KittyTigerlily ago

Oh, my goodness! They talk about them like they are something to buy out of a store. So sick. What freaks.

PizzaAccount ago

LPT: Putting the title in all caps makes you sound like a raving lunatic.
Edit: Also, I've been to the deepweb on numerous occasions and most of those sites are likely very fake. The FBI can get on the deepweb too. If you found it easily enough, you can bet they've already checked it out.

kemiri ago

You are so funny mr fbi kek

Phobos_Mothership ago

Upon further inspection, OP seems unaware that this is just another chan board, this one on the deep web. And not even a bad one at that.

5PY_HUN73R ago

I've seen this as well.

spez_dispenser ago

Have you seen Takedown Man on youtube? Here's a video of him visiting the site. He just gives an overview of it.

5PY_HUN73R ago

Decentralized so that it never shuts down. Thats freakin nuts!

ArcherMcTaco ago

why are you surfing the deep web with script blockers off?

5PY_HUN73R ago

It's sandboxed in an overseas VPS paid for with bitcoin. I do that to capture code for reverse engineering.

UlexiteVision ago

the people in that forum are talking...they think you are NSA lol. havent seen any pedo shit on their cite yet so beare i gues.....

5PY_HUN73R ago

I've been watching. I find it funny they think that I'm FBI, NSA. I'm not government or law enforcement by any means. I'm independent. I generally do this alone.

RebelSkum ago

Get 'em you glorious bastard!

sadvulcan ago

It's not a massive human trafficking ring. From the screen shots it looks like someone, probably FBI/NSA honeypot asking for info on where to buy a young girl. There were not any replies in the screen shot, and if there were any, I'll bet they were either calling him the deepweb equivalent of a newfag, or trying to scam him.

youhavetogoback123 ago

Israeli's the religious ones, believe non jews are animals, pigs, lower then dogs, doesn't surprise if they are at the top of this. Synagogue of Satan. Children of their father the Devil.

Niggertown ago

I bet the sellers are Israeli.

moister ago

nntpchan guy here,

We have been fighting a (losing) battle for 3 years against cp spam and that post you are linking to is a probably bitcoin scammer, thanks for the free press I guess....

please note that we broke pizza gate first, see

They also are selling the nuclear launch codes of Spain, it's just as credible and realistic. http://oniichanylo2tsi4.onion/thread-e1cfe2a24dd03c1a951d083a1ed334b827195e25.html

there are plenty of cp sites on tor, nntpchan is not one of them and never will be.

God damn fucking newfags I swear to god.

investigatethepizza ago

This thread you posted, it talks about the lolita express? Is there anything you are able to provide since this? I don't know anything about nntpchan or anything "chan" related, I find it hard to figure out to use but am trying - it seems like you would have interesting submissions? Anything you have to add to the conversation in a post would be great!

moister ago

most "chan people" have been aware of the existence of satanic ritual abuse cults in the upper echelons of society so pizzagate was not a big surprise, it was an inevitable event. imageboards get hit the hardest by pedo crap fallout because of no registration and a culture of nihilistic moderation policies makes them an easy target for sensational news outlets. that thread looked like someone shelled a podesta related site, no way to confirm and we may never know what happened unless someone starts dropping exfiltrated data, could take years to be noticed depending on how incompetent the admins of that server are.

all in all, things like pizzagate are just another day on the internet for the long timers.

littlemissmogwai ago

I believe that to be true.

youhavetogoback123 ago

Keep digging lads. Expose these freaks

thedutchmaster ago

bump for awareness

faissaloo ago

Wth are you talking about nigger, I use NNTPchan all the time, there's no CP on most nodes, is a clearnet version, most of it is just talking about cybersecurity.
Also why the hell do you have scripts enabled on TOR? It's like you want to be tracked.

5PY_HUN73R ago

I've got it sandboxed in a virtual machine also going through a VPN.

faissaloo ago

That doesn't make an inch of difference if you're enabling scripts. All that would do is hide your TOR connection from your ISP and limit the effects of a browser privilege escalation exploit, it would in no way prevent the effects of enabling scripts which are usually used to track your browsing activity.

Azzipdoe ago

Have you had a stroke recently? You're speaking straight gibberish

Techman ago

Wow, this is really sick and twisted. I hope the FBI can do something about this.

smoothassilk ago

this site is bullshit. close this thread.

YeXsY ago

You should delete this post or make it private

porqueno ago

From a screenshot I found torchan where people were posting their tormail address to order "pizza" "with or without sausage", generally 9-15 "slices" . Obvious code for sex and age preference.

zw3crggtadila2sg . onion unsure if it's a honeypot or what, but if you look at /lol/ or a few other ??? boards you'll see it. There were no cp images, only requests and tormail addresses.

thedutchmaster ago

We need to stay on point and not descend into moral hysteria. This is literally nothing. There's tons of posts in their /b/ board asking for CP links only to be told to fuck off. We need to be investigating the people at the top of the foodchain who allow human trafficking to persist and engage in it themselves. Let's not be sidetracked by some autists trading CP on the darkweb.

youhavetogoback123 ago

This is too important. Go concern troll somewhere else

thedutchmaster ago

did you go and check out the link OP posted? It's literally nothing.

crash6674 ago

Holy Fuck

thicktail1730947 ago

Please present your findings in a less hyperbolic fashion.

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

Submit it to the center for missing and exploited children. They have the ability to shut down those types of websites.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Dear OP. WTF are you sufing the deep web with Noscript disabled?

littlemissmogwai ago

I'm new also, how is this hurting the OP?

LostandFound ago

seriously can we just take these sites down ??? what do we do here ?

BlackTara108 ago

I'd contact an attorney before making any moves if, I were you. Maybe some independent, child-protection-groups also. Grateful to everyone who speaks and acts to protect our kids. This problem has spiraled out of control. It needs addressing from all angles. It is our God given, fundamental right, to protect our children....BTW, I'm receiving many downvotes on posts to 'protect our kids from pedos'. What kind of people have a problem with protecting kids from pedophiles? Far too many of those monsters out there.....and in here.

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

don't go to kids organizations, they are all compromised

BlackTara108 ago

Good point, Gun. I didn't mean CYS. I've had dealings with those people and they do not 'protect children'. I was speaking of Wanted to know if anyone had any experience with them, to see if they are legit. Sorry if I even implied that CYS should be called.

p0ssumsAlt ago

And this shit will be upvoated like crazy ... this shitshow is never gonna end.

p0ssumsAlt ago

Not only that, but normally, the most sick CP sites require PROOF of abuse to join. They don't just let anyone in. These boys have been prosecuted for a long time and they are getting good at hiding. This kind of shit wouldn't be in the open by the real CP folks. This SCREAMS honeypot.

dannonyme ago

Apologies if this has been covered before...

Did you happen to notice the following post on overchan.random:

login: then go to after you have logged in.

screengrab of login page

I’m suspicious of this Shangri-La Group – they seem to have their fingers in a lot of pies. In addition to the links above, these are the main company links:

The WhoIs resolves to the following: Julie Allen 1801 Avenue of the Stars Century City, CA

Searched the address on Manta and got the following: Company: Shangri-LA Owner: Steve Bing

STEVE BING is a red flag

  • Podesta has an email using an email form the the domain - mentions Disney (also linked with pedophilia)
  • Bing, and his assistant are included in the Podesta email chain of “pizza.jpg"
  • Bing was with Bill Clinton when they ‘rescued’ the two reporters (who were reporting on human trafficking) from North Korea on Bing’s plane
  • Bing is a know associate of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein

Ran a DUNS search using the number from Shangri-LA (310.553.7700) and got the following related company:

SHANGRI-LA CAPITAL, LLC 550 S HOPE ST STE 700 LOS ANGELES, CA 90071-2649 (949) 296-0960

So, another DUNS search on the other number (949.296.0960), which linked to:

PBV V, LLC 185 BERRY ST STE 1200 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107-1794 (949) 296-0960

The exact address – Berry Street, Suite 2000 – is listed for the following:

  • Capcom USA Inc - Computer Games LinkedIn Capcom has offices everywhere

Capcom includes Beeline Interactive for children’s games The many Capcom subsidiaries can be found on Wikipedia

  • Presidio Bay Ventures, LLC - Commercial Real Estate LinkedIn

  • BCCI Construction Co - General Contractor LinkedIn

  • PBC Acquisitions V LLC - Real Estate (employs a staff of approximately 1) LinkedIn

PBC Acquisitions has a Facebook Page which lists it as a “Shopping/Retail” business (hmmm…’are we headed towards “The Clothing Shop Network”?)

Also to note, or maybe not… Has anyone else noticed a large volume of

…sorry guys…someone else pick it up from here…I’m out of time atm…GOOD LUCK!

thedutchmaster ago

upvote because this is the only useful information to come out of this

lorlipone ago

Good god, I love you autistic bastards. Let's tear this motherfucker down.

occassionally ago

How have others not bothered to check the link? Seriously

0110110101100101 ago

I think people are afraid to check.

MaunaLoona ago

FBI probably runs it.

hostile ago

this is some fake shit, nothing there

hostile ago

yeh i looked at it and nothing thee just trolling

thedutchmaster ago

this ^ it's literally nothing

dindonufin ago

NNTP is the protocol for usenet. Some newsgroups there are definitely a trading ground for CP.

5PY_HUN73R ago

You know, I thought that looked familiar, but never made that connection. Good insight!

auil ago

Cheese Pizza has been a known code for Child Pornography on imageboards for a long time. I definitely don't think it's a completely innocent post but I wouldn't be so sure it's directly related to pizzagate.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Brave anon here, have confirmed no CP in the links or screenshots, but continue through the sites at your own risk.

5PY_HUN73R ago

Thank you sir!

EatThePizzaEaters ago

What the fuck is that? Looks like giant disinfo time sink

auil ago

so is this the massive thing that was supposed to happen today?

5PY_HUN73R ago

Yeah. Who knew right? I sure as heck didn't!

Theophany ago

Should we link this post over to T_D on Eddit? Asking bc I'm not sure I want the shills over there getting wind of this

5PY_HUN73R ago

I don't know....are they still cannibalizing themselves over there? lol

5PY_HUN73R ago

Not just yet....we have to be strategic about it. I haven't put it on Twitter yet....still debating the right time for that.

BuffersMckyle ago

I daren't open those links because:

1.) If not censored, it's CP and merely viewing once can get you in a fair bit of shit. Even you prove yourself not guilty of any real wrongdoing in court, the stigma of the accusation will alone stick.

2.) Some things once seen, just can't be unseen. Especially because these aren't merely the kind of creepy perverts that take that small step down from 'barely legal' to 'almost legal' jailbait, they were really harming and causing such pain, trauma and distress to kids, they arguably got off more on that than the sexual aspects of it.

I want to know the truth about Pizzagate as much as everybody else, but it is getting to the point where one can no longer joke about it, and when the worst evidence is revealed; it will cross the thresholds of most normal people, hell, even go past the boundaries of those sick people who love gore and shit.

brandon816 ago

Fyi, if you are going to try to ping someone, make sure to include the '@' before the username.

6double5321 ago

I see no text on the right. Only comments in a vertical stack. Sorry.

brandon816 ago

Use a wider screen then, or widen the browser window. It's literally right there for the rest of us, in the sub description right under the share and discuss buttons.

6double5321 ago


piratse ago

I didn't think that was a doubt except from CTR shills. cheese pizza has been used on 4chan for 10+ years.

ThinCrust ago

Computer nerd here. Definitions in case this helps anyone:

Difference Between Deep Web and Dark Web

  • Deep Web: sites on the clear Internet that are not indexed by search engines like Google. For example, your online banking and your Gmail are considered "deep web" because they are not publicly accessible nor are they indexed by search engines. (People can't Google your checking account transactions.) Most of the Internet is considered "deep web."
  • Dark Web: Darknet sites are not on the clearnet and are only accessible using special protocols and software like Tor (for .onion sites), I2P (Invisible Internet Project), and Freenet.

So this .onion message board the OP refers to is "dark web." Good find though and doesn't detract from the point.

5PY_HUN73R ago

I stand corrected. :)

5PY_HUN73R ago

Funny thing, my brother and I were just having this

piratse ago

As someone who has been using tor weekly for years, this looks like a scam site or honey pot. Trick dummies into sending bit coin and giving them shit, who are they going to complain to? There are thousands of sites like this on tor. And MANY are controlled and operated by governments whom also control exit nodes. ESPECIALLY if you found it on the hidden wiki. Which is heavily edited. Want a tip? Search hard candy on hidden wiki and read the comment from the site (there is no CP). The unedited hidden wiki has more, and there are way deeper link sites to this stuff.

I am not saying this to dissuade you from checking tor, but if you're new to it, slow down. The "hidden" stuff isn't linked and shared on easy to find places like the hidden wiki. You have to work your way in.

Fitnesschildsaver1 ago

I heard these deep dark sites sell snuff films of children being murdered on film. People can watch them being murdered and raped by a pedo and make bets on how hey should die. Something tells me the ones that are controlling these sites are the illuminati/elite.

6double5321 ago

Why do you use this handle, while referencing yourself as kingkongwaswrong?

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Just a thought, insight, years ago someone was showing me a "Warez" site, don't know the actual name of the site didn't get into it, but it was definitely some old-school deep-web shit to get to it, we were children and someone's sick government connected uncle/adult predator "friend"/or some such showed him or her how to get to it.....

Long story short, the site was LOADED with CP, some of it going back as far as the 70's or even further, some of it real current to the time frame. You name it it was hosted, and probably a few things you couldn't think of. The issue was a lot of these sites are created by top of the food chain professionals in computer programming and such, most of them probably with government jobs.

I only saw the site itself once or twice, only saw a few images, told my friend "I don't want to know" because being a child and seeing images of child exploitation, and knowing some adult showed him or her how to access it, scared the hell out of me. Had me knowing there are real child-predators living in my community, hiding in plain site, because there were.

I spent years watching the news, local, national, special weekly news programs, just waiting for the story to break...... It never did, and it wasn't because the powers that be didn't know, it's because the powers that be mostly didn't care. And think about it, we killed over a HALF A MILLION IRAQI CHILDREN in the early 90's with sanctions, we killed how many CHILDREN IN VIETNAM? We killed how many CHILDREN IN KOREA? And certainly there have been many before and many since.... We have soldiers coming back as straight sado-masochistic killing machines who were fucked in the head and abuse their own children, massive epidemics hidden particularly after Korea & Vietnam...........

We like to pretend we put such a premium on human life, that "Only in the 3rd. World countries is life so cheap", it's a damn LIE. the government knows, the government doesn't care, the government is crawling with sexual predators!!!

You can find countless articles confirming the government is crawling with child-rapists, the general population as well. They won't do anything but make a token bust here and there, that's all they've done for years, because the rapists are so heavily entrenched.

You can keep digging, you'll probably find more, you may even find someone paying between $3,000-$5,000 to have your ass killed, maybe you'll really stir the pot and get a nice $10,000 bounty.......... But you ever hear about that old "Boot stomped across the face of humanity forever" Mr. George Orwell talked about? Yeah well it's very real.

Be careful, don't drive yourself crazy, and don't get killed fighting a losing battle with a network of enemies that is far more insidious & extensive than you're even willing to believe.

Fitnesschildsaver1 ago

Shit!! What if the FBI and CIA run these types of sites? Like selling children and drugs bc that's what FBIanon told us. Clinton foundation traffics drugs and children

heygeorge ago

nobody needs to watch sick shit or to be dumped into the special sick shit watcher folder

Speak for yourself. Many are degenerate!

DependasaurusRex ago

The FBI as a whole isn't terrible. The problem, however, is some at the top. The problem with compartmentalization is that is can easily be corrupted. There are some very good reqsons for it, but there are also flaws, like everything else. The majority, however, are decent people that want to do the best they can (or lazy and enjoy the benefits), but do not mean to disrupt justice.

KittyTigerlily ago

What about reporting to the NSA? It's something that I read recently, they are in problems together. It might be a choice!

DependasaurusRex ago

The NSA only takes care of foreign intel, and will not/cannot touch even things from our second party partners. They do not have jurisdiction over any of those, and that is exactly what the FBI was created to take care of. The NSA will not touch anything within the USA and its allies with a 10' poll, unfortunately.

LionParty ago

Thing is, if OP can find this site, then the FBI already knows it exists. I'm not saying we shouldn't keep investigating or try to be some shill or something, but some of this won't get solved until Trump takes office and guts the DOJ, when that happens the FBI can move in and take these pieces of shit down. Reporting to the FBI right now might not even be a good idea. We just need to spread the ideas around so people are aware of what's going on.

LionParty ago

Are the screenshots SFW or no?

ExpandYourMind ago


knight222 ago

This is pretty big but not as much as the Silk Road.

archons ago

I found a site I suspect of being a trafficking front but I have no evidence except the fact it was attached to a twitter of someone who was following a pedo front. Look at the "How to find a nanny" instructions. They seem way too specific and long just to find a nanny. It reads like instructions on what to do when trying to buy a child, Maybe someone here can recognize some symbols or signs I may be missing?

p0ssumsAlt ago

LOL shit like THIS is why people ignore you folks. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show me what's fucked up about this.

GenghisSean ago

I don't see anything suspicious about the nanny thing. Maybe I'm overlooking something, but it looks pretty normal to me.

archons ago

I've literally spent about 3 hours pouring over it and I can't either. Looking for these hidden clues can be tiring. But I do have a site that is definitely a front that I have not seen anyone post. I am saving all the important stuff before I put them out there.

GenghisSean ago

That sounds like a good plan. We must compile all the evidence and show the facts to everyone in a digestible way. If the authorities won't investigate these paedophiles right now we need the masses demanding they be investigated.

Wellwerefucked ago

This seems pretty big! Well done. Hope this gets to the top & we get more heads on this.

justiceforever ago

Screenshot archive and report!

You are brave. Doing God's work. Gonna catch some traffickers!!

p0ssumsAlt ago

Or end up in jail for visiting honeypots run by the FBI to trap idiots.

justiceforever ago

If he reports it to the FBI, could they really prosecute him?

FuckReddit69 ago

"Selling spain's nuclear launch codes" If this site isnt compromised (it could easily be) my spidey sence is telling me OP is deliberatly publishing misinfo for whatever agena he/they have. Something tells me this will turn into something much bigger than just a global pedo ring. Whether to distract or used as a FF for a pretext is yet to be seen. This pizzagate shit could easily be a concerted hoax.

pitenius ago

Spain is not a nuclear power.

Yuser_Manuel ago

spain has multiple nuclear power plants.

pitenius ago

tell me when they've test launched a few... i'll give an inside tip on their codes

moister ago


pitenius ago

Fair enough...

cover20 ago

I am convinced pizzagate is real. That doesn't mean other crazy shit isn't also real and even traded in nearby markets.

p0ssumsAlt ago

doesn't mean pizzagate is real either...

CaptnMeowMix ago

This pizzagate shit could easily be a concerted hoax.

People keep saying this, yet nobody seems to provide any possible explanations for how that scenario would even realistically unfold in the first place, just a bunch of fearful handwaving emphasizing the uncertainty of the situation.

In order for this to be a hoax, it would need to be elaborate enough to be compatible with the following FACTS:

  1. The wikileaks emails that started this, have been verified to be real.

  2. The affiliations of, and connections between the parties involved have been documented and well established for a long time, regardless of any accusations or speculations of wrong doing.

  3. The occurrence of such phenomena among these types of people has been speculated for decades, at least since the 80's. Look into the Franklin Cover-up, and the Johnny Gosch case.

  4. It is documented Fact that attempts at trying to publicly expose information about those previous cases has resulted in unexplained censorship. Look into the censoring of the documentary "A Conspiracy of Silence" about the Franklin Cover-up.

  5. Similar phenomena has been CONFIRMED to happen among the political elite in Europe. Look into the Jimmy Seville case.

So the question is, if this is a hoax, where does the truth end and the hoax begin? If the hoax started before the Podesta emails, that would be incredibly elaborate, require the cooperation of tons of different people over a long period of time, and be worth the effort and patience for a payoff in the far future.

If it started after, why start it so close to the factual emails and draw attention to them, when they contain tons of other damaging information in plain sight? Why launch a simultaneous disinformation campaign blaming Russian hackers and discrediting the authenticity of the emails, when your other hoax relies on them being believable? And why are we expecting a hoax of that complexity from the same cohort of people that decided to ignore security protocols and then couldn't even secure an email server?

How do you connect point A to point B in these cases?

Frankly, the theory of this being a hoax seems a lot more unbelievable than the supposed "hoax" itself. We need to be careful that our risk aversion and fear of uncertainty don't lead us to irrational and mathematically improbable conclusions.

There could very well be something bigger than a pedo ring happening, but the odds of the pedo ring itself being a false flag are slim.

DarkNoobz ago

on point 1, could you provide the specific emails you're referring to? Because I am leaning closer to hoax than reality at this point.

CaptnMeowMix ago

The Wikileaks emails, like I said...?

Are you familiar with how wikileaks works? Not only have all of their leaks been 100% authentic in the entirety of their +10yr history, you can literally browse to any Podesta email and see a big header on top saying:

This email has also been verified by Google DKIM 2048-bit RSA key

Basically this means that the email has was scanned and cross referenced with actual live email logs, and has been verified to match up with them, thus being authentic and confirming that all these people actually had the discussions that appear in the leaks. Just look for yourself:

Though if you're legitimately not familiar with how Pizzagate started, it was due to those very same Podesta emails in that link containing some unusual conversations. Notice how those emails have that header I mentioned.

If on the other hand you're questing whether the contents of the emails mean anything significant, then I'm afraid you misinterpreted my point. It's the plain existence of these emails that throws a wrench into any claims of it being a false flag, regardless of what they contain. And the rest of my comment explains why that is. This is pure empirical deduction and mathematical logic at work, no speculation required.

DarkNoobz ago

this is one of the best replies ive ever received, thank you.

Theophany ago

The logic in this cuts diamonds.

Throwaway7679 ago

Methinks what happens is that people assume from the name (Pizzagate) that the primary evidence for this entire thing is the mentioning of pizza in emails. What gets missed is that while the emails begain the investigation the primary evidence at this point is far from simply pizza.

The primary evidence is entirely objective facts of financial, political, social and economic ties connecting political powerhouses with human traffickers and child abusers internationally. Those ties are provable facts and not subjective by any means.

5PY_HUN73R ago

You're exactly right. This goes far beyond pizza. This is like exposing the underbelly of the Beast!

ejd4500 ago

100% agree...this would be the longest of all long cons if that were every possible. There's no way that this has been setup.

Sprite98 ago

Need but hey, if everything we say is true then, I guess we will all end up in some kind of list with a cross on our head...Right ?

The_Almighty_Kek ago

Fuck, dude. I hope you're being as safe as you can be when looking through this stuff...I'd hate for a bunch of people investigating pedo's to be charged with pedo activities themselves. Or worse.

SpreadLikeWildFire ago

Guys I want to click the link to check it out but not sure if it's safe. I'm using tor but is that enough?

0fsgivin ago

I would not.

SpreadLikeWildFire ago

I'm not going to click it after having seen a post lower down. Probably for the best! Thanks pal

0fsgivin ago

Honestly, what change can you effect by doing so? And what risk will you present yourself? That's the equation. Upvote the post and move on. Unless your cousin is in the FBI or a billionaire that can hire private detectives and an elite commando squad to kill the fucks or something. Even then. Just let him know about it.

nottashill ago

Thanks for using Slimg though.

5PY_HUN73R ago

No problem! When it comes to this stuff we have to make sure we get it right!

RedPillinfowar ago

http://ev7fnjzjdbtu3miq.onion/ Server not found - also cannot load the site. Is this an encrypted address?

5PY_HUN73R ago

Yes....You have to use the Tor browser to view it.


Read about tor. It's a .onion address.

nottashill ago

You Reddit folk and your all caps.

5PY_HUN73R ago

I'm actually new to this reddit and voat stuff...not much of a writer. I'm more of just a coder that wanted to offer my skills to help.

nottashill ago

Well, I'll be taking you up on it. Prob do it during the drive next week.

ejd4500 ago

Coder sorts as well here, willing to do what I can.

N0rdicDefender ago

Report to the FBI or infiltrate them. You capture one and torture him for information and bring them all down.

ExpandYourMind ago

End up capturing a fed lmao

5PY_HUN73R ago

Ha.....I'd love to do the latter but the former is probably much easier.

justiceforever ago

But your username implies that you can spy on and hunt them lol

wesofx ago

The links contain comments on a message board apparently soliciting buying/selling children.

5PY_HUN73R ago

It could possibly be even one of their own sites...

moister ago


I think the real question to be asked is "why is a 3 day old user on voat advocating for shutting down the people who broke pizzagate in the first place?"

GenghisSean ago

Oh my god...this makes me physically ill.

KittyTigerlily ago

Oh,, this is horrible, and I would report it definitely.

Sprite98 ago

I'm starting looking on Tor as well, do you have any hint about how to find things on the deep web ? Like any onion chan or things well crowded boards could be a good start !

What you just found makes me sick...If you find a post talking about pizza then we have them !

ejd4500 ago

If you want to continue focusing on #pizzagate, going from one onion to the next will surely swamp you. Stay here on clear but you can use Tor browser via Tails.

5PY_HUN73R ago

The best way to search imo is to use what we in the infosec world call "Google Dorking". It works with DuckDuckGo too. Refer Here:

Sprite98 ago

Thanks ! I'll try to work it, I'm not the most tech savvy guy around so it might take me some time before being proficient :)

MeatballPizza ago

Submit it to the FBI. Hope posting it publicly like this won't lead to their closing the site before evidence can be gathered. Avoiding CP, screenshot and save what evidence youc an.

p0ssumsAlt ago

The FBI is likely running it ... they already know about it.

AJ-Styles ago

I just gave you my first upvote. Hopefully another point in the direction of exposing these evil fucks. I check back on this site daily and I am so fucking happy that even though the Reddit sub for shut down there is still a place to stay informed and hope to God that these disgusting shitbags get exposed. FBI please

5PY_HUN73R ago


EllenPaosEgo ago

Have you paid no attention to what is going on, the FBI are corrupt right now. Especially considering with the anti pedo laws submitting this to the FBI can get you locked up.

YeXsY ago

Yes its best to not even report it to them, the real trick is to buy 2 tons of manure and they will be at your house in a day or two.

MeatballPizza ago

Right. Wait until Jan 21st and THEN submit it!

I actually believe the local FBI agents are legit folks. Some corruption at the top.

State AG's office or State police might also be places to go.

justforthissubverse ago

This. I know of several local agents. Great guys. The best. But the top has been compromised to an extent. More on the DOJ side than the FBI though. Agents are not happy ...

5PY_HUN73R ago

Yes, this is the whole problem. When the people up top are corrupted it corrupts the entire system.

5PY_HUN73R ago

I'm working on getting more screenshots....there's just way too much to to go through.

DarkNoobz ago

are these screenshots illegal or going to get me in trouble? im scared to click.

littlemissmogwai ago

I was unable to access the screenshots. It's been a while, so maybe they were taken down.

hostile ago

nothing there really

Ling_Ling ago

No, there are 0 photographs on there.

Personally I have a difficult time seeing what the title is describing

5PY_HUN73R ago

No....there's no CP in it....only solicitation.

MeatballPizza ago

Be careful. Look at my recent post on the FBI actually operating these sites to catch pedos. In the NEW stories on here.

Maeglor ago

Good cover story for them.

Bears make money when everyone wants honey


BigSmeez ago

Submitting to the FBI? They've been doing a great job lately busting HRC.

primaryappellation ago

Maybe the NYPD?

MeatballPizza ago

Point taken. It'd take weeks if not months to develop a case for this. Trump will be running the show by then.

BigSmeez ago

I'm so tired I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

quantokitty ago

Well, if he reports it to the FBI, it won't compromise a sting. But definitely report it ...

5PY_HUN73R ago

I remember seeing those...I know the posts go back passed last year, so if this FBI operated, it's been in business for quite some time.