crankypants15 ago

These subreddits are getting banned because they found out the truth, and the liberal media wants to support pedophiles.

Windtwist ago

Clearly there are people at reddit who have connections to some of these wretched people.

jaxyou ago

Up voting all I can

MickeyDee ago

Go to VOAT alternative forum

fuspezza ago

FucK that Upvoate for grief shit. when in Voat do as the fags do.

LawofTruth ago

Let me get some of that upVOAT love. YOu guys are sharing the spirit round here.

atheist4thecause ago

Some less-related subreddits are also self-censoring in fear of getting the hammer like this other Subreddits did.

truth-uk ago

Hi guys, this could be an important part of this world wide paedophile ring. Just noticed this sign near my home, with the international paedophiles symbol (like a triangle) YWCA Jesmond House, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England (Clayton Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 1UJ )
This building is in an affluent part of the city, and is a hostel that caters for vulnerable single people and recently released prisoners. Check out the symbol at the top of their web site Interestingly this place was opened by H.R.H. Princess Alexandrea on 27 sept 1984 This is the sign I seen from the street,-1.6029612,3a,15y,356.35h,85.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG5E6OjeUozpTNMc2DP0TOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Hope someone with more know-how then me be able to dig some more, little children could be at risk now.Thank you. I would also like to thank Victurus Libertas VL, for recently making this video about this matter

BoycotReddit ago

Something is definitely happening, media censorship is in overdrive, and now another top-level pedo network is busted in Norway, 1 day after they dropped their funding for Hillary.

franzkb ago


solar_flare ago

Are we allowed to ask for voats?

No. :P

Fahrvergnaked ago

lol, it's like explaining freedom to immigrants from communist countries. "Uhhh, no, you can say 'Fuck tha police' here, you're not gonna disappear to a gulag. It's not a problem"

LuminalAbnormality ago

have an upvote. I deactivated my reddit account 5 minutes ago.

LuminalAbnormality ago

fuck yeah fucking ninja man. I gave you an upvote

ThrowawayPizza ago

Of course, they ban it, it's gonna be the same users, same behavior, same everything.

Jixijenga ago

I have no idea why a "respected law professor" does any of those things, maybe he binged watched Charmed and X-Files while hitting the bong a little too hard? What relevance does any of this have? Can you prove that relevance in a straightfoward and believable manner?

I'm asking these questions because you should be asking them yourself, that was my point. Tossing up some half-baked retort about "psyops" and asserting that Podesta's interest in the paranormal is somehow damning evidence won't convince anyone but anyone with a standard-issue tinfoil hat. If you're not concerned about that then what the fuck is the point of all of this? Just to circlejerk online?

justforthissubverse ago

Plus, the community is so small... going to take me ages for upvotes :(

lonewolf9632 ago

Don't worry fam I was just being a diligent centipede, gotta reference back to MAGA whenever possible

Shook ago

It's only a matter of time before reddit bans so many subs that it starts to go down just like Digg went.

MinorLeakage ago

Technically, no. But actual users don't get banned on Voat either way. I would check out /v/Introductions for some easy CCP to get rolling. I was honestly annoyed by the 100 CCP restriction when I first joined, but it really doesn't take long to get, and really helps to limit the amount of "shill" accounts.

I hope you stick around and tell someone else the same thing in a year!

journalistsarelazy ago

Commenting that receives upvoats fixes that.

Louisa ago

Well if Satan and disgusting perverts made me discover Voat - at least there is a silver lining. :/. I am a Hillary voter and atheist/agnostic. I was reading a cute thing in r/awww about Joe Biden's bracelet with Obama. Someone noticed a pizza charm (it really looked like cake or pie to me) but I started reading the details - and went to Pizzagate - it had JUST been banned. Suddenly in our convo in r/aww it appeared that a whole bunch of shills came in and started mocking the people that believed it - this made me more curious so I tried to reply to one - nada - the admins had shut down the convo on it in r/awww. So this only made me even more curious. After digging into the story and looking at Podesta images on google where you clearly see his scars (no chance of editing by anyone) and after seeing @jacks creepy 2006 Pasta Satan references - there is too much for me to ignore. My world view has been smashed.

One thing I have to say though - is too much talk of "elites" will automatically send people like me rolling our eyes the other way. That word has become a tag associating anything written after it something to ignore (for someone like me normally). Too much talk of "evil libs" and all the name calling associated with the ol lib v. con will drown this story.

In any event - thank you to all of you who have uncovered something very dark with enough evidence to wake me up to it.

piratse ago

Same. I think there should be an additional time limit and x amount of subs/posts. That way one comment can't get you to brigade status. If the point is to join a community, what does it hurt to wait? I do like the "you can't DV more than you UV." Even if it has hindered my voting in the past, it's a good rule.

nimblenav ago

This is just like Gamergate but this time is 1000000000 time bigger

GameChanger ago

These are the times that tries men's hearts. This is a topic that when people start digging into, they don't want to admit to themselves that there really is this kind of evil in the world. We must expose this! Please, everyone, do not let this investigation be undermined or usurped. Stay on focus and this WILL come out into the open. TPTB are scared and threatened, so right now, anything can happen. Be sure to backup EVERYTHING!

Indiana_Jones ago

I don't know WHAT this all is about but it REALLY REALLY is strange what is going on.

Thing is, over here at voat we won't be as strong as over at Reddit because the people just want come in the numbers we need.

Heldonhammer ago

I'm not surprised, saddened, but not suprised.

NeedleStack ago

Both Admins Atko and PuttItOut welcomed you guys and made this sub the featured sub of the entire website. You're welcomed here. They are not about censorship at all. If any government approached them you can be sure they'd communicate that to us.

MRunar ago

sound good

HeavyBrain ago

So you mean like 10 years ago?

Holyf00t ago

Upvote me

LolturdFerguson ago

I used to think Alex Jones was crazy for saying it was owned by the CIA/FBI. Maybe he's not as crazy as I thought initially.

I'm a big skeptic, but lining up all of these informative tidbits, seeing the reactions of the powers-that-be trying to suppress said information is...well, a bit strange if you ask me.

Even the most uninformed of individuals can conclude that there is something that needs to be hidden, and great steps are being taken to do just that.

damnittohell ago

I only went to reddit for the donald. It'd be nice if they ban that one and those people all move here to voat.

NeedleStack ago

They've been moving to our /v/TheDonald for a little while now. I suspect we'll get another surge soon. Welcome!

VideoPower ago

Hi everyone, I look forward to digging with you all.

BuffersMckyle ago

Wow, this is getting to the point where even the most sceptical, typical mainstream news viewer can tell that they are attempting to cover things up. They are digging their hole even deeper now. Ellen Pao would be proud.

RogerByam ago

Good outlook :)

shin-kicked ago

Reddit is a total cucktard.....glad the migration to voat is never ending

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Reddit admins are pedophiles and Israel-lovers.

Laserchalk ago

What exactly is pizzagate and why did reddit ban it?

Lopsid ago

This link is okay:

We are yet to find out why such solid hints of pedophilia related to the Clintons and their contacts were banned from Reddit. Of course though, we can always safely assume it's because they're faggots as usual.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Yeah but the guys who run the place are from finland or somewhere near there.

drbrontosaurus ago

Curiouser and curiouser.


Well, I'm going to stop using reddit (again), and see how far voat goes. I suggest you all do the same. If we can get voat's subreddits populated, we'll be able to remain here and not rely on reddit. So please, if you partake in any subreddits on reddit, join them on voat (even if they are small) and get them active!! Punish reddit for deleting content and allowing another website to steal their members!

NeedleStack ago

You can find old and new subs that may interest you in /v/VoCatalog.

dittohead ago

They sure are acting guilty

VelmaDinkley ago

Re what shut down the sub: Could it be the posts about Assange? That there is evidence he was already dead or on his way to Guantanamo when the internet was cut? Wasn't that posted on the pizza thread?

Strongman2711 ago

The truth brings freedom.

Gumbatron ago

upgoats... I like it (and upgoated it). on second thoughts, probably not safe to google "upgoat"

Kal ago

I don't understand how you guys stayed on reddit as long as you did.

PolybiusPizza ago

So what you're saying is, time to switch from that glorious hole that turned into a glory hole...

Strelnieki ago

The Donald seems to have partially been on duping our community. They made a sticky about how they had been modding multiple pizza posts same as any other post and reiterated how our subs true nature surrounds the president elect. Then... boom, massive pizza censorship. It's either they gave us a subtle self-ass covering quick warning, or they bent the knee and complied with admin pressure last minute.

MAGABoomer ago

Depends on the power level. It's a lot easier to control cops who take bribes or deal once on tape they'll do anything asked. They take the corrupt and use them.

Strelnieki ago

It should be noted the Kanye West incident coincides with our subs demise. Is that being censored site-wide also? I know it was on a few bigger rap music subs.

solar_flare ago

So do what with users that blatantly go around the CCP requirement/system with upvote parties?

dzdork ago

You rock

kingforpres ago

What is the coincidence between Trump saying he won't pursue her legally and all this happening. These people take decades with there plans and seconds with covering up their mistakes. It's too fucking easy to connect the dots when they're highlighted!

kingforpres ago

It can't be a coincidence they shut down the peoples voice against Hillary the same day he says he won't prosecute. I would say Hillary is finished but Trump just learned who his bosses really are. (not us)

solar_flare ago

I think vote brigading and vote manipulation is something that should be bannable offense. It clearly is an aim to circumvent the system. I wasn't suggesting mods do the banning, but admins.

If not you could easily get groups of shills/bots having upvote parties to get the required CCP to manipulate the voting here.

I don't think it's being unwelcoming to tell people that they're disrespecting Voat's system when they're talking about schemes to get around the contribution system.

Moonlandinghoax ago

Damn I like this site better already. Reddit is in FULL ON DAMAGE CONTROL.

ratxue ago

She's not yer bro, fella.

CometTAILS ago

Agreed. Perception is starting to change.

voatwins ago

bunch of pussies at Reddit

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Well, invite the others over.


Reddit is dead to me. This site never appealed to me but I don't really see any other choice at this point

eyes-wide-shut ago

Red pill me on Obama traveling

witch_doctor1 ago

I am kinda thinking that The Donald should start their own sub here as a show of solidarity. Something along the lines of "First they came for Pizzagate and I did nothing".

What kind of impact would it have on Reddit if 300K deactivated their accounts and came here?

NeedleStack ago

We have /v/TheDonald. Some users from the reddit sub have started coming here beginning about a month ago.

garretthates12 ago

And then shill media liberals say Vladimir Putin suppresses public opinion. Fuck Reddit.

IceDagger316 ago

SLC Daycare 2.0

pleasedontsuicideme ago

I'd like to note that I was a mod of Civ Investigators and we had maybe 6 posts, none of them contained witch hunting, which is what we were apparently banned for.

laterlosers ago


Marijuana_Merlin ago

Reddit is fucking retarded. Nothing but a rotting corpse of autism and selling out.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Not to be nit-picky or anything, but it's Madeleine. And please don't ever say "Maddy" either.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Oddly enough, Alefantis made a good analogy...

"It's like trying to shoot a swarm of bees with just one gun."

BoycotReddit ago

don't tell me that's pedo-slang for trying to have sex with bees?

Jixijenga ago

Threads on /tg/ have taught me that having an anthropomorphic bee girlfriend would be at least tolerable, if not pleasant.

StreisandEffect ago

Just wait till they ban /r/The_Donald, that's when the SHTF, both there and here.

eyes-wide-shut ago

This is the exact reason why I also moved to gab

StreisandEffect ago

My thoughts exactly!

DelorisCL ago

I'm here until I die. I've seen the fallout from pedo on kids.

TheUnUsualSuspects ago

the_donald has been compromised as well as 4chan. Whats hilarious is prior to the election, the mods were all active community members too. Now after the election, their "posts" all sound like different people. Their accounts have been jacked by imposters. This shit is ridiculous that they are doing to keep pizzagate a secret.

fLipiT ago

Must have hit a nerve.

YeezusKTrump ago

I joined just now because of pizzagate. Some shady shit going on. Assange missing. Obama travelling the world, pushing the "fake news" narrative. Just in time for the media to run sham stories calling this story "fake news".

Twitter.. reddit...

pizzaparallel ago

I agree that shady things are going on. I'm not convinced that everything is connected. I don't think Obama travelling the world is anything new and noteworthy. Also, I think the fake news concern is more related to the election because it's being used as an excuse to discredit "less-legitimate" sources and as a last-ditch attempt to control who influences the masses. The fact that Assange is missing and twitter and reddit are pushing heavy censorship is shady on it's own. Overall, most media sources have NOT covered pizzagate though and I think that's more surprising. If it was obviously a silly conspiracy theory, it seems like the media would be eager to mock it as a crazy rightwing conspiracy.

YeezusKTrump ago

On its own, Obama traveling the world is not noteworthy.

However, his promotion of the "fake news" narrative just in time for it to be employed against pizzagate puts him squarely in the crosshairs.

And of course, there's the pizza friendship bracelet Joe gave him, which on its own, seems innocuous. But knowing what we now know about pizzagate, it certainly raises eyebrows...

pizzaparallel ago

Well, he's also promoting the fake news narrative after an election that his party lost. I think it's more related to controlling political information and opinions than it is about protecting against the discovery of pizzagate.

The MSM doesn't need to use a fake news narrative to dismiss pizzagate as a conspiracy theory. When people started raising questions about Hillary Clinton's health, the media roundly mocked it as a conspiracy theory. That was enough for many people to dismiss the idea. In this case, the media coverage is much more sparse so I don't think that fake news was intended to cover this up.

I don't know what to make of the friendship bracelet. It could be connected but probably it's not. Even if it is linked to pizzagate, there's no way to prove it.

TheGunslinger ago

It's a fucking cesspool.

fuckreddit__ ago

Fuck Reddit

DelorisCL ago

yeah fuck reddit and all censorship

BoycotReddit ago

This must be Media Meltdown Week or something, yesterday @TwitterGate sends them into a frenzy of banning 30k accounts, today Reddit goes on a rampage to censor @PizzaGate and make it all just go away. It's like the actions of some very powerful individuals who are very scared indeed. Interesting Times!

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Its intentional brother. One thing I've always noticed on reddit, every time there is a suspicious police shooting, that same day there will be an unrelated picture of a cop doing some generic good thing on the front page. People are obviously paying good money to influence public perception.

BoycotReddit ago

I think that's an old trick with regard to the police. Why do we have SO many cop shows or alphabet-soup security shows, Special Forces shows, all being heroic and KEEPING YOU SAFE.

DelorisCL ago

UK pedo scandle went dead. Shit goes to the top.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

It's not dead, not yet anyway. This situation might actually get it going again.

MrPim ago

We've seen this done, and when it's detected they get a goat smackdown into the negs. Making that account useless. I've never seen it done maliciously though. It's a pretty close knit group here. And you'll be left alone unless you spam. No-one here wants to take your speech unless you're a nuisance in some way.

WewLaddy ago


Didot ago

Reddit is also deleting comments on The_Donald's announcement that called out the site's hypocritical stance on pedophile activity. See this submission I made here.

TheGunslinger ago

Reddit is in full blown suppression mode, it's fucking sickening.

BirdLaw ago

I'm disgusted by reddit. Fuck. I don't want to go back to that retched website. Knowing those who run it are actively helping pedophiles makes my skin crawl.

solar_flare ago

I doubt this is terribly effective. People who really want to be shills or brigade will use tricks to get their vote count up just like they do on reddit. They'll post pictures of cats or dig something up on wikipedia to post to /v/todayilearned, etc.

It's not perfect, but it requires more effort on their part, and I don't think submissions alone can get you past the threshold, it's the comment points (CCP).

OTOH, those of us who just want to participate without playing the system are shut out of the voting.

You're only shut out for so long, and in a ways you're saying the system somewhat works. Don't worry, people are pretty generous around here with upvoats.

LuminaryAziraphale ago

They literally just got civilianinvestigators up!!! Holy shit guys. This has to be it. we must have found something and we just don't know it yet.

fr33europe ago

Hi Youtube

rutkdn ago

THIS triggered it:

Came out last Wednesday, the same day Clinton finally made her appearance without makeup at some children fund raiser. It all went down to hell with the narrative ever since.

DelorisCL ago

Yep, something triggered it.

Drugs ago

We all need to try and pinpoint what may have finally made them shut it down by searching the archives

PolybiusPizza ago

Good call. The narrative that this was 'turning into' a witch hunt is being pushed hard on reddit. It was a pedo hunt. We don't give a shit about your bullshit religions... Stop hurting children.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Until this is actual proven to be a hoax, this is your pinpoint right effing here:

After this was posted to Voat the site went down completely, not just put into cache mode.

Original post:

Before this, they let pizzagate do whatever it wanted. Then cancermods labelled this a hoax with no proof it was a hoax, deleted the posts, suspended the guy, and shut down 350 communities. And the media is running hit pieces to cover this up, specifically. Not normal.

Why do you think Voat is being DDoS'd constantly the past month if the election's already over? Do you know how much it costs to rent a botnet to DDoS a high-traffic website? Where there's smoke there's fire.

Fred ago

/r/hillaryforprison still up.

there are reports of alternative subreddits being created and getting banned withing minutes.

Same happened with /r/fatpeoplehate when it got banned. FPH2-300 or whatever (and things like obesepeopledisdain, etc. etc.) were immediately banned on creation, because admins knew the same shit that got FPH banned would likely also happen in any new version of it. One can quirk a brow at the presented claims veracity in light of that, but the logic is somewhat harder to deny.

MAGABoomer ago

TruFax...I used to be TERRIFIED of fat people. Literally terrified. Was a wee sprout of a thing and had nightmares I would be sat on.

MAGABoomer ago

At this point having looked into the pedo networks in Portugal, I'm not sure how much I actually trust the dogs. There's a lot of information on that area and pedos...and police cooperation. One of the things that keeps interfering with Podesta/Maddy connection is that some people have spent their lives/money/reputations on their "theories", written books ect...and they are either controlled misinformation, or protecting their own narrative because a LOT of them were on Reddit slamming the investigation...there is too much smoke at this point so it is suspect they push back against new information. The Feds know if Podesta was in Portugal...if he wasn't surely someone would have said so :D

DelorisCL ago

FBI is so cuched who knows if they aren't burying it?

MAGABoomer ago

I believe elements within that agency are also compromised..on tape..blackmailed.

we_kill_creativity ago

All the comments I made in r/CivilianInvesitgators have been wiped. This goes hand in hand with the fake news/alt right BS they've been pushing lately. I'm sure with will extend to infowars etc. soon.

Sephel ago

Hello! First post here. Came here from censor-it, though I do plan to lurk and watch the cucked admins shoot themselves in the foot over and over. I hope one of these communities (voat, gab) gains lots of traction soon, because reddit is so fucked and they've stopped trying to hide it. Keep fighting!

d347h574r ago

Well, I'm a part of the reddit mass exodus and I have to say, HOLY FUCKING SHIT. This is really crazy, implications at all levels of government, they are in full on panic mode trying to silence this!

BoycotReddit ago

never seen anything quite like it, it's like some kind of avalanche!

DelorisCL ago

These are dangerous times.

EyesSewnShut ago

This is getting fucking nuts! I wonder if r\conspiracy will get hit?

I_Got_Nothin ago

That makes sense. And it's totally worth it as it allows the investigation to continue uncensored.

10gauge ago

This is going to take some getting used to.

DefinitelyNotPutin ago

Hey comrades, new here. Just here to say Russia had nothing to do with shutting r/pizzagate down. Much Love!

damnittohell ago

Thank you comrade. My Russian lab partner made me do all the work on the projects. Confirmation that Russians are craftier than we thought.

Kvoat ago

Thanks Russia.

williczek ago

tfw your post become upvote dealership

TheAwakening ago

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

DelorisCL ago

Their allegiance is only to evil. Yes, it does exist.

BB-3 ago

Does evil exist? And if so, can it be measured? That's a rhetorical question Morty. The answer's yes, you just have to be a genius.

Cradliving ago

Looking to get some votes! Thank you.

NeedleStack ago

It's poor form to ask for votes here. Just be cool and you'll get them quickly. Just to warn you, asking for them may get you heavily downvoated so be careful with that.

EdSnowden ago

So post something interesting. Post a video you like to /v/videos, a nice picture to /v/pics, some relevant news to /v/news etc. We're happy to have you new folk just don't be low-energy low-content Reddit type posters.

williczek ago

from my understanding after the ban happened any new subs with pizzalike name were getting immediately banned. My source is anon from who claimed to create such sub and got deleted withing minutes but I haven't tried that myself.

Weird is that /r/Operation_Berenstain is still up and running. Not for long I guess.

I_Got_Nothin ago

Some odd rules (10 votes in 24hrs and comment to vote???) are still preferable to blatant censorship.

EdSnowden ago

You can say whatever you like, and you have to actually participate to influence the discussion.

piratse ago

Site owners, far as I know, don't live in America. If they get shitty like Reddit, we will all just leave like we did reddit.

HeavyBrain ago

Isnt Atko in Sweden?

Sweds would sell him out for not being a raping mud, so would any of the 21 eyes states.

piratse ago

He's a motorcycle traveling nomad ;)

We_The_People ago

I am honestly wondering if the feds are trying to keep us quiet because we are getting in the way of the investigation. That is, if one exists. I can only hope these fuckers pay for what they have done. I really don't know what will happen if this gets suppressed and then nothing happens. I don't even want to think of that.

BallsDeepInReality ago

That's the thing, if they were really under investigation, their lawyers would gag them.

NYT would not have had a piece.

This is not even being investigated. So sickening.

Tzitzimitl ago

its probably for the best to remain underground until the op bears fruit, less interference that way(for both us and a theoretical investigation)

its not like normies tardflailing about going "SURBODY THINK OF THE CHILLENS" and "DURR CONSPIRACY THEORY" are benefitting us

Jixijenga ago

That's my opinion as well. I'm new to all of this, I heard of it but until a day and a half ago I didn't know what it was.

What struck me immediately was how completely loony some people in r/pizzagate were, the "evidence" that they raise is sometimes completely absurd. Satanic symbols? Anything related to eyes and pyramids feels like the guy on the other side of the screen stopped everything and sat there in awe before whispering, "the Illuminati." I'm sorry, that's a bit much for me. I want, need, hard connections between things or a pattern of very interesting coincidences that piques my curiosity. Too many people involved in this are the kind of person prone to whimsical fantasy; you know, the kind of person nobody sane takes seriously.

I've sat back and taken a had look at what's been presented and there's something that I think isn't being considered: we may be looking at edgy millennials who own a pizza establishment and a series of dumb in-jokes and pictures of children look far more sinister than they actually are. Keep in mind my perspective on this is very fresh, I'm not prone to confirmation bias and I have no emotional attachment to this beyond the obvious distaste for child abuse. If this alternative to the theory is correct then the outrage does nothing but discredit independent citizen journalism and potentially destroy the lives of innocent people.

So, what to do? I think going with your suggestion of remaining underground for the time being is probably best. Breaking up the investigation on our side into independent cells, "insurgent investigators," that operate in the dark and confer with the other cells as necessary would be good plan of action. Keeping the discussion here on track and sticking to the facts is paramount either way, the more we let things spiral out of control the less credible this looks and the more ammunition people like Hillary and her goons have. Oh, and if any of this is true? Well, if your quarry knows you're coming they'll go to ground; if there was easy evidence to be had it's likely destroyed or locked up tight by now. I wish I had been involved in this sooner, because somebody should have raised this concern a long time ago.

PolybiusPizza ago

Plenty of people raised this concern... But this is the internet and people will do crazy shit when they think they are anonymous.

Jixijenga ago

Of course, I didn't mean to imply I'd be the one voice of reason in all of this. I did word it that way, I apologize for that. What I meant though was browsing the subreddit (when I could) I wished I saw it more often, and outside of reddit it got rather heated when somebody was the voice of reason or played devil's advocate. Normally I'd appreciate the irony of somebody trying to offer some sense and being shouted at for being a "normie cuck" but I think the seriousness of it kind of sapped away the humor.

fuckmyreddit ago

I wonder if the phrase about children in the pool for your entertainment might pique your interest? Seriously, do you think they're talking about synchronized swimming? Fuck. Go to wikileaks and check it out yourself.

Jixijenga ago

Or maybe they're talking about holding hands and taking a long, satisfying shit together! Perhaps it's performance art, they'll surely be all the rage in a few years.

I have "checked it out" and what I see here is frantic searching for evidence toward an already established conclusion.

MAGABoomer ago

The only missing piece IMHO is proof that Podesta left the country...and the Feds have that...they have record of everyone who travels..once that is had tracking his plane is easy matter. The Feds have to know he left the country. Unless someone leaks it but even then...we won't believe them will we? Has to come from the Feds.

sundalanded ago

so does anyone have capability and/or access to passport info? either in the US or in Portugal?

MAGABoomer ago

OH yes, both countries would have entry and exit data. My guess is Portugal, which has a very bad problem with pedo stuff, probably didn't even look or push the issue due to "international incident" as that one article said the cops knew who did it but they couldn't arrest them.

Right this moment they know if JP was in Portugal or not. There's too many people with access to that information to shut it completely down. For instance, ATCs could tell if the plane left, manifests would have to show who was on it, flight plans would show where it flew.

Also Portugal is in the EU which means all Podesta would have to do is enter the EU anywhere EXCEPT the UK and he could ride the train everywhere without anyone knowing a thing. Leaving UK on chunnel you have to show papers* Rumor has it he visited Sir Clem in London before going to Portugal.. and if he flew the private craft rules are so both private and public flying means dox. If he used any electronics from home...any credit cards...he is 100% traceable from many different angles.

sundalanded ago

you're right on - the info/data is out there, but buried both in the US and Portugal, at least at the institutional agency level (DHS and whatever passes for immigration in portugal).

whatever's in those missing emails from the time period surrounding mccann's disappearance must be plenty juicy - wikileaks never had those at all then?

MAGABoomer ago

Yes...the scrubbed emails would be interesting...but NSA would have well as Obama's missing 500 secret emails!

bikergang_accountant ago

Kicking around conservatives till they went their own sites where they can't be influenced taught them nothing. These people are not smart. For people who want to control everything they don't think things through.

l23r ago

Let them have their "safe space" With fewer people using the website, it will be harder for them to get money from advertisers. Lots of their Top Posts are (not so) covert ads made by shills. Hail Corporate!

bikergang_accountant ago

You bring up a point I often like to make. Kicking out differing views is not about the advertisers. The advertisers don't care. They want the eyes. Advertisers are one step up from spammers and I don't live in a world where spammers turn their nose up at the American people.

It's their investors. The advertisers are a cop out for the executives to be able to claim that they are meeting their fiduciary responsibility while fighting a culture war pushed on them by their investors with a controlling interest. Controlling interest is developed not because it is smart investment but because you want political control over other people's capital.

Every founding CEO starts off with good principles. Reddit and even Facebook. Investors make it clear to founding CEOs that either you misuse your company's assets including brand equity to fight our culture war or we replace you. Interestingly CEOs that retain above 50% of their company all seem to be far less liberal, and far less pushy.

Tzitzimitl ago

intelligent people rarely want such a responsibility, unless its to try and make money off the users

MichaelWesten ago

Whoa. This makes you wonder if any of TPTB at Reddit are involved in pizzagate somehow.

Morpheus ago

Apparently spez is a mod of r/cannibals

sentryseven ago

Well they do have a subreddit for pedos over there so...

dontsuicidemebro ago

Are there any pedo verses on voat?

MAGABoomer ago

Considering @Jack banned those who reported KP and left the KP, he's probably on tape doing something..and Spez could be too...why else shut that down?

dzdork ago

Jack has Clinton F ties See Wikileaks pic

MAGABoomer ago

Yep... figures. If you haven't read this yet roll a fat one and have a read. Gulliani refused to's long but well-written, organized, and depressing.

PizzaBurner0 ago

I HAVE TO COMMENT TO VOTE!? Shit, I don't have time to say something smart.

Edit: Thanks All! Sharing this up voting love after the 24 ban

neowzrd ago

New and would like to be able to upvote as well!

zeronumbers ago

Up Voted!

HeavyBrain ago

You dont have to say anything smart (unless sub rules demand not being autistic) just dont act like a minute old CTR shill and you be in the clear soon.

And thats exactlly the reason why this system is in place, fucking shill see no land here.

damnittohell ago

I think you have to have so many "points" to up vote. For a while I asked people to down vote everything I said just for the fuck of it, because of the way all these sites with points work.

gruk ago

This is awfully complicated.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

We take our Shill and Bot control very fucking seriously on this site. You will grow to love it in time.

RexAxisMundi ago

Cheers for the heads up about commenting!

sic_girl ago

Upgoating all you guys.

American_Psycho ago

Welcome! and fuck Spez

VinceFostersGhost ago

Same. So, here's my first comment

RogerByam ago

Keep commenting, dude :)

ForrestGumpWasRaped ago

also commenting just to get voting privilege. That being said, I'm surprised that they haven't banned r/operation_berenstain yet.

allogonist ago

It's almost as if Voat doesn't want people to create an army of sock puppet accounts to manipulate votes with.

DelorisCL ago

Sent to upvote rehab.

srayzie ago

I know LOL. I was thinking the same thing. Please Upvote!

turbohud ago

I didn't see anything about this and I just made mine, weird

Ariastrasza ago

I'll upvote all of you newbie peasants, just so you can keep exposing Pizzagate, oh and hopefully you guys help make Voat great.

Edit: Welcome to Voat.

lonewolf9632 ago

make Voat great again



MVGA! new voater here trying to be able to vote (voat?)

thesil3nce ago

Everyone with time for an opinion has time to vote or didn't the election teach you anything! Also, welcome to voat and have an upgoat.

solar_flare ago

It keeps shills and vote brigades at bay.

Didot ago

All I've seen so far is older Voat users down-voting legitimate comments with newer users having no recourse for down-voting trite bickering. Seems like the opposite issue on this site tbh.

If the community was better to begin with I wouldn't have any issue with the limitation, Hacker News for example restricts the ability to downvote until 500 karma.

Beaded_Periwinkle ago

We'll drive the shills from this site.

brucethemoose ago

It's also for spammers, which is a problem here on Voat for some odd reason.

PleadingtheYiff ago

Damn, I am not used to having to be judicious with my upvotes.

solar_flare ago

Don't waste one on me, I've got plenty. Find some poor souls at the bottom of threads that need some appreciation. :)

PleadingtheYiff ago

Haha, I didn't realize our points were so limited. Guess I have a lot to learn.

LuminalAbnormality ago

You upvote me, I'll upvote you Sir. We should make an upvote thread so all redditors can quickly get their numbers up

BoosCoos ago

I'm game

smokratez ago

That's not how you are supposed to do it on voat. Upvote threads are srs tactics.

LuminalAbnormality ago

Have an upvote SMOK

Beaded_Periwinkle ago

Upvoating all you guys> Welcome aboard!

hafen ago

That's generally looked down upon for a ton of reasons. The new people ought to just participate and comment as they normally would. Deliberate upvote threads could backfire.

PizzaHunter ago

I'm in!!

fiveeleven ago

Done. Fellow refugee here.

SnorlackJack ago

I have been for a long time but I still need the upvotes too. Good that you all are coming this way.

LuminalAbnormality ago

Upvoted Mr Yaghi


Just migrated, let's keep up the fight! The shutdown was yet another vindication we're on the right trail!

EatThePizzaEaters ago

I need in on that as well

srayzie ago

It says I can't upvote until I get upvote from my replies so I will upvote you guys when it lets me!

pizzagate2 ago

joining 4 votes

solar_flare ago

Not really sure, but doing that might be worthy of a ban. I think it should be, because it's circumnavigating and disrespecting the reason Voat has that policy.

Catsfive ago

I am unable to upvote this. I was upvoting people, and now here I am.

PizzaBurner0 ago

Thanks. I would if I could... only 10 votes per 24 hrs? I will up vote you, my good man, tomorrow.

DependasaurusRex ago

It increases. No worries.

hungry_mungry ago

I'm happy to upvoat all you new fuckers. Been off reddit for over a year, it's nicer over here. Enjoy your stay.

tito333 ago

Looks like lurking here is no longer a thing as Reddit dies.

a11en ago

Agreed! Voat has been my go to site now for quite a while- supplanted redd*t for me pretty quickly. I want to see pizzagate thrive over here! Upvoats incoming.

Firinmahlazer ago

I'm making an effort to upvote you guys. Welcome to Voat

TheCrickler ago

1 upgoat = 1 child saved

justiceforever ago


ratxue ago

+1 for effort thanks for welcome

VoteOrDie ago

Can I get in on some of that action? Sorry for shamelessly asking but I'm a new refugee from Reddit. Fuck Spez

spez_is_a_cuck ago

Me too!

Owlhunter ago

Some action for you.

Schrodingers_Spy ago

Gotchya. This reminds me of the upvoat threads we had for the fattening

Firinmahlazer ago

Fuck Spez

The only words I need to hear. Welcome friend.

emperorThaurissan ago

i'm here to fight elite pedophile rings

crazy_eyes ago

are you?

Whizwit21 ago

Good work

piratse ago

I'm not going to upvote people to get them their CCP. They need to contribute and be apart of the site before they start to have the power to vote on posts.

Firinmahlazer ago

Isn't commenting on posts contributing?

piratse ago

Yes, but not begging for UV, complaining about the UV system to get UV. I was mostly referring to this "

You upvote me, I'll upvote you Sir. We should make an upvote thread so all redditors can quickly get their numbers up "

crazy_eyes ago

thats fucking bullshit

go back to where you came from

hacktheplanet ago
