investigatethepizza ago

Wait, so did you find a comparable building on the street to look at what its square footage?

Also the thread was leading to

1) prohibition - basement and tunnels - okay so this makes things really interesting. I feel research about prohibition and the D.C. area might be something to look into. I would have to ask if the person who purchased this had that in mind, so it would have to be someone with a pretty good knowledge on it, or would the realtor mention it? It would seem that someone would have covered that up, because why the hell would it list that square footage but not disclose a basement, but say it's 2 stories when it's so small? So - is someone looking to purchase this with the basement/tunnels in mind? Was it covered and they knew it was there? I understand there would be a lot of people in D.C. that would specialize in history - but if these tunnels connect to other buildings that are owned within this whole pizzagate network.

This needs a followup post. I have found a lot of research through voat today that might tie this together?

2) People discussing the building being 20 years old, not really sure again why there wouldn't be anything noted about a basement, seems one that was sealed up and forgotten about makes more sense, but a new building we would see things about? I thought the permits that the community found were related to a different building.

3) Something small to add - I was using the archived images on google street view - you are able to view for almost 10 years back? I notice comet ping pong used to have a ping pong table outside - but then around 2011 the street view changes where it's a lot more closed off, it used to just be a normal looking storefront, then it went to a more enclosed dining area in the front with tall plants.

It might seem weird to note, but I'm not really sure when James involvement starts and ping pong actually switched to this whole pizzagate timeline. It says the building was bought 05, but is that really how far back it goes?

I am suspicious of the Politics & Prose place that's a few doors down, saw it mentioned in a wikileaks email that was sort of strange back in 2008.

**edit just found this in another thread DIRECTLY RELATES "DC underground - There is an abandoned underground streetcar tunnel running the length of the street where Comet, Besta, Terasol, and Beyond Borders are located, could be used for any illegal activities related to this affair, images on JimmyComet Instagram show underground construction happening at Comet."

SO the buildings were purchased with this in mind? Do any buildings they don't own link to it? Do only the buildings owned link to it? If any others did, they would've sealed them I would imagine.

quantokitty ago

Lots of questions here: (1) No, did not even look for comparable square footage. I got sidetracked. And the stories are listed so it's two. Do I believe Alefantis had inside knowledge of tunnels? Absolutely. It's like the kids in LI involved with the Son of Sam killings/rituals. They knew and were actively using the underground tunnel system. (2) The building is older than 20 years. It was built just before prohibition ended which is another reason that it could (and probably did) have tunnels. (3) I think the tool you discovered is fantastic, but it wouldn't necessarily help in this case. And, yes, the outside has changed when they added the patio seating. They also sealed up the space between the building McCullough was renting and CP. (4) Yes, I'm now suspicious of P&P also. I mean, WTH?!!! (5) I'm sure the buildings were purchased with this in mind. The same with Pegasus Museum. They scoped out that place ten years ago. JA & Co when I posted a pic proving the place was on their radar in 2007, but I was right. The painted "kids" was ruled out as being connected with JA & his majestic apes because it'd been there for ten years, but so had they! It had to be them that tagged that place.

Cbradio ago

Hi, I had started to do research on big cheese llt and the house Alefantis owns. I pulled up various county records. There are 4-5 building permits with the house that span a two year period. Stairs, fire windows, and more. I will post when have a chance to, soon.

I also did research on the two comet health dept records. I wrote extensive analysis of discrepancies and lackings on another subverse, and that two different inspectors were used, and same female supervisor signed each record. Usually a inspection will utilize one inspector so that nothing is overlooked.

Many areas need digging. The two construction guys, which I hope are safe. I wrote about a older in DC that has advocated over a decade on the mass cold cases of all ages, including infants, most black. He surely could help get those workers identified.

Also, mini remote cams could be placed at safe distances and legally of various locations. Testing water runoff, sewage, street, river, matsh behind is possible evidence that is lost, each day that goes by.

The attorney listed on the house records, I began to dig up also. He is listed with two Dif addresses.

In the search, not sure of any know; I found a possible added victim to Clinton death list. Hillary had a driver, that was oddly hired with many past driving charges. Hillary had over $5 k ( maybe over $10 k) in illegal parking charges, including parking or blocking handicapped and fire zones. Hillary "excuse, " of course, is she did not know, and its the drivers fault. As if, all the parking tickets of her red porshe were not in her awareness, to ensure driver parks correctly or just even freaking pay the cheap parking tolls.

Right before the driver was to appear in court after his subpoeno, he was oddly hit by a car in a parking lot and killed!/ As usual, DOP, Loretta L had waived Hillary's parking tickets. ( as so many low income people are arrested and put in jail for not paying. Ones say, well if showed up to court would not be arrested and pit on a payment plan. Yet, many cannot afford the payment plan as in abjunct poverty or living paycheck by paycheck, regardless of working 40 plus weeks. Many Walmaet, fast food, blue collar workers are on foodstamps. Many are in financial binds with forced Obamacare payments).

I appreciate your hours of work in researching the basement. A 360 degree search in all areas that connect are not only how to solve case; but also how to build base legal cases that will stand in court and prestrategize outcomes, so that court cases will fully end and stop entire pedogate and multi connected corruption's that also dire impact millions of lives in just America, but also abroad..

Everyday, pedogate victims are in dire life and death. Everyday, public health care victims are suffering and dying, also as public health care frauds are ignored, not addressed, and are from prior pres eras that enabled and covered up have easily escalated, as publication c tax dollars are defrauded in only, trillions.

To downplay that Dc area would not have their own in groups of convenient set ups, is at minimum, naive. Of course, convenience would be created. Time is money is time, and bones that overcharge, entitled hours are expecting even one minute of their time to be worth more than an entire week of work for the masses.

The podesta and Clinton emails care full of phrases, such as, " I have an hour to eat a pizza." ( not verbatim, just giving examples).

More time has been spent to stop subverse topics and content, then add content or just keep it moving if not interested in a lead. Efficiency in movements is key to solving and saving lives. In the shoes of victims, it goes down that everyday, every hour, every minute, and even every minisec; not only matters, but in dire life or death crimes or severe pain as a victim of crimes or medical necessity needs blocked or delayed, every mini sec is a pounding tortorous pain to endure through.

There are many that consistently comment that pedogate is false, or other phrases to demean or dissuade areas to investigate, or harp on their assumptions of a generalized content by ones. They have never been called out. And ones calling out, most do not even post content to wrote up what takes many of us, mass mass hours to days/ weeks of research, day and night.

Noone is paid that assists. Many of us already have very heavy wagons to pull daily to meet our life responsibilities, and some already assist many in their lives, already overcompensating with no time.

In life, when bad issues happen, ex: car accident/ veteran scandal victim, ones learn that many do not care and will not help even do a advocating phone call. That is, an appreciation when any person gives their time, labor and effort is a very strong indicator of legit, ethics, compassion, giving of time and self and is a value that money cannot buy, but is a conscious choice to give and sacrifice time and self as care with ethics, integrity and compassion.

I desire to work with ones that do give of their own limited time and have mutual respect and appreciation. Solving and successfully stopping pefogate and related multi corruption can only come/ become from hours given of research and dissemination as collaborating on effort.

Yes, this is bit of an aside commentary; yet as usual is an issue on many subverses where someone has put much effort and time to research and post. All that choose to do those actions of labor are pieces of the puzzle, and each pets n is a piece that can add significant value to solve and stop at the roots.

Every pedocase has not stopped the root of each case or pedo in its entirety; nor even given justice, safety to victims and then investigative advocates, but the disturbing opposite as only a few fall guys arrested, and very short and entitled sentences.

Every case and also the Clinton death list makes this issue very nonsafe. Every person that researches and posts, is also giving in a case that could bring potential harm and danger to themselves or relatives. That should be a respected mutual concern, have each others back.

To authentically care of pedo children victims, takes authentic value in all decent people to not be expendible. I only care to dissiminate with ones that have these consistent, ethical value systems. Ethics has no middle ground, requires consistency and is via conscious choice. Erased subverses equates as a lot of hard labour that took much effort and time to research and post is erased. Very disrespectful and does not lead to successful investigations, advocacy or court cases and action to stop and prevent.

I dug up a lot on Alefantitus house with county victims, his attorney, and more that I will post as soon as catch up on things that were unec delayed again, by unec nonsense as each day, hour, minute, mino sec is pertinent to victims. That weighs on my conscious daily, and surely is the drive that induces ones to research and post in long labours and efforts, as already trying to manage heavy burdens of life responsibilities in a society that is escalating the daily struggle and creating more victims of govt corp corruptions.

I joined this effort as already giving over four years of my life, every week to helping public healthcare victims. I spent my life, consciously choosing to give freely in advocating all types of corruption cases, including going to courts, public hearings, higher education, training in areas of trauma and assault, mass research. My schedule has already been overcompensated for over a decade, and greatly so in the four plus years of public healthcare advocacy that is very well documented.

I and many have patiently been waiting for society to wake up and have concerns on pefogate and mass corruptions. Yet, as a Franklin era victim/ survivor/ advocate, many other connected victims/ advocates have been saying on their blogs or in private to me; that hope is wary for safety concern strategies and real legal winning strategies that both past pedogate and all types of corruption cases have clearly demonstrated that well thought, new strategies and not repeat/ preventing mistakes, not foreseeing potential outcomes that have already happened are being ignored or minimized.

I hope that ones of hardworking value and decent integral, ethic traits, reach out to me and others and work to continue to build a healthy construct/ environment to continue to pursue evidence, document, justice for all who investigate, advocate and for any potential victims that want to reach out to share their info or need help. Even the potential for a child victim to come across a cell phone and quickly try to use it to reach out or to escape is a statistical probability of at least one percent that should be considered in strategy and concerns for a healthy construct of investigation on public platforms. If what I wrote is of no use to ones, that is OK. I write to reach out, dissiminate and work with ones of ease of mutual value and respect;/and rest is of no use to solving or saving lives at all or expediantly. Have a nice day, and thank you to any that do give of their time, effort and labour to research and post their findings in high appreciation. A lifetime ally of life in documented mass series of events.

What I have learned, and a long time ago is the recognition of laboring advocacy and any type of surviving victims; quite quickly can recognize such and appreciate that rare finding that is definetely not a dime a dozen. It is certainly, gross ingrained as imprints in societies to turn face, not choose ethics, minimize, deny, ignore harms to life and govt corp, top pyramid corruption's and all of that, which has been mirrored in mass populaces. Pyramid schematic societies or investigations will never resolve, nor have.

jstayz44 ago

Ok, I was going from memory when I wrote above, and just tried to upload the pic to Imgur but failed. The blog is called On the Virg, which I linked to from Evie's Crib (many apologies for tech illiteracy) and the quote was actually from a post under the date Thursday Dec 27, 2012 which states "Disclaimer- VIRG expresses no opinion about the motives anyone selling chicken or about the Hobby Lobb..." Also linked from Evie's Crib as the blogger's "blog I follow" include "Evie&#;s Crib" "Jack&#;s Place" and "no" . Not sure if the significance of the spellings, but had read elsewhaere that there was a place to make a purchase on Evie's Crib, but I never saw that. I don't know if the significance, but help from others to determine the rabbit hole validity is welcome. Shitheads are not, which will make me think you're a phony anyway.

quantokitty ago

Agree that more investigating needs to be done. Could be a faux corp and could be an umbrella company that has a lot of businesses under their umbrella.

r3dtr1x ago

The photo of the supposed 'basement' in Comet Ping Pong, the one where they are digging for whatever reason, if you look closely, you can see an open exterior door on the left side of the photo (it's bright because of all the sunlight coming in). This makes it look like a walk-out basement / partial basement. If you look at the aerial view of Comet Ping Pong on Google Maps, you can see that this door likely goes to parking area at the back of the place.

quantokitty ago

Oh, I never said that was the basement in Comet. Never. You can read all my posts. Nope, wasn't me. I noticed the same thing you did and dismissed the claim on that reason. There are other pics without this bright light, but I don't know where those were taken. Do not. All I know is that the stories listed are TWO for both Comet and Bucks. Bucks does not have an upstairs which means the basement counted as a floor. Since it's now proven that Bucks has a basement, we can safely say this. By using logic, we can also safely assume that Comet does also. That's all that this post and my other post on this subject say.

This photo could have been taken on the "farm" that JA kept visiting and referring to, but I don't know that either. It's a guess, and guesses aren't factual. I try to keep it real and the reality is that Bucks and Comet both have basements.

onemilligram ago

I agree. I just hope some hard evidence pops up soon before all this shit fades away.

onemilligram ago

I'm not saying it didn't happen, in fact, it would not surprise me at all if this was all true it's sick as fuck and i don't put it beneath any of these evil fucks. However, I want to see some real proof that we can nail these fuckers with. From what I can see now is while disturbing as all hell I don't seen anything but speculation. I hope some real hard evidence pops up.

dFrog ago

I remember an anon on /pol/ saying that there was a Subway "above" Comet. Is there any truth to that?

burnerfortheday ago

Hey OP - can you have a look at - the building behind it is part of CPP and measures exact see the shots on this. But Bucks is double in size as to what it should be also in that post. I used you work in doing this would you be able to help out and look into Bucks?

quantokitty ago

I'm glad this helped you in searching out Bucks.

I'm reducing this square footage to the simplest denominator which is: both Bucks and Comet have liquor licenses. Where is the alcohol kept?

Remember, that Alefantis gave a tour of the "entirety" of Comet and yet no prep area for food was shown, no storage for food, and NO STORAGE FOR ALCOHOL! Even if they were to rent storage units, they would have to have the ability to store alcohol on the premises. Where is it kept?

burnerfortheday ago

From the street view and satellite view there is a second unit at the back of CPP roughly the same square footage. I measured on maps and its exactly the 3925 square foot, so you raise some interesting questions.

quantokitty ago

Another thought that came to me last night, in the video where Alefantis led those two idiots (they can't even work a camera without getting their thumb in the way?) on a tour, where were the storage units? Where was the kitchen where the prep work was being done? Obviously, there had to be more to the restaurant than tables where people eat and ping pong tables. There had to have been workers there preparing/prepping the food. There had to be food stored, so where the hell was it? Note the bathrooms were hidden behind what looked to be walls that were not walls. Is that where the kitchen/storage area is? The video is proof of something going on because what was supposed to be a tour of the place wasn't! It omitted important parts ... the most important parts of the business!

quantokitty ago

The ugly truth is that he doesn't have to be. He has everyone covering for him. When you have TPTB behind you, you can get away with anything. Just look at the DuPont sentencing. Even after being child molestation/rape being proven, the judge determined that jail would be too harsh and serve no benefit. I mean, WTH? Prison isn't supposed to be beneficial!!! It's a damn punishment!

quantokitty ago

Thanks for this. And, yes, everybody post as much as you can. You never know what will yield a clue.

quantokitty ago

I hope you're right. And, yes, a lot of people are digging into this. I like that fact. We each have a different perspective and somebody is going to strike gold. There is clearly something there. I think the efforts should be put towards proving there was a basement. I'm sure there's a basement that is now connected through a tunneling system to Bucks, but where does it lead? There have to be records about what businesses operated at that address. What would they be under? If someone is in the DC area, can they make a trip to County Records and ask the nice clerks for help?

YouaremeandIamyou ago

If it were anyone else, except Mr been to the white house five time Alefantis, caught out in a lie of this magnitude, there would be police knocking his door down. Even so, it is pushing incredulity to new heights that they have not even pretending to do anything yet. Who is Alefantis getting favours from, I am curious? He claims to have asked the FBI for help, stopping pizzagate spreading, as well as youtube etc.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

This excellent find, also points out big cheese lcc and comet pizza have the same phone number. 16 employees at comet pizza and 4 at big chees lcc, which says it is in specialty foods.

quantokitty ago

Yeah, I find this LLC interesting -- and maybe promising.

quantokitty ago

Thanks for this. I'm sure there are basements and that the basements between Comet and Bucks are connected by now. The thing to remember is that the Thai Room was there for a long time. Restaurants have to have storage areas. Usually that comes in the form of having a basement. Freezers and such take up room. What about deliveries being made? They need to go somewhere?

crosshairs ago

More information on the Thai Room which occupied the CPP location. Closed in 2005 but was there since 1972.

From what I can tell, the Thai Room that used to be on Connecticut Avenue in NW DC up there where Nebraska Avenue crosses, closed up shop in 2005 after a 30 year run. I think there’s some kind of ping pong pizza restaurant with an even better known locally famous sign there these days that lets free form jazz pick up combos make experimental noises in the back.

The Thai Room looks like it has moved:

The new Thai Room is now located in the old Walter Reed area of Washington

Cannot find the new Thai Room location on yelp

DystopianDaze ago

Unfortunately, it is speculation that many are repeating (endlessly) as being factual.

jstayz44 ago

That's BESTA PIZZA!!! Jack Prosobiec Periscoped his visit and it looks exactly like that!!!! He also said that there was a strange picture hanging up with a ladder to an opening to the second floor, with a piece of linen over the "opening," and the text with the picture said something about "enteri and experience your dreams." I'll find the periscope posted on Twitter by @jackprosobiec . He has since been interviewed by InfoWars about his experience.

onemilligram ago

I don't disagree it seems fishy as sushi. WAs just wondering if there was any hard evidence yet.

quantokitty ago

That is hard evidence. It's not disputed and what they exchanged. That means it didn't come from us, it came from them and would be considered "hard evidence" in a court of law.

onemilligram ago

Sorry for my ignorance, but is there any proof that this is an actual conspiracy? I see a lot of people talking about PizzaGate but I don't actually see any proof of it, an I missing something?

quantokitty ago

To me, the memo from Luzzatto is particularly damning. Adults being enticed to a dinner party so they can swim with underage children that aren't related. And the Evie's Crib site ... YIKES!!!! Talking about video time with an underage girl that will be raw and uncensored?!!! Come on! Then there's Podesta asked being asked if he left a pizza-related mapping handkerchief on a kitchen island. How would one even know what "mapping" is? The fact it was emailed without Podesta going, "WTH are you talking about" means that receiver and sender were comfortable with the jargon. There's lots more, but I'll give the link that shows the email and pic of Evie's Crib.

onemilligram ago

Thanks for that. Ill check it out.

onemilligram ago

The problem I have with the whole pizza gate thing is it seems pretty unlikely that it would be a huge pedophile/torture/murder thing. I admit that I have not done a whole lot of research on the subject but the fact that it was banned from reddit got me interested. I mean, how would you find members>? Hell, I'm afraid to tell most people I'm a Republican, how do murderous, pedophile, torturers meet each other? And how do major political figures get involved?

DeathToMasons ago

This individual is a disinfo agent. Clicked his screen name and immediately saw that he was posting about "Flat Earth". Veterans can smell these frauds a mile away.

onemilligram ago

How does flat earth make me a disinfo agent? lol You should investigate Flat Earth before you say things about it.

quantokitty ago

Look, there is plenty of confirmation that this type of thing goes on. Canada had a huge bust of a pedophile ring as did Norway. Rings are very common. And if you had done research, you'd know that it's easy to build a ring. What do you think the color coded handkerchiefs are for? These signals are known only to those involved. I would be oblivious to anyone displaying a black and white checked hankie, but it would mean something to another pedophile. At least do a primer on the known cases and see how that ring got together. Nobody here is going to try to convince you of something going on. I can assure you of that. If you don't think so, then you don't. I don't have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is the disturbing language/jargon and equally disturbing pics that Alefantis/Podesta and the rest of these a$$holes used in their communication. Most definitely, Evie's Crib shoots to the top of the list as being nauseating. What the hell adult pool party would ship in underage kids to swim around in the pool? Not only ship it in -- but use it as an enticement for adults to attend? Earth to Podesta & Co.: For most adults, including me, having kids at an adult dinner party is the ultimate turn off. It's when I beg off and say, "Kids are coming to the party? Gee, I'm really sorry, but I just remember I have something else to do!" In fact, IF an adult is stupid enough to bring kids along, the host usually frames it as an apology. It goes something like: Yeah, the party is going to be awesome, but I gotta warn you that Polly Stupid is bringing her d^mn kids again. Why she can't get a sitter for those brats, I don't know, but she says they're definitely tagging along and looking forward to a swim so they will be in the pool. I'm really sorry about this. Maybe we can all pitch in and give her some money to find a babysitter for the next time." That's pretty much what would be written to me and most of the adults I know. NO! We don't like underage kids splashing around at an adults dinner party unless the kids are our own.

onemilligram ago

I never said it dosen't go on I was simply asking if there was any hard evidence I.e. photos, videos, etc. that implicate those involved. It's creepy and sick as shit from what i've seen but the news media and law enforcement will never go after such big fish as John P and Hillary unless there is some undeniable proof. I just hope it breaks before this goes cold. A year form now everyone still talking about it will be considered conspiracy nutters and noone will care anymore.

quantokitty ago

Yes, if nothing is found, it will go away.

However, we still don't know what Assange had/has. I hope whatever he was going to use is still viable and gets published.

llm2016 ago

You answered your own question - go do your research.

quantokitty ago

Yes, that's what I thought. You have to be able to walk under the floor for it to be considered a separate story. Some people have a sunken living room, but that doesn't constitute another story.

ThinkItThru ago

According to this link posted by OP, the lot size is .09 acres. An acre is 43,560 square feet. Multiply that by .09 and you get 3,920. So the building fills the entire lot and the sq. ft. of a 1 story is the same as the lot size. This is confirmed by measuring the building on Google Maps. But it is listed as two stories. Most likely because it has a full basement which is unfinished, therefore not included in the building size in the listing. However, the front of the building is almost the same height as the building next door which is two stories. If there is no apartment above, it seems most likely that the second story refers to a basement, quite common in buildings in the DC area.

totally_deplorable ago

there was a time machine function on google maps at one point... I wonder if you could go back on that location and verify it hasn't changed in the time period that satellite info is from

quantokitty ago

I don't know about that. I'll try to see if there's something else with that capability. I wonder if public records in DC are online? It seems that records of what businesses would be there.

quantokitty ago

Is there? I didn't even know it existed. The thing is, it may calculate based on the two floors. What we need to find out is the square footage of the dining area ... the one floor that you see. Doesn't anyone life in Washington? If someone could just get one of those light measuring tools, they could mark down the outside dimensions of that first floor. It would be slightly larger than the interior, but we could get a rough number of how many square feet the actual restaurant is.

diamond-_sutra ago

4,000 sq ft, if the back half is also Come Ping Pong, which I believe it is.

quantokitty ago

Well, the total space is 4,000 something. I forget what the total was, but that's with the lot.

diamond-_sutra ago

If it's 3,925 square feet of floor space, then it's only one floor. I just measured the dimensions using Google Earth data, the footprint I got was approx. 4k sq ft. The back half is CPP too, right?

SecureYourSeats ago

Where I live it is typical to NOT give the dimensions of a basement. Even our home which has a walk in basement, the bottom floor was not included in the total square footage.

quantokitty ago

What you'd have to do is measure a two story house and a known square footage. Use one off a real estate site. See if the square footage matches the total given on the site. If it does, Google Map takes into account all floors.

quantokitty ago

Yes, but you don't know if that includes the basement. That's the point of that not working in terms of finding out if there are two levels.

MadMonkey ago

Good eye and clever solution.

DystopianDaze ago

Proof? And did the other people in the US and Canada named Alefantis do the same?

justiceforever ago

Nah, it's a family name. Already debunked that.

Rigg5 ago

Maybe his family gave him the name. The occult lifestyle is generational. People are raised with two different lives and indoctrinated from birth. Just saying, it may still be relevant.

justiceforever ago

I agree that that's a possibility

blackguard19 ago

Who was the fellow in that Instagram photo in Comet that actually had a "J'aime les enfants" t-shirt on?

justiceforever ago

That's the owner of la enfant cafe, iirc

HomeboyChris ago

The back entrance to this place is so perfect for coming and going discretely. They frequently close down the whole restaurant for private events i guess too. Which i dont get how practical that is, seems like you would piss off customers who show up during business hours and youre closed.

r3dtr1x ago

business hours... all 5 hours a day?

quantokitty ago

Yeah, I don't know about that either. So many mysteries.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Most low-margin pizza/family places couldnt afford to do that, good thought.

DystopianDaze ago

The property was purchased in 2005 by Christopher Achilles LLC, and that entity remains the owner of record. (Achilles is James Alefantis' middle name, btw.)

No permits have been pulled.

The business license is under Big Cheese, LLC.

DeathToMasons ago

Did you just say Achilles is his middle name? So his Achilles heel is that he loves children? Not important or anything...but good lord. C'mon.

DystopianDaze ago

Yes. I only mentioned it because it is part of the name of the LLC that is the property purchaser/owner of record.

Antonius ago

But...but...but...does this mean alefantasy was lying? SIGNS POINT TO YES

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. As much as I hate this guy.... I fucking love this guy. Like, Dude just just can't help but reinforce all of the allegations surrounding him. Thank god we're not dealing with the tesla of kid fuckers.

The fact that it's two stories doesn't mean shit... Oh wait, it means that fuck face was lying about that Innocent factor. Why lie about that innocent factor, Fuck Face?

Most the stuff that's been found, is circumstantial evidence, regardless of the astounding amount... and it's simply one side of a story. I'm sure Mr. alefantis, is a respectable lad, with a knee slapper of an explanation for all this.a rational explanation for everything. JK! Fuck face is giving tours of the sketch ass restaurant, while being filmed for the world, while not addressing a single reason that people have some sketch feelings about this sketch ass restaurant, in an extremely sketchy fashion.

The guys who filmed the aforementioned video Didn't even ask him to address some of the most damning points, so how is it alefantis fault for not answering them? have no fear, fuck face and Company are going to do a 35 minute interview, to finally put this outlandish, career ruining, alt right conspiracy theory to rest

Uh oh. This is it, It's over guys. He's going to explain why we're retarded...JK! I am not going to address a single factor or instance, that has made a large population of the world, Fairly certain I fuck children

But Don't worry, He brought his friend," who has looked into the allegations against james and cpp". He then goes on to explain and disprove every aspect of the so called " Case" against alefantis. *You guessed it... J FUCKING K. He too says they're not true, without addressing a single specific "what not's true", Let alone, why they're not true.

jstayz44 ago

3 points: 1) love your use of "dude" 2) love your use of "fuck face" 3) love your enthusiasm for catching these sick motherfuckers. Ok, 4 points total: 4) love that sarcasm. You have a new fan, but that's not what this is's about these kids and the faster we move the more we save!

justiceforever ago

Well we already know there's two floors. An upstairs and then the downstairs which is inside a hill. It's kinda underground, kinda not.

A real smoking gun would have been if there were actually three floors.

Sorry guys.

SecureYourSeats ago

Google earth shows no hill. Nice try though.

justiceforever ago

Yeah it does. Go to the back of the building, you can see where cars park and there's a slight drop off.

quantokitty ago

Steps aren't a floor. You have to have two separate floors -- be able to walk and live underneath it.

pizzathrowaway ago

I am not sure. I looked up houses I know have basements on the same propertyshark website and they didn't count the basement in the floors count.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Prohibition. The place was built in '32 a year before it ended... Most facilities that had basements used them to either store transport brew or cater liquor. Tunnels were used during prohibition as well. More likely, that place was built with a basement not included in the original plans. Chevy chase has a history during prohibition several speak easys were there in basements pre-1933. I mean think of being a business guy in 1931-1932 not knowing when prohibition would end, and knowing how hard washington was clamped down on for liquor, knowing congressman visited certain speak easys to drink...wouldnt you raise a big building with a semi secret basement asap?

KingKongVoats ago

I remember reading a month ago that the building 'comet ping pong' is 20 years old, its a strip mall that involves six businesses.

In 1930's there was probably a two story house, why would people pull building permits and talk about what was there 90+ years ago?

If I posted this bullshit the mod's would delete it, but if the idiots post un-related bullshit it stands.

Here is what needs to be done, get the drawing for the building permit for the current building that stands today and see if the drawing show a basement.

Talking about what was there 500 years ago, there might have been an indian Tee-Pee they may have butchered an animal, I say we excavate the area and find the remains from 500 years ago, that will prove the place is a historical witch zone. Witches have always kidnapped children, read your fairy tales.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Wtf! Prohibition 1932 its in the record. And tunnels that went down Connecticut into DC. This is the same family ties same network same means of secreting and smuggling now as what was used then for liquor (probably people and children as well). Coincidentally there was a Chevy Chase country club near Milwaukee that has the same tunnels same secret rooms that were used for the same reason in the 30's as what is going on now. They never let a good thing (for them) go to waste.

quantokitty ago

Whoa, why so hostile, my friend?

The current real estate sites all say the same thing. Two floors and 3,925 square feet. The property has been sold before and the last time was in 2005. Nothing in the info has changed. That's why I did this search. If there were now one story, it should be reflected from the last time it was sold, but it's still listed a two stories the same as the original structure.

Dude, I can't get much clearer than that. And you gotta tone down the hostility. We're just trying to untangle the mystery here. Think about Evie's Crib and creepy people getting into the pool with 7, 9, and 11 year olds. Think about the headline to the website Evelyn is growing up. Soon she will be the queen of the entire US of A. right now, for a limited time only, you can spend some time with her online, raw and uncut.". Think about one of Jimmy Comet captioning a pic of a man holding a baby with the hashtag #chickenlovers. We're not creating the problems for this dude, HE created the problems for himself.

jstayz44 ago

Please check out Tamera Luzzatto of the Pew charitable Trusts, she is the woman pictured with the three children Ruby, Emerson and Maeve on Evie's Crib. Her son is Ben Luzzatto and he is married to Alexandra Tydings Luzzatto, and they are both artists in the DC area. Alexandra, according to Wikipedia (I know, but bear with me) has "an Illuminati bloodline." But, no shit, that part was under "occupation" and has since been stripped from her profile (I posted this info to Twitter, but have not seen much else on it. I also took a screenshot of the Wikipedia posting and will try to figure out how to upload it as proof that I'm not out of my fucking mind.) Tamera's daughter is Marisa Luzzatto Neaville, with a long career serving the Clintons and the Dems...she is MOTHER TO EVIE - Evelyn Neaville, the baby posted on Evie's Crib as raw and uncut. Furthermore, the blogger managing Evie's Crib, Mr. T, also hosts other blogs featuring children, and one blog post on a blog with the name "Jack" in it said something about not opposed to posts from chicken lovers.

quantokitty ago

Oh, dear God! This makes me nauseous! I'm not even complaining at this point about law enforcement believing everything, but for freakin' heaven's sake, they can't even tell there's something wrong with Evie's Crib?!!!! I mean, come one! This is why everyone is so driven. When noting is done about something so obvious, we get fired up to prove something sick is going on to get the authorities to act!

quantokitty ago

OH, WAIT!!!! DING, DING, DING!!!! Did you say prohibition? Didn't they have tunnels to secrete liquor shipments in and out?!!!! Now we're getting somewhere!!!! And he is using an OLD LIQUOR STORE sign!!!!

crosshairs ago

From what I can tell, the Thai Room that used to be on Connecticut Avenue in NW DC up there where Nebraska Avenue crosses, closed up shop in 2005 after a 30 year run. I think there’s some kind of ping pong pizza restaurant with an even better known locally famous sign there these days that lets free form jazz pick up combos make experimental noises in the back.

Upon further research - the Comet sign was purchase from another location

Do you remember Comet Liquors in Adams Morgan? Located on Columbia Road between 18th and 19th Streets, it had a distinctive neon sign. Most who remember the business don’t realize it was opened by a Jewish immigrant in 1940 and continued to be Jewish-owned throughout its existence. - See more at:

at the end of the article:

A professional photographer was hired to take exterior and interior photographs before the store closed. The iconic neon sign was purchased by a local restaurateur and now hangs at his restaurant, Comet Ping Pong on Connecticut Avenue NW. - See more at:

LostandFound ago

The liquor sign, your dead right always kinda wondered with all the blatant symbols in certain surrounding stores why they kept the namesakes sign. He is flaunting it.

Scoundrel ago

You're totally on to it. Great connection.

quantokitty ago

The beauty of it is that the tunnel wouldn't be recorded or in the public records. That would have been defeating the purpose of having it.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Check out this infographic, is this a hidden tunnel that had been dug in the "walk in freezer" at Comet?

dustygozangas ago

no some anon mentioned it was in germany, not the US

greenlentils ago

I doubt it. Bottom photo floor has distinct lines across it that don't show up in the hole photo. So even if they renovated the above space, if they had put in those grooves after the fact, they would have also hidden the damage better.

Rigg5 ago

Please don't downvote me to hell, but without clearer pictures, we can't make it out that well. It looks like a stain and the finish on that "killroom" is different. Just so happens it's in a similar position as the other photo. Might be a useful lead, but I think we have better things to look into.

Scoundrel ago

Omfg, that is so freaking creepy. You know damn well what that trap door (seems to be a theme) is where the bodies go. #killroom

stickittotheman ago

Should investigate those names on that last PDF. I found this interesting Mike Silverstein is a commissioner of the Dupont Circle: Ruthanne Miller, Chairperson Nick Alberti , Member Donald Brooks, Member Herman Jones, Member Mike Silverstein, Member Hector Rodrigue z, Member James Short, Member

srayzie ago

When some people went to Comet and spoke to James Alefantis, he let them go in and look around. I'm sure they cleaned up knowing that they are under suspicion. But, the guy videoed walking down stairs to enter into the kids birthday party room. That's probably why it says 2 stories.

quantokitty ago

No, going down steps isn't considered a floor or story. It would be a walk-down, but not a separate floor. You have to have a level UNDER another level (and enough room to walk around under the level) for it to be a story.

FuckTheseSickos ago

Wait... You don't believe that video walk through to be 3,900 square feet? Come on now. I'm in RE and that is definitely 4,000sqft.

EDIT: Removed silly grammar.

quantokitty ago

If you're in RE, then you know basements are not included in the square footage. "Basements should NOT be included in square footage according to Fannie Mae and ANSI guidelines. In short, if the area is below ground level, it doesn't count as living space. This does not mean a basement cannot contribute to the value though."

FuckTheseSickos ago

Why are you quoting residential appraiser guidelines??? You quoted of some residential appraisers website for Fannie Mae underwriting guidelines? What the fuck? For reals? Stop it. That's not what we are dealing with here. It would fall under usable square footage or rent-able square footage. The assessor would account for this.

quantokitty ago

I quoted a RE site. If you go through the public records, they all say the same thing. And RE sites are constantly updated.

Look, they just have the ability to list the number of levels. They don't say what the levels area. In the square footage, only livable space is accounted for. Basements would not be included. However, if a basement were included in a business property, the perk (and it is a perk because it means storage that the restaurant wouldn't have to pay extra to get supplied), then the cost would be reflected in the price, but so would traffic and the ability to make money in a certain area. It's really not that simple, but I did include a RE site. And for you who presents themselves as a genius, the common denominator: If Alefantis does not have a basement, where is he storing the alcohol? Bucks and Comet have liquor licenses. Deliveries of alcohol have to be made, so where's the alcohol? Remember that it wasn't shown on that impromptu "tour" that was supposed to show everything. There was no food prep going on, no workers, no storage area for food, and no storage area for alcohol! Where's the beer? Where's the commercial refrigeration unit? Something was left off that tour.

srayzie ago

For that county?

I hope it's there so it's easier to find

r3dtr1x ago

The exterior door in this downstairs kids party room makes it look, to me anyway, like the same room they were digging up.

therealwopD ago

Are we able to find Alefantis real estate records?? Residential homes typically have an inspection and an appraisal. Does that apply to a business?

If so, we could find the inspector, appraiser, and real estate agent. Maybe the Inspection or appraisal records?

Maybe they would have an answer if it isn't confidential which it shouldn't be.

quantokitty ago

I believe that's what the link is. It shows the present residential value. I could be wrong, but that's what I think it does. It even states the earnings for the first year they took over the building.

LtSilverFox ago

I enjoyed you being brutally honest lol

quantokitty ago

Thank you! It really was a pain doing that. I only meant to try or five minutes and that turned into hours.

HomeboyChris ago

The sq footage basically equals the lot size, but it has 2 floors. Which would make sense if one of the floors was a basement and wasnt counted in sq footages. Or if the lot size sq footage was not accurate too on that site.

quantokitty ago

Yes, it gives two different numbers for the square footage. One includes the lot and one doesn't. Here's the info:

"It offers 3,925 sq ft of space, while the average has around 4,612 sq ft. However, it's built on an above-average sized lot relative to other restaurant s in the 20008 zip code. It has 4,059 sq ft of land ..." So it has an extra 134 sq feet counting the lot.

matcache ago

Don't know if its useful but with your information I had been able to get information about the former ownership of the building:

In today's Weekly Dish, Tom Sietsema follows up on the pizza rumor he started last week.

It is indeed Carole Greenwood and James Alefantis of Buck's Fishing and Camping who plan to open a 70-seat spot later this fall with a somewhat random ping-pong theme. The pizza joint will take over the former Thai Room location at 5037 Connecticut Ave. NW.

As for the pizza style, Alefantis describes it to the Weekly Dish as "Neo-Neopolitan," or "crisp, thin-crusted pies, covered (or not) with sauce as opposed to crushed tomatoes."

No word on a name yet.

So the building had been sold by "Thai Room" in June 23, 2005.


Edit1: This source is talking about some shows offered in Thai Room:

Adult Show: Russian Show Live Sex Show 69 Show Dragon Club Sex Boyz Dance

Cbradio ago

Anyone looked up Carol Greenwood? I read reviews of Bucks from recently, to past years. Very interesting reviews of this way overpriced joint of very small dishes, overpriced of some very low quality dishes ( chicken fingers is one example), ones that state they liked the restaurant and food better or still did not like with Carol involved, extreme discrepancy in reviews, more outsiders that complain of very lousy service and horrid attitudes of staff even with prior reservations, refusals to be flexible on meals for children/vegetarians/ other dietary medical needs.

And so much more to be found by reading and comparing reviews and the year of the review.

Aside, the Adisperse soaps are also overpriced as $7 and up. Even fancy, organic, small batch made soap at boutique level are often $2.50 to $5.00. Herbal oils used, sell for $5-$12 dollars for an entire bottle. Tincture glass bottles, the time, and lipstick containers are less than 80 cents to buy in bulk, even without an ein number to buy wholesale.

A disperse ( Sp?) leads to the colors of white, off white, brown to black shades, naturally without dyes.

Various dyes in makeup, cosmetic, health products require an additional license. Advertising as health aids requires additional license. More legal factors.

Wrote about this in more specs and sources on another subverse.

Yet, relates also to Comet health dept reports. Various required plans are absent that food preparation in bulk requires with the tomato jarring, various areas were not accessed in the tomato jarring/ cheese curdling/ hot to freeze process/ clams/ freezer, sewage, draining requirements, nor the freezer safety handles and latch so no staff get locked in.

Freezer, plumbing and electric paperwork with county is needed to look up. Also, if code or fire dept have anything on the large curtains, firedoorways and windows, fire sprinkles or spray foam( including for various kitchen greases and other types), the large curtains if accessed for fire safety costing and slip and fall and LIGHTING needs. And the white doorways that slides up to the side...

Aside, libel of ones working on this, where false is public posted can even severely negative impact and delayones that are working on on now and future life advocacy cases and as nonpublic figures is highly illegal without requiring much to be a solid libel defamation case. When ones have a life solid consistency of ethics and hard strived character and reputation they chose and worked very hard for; it is major legal harm and negative burden, impact, implications and very selfish agenda vs concern to solve pedogate and related activities of crime and corruption. Noone would do such that did give unselfishly of their life, times, costs or care of life with ethics; therefore would not even be safe for child safety. I've noticed that a july2015 case on this platform that can be found under atko profile, appears to be rehashed and additional spices added to continue the drama on here. I highly recommend to review that verse and related ones that had transpired before a lot of us ever knew of this joint or anyone ever involved for expanded awareness and clarifications that outcome to make this issue on here, very unwelcoming, unsafe and devaluing the mass labour of research, posting and giving to an Issue that has proven nonsafe to delve in. I highly recommend to inform others before telling ones to blindly come on here and be upfront about series of events, associated risks, including ways to protect their ispn. Honesty and carin of ones safety, healthy boundaries and associated risks, go a long way in ethics as a choice. I would not tell someone, esp a female to walk on a dangerous road, and the web to apps are virtual roads and locations. I know that I would have appreciated that honest upfrontness and have the track record of such. Culpability is a legal term.

crosshairs ago

Double checked the Adult Shows links for the Thai Room - those look to be paid advertisement links on all the restaurants for hulutrip so they are not specific to Thai Room.

quantokitty ago

Oh, this is great! 70 seats, huh? Well, you calculate 12-15 feet per customer. So 70 X 12 would be 840. It leaves plenty of space for the ping pong tables & floor show.

MeatballPizza ago

He was sued in D.C. for failure to pay rent. That might have the full lease or purchase agreement with more details and map.

He mentioned in the D.C. gay magazine that the serial killer play (Terminus) was shown "in the black box upstairs." So there's a top area as well.

Malignment ago

Here is a link to that magazine and i just read the quote - I think you're misunderstanding it and it was an upstairs at this Studio Theatre:

MeatballPizza ago

Okay, good point. Still, yet ANOTHER serial killer piece of 'art' connected to this crowd...

Malignment ago

Yeah - still creeptastic no doubt.

"It's not clear what, beyond shock value, all this unpleasantness achieves"

ababcb ago

Excellent work!

pizzathrowaway ago

the back room is at a little bit lower level than the front room, there's a couple steps down, but they don't overlap. not sure if that counts as "2 stories" for classification purposes?

quantokitty ago

No, there has to be a floor underneath it that someone could walk under comfortably. Think over 6 feet, but it can't be a few steps down. That would be a sunken room and a few steps up, a raised floor, but it wouldn't be considered a different story.

therealwopD ago

was thinking the same thing. but the photo from a different thread showed a picture of what looked like an actual basement.

SecureYourSeats ago And here is a photo of a Comet employee going downstairs.

therealwopD ago

source? where was photo taken?

SecureYourSeats ago

I'll have to do some hunting to find the link again. Someone posted the Facebook of a cross dresser that works at Comet Ping Pong this was on his Facebook page. With someone commenting on how hard it is to take those stairs with high heels on.

Prepper_Jack ago

Interesting. Looks like the same kind of brickwork and spackle we see from other basement photos.

quantokitty ago

WTH?!!! Looks like she's going down a slide or something. Where'd you get that from?!!!

Prepper_Jack ago

Think the "slide" is just her poofy dress. You can see the stairs through it.

pizzathrowaway ago

can you find a link? also not entirely sure that photo with the digging is from Comet?