And it seems the "Li" is "Ii" or actually ii, roman numeral 2. company info last name for principal/agent matches as well

Chance903 ago

Good job on looking into the real estate . Someone should stick on this. all of these rituals are performed somewhere , Real Estate agents have to be involved.

whirledpeas ago

Good thinking. Although, I think the realtor is the woman who signed the forwarded email (see her contact info near bottom).

unbiased_researcher ago

Fun fact: dennis shaffer and bruce barnes also did 3303 Water St NW, which belongs to Rosemary R. Howe. The interior designer that worked on Hillary's home:

whirledpeas ago

Oh that is a fun fact!

SecureYourSeats ago

It didn't list 5016 the property of Beyond Borders. hmmm

whirledpeas ago

So, checking into H Gill & Son...

Strange that the 'About Us', 'History' and 'Agents' pages are blank on this realtor's web site...

but apparently they are a Foreign Corporation.

They get mixed reviews on Yelp.

christhecoolbean ago

Question: Were these buildings already erected when they were purchased in 2003, or were they bought as empty spaces, then built upon?

Antonius ago

I'm starting to see a time frame for tunnel digging.

28leinad82 ago

My theory. Hear me out. This entire street has been bought up by the elite, designed for high profile and wealthy business people, nationally or internationally, to be able to partake in this sick pedo / ritual stuff, with complete discretion.

International? No problem, convert your currency at our Moneygram, nobody will tell anyone. Need fuel or other snacks etc? No chance of being spotted on CCTV, we own the gas station too. Help yourself to some drugs at our Pharmacy. Have a good time at Comet.. Go grab your video from the computer guys behind us. But they might be busy cleaning up after you so go relax at Politics & Prose for a few hours first.

All sorted.

The whole damn street is designed for FULL SERVICE sex trade, with complete discretion.

NumbCuck ago

PG. Secondly, property owner's NAME: Conneb II LLC, H Gill & SonJPG. Now who the fuck is that?

BINGO YOUR RIGHT - SAUDIS OWN the WHOLE STREET ALL THE WAY TO DC, probably because of the tunnel system under the road.

100% guarantee that this wet-cleaner is where they're disposing the corpses, it make perfect sense wet-clean machines with caustics, would just take a few minutes to liquefy a corpse flush it down the drain

RJGolden ago

I fully agree...This is probably all linked up via cam around the world..Could be live rape, beating until death, rape until death...Why would more then one pizza place have the password protected admin and live stream....Live stream what??????? It's a fucking pizza place.

Gorillion ago

Creepy idea isn't it. The real street is underground, the top is for show. Straight out of a horror movie.

HomeboyChris ago

Its definitely plausible. Alot of cities built underground tunnels for different reasons. War, prohibition, banned chinese, opium dens, prostitution, gambling, klan/mason activities etc. No reason it couldnt be going on here today.

Yates ago

It fits with where it sits on the pentagram street design too. Also the nearby DuPont Circle is right next to tons of embassies. Check on google earth, there are quite a few right behind it. Convenient with tunnels the and everyone employed in on it. It's their own safe space for evil.

Voidzyr ago

I find it hard to believe that they would risk exposing high profile members to such a wide range of regular employees. Either all those employees are in on it too (unlikely that all of them would be) or there is some sort of hidden entrance too.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

employees are mostly clueless

NotAnIdiot ago

Sure, the entry level ones generally don't care as long as they get paid enough.

LargePepperoni ago

It's not just a crime ring... It's a cult! Wow!

ThinkItThru ago

No. It's power elite capitalism to the Nth degree.

tallorder ago

Capitalism is state-sponsored usury. Communism is state-sponsored theft. Both bring society to a similar end.

ThinkItThru ago

No argument there.

LargePepperoni ago

This is extremely plausible.

Balarama ago

ive been digging around this immediate neighborhood--- a neighborhood DC advisory neighborhoods commissioner Frank Winstead accused James Al*fantis of "trying to turn into Adams Morgan with the murders, the rapes...the lying the cheating" (winstead, wcp 2008)--- and affiliation mapping++ ona few __ & vips embedded therein. Your zero $ aquisitional cluster interests me, nice research blue berr. Give me a day before replying; will monitor thread replies. For now, rethreading some affiliation maps & bios in light of newly aquired info.

*oh yea from Fank Winstead Gone Wild: The Recordings AMANDA HESS JUN 19, 2008 12 PM

Balarama ago

texted with CFO of small rural bank serves multiple counties, familiar with acquisition of commercial property, financing, foreclosures, etc; banking/finance not my expertise btw. Asked a very basic version of blueberries OP (with attached '3RD LAST PAGE' JPG which lists 'F1. Neighbors' 5023 thru 5103). Now bear in mind this dude unaware of zzagate.

Balarama: hey Anon doing some research, its kinda a real estate cmmrcial acquisitions question,bcan u offer explanation why 6 buildings on the same block (in upscale DC) could be acquired/purchased for $0?

in what situations do $0 bulk property purchases go down? & whats really happening with transfer/exchange of assets?

CFO Anon: Maybe they are worthless. For example, cost more to fix up or tear down than let alone. Or, an arms length transaction between family members. Could be some kind of succession planning deal too. Where they need the investment basis to be really small.

BLRMA: investment basis or invstmnt base?

ANON: Either, I think, will suffice. The price / value that is declared to the IRS. Eventually, a low basis will come back to bite you in the long-run. In estate matters, where selling is not a extent option, having a low value is not stupid. Unless you need it to borrow against. My point is, there could be a lot reasons. ...The real reason for valuing low is short-term tax obligation.

I'm unpacking this info while multitasking on other projects today but this may be helpful. I will interpret and try to add further value to this in coming hrs/days.

Yates ago

Yeah, it's fucking shit what they did to him. Did you see the video where a guy from a newspaper films himself going to Frank's house, mocking him the entire time in that same hipster fag hurr durr attitude. He knocks on his door and we see Frank for a second until he slams it shut. The newspaper employee continues laughing and mocking him.

People have supposedly tried contacting him for help but no response. I don't blame him. They really did a number on him and considering they're monitoring this site they probably sent someone there again.


could you link video please?


thank you for finding it

whirledpeas ago


I know nothing about the accuracy of this, but this website connects Conneb Li, LLC to contractors Dennis Shaffer and Bruce Barnes...

and lists a supplemental permit pulled by the above for Politics & Prose. Odd, I wasn't able to turn up permits for any of the other related addresses. Maybe I am somehow overlooking them.

YingYangMom ago

On the same page, you missed something that might be the reason you couldn't turn up permits for the related addresses. Go back to your link and go over the renovation permits again. There is this permit as well.

Revision to permit #b1208869 to change the address on the permit and plans.


This is big. This means something.

llm2016 ago

Remember the Hampstead Cover-up: The whole neighbourhood is one big pedo eco-system involving everything from the school/church to restaurants. Consistent with other similar cases so far.

llm2016 ago

Great find, and great point too!

28leinad82 ago

Regal Custom Wet Cleaners also does "computer repair". That's interesting!

"Expertise Computers is a locally owned computer repair store serving D.C. We have been repairing desktop & laptop computers for two decades. Customer satisfaction is our number one goal & we will attempt to meet all of your desktop & laptop computer repair needs. Web Development to small & medium sized businesses including;Networking, Website..."


strange website..

LargePepperoni ago

Ummm, do you guys remember that Ebay Seller Chessybay who was selling faulty hard drives?

llm2016 ago

"Cheese Pizza" Websites?

DystopianDaze ago

When DC's site is back up on Monday, I'll check their records against Property Shark's.

Kawksnahch ago

I'm just gonna guess at this:

5013: Drugs.

5015: Reason for adults to be there.

5021: Elite Wetworks Clean up

5031: Guns for

5035: A Most Dangerous Game

5037: Make sure you finish the surviving pizzas.

28leinad82 ago

This is a good find.. very strange.. and now we should look into all those businesses that we haven't really looked at yet!

28leinad82 ago

5013 = CVS Pharmacy and Moneygram

5015 = Politics & Prose and The Den Coffeehouse and Wine Bar

5019 = Sheffields Wine & Liquors

5020 = Exxon Gas Station

5021 = Regal Custom Wet Cleaners

5029 = Besta Pizza

5031 = Bucks Camping & Fishing

5035 = Little Red Fox

5037 = Comet Ping Pong

YingYangMom ago

Where is 5029 Besta Pizza?

Thakiddds ago

And sherwinn-Williams is convenient when you need paint thinner to remove suspect paintings on your walls..or cover a splatter

NotAnIdiot ago

Wet cleaners, money gram, CVS (drugs). It works together well.

save_thechildren ago

Wonder if the DEA has records on that pharmacy...


they also sell corrosive acids and have special order access to other chemicals

bopper ago

Heavy Breathing Majestic Ape sniffing polish remover from, guess where, CVS (very plainly shown).

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Where is 33?

28leinad82 ago

i only listed the ones that were purchased for $0 in his screenshot.

llm2016 ago

Money Laundering?

Chance903 ago

It is not about money laundering, that is just a side issue. It is about world wide transport and child rescue charities. & body parts. it is about Child commodity.