Truthplease5 ago

how do we locate their store floor plans? is it public record?

crosshairs ago

Good job spotting the "hidden entrance" in the freezer/killroom/basement. This post just linked to your post and seems to have brainstormed the possibility of Prohibition period basements/tunnels... And Comet Pizza was once a Liquor store - to be researched and confirmed. Here is the other post:

blind_sypher ago

I dont understand how you're trying to connect those two photos. They are unrelated and theres no passage way or anything in that freezer.

24Rainier7 ago

Underpinning : n. , material or masonry used to support a structure, such as a wall.

Please see .

pizzahthrowaway ago

Thank you for that post, the angle of thought you had is very interesting in the context of the photo discussing underpinnings isnt it?

Why is a pizza guy doing renovations of this nature and being so dodgy (even outright lying) about what was done?

24Rainier7 ago

What I find interesting/odd is the shadowing on the roof of the strip mall, it runs the length of seven buildings, it stands to reason that if there were a tunnel it would follow that vein as all of those exterior walls would sag just a little. Remember they are most likely working through fill dirt ( material brought in to bring the original job site up to grade) which is not as stable native undisturbed ground, more often than not. I also noticed that most of the google earth imagery in the historical timeline is of really poor quality.


Funny that here Alefantis (?) accepts responsibility for the "kill room" comment, even though it was actually made by Jeff Smith. However, Alefantis added "murder."

Scoundrel ago

Damn I love this place and you people.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Good catch.

srayzie ago

It doesn't matter if it's a freezer or a room. The point is that this is a space that can be used as a murder room. Normally all this sounds crazy and like a conspiracy, until you dig deeper and deeper. That spot in the bottom picture looks like that was at one point the hole in the first picture. Hell, there could be bodies buried there. Remember we just read about other cases yesterday where there were 35 mass graves found somewhere else. These things DO happen. Things look really bad for Mr Alefantis at the moment. I think he should be shakin in his boots a little bit by this point.

srayzie ago

That area circled does look like it could be the spot. What do you think they mean by "no underpinning" and "this hole needs a pop up"?

pizzahthrowaway ago

Googled underpinning, its a construction technique for improving a foundation, usually done when trying to create a full height BASEMENT in an OLDER BUILDING (Which Comet is)...interesting...

Since he's saying "no" underpinning here, perhaps theyre using another method called "Bench footing" which is again, part of improving the foundation for BASEMENT EXPANSION.

grlldcheese ago


Ive been following this from the start. And it's still getting scarier.


oresd ago

This is ridiculous. Kill room? Kill thread. Really guys, really.

srayzie ago

What's ridiculous? It was on their Instagram. With all other evidence, kill room doesn't sound nutty when it comes to these people.

pizzahthrowaway ago

They refer to it as that in the comments on instagram buddy, not my name. Either lrn2read or shill harder.

DystopianDaze ago

The lower picture is a walk-in fridge (or freezer). To get to the basement in another building, i.e. the upper picture, one would have to come in from the top, not through a hole in the floor. Were one going into the fridge from a building with no basement, the access would not be in the floor of the fridge.

pizzahthrowaway ago

You seem to be misunderstanding here. The first picture is the same room prior to renovations, it was turned into a "walk in freezer" but you can see where the tunnel entrance from the first pic is highlighted in the second finished one.

There is no shots of the inside of Bucks, that is not whats being discussed here.

srayzie ago

I agree with you

DystopianDaze ago

It was? Your proof?

pizzahthrowaway ago

Edit: For starters, the building was built many years ago so that "walk in freezer" would have HAD to be a renovation as they didnt have freezers that worked/looked/designed like that in the 30s

Also, Clearly the EXACT same location in the room and the hole being in the same exact spot as circled, plus Alefantis lying on the left side about the room in question makes it suspect in and of itself. I do not have proof they were not taken elsewhere but the upper image shows them digging a hole SOMEWHERE and you can't dig holes in places you were "just checking out"

DystopianDaze ago

You are still just speculating. Alephantis took over the building in 2005 from another restaurant. Such fridges and freezers were certainly in use at that time.

Edit to correct year.

Scoundrel ago

Are we speculating about Ale"fantis's" use of an Instagram image of a statue which happens to be the boy toy lover of a Roman emperor?

DystopianDaze ago

That relates to this how, exactly?

No one is saying there isn't a great deal of things wrong here. But without any sort of anything but pure speculation to go on regarding the two pictures above, it is an exercise in futility. And please, explain to me exactly how that helps anyone?

Scoundrel ago

Go play with your boy toy. You're posts give you away.

DystopianDaze ago

I'd really like to asshole, unfortunately my husband died.

pizzahthrowaway ago

But he claims this was a "joke" and that he was only looking at that space which is odd, considering the first image involving the dig lines up perfectly with the disturbance in the second, and you wouldn't be doing digging somewhere you were just "looking at".

Scoundrel ago

Look at his previous posts. He calls "SOLVED: Obama Really Did Fly Pizza/Dogs in From Chicago". Great work (take note of the up-vote here among researchers). He is a hack, pedo protector, period.

DystopianDaze ago

Fuck off.

DystopianDaze ago

Speculate to your heart is content.

SocratesOP ago

That room looks a lot like a walk in freezer or fridge that I used to have at the restaurant. Usually you roll in or build shelves next.

I do think it's peculiar how J Alefantis is dancing around this as though it is incriminating.

CuriousGeorge16 ago

a joke looking at an empty restraunt space? Uh...that's the narrowist space for producing pizza. I call bullshit. Good eye spotting that on the floor. I never noticed it.

pizzathrowaway ago

not every space in a restaurant is "producing pizza".

CuriousGeorge16 ago

Comet Pizza Guy produces pizza. What could he possibly use that narrow space for? It's too narrow, no windows, exposed duct work.. nope. I call BS

pizzathrowaway ago

it's a refrigerator. I'd imagine he'd use it to refrigerate ingredients?

CuriousGeorge16 ago

hmm.. yeah.. and that's why comments were "#Murder" and "easy clean up". Not buying that it was a joke. Too many other things point to the very real possibiltiy of it being real.

A commentor on Gab:

Mary Mary ยท @FullBoyle

I graduated from Harvard Law School, have alternately prosecuted & defended the accused, everything from white collar crime to sex trafficking, for 13 years. Based on my education, training & experience, there is more than enough probable cause in #Pizzagate to issue a warrant or indictment now.

MolochHunter ago

the foundations or astriding structures/rooms might not permit the building of a wider room in that area. The conjecture is thin

pizzahthrowaway ago

Thank you! Why is a pizza guy digging holes like this, and why are people mentioning UNDERPINNING in the comments, when that is a technique used in expanding BASEMENTS in OLDER BUILDINGS (which Comet is)?

What pizza guy is digging narrow holes and reference basement techniques? (Especially if theres supposedly "no basement")?