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FuckReddit69 ago

"Selling spain's nuclear launch codes" If this site isnt compromised (it could easily be) my spidey sence is telling me OP is deliberatly publishing misinfo for whatever agena he/they have. Something tells me this will turn into something much bigger than just a global pedo ring. Whether to distract or used as a FF for a pretext is yet to be seen. This pizzagate shit could easily be a concerted hoax.

CaptnMeowMix ago

This pizzagate shit could easily be a concerted hoax.

People keep saying this, yet nobody seems to provide any possible explanations for how that scenario would even realistically unfold in the first place, just a bunch of fearful handwaving emphasizing the uncertainty of the situation.

In order for this to be a hoax, it would need to be elaborate enough to be compatible with the following FACTS:

  1. The wikileaks emails that started this, have been verified to be real.

  2. The affiliations of, and connections between the parties involved have been documented and well established for a long time, regardless of any accusations or speculations of wrong doing.

  3. The occurrence of such phenomena among these types of people has been speculated for decades, at least since the 80's. Look into the Franklin Cover-up, and the Johnny Gosch case.

  4. It is documented Fact that attempts at trying to publicly expose information about those previous cases has resulted in unexplained censorship. Look into the censoring of the documentary "A Conspiracy of Silence" about the Franklin Cover-up.

  5. Similar phenomena has been CONFIRMED to happen among the political elite in Europe. Look into the Jimmy Seville case.

So the question is, if this is a hoax, where does the truth end and the hoax begin? If the hoax started before the Podesta emails, that would be incredibly elaborate, require the cooperation of tons of different people over a long period of time, and be worth the effort and patience for a payoff in the far future.

If it started after, why start it so close to the factual emails and draw attention to them, when they contain tons of other damaging information in plain sight? Why launch a simultaneous disinformation campaign blaming Russian hackers and discrediting the authenticity of the emails, when your other hoax relies on them being believable? And why are we expecting a hoax of that complexity from the same cohort of people that decided to ignore security protocols and then couldn't even secure an email server?

How do you connect point A to point B in these cases?

Frankly, the theory of this being a hoax seems a lot more unbelievable than the supposed "hoax" itself. We need to be careful that our risk aversion and fear of uncertainty don't lead us to irrational and mathematically improbable conclusions.

There could very well be something bigger than a pedo ring happening, but the odds of the pedo ring itself being a false flag are slim.

DarkNoobz ago

on point 1, could you provide the specific emails you're referring to? Because I am leaning closer to hoax than reality at this point.

CaptnMeowMix ago

The Wikileaks emails, like I said...?

Are you familiar with how wikileaks works? Not only have all of their leaks been 100% authentic in the entirety of their +10yr history, you can literally browse to any Podesta email and see a big header on top saying:

This email has also been verified by Google DKIM 2048-bit RSA key

Basically this means that the email has was scanned and cross referenced with actual live email logs, and has been verified to match up with them, thus being authentic and confirming that all these people actually had the discussions that appear in the leaks. Just look for yourself:

Though if you're legitimately not familiar with how Pizzagate started, it was due to those very same Podesta emails in that link containing some unusual conversations. Notice how those emails have that header I mentioned.

If on the other hand you're questing whether the contents of the emails mean anything significant, then I'm afraid you misinterpreted my point. It's the plain existence of these emails that throws a wrench into any claims of it being a false flag, regardless of what they contain. And the rest of my comment explains why that is. This is pure empirical deduction and mathematical logic at work, no speculation required.

DarkNoobz ago

this is one of the best replies ive ever received, thank you.

Theophany ago

The logic in this cuts diamonds.

Throwaway7679 ago

Methinks what happens is that people assume from the name (Pizzagate) that the primary evidence for this entire thing is the mentioning of pizza in emails. What gets missed is that while the emails begain the investigation the primary evidence at this point is far from simply pizza.

The primary evidence is entirely objective facts of financial, political, social and economic ties connecting political powerhouses with human traffickers and child abusers internationally. Those ties are provable facts and not subjective by any means.

5PY_HUN73R ago

You're exactly right. This goes far beyond pizza. This is like exposing the underbelly of the Beast!

ejd4500 ago

100% agree...this would be the longest of all long cons if that were every possible. There's no way that this has been setup.