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notyouraveragellama ago

I just registered on poal. Seems very similar to voat so it might be worth a shot.

ThyBonesConsumed ago

The admins there supposedly censor anyone who says anything about killing commies.

I don't know about Ruqqus.

Super_Hanabi ago

They don't take kindly to Voat users on Ruqqus.

ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago

Its 50% center, 30% right, 10% left, and 22% spacenigger

RIchard_Gristle_II ago

"22% spacenigger"

The worst kind of nigger!

But centrists are easy prey. When I'm in a trolling mood (as I am now) I find them pretty fun to fuck with just because their morals and value structure are so laughably flimsy. I mean, how easy is it to facefuck someone like Sargon or Kotaku In Action with some simple race and gender realism? It's like beating up a toddler.

HonoraryBoomer ago

How is Sargon still around after he threw shade on Jews for the perpetual victimhood, contrasted with them running everything, and completely downplayed the holycost?

On one hand, he's purportedly a jew nig. But on the other, Milo pretty much was too.