anonamsterdam ago


1.Take notice of image 4 (Pizza Chef James Alefantis) - 2. Now take a look at image 17 - For some reason, Alefantis posted a picture of a cavernous room. EVERY SINGLE comment next to this picture is EXTREMELY CREEPY, almost as if they knew that something awful was about to happen there. And watch the comments made by Jimmycomet aka James Alefantis

  1. Now watch image 35. Rationalize it all you want, but this is a painting of a child being tortured. - DC's abandoned pre-Metro subway tunnels.. AND This is the so-called #murder room of jimmycomet, also the satanic painting of the tortured boy has a connection to this abandoned pre-Metro subway tunnel

We Are Anonymous We do not forgive We do not forget We are coming Expect US!

JeremiahSinclair ago

I'm the author of two pizzagate posts at My goal there is to compile the best, most compelling, most connectable info from the investigation and summarize it for skeptics to spark them to dig more on their own, and fall down the rabbit hole and red-pill themselves. From some comments there and around the net people seem to find it credible-sounding, and all we need is for people to say "there might really be somthing to this" to red-pill themselves fully. That initial spark.

I am trying to gather enough for a follow-up but try to only include the most verifiable and effective facts vs speculative stuff.

If anyone has suggestions, with links to sources, of what I should get into the follow-up I'd love to crowdsource it. It'd make it a lot easier! SO much being discovered, but most of it I feel like I just can't include yet until it becomes more concrete. Nothing turns off newbies to this stuff as much as sensationalism, massive claims with lame sources, and wording that stinks of tinfoil hattery.

I'm going to start a new thread of my own where others can contribute their ideas (with sources, again!). This is key. We don't need everyone to believe all the research, we just need enough people to believe enough of it. I feel I can be very effective at doing this if the right info can be compiled and sourced.

Thanks all.

chickenlover ago

And we need to upvote the right informations... #BringDownTheRing

Elliphantastic ago

Well said! Try to stay away from sensationalism folks. ;)

kingkongwaswrong ago

I don't think you can do anything with the name now, it's got too much momentum.

And if you are for real and not a shill, I don't think your post is particularly effective. If you want to help organise you need to propose a system or do something proactive. It is hard to understand your post but I think you mean all the infographics etc need a re-do. I Agree with that point

Elliphantastic ago

I think what's being suggested is we have PDFs connecting everything so it is understandable to the average person and has timelines etc. So its a good time to flesh out what we have. Otherwise a fair amount of posts could end up sensational youtube clips that are unhelpful. It is after all in peoples nature to want to post, even if it's misguidedly. So its open to interpretation really. Anyone who has time to go back re-check facts and flesh out known facts probably wont be wasting anyones time thats for sure. ;)

kingkongwaswrong ago

<3 thanks for the winky face. makes me feel good & nice reply. I appreciate it.

Elliphantastic ago

I think you made a good point. I have the feeling its away to get a bit headless chicken soon for folks like me who are not techy annons. So I think going back and fleshing out is best (For some folks) folks like me. Feel thats the most productive and meaningful thing I can do. Also think exploring all the connecting social networks such as instagram and twitter. All the friends etc. See what can be found there. You never know, a sort of fringe actor in all this may have dropped someone from the inner circles in it with a comment or a pic. This is just my thoughts you understand.

wellington33 ago

sorry for my english. posting from spain. And yes, you are right, we need a good way to organise, and i don't know excatly how, im just saying we must organise. No shill overhere.

And yes, i meant the infographics needs a re-do. They are showing just one half of the investigation, that makes it look weaker than it is.

kingkongwaswrong ago

ok well it helps if you put a better title on your posts - that explains the content more thoroughly. An example might be

"can we get updated infographics that cover the newest findings? Here's a list of the current ones'

  • and then in your post include links to all the existing ones, so people can see, verify, and get inspiration for creating new ones.

That way you're helping the community and giving a jumping off point rather than just telling everyone what to do.

Elliphantastic ago

OK. So here is the current info graphic (its atually just on the side bar for future reference.)

Lets have a looksee!

Elliphantastic ago

This is the link to Ping Pongs friends list:

Also I think worth fine toothing.

kingkongwaswrong ago

I know, I put it there. Theres a bunch more in the background sticky linked too. ;)