Bludvarg ago

So now we're sitting at just over two days.

I'll be around. Maybe some day this censorshit won't be as big an issue...

HopStopRock2 ago

You got what you fucking deserve.

chromanin ago

Build something new? We could register & host on Epik, and start with something really basic... Just a blog template and graph comment?

RutoHime ago

That this happens after we decided to come here is pretty annoying...

HonoraryBoomer ago

I remember finding OAG by people going to more normie sites and saying search for certain phrases in Google/DDG to find OAG, since OAG was literally the only site on the internet that was covering the convergence of video games.

chromanin ago

I found OAG through comments on DSOG. It was already a relief to be there, but then some blessed soul pointed the way to OAG and I never looked back. I can't go back.

HonoraryBoomer ago

I think I may have been linked from there as well. That was an alright site, DSOG, but it definitely wasn't in the same league as OAG.

OmegaZord ago

So, where to go from now?

fightknightHERO ago

I guess Poal it is... having to start from scratch is going to be a bitch

BretHart ago

We need to start looking for sites to migrate asap. Even if we have to re-group for a short while on even Niche Gamer or if we can't make it elsewhere in time, we have the Sankaku Complex forum since they don't act like cucks there.

ace7 ago

God damnit

New site when?

fightknightHERO ago

MMO OAG... now where do we find an abandoned, no censorship MMO to "pass the time"?

StreetMix ago

You seriously considering this?

fightknightHERO ago

Well for your information, during the launch of WOW classic i've actually went there and REDPILLED people

on a (((Blizzard))) game, dropped the white genocide, holohoax, porn is jewish pills and so forth

i was hailed like a GOD by the few members who heeded my message (it was on a role playing server, tons of Autismos, ripe for the pilling)

unfortunately that was before Blizzard went FULL kike and i had to uninstall Kikery.Net due to my disgust with the company

i can still say this, where there is autism, there is people like us

we just have to find a non-cancerous/mod-free game that we can all congregate...

spam_bot ago

Don't know about no censorship but for all intents and purposes Earth Eternal anubian something or other is for the most part abandoned and still up but its furry so likely not ideal.

Rather then a MMO why not a mud? Some old ones have their source code online that could be repurposed. Or if we are in real dire straights perhaps IRC? Or a chat program? The palace that seems abandoned. Or if you can tolerate it, Second Life there has to be a way of silent communication on there that can't be monitored very also there are tones of places on that place that are abandoned a lot of them are up in the sky too so less chance of a random passerby. Sorry just spitballing here.

RIchard_Gristle_II ago

Truly we must return to the days of IRC.

I am of course half joking.

fightknightHERO ago

i usually archive them to and only if it's really important archive them locally

but... what are the chances of Archive getting shoah'ed?

Mystiker ago

At this point I'd say it's a decent chance, they've already tried to crack down on archiving sites in the past... It's clear they're going full on kikery, no more sneaky slow subversion, just pure power grabs.

fightknightHERO ago

How do you archive your entire profile?

Latexbeat5nud1ty3 ago

Save Page WE is one addon that I know of to save pages offline in a .html file, but it has some restrictions and shit, some images won't be saved I guess. The links and text will be saved though. Idk if this helps. I use it to save some pages offline once I used, web is going to get fucked soon.

fightknightHERO ago

Useful app for saving shit locally, i'm still archiving shit

got 22 so far, we're getting there... eventually

oldblo ago

Dont think there is really anything to save other than a few pages of comments.

Open the pages and save them.

Latexbeat5nud1ty3 ago

Yep. If you get your important stuff on links on pastebin I can make all the links offline copy (anyone can do it with that app ofc) and save it on mega or anonfiles, but that is anyways for OAG v3 where we all gather back.

I saved a lot of images from OAG comments and shit on my local. Have to rename them, and some pdfs and shit building a red pill bomb.

Side note - I tried to take an offline site mirror of this subverse but http get and software based on it is taking whole site mirror instead of this v/oneangrygamer only. I tried the same with OAG was almost done but in the end shitty router crapped and I lost all data somehow else I would have a 9GB+ of the OAG mirror.

This censorship is getting fucking insane that I'm losing my mind and buying HDDs to archive games and movies. It's hectic.

fightknightHERO ago

I know mate, i woke up with such optimism and determination today with the thought of producing another review/OAG worthy content **and i get slapped with

this... disgusting capitulation/surrender to kike censorship**

it's so fucking tiresome, so fucking tiresome, i spend more time archiving and categorizing gigabytes of redpills than actually sharing them

it's just... just.. fuck man, there is no words to describe this insane effort of preserving the truth

but my people need me, and i will not let this community die

it's just finding an alternative to voat that bugs me, this site is literally the first thing i open in the morning (before sunrise)

and now... i have to say goodbye to it, forever... just like

i had a feeling the mass censorship would come sooner or later, but it came literally within MONTHS after OAG got "sold" (at gunpoint) to kikes

and the worst thing about it? our society is getting more and more kike'd, the (((Vaccine))) is going to be mandatory soon if you want to enjoy your basic human rights

and those without it will probably have to live like outcasts/hermits and will be eventually hunted down 1 by 1

thoughts of hitting the bottle occurred to me but Prayer and stalwart determination will only get through this

escapism ain't worth shit if the life around you is crumbling into a thousand pieces

still... what to do... poal or telegram? or wait for Voat 2.0?

but how the fuck can i keep in touch with the community, time is off the essence and i need to archive as much as possible

Latexbeat5nud1ty3 ago

I agree.

Same here I archived a buttload of stuff which I found very redpilled and great whcih are non pozzed and yet to be shared with others..., man even Tom and Jerry is fucking censored do you know that ? WB assholes couldn't fucking release a goddamn Cartoon without political correctness from 1940s those bastards even removed the Hanna Barbera animation short "MGM 1955 12 23 AA Good Will to Men [Hanna, W. and Barbera, J. (producers)]Goodwill to Men" mother fuckers. I was able to find it on YT and some shit finally. And only half of the show is archived in DVD format uncensored with me rest of them are partially censored. The Bluray Disc 1 got released finally in 2011 and re released this year from Warner Archives (it's fucking 30 episodes only) then postponed infinitely and Black maid who acts in the show is already a dead. That woman who is actually black, she felt bad for censoring her and replacing her whitewashed. This world is truly fucked up man... Dalton school is pushing anti race whatever bullshit kike marxist trash...what else can I say. I'm just getting prepared for the day kikes kill p2p. I feel it will come some day, the worst of all it will be.

Shekhels and shit are useless when shit strikes this world. The true worth will be Muscle, Food, Guns, Resources, Digital Data which is content / redpills and shit like music, movies & games not some bullshit journo shit or etc. Fuck this anyways... Too much of tangential angry rants.

But Telegram ? That and Discord are bad for anything worth preserving. I like forums because the information will be there as long as that Xenforo or Vbulletin software exists. Even if it's out of support the websites keep it up. With Telegram and Discord the scrolling type UI is bad. It's not useful for searches, it just adds a shitload of shitposting which will be worthless dump. That's what I feel man. And it will hide the information for any new comer. For eg Head Fi a dedicated forum for Audiophille equipment and shit, I like the forum even after they changed because all I wanted to see exists since 10 years. As for the Discord ? Fucking I don't even know what the fuck is going on in that channel the chats keep on piling up people have tons of channels and emote bullshit it's fucking tiring.

As for Voat 2.0 I don't have hopes on that, If at all it comes it will be a honeypotgated shit for sure with emails and shit. SearchVoat is sending some pwds and etc to archive. I hope that guy does something out of it but It wont be same as Voat, I'm myself new to this voat and all. I barely know this shit so I feel the pain in a less blunt manner but I liked OAG so much, all our comments and shit it was dope and eye opener, I was happy to see this now these fuckers are taking away that too.. I just fucking wanted to play games... Just like American Krogan's channel says. These fuckers are raping it.

fightknightHERO ago

Well i'm working hard archiving every thread myself, there is like over 100 threads to archive

QuickShitterIsAFag ago

Foreskin slurpering kike, quit your (((too autistic))) faggotry, you mindless 50 something year old dickless incel. Your pissraeli jewish mother should've stuck your deformed infantile dead beat loser ass into the oven. A laughable pathetic subhuman transcuck like you was prolly sodomized by the shit skins that bullied your worthless parasitic invalid ass. Once this shitty site's gone I bet on your crooked shoe looking nose that you'll finally hang yourself with that pink belt that you never managed to wear around your fat diabetic hermaphrodite torso.

fightknightHERO ago

Go be a kike somewhere else

fightknightHERO ago

Correctus or ThybonesConsumed

i have a list full of redpills on voat that needs to be archived locally, can i trust one of you can do it?

fightknightHERO ago

After consideration i think we'll move unto Poal

it's like voat but with the influx of voat refugees it will transform into a better site

but i wanna ask someone who actually has an account, is the poal community worth it?

TheRealWittyUserName ago

Poal sounds like a good move. And I got my original username back! I'm WittyUserName over there.

PontarBewsar ago

I've created a Poal account. Username NoJoggerz. See you all there.

StreetMix ago

We'll create our own community lol

ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago

Disable NoScript/uBlockOrigin for smooth registrations (Ruqqus just temporarily disabled registration) (Phuks just temporarily disabled registration) Saturdays 18:00 EST

Baldcape ago

I agree with some brothers here in the comments. The best way is making an

fightknightHERO ago

No fucking way in hell we're going to ZionDon territory

i'd rather fucking making a (((GAB))) group than go directly to the israeli controlled opposition site

Baldcape ago

Oh, I didn't know it was like that. With just 4 days to move everybody out here, it was just one more option, until we can find a new home, but I see you already have some ideas. Let's go.

ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago

A fresh goat space will occur. We are personas non grata everywhere

MaunaLoona ago

Check out ruqqus. The admins said they will only censor if it violates US laws. They've been pretty good about it so far, aside from a few missteps which stemmed from ignorance and which they rectified.

Latexbeat5nud1ty3 ago

Nope. That site is infested with centrists and faggots and it's too shiny as well. So it will be fucked soon in many ways possible. Poal sounds good to me, .Win is also fine but quickshooter is saying it's a kiked show.

MaunaLoona ago

They've been blocking new user registrations ever since the announcement. You're probably right. Things are going downhill there.

ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago

They just suspended registrations

MaunaLoona ago

Yep. They did.


I don't think you should rely on searchvoat staying up for very long after this site dies.

Babadookk ago

have to agree.

oldblo ago

Literally the last place on the internet with any freedom to speak your mind that I know of. No place left to migrate to that I know of.

pain- ago

I have heard of rightwing groups gathering on Parler, but I know nothing of the site beyond that. I think you need a cell# to register which makes me think they can't truly support free speech

pinklb_q ago

Parler is gay, just heads up.

HonoraryBoomer ago

Parler is also a massive kluge, a real pain in the posterior to use.

My boomer bros tried it en masse, "Levin and Hannity say it is great", found it was quite difficult to use (+ bad usernames) and dropped it because every minute or so they'd be blasted with a Hannity or Levin "tweet" that only had their side of the convo so you had no clue what they were talking about. It's like the devs took all the downsides of Facebook & Twitter and made an entire social platform out of them.

RIchard_Gristle_II ago

Parler is a honeypot and a place for retard centrists like Styx groupies to hang out at.

Any "right wing groups" that are moving to Parler might as well be joining their local FBI-infested KKK chapter.

Super_Hanabi ago

A .win site would be great if we could get it up and running.

Latexbeat5nud1ty3 ago

I think going Win is better probably. Poal will be shoaed as well due to massive influx.. KiA2 Win is still going good. If we keep pests outside we should be good for that site...I really hope quickshooter comes up with something which we all can gather again. Fuck this bullshit censorship.

elif ago

2020 claims another not go quietly into the night rage against the dying of the not go quietly into the night..

ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago

Ahh yes... Tom Dillon

elif ago

Look this is the internet and as long as we can log in things are never truly dead..I have pages that are static..and held in perpetuity and have been since 1998..How can the Visual Satellite Observers Home Page be more important than this? Can we pay the server bill? I guess so..find the provider and send them some money for this domain and its server costs...can we do that..can we rescue ourselves from this unkind fate?

Mystiker ago

The problem is that they go after the server provider and force them to shut you down. Which is why decentralized blockchain stuff (and anonymous stuff like I2P and Freenet) are really the only way at this point.

GenocideCutter777 ago

Damn, already? Didn't even last a full season. It must really be the end times.

RIchard_Gristle_II ago

It unironically is. Have lots of ramen and 5.56 NATO handy.

HonoraryBoomer ago

Where I'm at, we're ammo racist against 5.56.

But hey, not only is 7.62 cheaper and more plentiful nowadays, but the commies will appreciate the irony.

MusicVideoGuy ago

Made a poal account, same username. Where's the party.

330 ago

@puttitout is a masonic tranny

Latexbeat5nud1ty3 ago

WTF. I'm trying something now for the backup but I really do not know where to come gather again.

notyouraveragellama ago

I cannot stand the UI of the chans.

tablewalk ago

Club Penguin

notyouraveragellama ago

I just registered on poal. Seems very similar to voat so it might be worth a shot.

ThyBonesConsumed ago

The admins there supposedly censor anyone who says anything about killing commies.

I don't know about Ruqqus.

Super_Hanabi ago

They don't take kindly to Voat users on Ruqqus.

ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago

Its 50% center, 30% right, 10% left, and 22% spacenigger

RIchard_Gristle_II ago

"22% spacenigger"

The worst kind of nigger!

But centrists are easy prey. When I'm in a trolling mood (as I am now) I find them pretty fun to fuck with just because their morals and value structure are so laughably flimsy. I mean, how easy is it to facefuck someone like Sargon or Kotaku In Action with some simple race and gender realism? It's like beating up a toddler.

HonoraryBoomer ago

How is Sargon still around after he threw shade on Jews for the perpetual victimhood, contrasted with them running everything, and completely downplayed the holycost?

On one hand, he's purportedly a jew nig. But on the other, Milo pretty much was too.

Latexbeat5nud1ty3 ago

Ruqqus disabled new account creation. I just created one on Poal instead.

HonoraryBoomer ago

lol, I finally hear about this site Ruqqus, as I expect many just did, and they're all "nah, we don't serve your kind here"?

Khro_ ago

As did I on Poal. Same name. It's at least something for now. I will try to check in tomorrow or before Christmas with you guys to see how it looks like the OAG community will continue on.

The following is a sleep-deprived and over-stressed letting off of steam so it's probably just a wall of bullshit and likely makes little to no sense.

Depending on how things go with the electoral bullshit theater on Jan. 6th, it might not matter where we head to online - worst case scenario there won't even be an online anymore, though more mid-road scenarios may be more likely with only a temporarily shoah'ed internet.

I think it will be all out war in America regardless of who is put in place as the new president.

With emperor Trump putting that call out for like a million supporters or something to flood DC and surround the electoral proceedings, and with NiggerLives and Pantifags getting bused in, there are sure to be fireworks regardless of the outcome, though likely kicking off well before it comes to a close or even before it starts.

If it does kick off and then settle down just for the day, I expect it would fester and build over the following 2 weeks, at which point I expect things to get real active real fast the moment the inauguration concludes regardless of who is made president.

  • If Trump is in, the jew's golem groups and npc libs will likely riot nation-wide and attack whites and Trump supporters out of outrage. At the same time the 'right', the 'patriots' and the 'magas' (anyone not a communist basically) will be in defensive mode fighting against the communists' attacks.
  • If Biden is in, the jew's golem groups and npc libs will likely riot nation-wide and attack whites and Trump supporters in celebration. At the same time the 'right', the 'patriots' and the 'magas' (again, anyone not a communist basically) will be in offensive mode against both the communists and the illegitimate and illegal government as everyone will see America and the Republic as finished and they'll be enacting a new Revolution to try to save the country from the usurpers and corrupt criminal politicians.

Regardless of who they reveal they chose to put in as president, I expect some events of varying degrees to occur at least in small pockets on the 6th, which could possibly remain sustained and grow through to the 20th.

I'm anticipating all-out insanity and action happening everywhere from all sides on the 6th and then the inauguration on the 20th not happening regardless of who is said to be the new US president. However, it might just flare up on the 6th and then stall out or hold pace until the 20th and then kick off in full once whoever is made president is officially made president.

There are a number of ways this could all go, but I don't really see any that do not involve at least some level of shit starting at least briefly and then more at a later date, though a slow start and then a dam break flood of action on and after the 20th is my expectation.

I think it was intentional that "putt" decided to shut down voat mere days before the climax of 'the movie'. Apart from sounding like a twitch whore or v-tuber or some bitch wanting pity attention and compliments, and trying way too hard to sound witty, he noted that he supposedly kept it going out of his own pocket for most of this year after a supposed 'angel' that was funding voat for a while pulled out. But right now he suddenly decides to throw in the towel? Now? After all these years he chooses barely two weeks before the most important day for the US since the jews took down the WTC on 9/11/01 to decide "Meh...I'm done. Peace out, bitches!" and gives only a few day's notice at that?

No, putt has been gone for a long time and I am convinced someone's intelligence agencies have run it since at least last year after the Epstein and Ghislain Maxwell dumps brought about the sustained ddosing, the closing of new account creations and requiring being logged in to view the site for a long time.

Closing down voat right now is strategic and calculated and it appears to be having the desired effect in guiding a specific population of voat toward a specific direction and action.

Arnold_Toht ago

POAL is the exactly like VOAT, except there aren’t nearly as many users....go there

Fat_is_healthy ago

Do they censor the words nigger or kike?

ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago

No. But its possible they censor in other ways

Metkim ago

Link? I need somewhere to be

Arnold_Toht ago

And no, they don’t censor nigger or kike, unless shit has changed since I’ve been there last. I found them first and ended up here constantly just because Poal didn’t have the number of users Voat does, way more news and info Because of that fact obviously, but with a huge number of users swinging over to Poal, it can easily be on par with Voat.

Hakudamashi ago

After OAG and now Voat, it's clear we can't afford to have any 3rd parties whatsoever meddling in wherever we decide to go.

One thing's for sure, the internet is fully converged.

So, where to we go from here?

oldblo ago

World domination. Its the only path of retreat we are given.

Ennis85 ago

Great, so now what?

THSenior ago

No source? Try harder shlomo

TheEmbodimentOfMadne ago

What a great way to celebrate Christmas.

fightknightHERO ago

We will adapt and overcome

26926160? ago

Damn straight. 😎👌

oldblo ago

I feel for the people who only pop in once in a while. I know the feeling of a beloved site you dont visit often just dropping dead far too well.

ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago

It'll be back up. Its easy. It aint a meatspace gearshift