Reddit is compromised, but that was just dumb of him to do... he may have been a big part of why Pizzagate was banned

european ago

Not sure what is going on with all this pizzagate and pedo related stuff.

I saw a thread over at Reddit where apparently a Redditor hacked one of the suspected pizza shops from the podesta emails and uploaded 2 gigs or something of CP in the comments. When I got to the thread

You have this Julian Assange missing presumed dead and apparently edited RT footage conspiracy mixed up with it somewhere and a general air of something big being covered up , people getting murdered in haiti all sorts of stuff that seems to get rolled up into a confusing mess of speculation.

All the pedophilia investigation stuff is worrisome from the point of view of the mental health implications. There are various rabbit holes that people could find themselves in. I believe it is the case that Law enforcement officers working on CP related stuff get severely traumatised by what they see. These amateur investigators do not even have the legal authority to get involved in this stuff. Pretty crazy making if you ask me.

Possibly a whole lot of LARPing going on, conspiracy theory buff , anti establishment people , autists or whatever are probably easily duped into entertaining ideas with no credible evidence. Obviously all this could be related to something seriously wicked and evil , involving the very elite of the society. It is not hard to imagine that an elite would view other humans as their livestock, it's a conspiracy trope prettty well established that we are cattle on the farm .

but I do think though there are people out there that know the drama and hurt that they can cause by stirring up this bullshit .

People have started saying we are living in the post truth era , implying people do not care about truth or some such other concept. I just wonder though how much of this supposed apathy is confusion at bombardment by contradictory and confusing information and not really being able to know what is true anymore, this leads to strange outcomes wiith people looking at simple answers to complex problems, scapegoats, bread and circuses.

Film maker Adam Curtis kind of touches on the idea with hypernormalisation

mergen ago

So update with the "secret menu" and "clients list", never? :(

bdmthrfkr ago

lol. u r funny.

bdmthrfkr ago

Sorry but he has been spreading fear all day about clicking links to investigate the pedophiles. Granted, you should use precautions when investigating this sick crap, but this shill has been calling everything a honeypot, DON'T CLICK THIS LINK etc.

Smells like PsyOp to me.

samwisekoi ago

How flexible of you.

bdmthrfkr ago

Sorry shill, we don't suck dick around here, go back to reddit.

bdmthrfkr ago

Never ever EVER will shills like you make me afraid to stand up for what is right. We will not be cowed by your "EFFBEEEYE" bullshit posts, we will stand up and we will fight against pedophile networks WHEREVER they are found. We are not afraid of your PsyOps shit.

l23r ago

Check out their 'community" section. All kids related foundations and causes. Could just be a coincidence this people are around kids.

Yeah. It is just a coincidence that Jared had a foundation just for kids, or that pedos work in kids camps or schools where they have access to kids for 8 hours a day to weeks on end with no parental supervision, or community centres or drop in spaces where at risk kids often go, or churches where adults are more likely to have kids and be trusting because Jeebus. Complete coincidence. Can the people on that website be any stupider?!

l23r ago

Wasn't that pizza place tied to the Clintons somehow? Anything negative about Killary is pretty much an instaban on that website.

bikergang_accountant ago

If you defend them you are one of them. If you are one of them you should be tried with them. In a more just world we would not see the Reddit admins for very long.

Marijuana_Merlin ago

what is a pizza gate, what is wee the pizza and why should i care???

hypercat ago


Konran ago

This is from an internet theory originating from an 8chan user that came from some of the Podesta Emails released through Wikileaks. In which there seemed to be some sort of coded language - such as using 'Pizza' and 'Pizza Restaurant' as euphemisms for 'Children' and 'Pedo Gatherings' for example. There were numerous images of children along with strange references from which certain meanings could be construed - I remember one was saying something like, "Thanks for being there for my first pizza. It sure helped with my nerves." To paraphrase.

It seems they have found more evidence.

bdmthrfkr ago

Good synopsis.

hypercat ago

Oh, okay. Yes. I read into that but wasn't sure it was related to the post or reference. THank you. That is some creepy ass shit.

Broc_Lia ago

In fairness, he literally posted CP, so I'm not surprised. Even if everything he says is true, then he's a fucking idiot and could get the wrong people in jail.

Also, he either seriously slandered someone or tipped off a criminal and gave them time to cover their tracks. Either way I'm not impressed.

thatguyiam ago

If the fucking elites do it without repercussion, and the fucking fbi and doj protect them then what the fuck is your point! How the fuck else are these satanists going to get exposed. By the complicit justice system? Fuck you! Better these kids be exposed one more time than have to endure another day of pedophilia shit!

So? What is it?! Spill it!

european ago

to be fair it is conjecture and speculation that there is a network of elite pedophile rampant although there seems to be evidence circulating backing up the claim. i.e conspiracy of silence , dutroux affair

Broc_Lia ago

Fuck you! Better these kids be exposed one more time than have to endure another day of pedophilia shit!

Once you've gotten over your outrage you might want to reread what I actually wrote. I made no objection to people seeing a picture of a naked kid in the process of shutting down a child rape/murder ring.

I objected to the possibility of him getting innocent people locked up in prison (the people who clicked on his link to see if he was legit), and also giving his targets the tip-off so they would have time to delete everything. No way that chef doesn't know about the thread by now, and if he a child pimp, then he's already destroyed all the evidence.

At worst, as people in that thread suggested, it's a honey trap and he's not who he claims to be. At best, he handled it very poorly and didn't achieve what he set out to do.

Womb_Raider ago

Can you really get arrested for stumbling upon something? I mean, I've been tricked into clicking Goatse links in my time... or lemonparty :(

I thought the illegal part was storing and distributing the stuff?

Broc_Lia ago

It's a strict liability thing in most places, so yes. "Stumbling upon it" usually is storing it in the eyes of the law. Where I live it was ruled that it counts as storing it even if you delete it, since it can still be recovered.

Womb_Raider ago

Alright, that's reassuring. Avoid life-ending landmine links... noted

voNIKONov ago

I want to know this as well. I wasn't fully awake when I started clicking on shit today. I thought it was a sanitized podesta leak full of reference to the whole spirit cooking thing. I'm not familiar with twitter and I just kind of blindly clicked through links that were mostly in Arabic and quickly had thumbnails that were questionable looking. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if there were people in power around the globe that like kids in bed. People are always saying "if you're homophobic you're secretly gay". If that's true what does the government have against Catholic priests and altar boys? Psychos do well ascending to positions of power.

Womb_Raider ago

I didn't step on a landmine myself, but I can understand it happening to people. I mean... just clicking on the Spirit Cooking stuff made my stomach turn.

I almost think they do it just to feel untouchable.

bdmthrfkr ago

I'm with thatguyiam on this. In order to break a sick system we are going to have to break a few of their rules in order to break their necks. Children need protection, it is hard-wired into us for a reason. Fuck these Pedophile freaks!!

alien_01 ago


derram ago :

Ninjakick666 comments on I have cracked into (an unidentified pizza restaurant) and I have found over 2GB of videos of children being raped and an encrypted client list on their servers, need help

This has been an automated message.