Wage_Slave217 ago

Holy Crap. I think I found some shit out. Look at this pic https://imgur.com/gallery/B2BUF9P . Okay now how far do we go down the Antinous rabbit hole? I found this blog: https://antinousgaygod.blogspot.ca/ and this twitter page connected to it. https://twitter.com/antinousgaygod may start another submission if necessary.

Wage_Slave217 ago

I put up another submission if anyone is interested https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1459951

Wage_Slave217 ago

Hey did you see this comment? http://imgur.com/tfcSecp It establishes Antinous as a symbol of pedophilia among other pedophiles. More research needed?

greenlentils ago

Very interesting. Can't wait to see what the media spin on this one is. My guess: he says it's just a symbol of the divinity of homosexuality, or an iconic early symbol of the appreciation of homosexual love. And IF the media even engages on the subject of pederasty, beyond "it was normal in Greece at the time, so no big deal", we might even get more think pieces questioning why it's such a big deal now. Just speculating, but I think the conversation around pizzagate is stirring up the cultural pot in a big way.

StarHumpbackwale ago

I hate to rain on your parade but it is a picture of Antinous who was a victim of an older man, not the perpetrator? I am sorry saying this but I don't think this investigation is going anywhere with this kind of "evidence".

fckItsReal ago

This should be stickied

Revolutionismyname ago

“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.” - Gen. James "Mad dog" Mattis. Our new secretary of defense! Relevant?

DemonSlayer ago

Earlier this week i saw a vehicle with a HRC sticker on it. It also had the number 48 on a separate sticker that was obviously not a Jimmy Johnson #48 sticker. The 48 was encircled by a laurel wreath. Is this a possible advertisement for associating with the emperor Hadrian?

tombomb ago

But while it may be commonly used by gay individuals as gay iconography, I feel that it more precisely represents the love of young boys.

tombomb ago

Looks like it's used as more of a symbol of gay pride/identity.

Keltoi ago

Nicely done.

joe_hill ago

ok, well done. But it proves nothing.

fckItsReal ago

Yeah.. I guess....If you put blinders on

MurrueLaFlaga ago

I'm not sure if there's much of a point to my comment that I am about to write other than that these "elites" are involved in some deep occult stuff that has been around for centuries. Please note that none of what I am sharing is conclusive proof of anything, but simply speculation regarding the occult nature of this entire investigation and Washington DC in general. Here is the context which I wish to provide...

From Antinous's Wikipedia article (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antinous#Death)::)

In late September or early October 130, Hadrian and his entourage, among them Antinous, assembled at Heliopolis to set sail upstream as part of a flotilla along the River Nile.... Possibly also joining them was Lucius Ceionius Commodus, a young aristocrat whom Antinous might have deemed a rival to Hadrian's affections.... It was shortly after this, in October 130 – around the time of the festival of Osiris – that Antinous fell into the river and died, probably from drowning. Hadrian publicly announced his death, with gossip soon spreading throughout the Empire that Antinous had been intentionally killed. The nature of Antinous's death remains a mystery to this day, and it is possible that Hadrian himself never knew; however, various hypotheses have been put forward.

...Another suggestion is that Antinous had died during a voluntary castration as part of an attempt to retain his youth and thus his sexual appeal to Hadrian. However, this is improbable because Hadrian deemed both castration and circumcision to be abominations and as Antinous was aged between 18 and 20 at the time of death, any such operation would have been ineffective. A third possibility is that the death was accidental, perhaps if Antinous was intoxicated. However, in the surviving evidence Hadrian does not describe the death as being an accident; Lambert thought that this was suspicious.

Another possibility is that Antinous represented a voluntary human sacrifice.... In the second century Roman Empire, a belief that the death of one could rejuvenate the health of another was widespread, and Hadrian had been ill for many years; in this scenario, Antinous could have sacrificed himself in the belief that Hadrian would have recovered. Alternately, in Egyptian tradition it was held that sacrifices of boys to the Nile, particularly at the time of the October Osiris festival, would ensure that the River would flood to its full capacity and thus fertilise the valley; this was made all the more urgent as the Nile's floods had been insufficient for full agricultural production in both 129 and 130.

Connections begin to be drawn when looking up the Wikipedia article regarding the mythology of Osiris (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osiris#Mythology)::)

Set fooled Osiris into getting into a box, which Set then shut, sealed with lead, and threw into the Nile. Osiris' wife, Isis, searched for his remains until she finally found him embedded in a tamarisk tree trunk, which was holding up the roof of a palace in Byblos on the Phoenician coast. She managed to remove the coffin and open it, but Osiris was already dead.

In one version of the myth, she used a spell learned from her father and brought him back to life so he could impregnate her. Afterwards he died again and she hid his body in the desert. Months later, she gave birth to Horus. While she raised Horus, Set was hunting one night and came across the body of Osiris.

Enraged, he tore the body into fourteen pieces and scattered them throughout the land. Isis gathered up all the parts of the body, except the penis (which had been eaten by a fish, the medjed)and bandaged them together for a proper burial. The gods were impressed by the devotion of Isis and resurrected Osiris as the god of the underworld. Because of his death and resurrection, Osiris was associated with the flooding and retreating of the Nile and thus with the crops along the Nile valley.


Much of the extant information about the Passion of Osiris can be found on the Ikhernofret Stela at Abydos erected in the 12th Dynasty by Ikhernofret (also I-Kher-Nefert), possibly a priest of Osiris or other official (the titles of Ikhernofret are described in his stela from Abydos) during the reign of Senwosret III (Pharaoh Sesostris, about 1875 BC). The Passion Plays were held in the last month of the inundation (the annual Nile flood), coinciding with Spring, and held at Abydos/Abedjou which was the traditional place where the body of Osiris/Wesir drifted ashore after having been drowned in the Nile.

It's starting to sound like Antinous was a ritual sacrifice, no? Recall that Osiris is the Egyptian god of the afterlife, death, life, and resurrection (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osiris)). Then, remember that weird picture of John Podesta, his hands up on either side of his face, with the number 14 on the right hand and a fish on the left hand? https://i.sli.mg/pfDdCZ.jpg Also, remember that Michael Aquino (who was being investigated by the late Max Spiers), father of psyops (https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/3pmfwh/psyops_psychological_operations/cw7i2ut/)), is the High Priest of the Temple of Set.

When I looked up "John Podesta 14 fish," my search results returned these two blog posts. Do know that I understand all of this is speculation. I've included what I deem are important snippets of information and images from them here:

  • https://concordiaabchao.wordpress.com/2016/11/08/john-podesta-goldfish-14-and-osiris))

    I’m guessing Podesta’s “14 fish” means that he ate the life force of someone. And according to Crowley, you do that by eating blood and semen – the main recipe in the “Spirit Cooking” dinner." So this has something to do with Osiris. I’ve discussed before how certain conspiracy researchers such as Professor Doom and Rob Skiba have looked into how the elites want to resurrect Osiris, or something to that extent.... Nevertheless, goldfish 14 seems to be somehow connected to rejuvenation or reversing the aging process. This is what Osiris did for himself.... I’m fairly certain the elites have some vampiric ritual or technology to steal life energy from children. I obviously don’t have all of the pieces of the puzzle, but I would say the Satanism of the elites, pedophilia and extending one’s lifespan are all related. Goldfish 14 and the invoking of Osiris, and not to forget Isis, whose namesake has been rampaging in the Middle-East, are somehow related.

  • http://theopenscroll.blogspot.com/2016/11/decoding-john-podestas-pic-with-14-and.html

    Hillary's 2016 campaign chairman has long been a Washington insider. He was Bill's chief of staff. I have no doubt that he understands and practices the secret religion of the Federal government, which is that of the illumined global elite. The iconic Washington Monument is the world's largest obelisk. This is what John Podesta is signaling, in part. The vesica piscis figure seen around the giant phallus of Osiris is the divine feminine (Isis), and that fish-phallus. A figure formed around the Washington Monument is also known as the ICHTHUS.

    With his hands in that position, John is signaling a squared circle, framing his round face as inside a square. The grid of ceiling tiles completes the square. This form is linked to Freemasonry (squaring the circle as an adept with a square and compass)...

If any of you have been looking into DC for a while, many of you will recall that the setup of the city is Satanic in nature (http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/chapter3/)). Additionally, it has many Freemasonic ties. If you wish to read more on the oddness behind the connections of Egyptian mythology, Freemasonry, and Washington DC, please see the following articles:

What does this prove? Who knows, really. It is all speculation and circumstantial evidence. I'm also not initiated into all this in order to know fully, but I think we are on the right track with all of this. These "elites" are dabbling with far greater mysteries than meet the eye, and we cannot rule out the ancient occultic nature of any of this. Maybe Alefantis just really likes the pederasty aspect of ancient cultures, but to me, something far more sinister is lying underneath the surface.

doubletake ago

you're hip to the fact that nyt ceo thompson ran the bbc and covered up the savile "disturbances" before coming to the nyt?

templarknight ago

I would also say that because of the way the Catholic Church has tried to systematically cover up pedophilia in their own organization, that it is considered "normal" in Catholicism as well.

I have never thought of Islamic culture as being pedophiliac, but a culture where rape of women is not only accepted but encouraged. Islam is a culture that thinks of women as objects and slaves.

Do you have any proof to your claim that they also support Pedophilia?

doubletake ago

it's been handed to us on a platter. once the code lists cropped up, even if some overlap with other meanings, it is also great for the int'l scene. i'm new here but it is incredible to see such a concern about accuracy in the midst of a shitstorm of disgusting and repugnant revelations. the debunking post and comments is awesome. when this has pimpled up before over the decades, folks would just get shell-shocked and then ignore it. this time, it's different. this time, the full internet. csi: western civilization.

templarknight ago

I always knew there was a deeper meaning behind Jimmy Comet's "Adonnis-like" profile pic. This says it all!! Thank you for sharing.

As a history major and a lifelong student of History, there is no possibility whatsoever that he chose to be "Antinous", the boy lover of Roman Emperor Hadrian, by chance. This is one of the rare examples in the annals of history where pedophilia was publicly recorded and understood as normal. I challenge any student of History to find a story that is historically accurate as damming as this.

Thank you for doing God's work!

downwithpizzaelites ago

Made a FB post turning much of the picture into text (will be easier for mobile users/ lazy fucks). Please copy/paste/share.


James Alefantis' current Insagram profile picture (https://www.instagram.com/jimmycomet/?hl=en)) is of Antinous (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antinous)). "Antinous (also Antinoüs or Antinoös; Ancient Greek: Ἀντίνοος; 27 November, c. 111 – before 30 October 130[1]) was a Bithynian Greek youth and a favourite, or lover, of the Roman emperor Hadrian."

"[19] (Lambert, Royston (1984). Beloved and God: The Story of Hadrian and Antinous. George Weidenfeld & Nicolson http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/256582.Beloved_and_God pp. 90–93.) For centuries, pederasty had long been socially acceptable among Greece's leisured and citizen classes, with an older erastes (aged between 20 and 40) undertaking a caring sexual relationship with an eromenos (aged between 12 and 18) and taking a key role in their education;[20] and Hadrian took Antinous as a favoured servant when they were aged about 48 and 13."

If you don't know what pederasty (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pederast)) is: a man who desires or engages in sexual activity with a boy. If you don't know what eromenos (http://www.yourdictionary.com/eromenos)) means: "(historical, Greek history) An adolescent boy who was courted by an older man, or was in an erotic relationship with him."

Continuing on, AND THIS MAYBE THE MOST IMPORTANT PART I WISH YOU COULD BOLD ON FB: "Lambert believed that the sculptures of Antinous "remain without doubt one of the most elevated and ideal monuments to pederastic love of the whole ancient world",[93] (Lambert 1984, p. 80) also describing them as "the final great creation of classical art".[94] (Lambert 1984, p. 209.)

"This is another one of those pieces of evidence when, taken by itself, isn't that big of a deal. But when taken into a grander context it becomes rather meaningful. It's like a sentence in a growing essay that has as it's position that James Alefantis may be a pedophile. Any single piece of evidence can be explained away, but when those more and more pieces keep being added to the pile, all that confirm the position, it becomes harder and harder to explain away."

"It becomes statistically less and less likely that the common theme across all these connections (paedophilia) is completely coincidental."

"He's (Alefantis) saying "Look at me, giving ALL this circumstantial evidence! It must suck that anyone investigating me is being labeled as fake news"




ThorTheWonderful ago

I think thats the best yet. I have been saying to unravel this, we need to look back and uncover the truth all through history to understand this. I have maintained that this is some kind of cult, typically hiding behind Jews which would explain why Jews are always getting a bad rap throughout history.

I think the Bolshevik Jews may have been this cult at its height. They always infiltrate and dominate certain parts of society to leverage power, such as banks, gold industry, precious stones, education, media and governments.

This would explain either why Hitler went crazy or he didn't and we are subjected to 70 years of lies and demonization of a otherwise admirable political party.

The further back you research issues full of holes.. Lets start examining the moral attacks on Jews, see if we can identify a cause for the attacks other than real Jews. And lets do more deeply, an examination into Greek alphabet and symbolism. If we find the roots, we can unravel the mystery!

auil ago

Tony podesta isn't Alefantis' brother

Phobos_Mothership ago

That was a great catch, OP. I think he's mocking us. He's saying "Look at me, giving ALL this circumstantial evidence! It must suck that anyone investigating me is being labeled as fake news"

domestiKgypsie ago

Remember Alefantes' middle name is Achilles. In Greek mythology Achilles was a successful Trojan Warrior with a "weakness" which was his heel. So the name Achilles' heel can be used like this: Paul is an excellent mathematician; however, trig is his Achilles heel. (Inferring a weakness).

Yates ago


fckItsReal ago

If any posts deserve it, its the OP's

rutkdn ago

I disagree. I think some finds deserve to be prefixed with HUGE or BREAKING for the sake of standing out in the first few minutes. It is the responsibility of each of us to exercise good judgement when making use of it. But yes, no need for all caps.

TheGettysburgAddress ago

Well done !!

Freemasonsrus ago

Just FYI, that pic of Podesta was posted with a list of "Global Warming" goals to control the earth. #14 had to do with things in the ocean. Of course, things can always be puns or double entendres.

13asteroids ago

Great find OP!

LionParty ago

This is some serious and beautiful weaponized autism. Godspeed brother.

mergen ago

Need to update this infograph. A pic of Caris James (the baby) wearing an oversized ""Pizza Slut" t shirt has been circulating in the chans lately.

nadamurphy ago

Never thought I'd wind up posting like this on here but pizzagates over for me. I took another look at all the evidence and as it continued to come out, it got me hyped and made me feel like I was in the middle of something huge.

But after taking a new look on it all... I feel bad for what we've said and accused these people of. We have no solid proof and these claims have been slung wildly at the people involved. As far as them not commenting on any of this... Either, yeah this all is true and we caught them in a massive conspiracy OR they think this is so bullshit and below low that they won't even give us the respect of commenting on it. I will say though that the financial ties about all this are intriguing but that's literally it. Everything else can be attributed to these people just being weird people. Rich people are weird and we can't persecute them for that.

Unless you can make one solid connection to a crime the Web of coincidences essentially means nothing. I would rather this not be true and so far re-examining the evidence has proven that to me.


knight222 ago

Wow good catch!

Rogueanon29 ago

I always thought that pic was odd but does make since after all seeing who he is. seems like that could of been something like the pedobear people have used and still use to let people know who they are I wouldn't doubt it if that's the exact same thing he was trying to put out there but with out being so oblivious about it like the pedobear is. since it's well known now around the web..

chlrndrmz ago

Notice how Satanic Adam Lambert has a huge tattoo of Antinous on his repugnant body


Fishy-business ago

Man, just fucking out in the open like that. Bold and stupid . Good work op.

Laserchalk ago

How do we get the police to investigate this guy?

Cincosiber ago

Wise words. it is an infowar.

Videos and memes work for ISIS.

Need to present the info differently for different people, long, short versions, politician corruption and "suicides", 18+ sex/pedo / cannibal / cult stuff.

When does a series of coincidencs become a truth. There are so many coincidencs, it is impossible that there is no truth.

I can see now why it was important for them to silence Julian Assange. I think If he could speak freely now he would easily convince many people, given the reach the email leaks have had now. Perhaps dripping the leaks is an excellent way to introduce the full horror of the situation to current culture. Maybe they could see he was more dangerous as a spokes person than the leaks themselves.

brandnewset ago

How fucking weird is that. Apparently Hadrian built shit loads of these statues and peppered the empire with them. (was on TIL on that other site I think). It's supposedly the most common of Roman statues. Although Jimme Comet probably thinks it's a Greek statue.

We_Waz_Kangz_N_Sh1t ago

Jimmy Comet just has such a fucking punchable face.

NotANormie ago

Seriously me too sometimes after seeing some of the posts/videos from the uber religious people who think this is a war against a literal satan it makes me step back and doubt this entire thing. But posts like this always prove to me that there is SOMETHING going on, waay to many coincidences

chronos ago

Well done. I would however crop and repost removing the Podesta stuff. That is a weak link since other found a race that JP had participated in with the same logo on / around the date the fish / 14 photo was taken.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Op if you made this good job.

You guys are the REAL journalists.

thelawofone ago

The Antinous/Osiris thing is the wierdest of them all. That was an unexpected connection.

One thing I've been wondering about -- is James Alefantis is real name? Did he legally change it at some point? It's just way too close to J'aime L'enfants. I think it'd be ultra creepy if he did infact change it.

gangstabee ago

federal agencies go after crimes connected to the rich and powerful? Yeah right.

iDerp69 ago

This shit is not a fucking coincidence.

auil ago

Don't want to offend, but how is this "huge"? I mean, it is definitely another creepy fact about this whole thing, but it's very plausibly deniable ("I just thought the picture looked cool", etc).

oldchangling ago

A random guy, maybe, but this particular guy? Here, take this quote from a random article about him: "Alefantis, who briefly owned a small art gallery in Georgetown a decade ago, now serves as board president of Transformer, a contemporary art gallery in Logan Circle. His passion for the arts is reflected in both his restaurants, but notably Comet, which boasts a large mural of a blazing comet created by a collective of artists, this magazine’s Christopher Cunetto among them." He didn't pick an image at random. It has meaning to him. It has meaning to his art-centric friends.

The article: http://www.metroweekly.com/2015/04/from-scratch-james-alefantis/

auil ago

I see. I didn't know he was super into art, thanks!

Werwer12 ago

These are great finds. We don't need to find smoking guns at this point. We need to just reiterate the fact that these people are actual pedophiles. Don't show people bullshit tunnels that may or may not exist. Honestly, those construction photos look like their doing plumbing lines and it's not even at comet ping pong. Focus on the ridiculous comments on these pictures and the people themselves. This statue is really hard to dispute what his intentions were. I love this type of evidence.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Yes but its THE symbolic image of pederastic love. None of us ever heard of Antinous. James Alefantis did - and chose it out of a million other things he could have chosen. He could have had his face pic. The Comet Ping Pong Logo. Photo of the restaurant. Slice of Pizza (the food kind). A more iconic Greek statue from a better angle, more easily identifiable. A Greek flag or more obvious Greek symbol, if hes that into signalling his heritage.

No. He chose a deliberately obscure statue that ONLY those into man-boy 'love' (or Greek statue / history experts) would recognise. Signalling who he was and what his interests were.

My only question is this: its a symbol of a lover of a powerful man. Was this how he saw his role as the younger lover of David Brock, a 'keeper of secrets / blackmailer' uber-powerful DC insider???

RedGreenAlliance ago

Just tweeted this out and already getting a good response rate. FANTASTIC info-meme. We need more like this. See many but the elongated page style is very effective and uncluttered.

JimmyCometStatue ago

That's great! Let's just get it out there! I didn't mention it yet, but feel free to use this in blog posts or anywhere else. No credit needed. You can even claim you put it together yourself! Let's just keep the pressure up on these guys!

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

Great work! I was also racking my brain about this image. Thanks

BTW, he didn't change it bc to do so after the news broke would be to admit that he knew what it symbolized. By leaving it up, he can claim ignorance or some other excuse like someone said he looked like that statue etc. etc. bs bs.

sentryseven ago

Great research!

ToFat2Fish ago

ok now that's intresting

dickface8 ago

**Slow clap

FuckTheseSickos ago

I don't know about "lead". But continuing to outline his character as a pedo . For sure!

anon123 ago

Supposedly the FBI is also compromised. In fact, every key aspect of government is compromised, including mainstream media. It is up to us everyday citizens to unravel this mystery and bring justice to these sickos.

JeremiahSinclair ago

FANTASTIC! Absolutely fantastic work. I just added this to my summary at aceloewgold.com, and this really adds needed depth to contextualize all the other instagram posts, etc. Incredible how these perverts put signs EVERYWHERE if the right connections can just be made with a little deeper investigating.

Excellent job, whoever you are.

JimmyCometStatue ago

Thanks for spreading it! I mentioned this to another commenter to feel free to use this in blog posts or anywhere else. No credit needed. You can even claim you put it together yourself! Let's just keep the pressure up on these guys!

JeremiahSinclair ago

Great, thanks! The beauty of this open-source research is the best and most compelling of it can be shared and spread and re-published quickly. I put it into my blog post with a link to your image. Traffic has died down significantly but I feel stongly that after the Daily Show does their hit piece, it will only get more people searching. A follow-up I wrote that debunks the debunkers from the NYT, Snopes, et. al is ranking well for search term "Pizzagate debunked," so with the right content/search engine tactics we can red-pill people who are looking for debunks, looking for confirmation that that it's all fake, etc. and use their own faux-debunkings against them.

Great work!

New_years_day ago

Nice job, OP!!!!!

New_years_day ago

Just wow, this ride never ends


srayzie ago

I do all of this on my iPad so didn't even realize it was a statue. Great job! It seems like James Alefantis gives so many of these little clues so he can let pedophiles know that he's safe. How stupid is he to not try harder to clean this stuff up better? But, by him doing that, he's given us all these puzzle pieces to put together to bring his sick sorry ass down! I cannot wait!

C1REX ago

Absolutely amazing. Not a proof but still an amazing job done. Thank you.

superchargedv8 ago

Fantastic work

thegenericoperator ago

I have been calling these "pedo-winks". There are WAY too many pedo-winks involved here.

quantokitty ago

Great catch! Stellar!

Alefantis is so freakin' weird. Complains about people making unwarranted assertions and making all these allegations, but then there it is.

JimmyCometStatue ago

Yes, would've been nice if the New York Times asked Alefantis what the profile pic on Instagram represents!

WhatevsFloatsUrGoat ago

Or why there's a giant clit on the awning in front of his 'family friendly' pizza joint. Stuff like that.

Tsuishika ago

If only there was a smoking gun. I wish Project Veritas could be involved. Would have made it much more credible.

SpikyAube ago

How can these people romanticise this sick stuff they do?? There are way way way too many associations with paedophilia, I don't know how anyone in their right mind could now seriously assert that it's all just a thousand crazy coincidences, no need to look into it. It's gotten to the point where there are SO many connections that it's more insane to keep saying it isn't a global satanic paedophile cult child trafficking operation than to suggest that that's what's going on.

It's absolutely abhorrent that there is not yet an official investigation and that the media is ignoring it. Have people been contacting the media to complain day in day out? Maybe there needs to be a concerted effort for everyone in the world all at once to email/tweet/call the major news networks demanding this be reported on. Or people need to get onto the set while they're reading the news and just politely sit down next to the newsreaders and start explaining it all to the camera.

msgtw123 ago

THANK YOU!!!!!! Someone put this information out there before on Reddit (your info is more detailed though), and I couldn't find it again for some reason. I asked about the picture on here a little while ago to see if anyone else remembered; all I got was two people saying it wasn't relevant or worth looking into (wonder what side they are on?). Great find.

JimmyCometStatue ago

Hey! I saw your previous voat post while researching this. I was wondering the same thing. When I was searching I found no previous mention but I think that's because /r/pizzagate was banned so everything was lost. Anyway it was new for me and pretty eye opening!

The_Schattenjager ago

I remember this being discussed somewhere weeks ago. Was probably 4chan. Another blatantly obvious sign of what kind of person James is.

JimmyCometStatue ago

Yes, sadly I think a lot of previous research was delete/banned. Hopefully the same thing doesn't happen again.

externible ago

Even after all accusations of him beeing a pedophile he dares to wave such a profile picture in front of the public. They really seem to enjoy hiding things in plain sight. Why won't he back down and go more under the radar? It defies logic it seems.

mrjdouble ago

This is the like the classic case of a serial killer keeping personal or biological items from their victims. It helps them remember the crime and at times can be a sense of exhilaration and excitement reliving the experience.

That's off the charts of the sick and twisted scale of you ask me.

jml1201 ago

I've been looking for the answer to this everywhere. Thank you.

1trizz ago

sometimes I feel paranoid ands everything is a big coincidence, but then more and more stuff like this comes to light. the circumstantial evidence keeps adding up

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Holy fucking shit. I have no words.

This is pure sadistic depravity at it's finest.

They try to insult our intelligence in plain sight. I for one, am thrilled they underestimated the people. Like those in power always do before they fucking fall.

Isaac_With_A_D6 ago

Great work! These assholes thought they were clever broadcasting this shit in plain view and no doubt snickering amongst themselves at the sick jokes they've posted. Giving each other the ole nudge nudge wink wink I hope they fucking get what's due.

NotANormie ago

They never thought a bunch of memers would snuff them out

ScottKnight ago

I don't want to use the term smoking gun, but this is definitive proof that Alefantis is a paedophile

SilverBanana ago

Or somebody who likes ancient art?

OhRutherfordBehave ago

It just keeps getting worse and worse. Incredible work anon. I have been researching for a week, well aware of everything, and this was the first time I just couldn't stand it. Its all so fucking obvious...this shit is going to blow up...

drunk420 ago

What's the origin of your screen name?

pmichel ago

Great find!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

It just keeps getting worse. Incredible work anon. I have been researching for a week, well aware of everything, and this was the first time I just couldn't handle it...its just way to obvious, this shit is going to blow up...

sheer-con ago

Bad ass work and good summary in the image.

Wage_Slave217 ago

This is another one of those pieces of evidence when, taken by itself, isn't that big of a deal. But when taken into a grander context it becomes rather meaningful. It's like a sentence in a growing essay that has as it's position that James Alefantis may be a pedophile. Any single piece of evidence can be explained away, but when those more and more pieces keep being added to the pile, all that confirm the position, it becomes harder and harder to explain away.

nosilence1 ago

I think it is a big deal, when I was a teen (a gay one), I met this older gay guy (in his 50's) on IRC chat and he invited me to one of his parties that he held. His party was full of gay teens my age and younger. I found it kind of peculiar but was having fun with the rest of the people my age, dancing, drinking (something I couldn't do elsewhere since I wasnt of age) so no big deal, well my father found my chat logs and tracked me and got me out of there saying he was a pedophile. I thought my father was crazy and over-reacting. You know what his chat user name was? Antinoo. I thought it meant Anti-No like a double negative, but it meant something more sinister now I realize. I heard really awful stories from other boys later about him. I never connected his user name to this. Now I get it.

Wage_Slave217 ago

Your comment is an important one. I hope you've posted it else where so it gets more recognition. It should be the top comment in this thread.

Freemasonsrus ago

Wow. Your dad is a bad ass! Hope you are able to let him know you understand his loving protection now. I know as a teen we can really be angry at the things our parents do to protect us from ourselves and others and it's always insightful to grow up and understand their wise vantage point better.

SpikyAube ago

It becomes statistically less and less likely that the common theme across all these connections (paedophilia) is completely coincidental. Someone should do the stats on it so we can have some maths to back it up, like 'the chances of all these different things being unrelated to one another in a meaningful context, and only related to one another purely by chance, is 1 in seven thousand trillion" or something.

doubletake ago

from what's been assembled already, there's not an honest DA who would ever have a problem being suspicious on the level of urgency when thinking about tortured and abused kids. the same media pushback has been alive and well in the UK for decades, along with parliament. but the stuff you guys are assembling is massive. there's stages to every investigation, and as investigations go, this is probably the most crucial our species has ever faced, imo. and there seems to be no problem with folks regulating themselves around here. everyone seems to understand what's at stake.

VictorDaniels777 ago

I think this is a great idea. I would love to throw that in someone's face right now.

SnapeDoggyDogg ago

That's easier said than done. When you deal with such a complex series of events, there are a thousand ways to come up with the numbers and therefore it begins to appear subjective rather than objective, and defeats the purpose of the whole thing. For example, you could say that there are X-million statues in the world, the chances that Jimmy chose that statue by mere chance are 1 in X-million. But then somebody might argue that Jimmy has a long lost brother who lives in the same city as that museum. All of a sudden the numbers are not so bulletproof. It's better to just let the facts speak for themselves and let people come to their own conclusions. Trying too hard to be indisputable could backfire.

greenlentils ago

If there was this much circumstantial evidence against one of us, we would be sunk!!!

SpikyAube ago

Yeah you're right, see, this is why I am not a very good statistician! It seems like most people will be able to see how small the chances are though anyway, of it all being a coincidence. That's if they bother looking into it instead of reading one article in the MSM about it. :-(

drunk420 ago

Wow OP. This is some spectacular work. I'm surprised no one picked up on this until now. This is more than circumstantial IMO. I can't believe what my eyes are seeing. I'm never, ever going to see the world the same. I can tell you this, I drive in and around DC very often for work and my eyes are on the lookout for logos like never before.

VideoPower ago

This was talked about in the very first days- but up to my knowledge it hasn't been placed in a researched image like OP's.

mrpeoples ago

I feel your pain my friend......this whole thing has changed me.

Rigg5 ago

It was picked up, just nobody beyond a few people took it literally.

nmgoh2 ago

Without a stronger link, it's still easily explained away as him just saying "Oh cool statue" and snapping a pic that later became his instagram, having no knowledge of the statue's subject or history.

Rigg5 ago

All of the visual evidence can be used in court, but there is nothing linking him to any particular crime.At best we wait for someone to come forward. Our time is better spent diving into the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative

spez_dispenser ago

The anons were onto this about a week ago. It takes time for an idea to sprout.

drunk420 ago

How could one NOT take this literally? Unless of course that's a random, default image for a profile picture automatically assigned by instagram.

JimmyCometStatue ago

Doing a Google Image Search for this photo only brings up jimmycomet instagram posts. There are no other sources for the image. It seems he either took the photo himself or got the photo from someone who hasn't posted it publicly. I'd go with the former.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

IG doesn't do that AFAIK.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

for a second i thought there was a new word for elite pedos in this huge ring "legos" 'cause they play with children as toys, but then i read logos lol.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

thats more than just a coincidence...

ConcernedEnough ago

Profile picture is not by accident. Consistent with 'Magnificent Ape' chuckles at "little boys" comment from the audience and her "everybody has preferences" response, presumably referring to Alefantis. Alefantis is a chicken hawk and more.

anon123 ago

I think there is already plenty of circumstantial evidence. We're at the point where we need to find new leads and directly link some of these guys to pedo activity that can't be denied.

AdVict0riam ago

This is one creepy fucking rabbit hole that we're all crawling down.

NotANormie ago

More like a hell hole

waxdino ago

Good catch!

JimmyCometStatue ago

I searched everywhere and saw no mention of this! First time posting so hopefully I made this image properly. It's a long image but I wanted to layout all the detail. Please let me know if I should post it in a different fashion.

standalone ago

The layout and infographics are really well done and make the expose compelling and readable. This is exactly what we need to do for all the material we have collected so far. @JimmyCometStatue, I know that's really time consuming, but would you mind doing the same thing with other key evidence? If you are keen, I'll compile a list of all the stuff so far so you don't need to search too much.


this was mentioned 3 weeks ago on reddit

SluggishJ ago

Well done, very informative. Boy, these pieces sure do fit nicely together in order to paint a general theme of underage eroticism.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Yes i remember this was on the Reddit PizzaGate but it was right before it was closed down so maybe not many people seen it. Its certainly significant. Undeniable significant. That sick fukc is signalling to his fellow sickos. Its a paedo in-joke.

Nately ago

Great work, dude.

grlldcheese ago

This actually came up in the first couple days. It's awesome to watch you guys dig.

After all the fuckery and disinfo it's like starting from scratch with 1000 false leads in a sea of shills.

But you're finding it and redpilling everybody along the way. Well done.

Wage_Slave217 ago

I think you did a good job. But I'm a bit of a noob. From what I've seen, this is one of the better explanation images out there. It's very detailed. One comment would be to try and put the main points first and then the explanation further down. Which I suppose you did by titling the post the way you did.

JimmyCometStatue ago

That's a good point. It does need that introductory title. Thanks for the feedback!

starseedlover ago

I like the simple, easy to read narrative style. It's easier to follow along than those spider-web looking things

micha_ ago

Excellent job.