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notyouraveragellama ago

I just registered on poal. Seems very similar to voat so it might be worth a shot.

Arnold_Toht ago

POAL is the exactly like VOAT, except there aren’t nearly as many users....go there

Fat_is_healthy ago

Do they censor the words nigger or kike?

ArcturianDeathTrap3 ago

No. But its possible they censor in other ways

Metkim ago

Link? I need somewhere to be

Arnold_Toht ago

And no, they don’t censor nigger or kike, unless shit has changed since I’ve been there last. I found them first and ended up here constantly just because Poal didn’t have the number of users Voat does, way more news and info Because of that fact obviously, but with a huge number of users swinging over to Poal, it can easily be on par with Voat.