chickenlover ago

I like the comments of this blog too:

'Can you tell me the exact address of the new Thai room? I loved their special chicken and I can’t find one thai place in DC that stands up to their good food like the good ol days. Thanks!'

'Yes, the Thai Room closed nearly 10 years ago in 2005. Now Comet Ping Pong is in that location. My post is about how the owner of Comet Ping Pong is friends with another friend of mine and gave him the old Thai Room sign which now hangs on his fence in his backyard. Whenever I hang out in his backyard it brings back memories of the good food at the Thai Room.'

Edit: Archived it in case they take it down:

quantokitty ago

It was just a vegetarian restaurant. But the thing is, could those old owners be contacted? They would know if there were a basement, wouldn't they?

GreatLakesAvenger ago

At the bottom of the review there is a paragraph that seems like it could be pedo-code.

'The puppy who doesn’t bark and smells good. Really good. The puppy in fact provided the after dinner entertainment the other night by leaping back and forth into the sprinkler.'

carmencita ago

Sounds very fishy and creepy. Also maybe the kids were throwing pears at them because they knew what was going on there. My mother always says, ask the kids, they know what is going on. What a horrible response from the elite idiots.