Chickenfucker_IF ago

Man I was about to have some fun here, free speech and shit

Hackerslord ago

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Jeww ago

I am Donald Trump.

DamnLiquor ago

Only absolute fucktards remained after the first redditt banning. Idiots thought they were special.

DamnLiquor ago

this will be nice, shills will be confused more than normal

Binghow ago

That good

sweatingbullets ago

it always seemed like a sub full of edgy teens to me. I don't think they could handle the truth about niggers and jews. they would be horrified by Voat.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

This coming from a 1 month old account lol You still are a newcomer. Sorry

BO2 ago

I used T_D a few years back, along with 4chan and 8chan less so, before eventually creating my account on here (knew about the site but thought it was just a dedicated T_D Reddit-like site that we would emigrate to, come a ban). T_D really are a bunch of retarded kike lovers. A few of them might fit here, some might learn a thing or 2 from Voat but overall, find somewhere else.

MrShekelstein ago

reddit the_donald is kike central.

give these nigger jew faggots hell.

Celtic_Cross ago

Holy shit it's true....No direct link on Google. Third result on DDG.

Fuck Google.

TrevorLyman ago

Let's hope so! It will be the first time they've heard any of the long list of valid criticisms for Israel, etc.

CatsControlTheEU ago

They ban anyone who says a single fucking thing about Israel that isn't positive.

TrevorLyman ago

Right, but if they are coming here that won't happen. That's why this is good.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Look, MAYBE a few of them are going to be decent. But we're going to get a massive amount of trash. Go see kikes like @SkullKid85 who are all "what's wrong with race-mixing"

and "I signed up a while back, just gave up on Reddit, now we here. There's going to be a lot more right of center less racist opinions. Were here for diversity of thought, remember?"

see my point? you know how much of this shit we're gonna get? It's like we're Sweden before they went full migration, Voat has grown but we're still pretty small, if we get a massive amount of unfiltered refugees even our natural immune system will fucking buckle at the amount due to the sheer size of that sub.

Cringeanarchy was A LOT smaller than The_Donald is.

Gowdy ago

Holy shit this site went straight faggot... yeah this was the moment everything went bad... smdh

waterniggas ago

sometimes they manufacture hardships a la tommy robinson to gain the trust of the elite right, but they invariably slip their mask

it's harder for them than it is for us.

Reddit_traitor ago

Didn't they invade once already ?

Crackrocknigga ago

He doesn't have to do anything. We simply prevent them from CCP farming and they'll dry up like the Q boomers.

Crackrocknigga ago

Blast them with Jew redpills!!

irradiated_toaster ago

If reddit bans t_d we are going to be in for a show!

hoppeanism ago

F to voat

Vvswiftvv17 ago

and of course the usual douchebaggery of newcomers trying to change the future around in our comfy living room

Uh.....ring ring Pot, it's kettle

Seriously, voat is a shell of what it use to be

Gowdy ago

^this... oh no everybody this particular post about the coming donald faggots tells of the precise moment this site went to shit.

eronburr ago

rebbit fluffs the numbers and the only reason GA even received 1/10th the visitors was because it promoted qmap which promoted voat. TD doesn't allow qmap and when it dies, most will go to Conspiracy, which also won't lead them to qmap or voat.


I much as I hate cuckseevatives of the T_D I'd welcome more users willing tk seigetard up. After a while on here you'd probably wouldn't see them advocating "based sikhs" and look at this based nihher type shit. The more whites we can move to our side the better.

GoatLurker ago

I noticed something interesting. Quick search of that shit hole forum and not a single mention of the Presidents Campaign memo "blasting rogue fundraising groups " collecting funds disguised as Trump Supporters.....

Makes you wonder, who bought out the faggit mods?!

sauce - this stupid cnt

Orjuan_SC ago

T_D is controlled opposition. Reddit Admins will stage some big "fight" and make sure T_D barely makes it out. Really miraculous ..

waterniggas ago

they already did that once

GarySnyder ago

The eternal May?

SearchVoatBot ago

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version7 ago

why ellen pao still have any say with what goes on there? I thought she was no longer with plebbit?

poopingaccount ago

So many jews

So few chambers

293948172 ago

yay, we get all the idiots who stayed at The_Donald

winterdreams7 ago

I welcome T_D. We should welcome our conservative brethren; it's time for us to band together! We should be kind and welcoming to anyone willing to accept the saneness of conservative politics.

I am a cringeanarchy refugee; I loved that sub-reddit.

CatsControlTheEU ago

They're not your fucking brother, people like me who emigrated from there after getting banned after the admin takeover despite building that sub up are. And that was so long ago.

That sub was maybe great in the early days but it got taken over. You say fucking ANYTHING about Israel, or blacks or anything that isn't fucking 'civic-nationalist' trash then you get banned. They're pro-'legal' immigration, pro-Israel, and even pro-tranny. The only fucking difference between them and you is that maybe their economics aligns a bit more closely to what many of us have. But their social values are full on marxist bullshit.

Guaranteed 99.9% of that sub are the fucking enemy.

Cringeanarchy =/= The_Donald

waterniggas ago

cuckservatives aren't my brethren, natsocs are.

Saltyhymen ago

I was banned for calling someone a circumcised cocksucker.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

Just in time for 2020, eh? This is going to be the most violent election in the history of the US.

FriedChicken ago


I want those morons to experience full free speech. Make no mistake, reddit's T_D is censored to hell

srayzie ago

SkullKid85 ago

I came here from The Donald. It used to be cool now both places suck equally because we're again; Divided.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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AllSoTiresome ago

How many can we free from the institutionalisation I wonder.

HorseIsDead ago

Bernie 2020

LunaNova ago

We all funnel here and eventually voat gets deleted.

SearchVoatBot ago

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CantDentTheBrent ago

You almost had free speech on TD, that changed.

When speech and opinion is taken away, who is usually behind it?

sodasplash ago


StormRider9090 ago

There was never free speech on that subreddit at all. Discourse there has always only been allowed within very narrow parameters.

Bigdeal ago

Your average T_D user would have a melt down if they came here and saw the front page.

Satirical ago

Quick, someone glue the recliner to the floor and nail down the couch.

dodgesbullets ago

I don't run the_donald. I don't ban anyone. All I'm saying is that it's a good place to start dropping babby's first redpills. It's fertile ground and treating it like the enemy is shortsighted and strategically retarded.

waterniggas ago

we make our own fertile ground wherever we go

we don't need to lean on jew run controlled op subreddits

RicardoBronson ago

OK I just checked up on the place and sure, it's not all "1488 gas the kikes" but it's more based and redpilled than I expected. Plus your Hitler worship shit is gay anyway and murder is bad. Something in-between would be reasonable. Maybe race mixing voat with the_donald is a good thing. You sound like pussies who don't want your safe space infiltrated


Idk man Hitler was a pretty cool guy. Not the best, but not bad either.

RicardoBronson ago

Yeah, I mean at least he didn't kill God's only son

But the whole idolation thing is childish and makes the truth look bad

I mean, I make the truth look bad all the time, but I'm not complaining about the_donald (today)

armday2day ago

They're a bunch of fags. They already tried that shit and left back to faggit with their feminine penises (?) between their malformed cunts.

Judenwiilfuckuup ago

That's why your faggot asses are over here bitching and crying like da real snowflakes u r. Don't you realize the coffee's already mixed with milk and all stirred up and we Jews already fucking beat you without Superior IQs don't you get it motherfukers you lost. We got the bomb ass hole

7e62ce85 ago

Fucking cuckservatives and boomers. It will be horrible.

We will have to hear about how Trump will totally fix things with ANOTHER 4 years.

Shit; from one point of view they will be worse than Qtards. At least the Qtards knew shady stuff was going on.

wanderinghealer ago

Why don't you go vote for bernie then you fucking commie.

SexMachine ago

Imagine Trump promoting voat or Gab as a free speech platform....

cylon-z34 ago

oh no! you guys are going to have to step up your retarded anti-Q propaganda!

wanderinghealer ago

A lot of people here think very highly of themselves. Yet they freely sit around all day giving ammo to the commies on the left to use against conservatives. Voat is somehow superior? Are you fucking kidding me? I had to bend over and let google give it to me in the ass via recaptcha just to post here.

xiego ago

OoOoO i cant wait until we get to redpill a bunch of trump boys on the jq.

KnightFalcon ago

I was never active on T_D but on AskThe_Donald. And for a while it was quite good. But it was immediately after Donald's second state-of-the-union speech that AskThe_Donald went all cucked up. The mods suddenly all were (or behaved as) left-extreme shills. But that's scary, because mods should be more like judges, not lawyers, and just neutrally enforce the sub's rules and not have an agenda. I've seen the same with another sub on reddit, the mods are all just pure representatives of interest, not neutral enforcers of the rules.

I think if we get a flood of new members, why not? If we grow, that's only good for that. Perhaps make some "invitational" post there, in a way that they can't delete it?

But in the end, it's just like CTR (correct the record) Clinton shills did in 2016. Under the disguise of "doing something good", they flood with brain-washed shills, make them moderators, and delete valid posts and write their own shit. I'm wondering, why does only the left have shills? Why doesn't the right have any shills?

It's totally clear: the left found big internet corporations to take over social media, as they are corporations they don't have to accept the first amendment. The 1A only protects us from the government, not corporations. They don't HAVE to obey the first amendment. So now they infiltrate everything with shills, found their own media corporations, and silence the opposition. And in the 30s the Nazis were criticized for book-burning, and what does the left do today? The modern version is internet censorship and banning of people.


They sit on plebbit complaining about censorship then refuse to come here because we don't silence"racism". Fuck them

dacencora ago

It was definitely much funnier before the election. It was edgy and meme-y but then it turned into Fox News. I don’t like it that much anymore. I joined VOAT a while ago but I was scared off. I now consider things differently. Although I don’t see blacks and Jews the way that most do on this site, I think you should be 100% free to say how you feel. I mean how can I fight for the right to free speech if I put any limits on it? Anyways I think I’m coming back because I like the idea that nothing is censored.

Masaze ago

You'll learn to see things for what they are soon enough.

dacencora ago

Do I think that there are some Jews like George Soros that are attempting to control things? Oh yes. But I don’t think poorly on Jews in general.

Similarly, do I think that black people have caused huge problems in America? Oh yes. Statistically they cause disproportionate violence and crime. I am of the mind that that has more to do with their culture than their skin color. And I’m not trying to change your mind at all. I’m simply stating my opinion.

BO2 ago

Not even gonna say nigger in this. Just take a look at Africa. There's your evidence that blacks are genetically inferior. They've had thousands and thousands of years to build civilization and look at them. Every continent and race has built something from themselves besides blacks. Europeans hundreds of years ago built civilizations, beautiful buildings and architecture and maintain it to today and are overgrowing. Look at the US, Canada as well.

Asians too, even spics, and even middle easterners have all built civilizations better than Africa. The best parts of Africa are the whitest; Cape Town, etc.

dacencora ago

What about Egypt though? And as a devil’s advocate couldn’t one argue that their stagnation is due to exploitation?

Now I don’t agree that “evil outsider” is to blame for Africa’s failings. But I don’t think your argument holds much water, especially when you consider the pyramids and the high civilization of Egypt. Now it does beg the question of what happened after Egypt. Why were the Africans unable to ever again make something of themselves?

Even Rome, after its fall, was reborn and Italy has assuredly made its mark on history. Why then couldn’t Africa? I think that is a much stronger argument in your favor.

I’m not saying I disagree with you that, statistically speaking, white people have higher IQs than black people. That’s a fact. But I do think that every person on earth has value. I really don’t care if they have black or yellow skin. I don’t care if they’re tall or short. Basically, I care little for physical attributes when it comes to placing value on human life.

Obviously I do care for physical attributes when it comes to picking a mate. I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with acknowledging the different capacities and talents of varying genetic makeups.

Whether someone can be a great student of intellect or whether they’re more inclined towards physicality, it changes nothing in how I perceive their value as a human. Of course, one has greater value to society, but their value as a human does not differ.

But where I differ with most on this site is how I perceive humanity as a whole. We are more than the bodies we possess. We are truly limitless, eternal beings who will pass beyond this world into another. This truth transcends differences in skin color, mental capacity, etc. All of humanity is limited at the moment by their mortal body. Some particular phenotypes are more limiting than others. But beneath the bones and skin, we are endless beings, with unlimited potential.

Now, of course, you may argue that I cannot know that, and I would concede that I have no empirical evidence to show you. But deep down, I think everyone realizes at least part of this truth.

BO2 ago

To clarify, when I refer to Africa or Africans, I'm talking about blacks and black countries. Current Egypt isn't black, nor was ancient Egypt. They look pretty middle eastern to me -- I've heard Armenian but who knows. Also Egypt's current soccer team doesn't look black at all...looks very middle eastern

I found a few articles talking about racial discrimination in Egypt. "The black community constitutes a substantial proportion of the Egyptian population, yet many Egyptians seem to consider them an inferior minority, subjecting them to varying degrees of racial discrimination and degrading treatment." --- "There is a staggering contempt of everything that is African. Egyptians even get offended if you refer to them as African." - Abdel Rahman Sherif, founder of the Black in Egypt blog, told al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Also one with the title of "8 Disturbing Things to Know About Being Black in Modern Day Egypt".
"Article published by Aljazeera declares that there is “long-standing racism that threatens the security and livelihoods of Egypt’s [sizable] sub-Saharan population.” -- I suggest looking at the articles for more in-depth look

I have no clue if you think Egyptians were/are black but since you mentioned Egypt as a -somewhat- decent and comparable country to the middle east (which I mentioned is better than [black] Africa). It further shows that the least black countries/areas in Africa are the best. The same way Saudi Arabians are 'Asian', Egyptians are 'African'. Just the continent they lie on.

To your other point that blacks, or particularly black Africans have value, I really have to disagree. Even if they contributed just a small amount, I could see their value. I don't like middle easterners and think they're inferior to whites and Asians but It's impossible to ignore what they have built (just look at Dubai) so they at least hold that much value. I believe that Africa itself (as in the land and resources) has a lot of value and could be built properly by whites, or Asians, or middle easterners, or latinos, etc. To varying degrees based on race but all better than blacks.

To your other point of stagnation due to exploitation, no. All countries, continents have gone through varying degrees of exploitation. Even if black Africans have had it the worst out of any race or civilization, that's no excuse that they haven't built empires like that of Rome or ancient Egypt or ANYWHERE near. We're talking about throughout all of history that we can see. They can't even build a brick house to this day. I mean, they enslave their own race as well. I guess "get over it and do something" is my response. They've had all of history and...nothing. Black people in America are criminals and retarded. They are currently at their peak. Even white nations can't help blacks be useful. They're at their 'best' in a non-black nation...funny that.

If all blacks stayed in Africa, I wouldn't care. They won't progress, it doesn't matter much to me. But they've infested the whole world (though Asia is seemingly doing well to repel them). I'd still hate that we send them aid but I'd be much happier if they stuck to their whole continent that they have basically to themselves. If we stopped sending them aid AND they stayed in Africa I wouldn't care at all besides the fact of the wasted land and resources.

dacencora ago

You appear to be correct. I knew that much of ancient Egypt was ruled by non-blacks and that many of the pyramids were constructed by order of non-black Pharaohs. There was a dynasty of Nubian Pharaohs however and they also constructed pyramids in Sudan. These were black Pharaohs. To your point, they violently revolted against the established Pharaoh and usurped the power there. They also did not hold that power for very long.

And I found this article that directly supports your view.

But where I still disagree is in the value of human life. It doesn’t matter to me if someone does or does not contribute, it doesn’t make their soul of less value. Their worth is still immeasurable.

Now I’m definitely not saying that white people need to pay reparations for what happened hundreds of years ago. That’s stupid. I simply don’t agree that blacks are subhuman.

I think that there have been some blacks who have contributed greatly to society, most notably Martin Luther King Jr.

And here is an article that again supports your viewpoint and it comes from Charles Barkley.

Where I disagree with you is that they still have the potential to contribute. Just because they haven’t yet, doesn’t mean that they are unable to do so. Again, I don’t think welfare or bleeding heart liberalism will help anything. I think they should help build up whatever nation they are a part of. Instead of turning to violence and gangs, they should do more to help. I think that the welfare state in America has done way more harm than good. Obama’s idiotic section 8 housing only serves to help this infection to fester. We need to tell them to get on their feet and contribute to their own well-being. And that applies for anyone who feels sorry for themselves.

Deezedlat ago

Frontal lobe and pre frontal cortex anatomy of larger scale show greater adherence towards empathy and compassion. Larger reptilian brain capacity such as the medulla oblongata show increased aggressive traits. It really does come down to evolution there is no other way around it. However strange traits and strains that come from increased cognitive thought also lead to manipulative behavior from those who can read and see empathy in others. Basically psychos who justify thier manipulation by saying if people are so naive to give the shirt off thier back take more until nothing is left.

Masaze ago

Blacks aren't violent due to culture but due to genetics, they're all violent, everywhere, no matter the culture.

You're only right in the sense that their culture is due to their violent nature.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

The black culture they have now was deliberately imposed upon them, by evil people. What they had before was not like this at all. None of this is accidental. They are being farmed, for the drug trade, the prison industrial complex, for organ harvesting, for the Democratic party vote, for the music industry, for their capacity to destroy civilization. All of it is extremely profitable. Evolved slavery of the modern era, they are being fed upon by parasites.

Masaze ago

Yes, before wypipo showed up, blacks were living in wakanda. Now, they can't even build anything besides shanties and tear down any decent infrastructure to sell the wiring and pipes.

Not to mention that most black males are in gangs (known as "tribes" in Africa), savagely killing each other.

All evil whiteys fault.

dodgesbullets ago

That's fucking retarded. It's a forum just like most others. Work within the system until you have the numbers to change the system. How do you think the fucking marxists did it?

The_donald is normie outreach. Understand that. Most people aren't ready for the full redpill and some of them won't even accept it when it does come. I hate to over-reference the matrix but what was said then is true now. They're dependent on the illusion.

kestrel9 ago

The krampus are back and it's not even Christmas.

carl_gauss ago

Anyone still on there shilling for Trump and his now blatant globalist + MIGA agenda is probably not salvageable and won't come here as the idealogical divide between these two spaces has grown too much. They will probably go back to the rest of reddit and be libshits again, because thats effectively what t_d is now.

Durm ago

Seems like it already started. Seems like some "highly Reddit evolved" types have been starting their retarded ways anew here.

SearchVoatBot ago

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BushChuck ago

@puttitout INVITE ONLY MODE!!!

PuttItOut ago

Lol, I should!


PhilKDick ago

Voat's got a moat.

BushChuck ago

SOmebody's got to take a stand, sometime.

Memorexem ago

Aren't those faggots already here? I feel like I was the first one banned for saying something truthful.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Yeah that'll get you in trouble

DontBeRacist ago

Get your "niggerfaggots" ready, niggerfaggots.

ViperCarbz ago

as has Google.

That's scary. A bias search engine omitting content the parent company does not agree with. Still the first result on DuckDuckGo. Fuck Google.

NotHereForPizza ago

Why are people upset or annoyed by this? Don't we want expansion?...

SmokeyMeadow ago


srayzie ago

😂 or show your tits @NotHereForPizza 🖕🏻

fightknightHERO ago

if they ever come to voat i will make it my daily mission to downvote every single post there

fuck these Zionist shills

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

They will take it down before the election especially if it looks like Trump will win.


Make all new users wait a week to post

larryhuston ago

Raise the ccp req to post from 10 to 100

selpai ago

You know... years ago, i thought that shadow banning and soft censorship techniques were the censorship methods of the future. Turns out the major players are a lot less innovative than i thought.

MarauderShields ago

Holy fuck. There's some pretty salty pills in there...

ephesians5_11 ago

While I am concerned about this place being inundated with retards from reddit who believe the republican vs. democrat melodrama, I can't help but thinking, "HOW IS THIS NOT ELECTION MEDDLING!?!?!"

If the media was going to cry that our "elections" were under "attack" by the "Russians" simply because some assholes took out a couple of manipulative adds on social media which ostensibly served to sway public opinion, then how could you justify ACTUALLY SILENCING public opinion!?!

I seem to write this every day, but, honk honk.

sionblade22 ago

Title should be "Quick everyone spam nigger"

Goathole ago


trevmon ago

voat is already 10000% more based than the cuckold

aCuriousYahnz ago

I think this would actually be somewhat helpful. That places turned into a censored trash heap. Can't bring up any topics that questions the norm without getting a perma ban. Many posters probably haven't seen many topics here brought up.

ggolemg ago

I would visit td prior to our president cucking to isreal, now it's unbearable.

mcnuggett ago

Thought: Peterson is a European but walks and talks like a Jew, so effectively he has the same political influence as a Jew such as Shapiro. Here is talking and agreeing with 3 other Jewish intellectual leaders / subverters - Shaprio, Weinstein and Rubin.

You can tell Peterson pushes beneficial Jewish narratives by telling Europeans that "collectivism" is bad and wrong, when collectivism and tribalism is basically the only thing has kept Europeans alive and surviving. Individualism lasts a couple of generations then you become extinct by other tribes who come in to dominate you.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

To quote the 3 Musketeers.

"Monsieur," said Athos, letting him go, "you are not polite; it is easy to perceive that you come from a distance."

VitGet ago

Good looking out. As annoying as the waves are, always good to hand out more pills. Wake up faggots and join the niggerfaggots :)

Hand_of_Node ago

Jordan Peterson Dismantled or

This video completely exposes Peterson's anti-White agenda and his strategy for implementing it. Any Peterson fans who are not beyond saving will be deprogrammed by watching this video.

Jordan Peterson's primary goal is to neutralize the political right and White identity. He does not care about the Marxist take over of our nations, in fact he was hired by the United Nations to help usher it along. Peterson's only reason for stepping into the limelight was because he saw a massive right wing backlash fomenting, and realized it was going to destroy the left.

His job is to implement "plan B", to steer the rising tide of nationalism into an impotent cul-de-sac of centrist individualism, giving our enemies just enough time to tip the demographic balance of our countries so that our destruction is sealed.

Peterson is explicitly targeting young White males for indoctrination with an insidious political ideology he calls radical individualism. He has created a pseudo-religion self-help cult; he is delivering his ideology to the disaffected youth by combining it with a self-help regimen wrapped in empty religious metaphor.

While our enemies are working tirelessly to destroy our nations in a ruthlessly calculated and organized fashion, Jordan Peterson is brainwashing a generation of young White men to be atomized individuals who perceive group cooperation based on ethnic identity and nationality as the height of evil.

sbt2160p ago

Great video. Fuck Jordan Peterson.

Tight_Lines ago

Be sure to strictly enforce any and all rules, all the while severely mocking them. Fullchan was invaded with their garbage and never fully recovered. Now every other thread is "We MuSt PrOtEcT dOlAn."

jackfraser ago

Lauren Southern has repeatedly denied being a tribeswoman and I see no reason to doubt her. She’s pretty based, and her indiscretions earlier in life before having these critical realizations shouldn’t be held against her more than any of our own - who here wasn’t at least a bit under the control of propaganda in their youth?

The fact that she is outspoken now and on our side makes me question people that try to throw her under the bus. What’s it to you? Tearing our imperfect people down gets us nowhere, use your damned energy to tear down the enemy instead.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

I looked on Google too, right after I posted.
The last link on the page was for T_D.

Acerphoon ago

I see it as an opportunity to redpill people.
They're not as deranged as leftists and you can have good conversations with some of them.

waterniggas ago

muh baste nigger in a maga hat squeak

They won't like voat much, there aren't any fans of trump left over here.

totes_magotes ago

We're gonna need a bigger Voat.

And a new newbie badge. @PuttItOut...


Weren't most of us Redditors at one point or another?

PuttItOut ago

Shhhh... Keep this on the down low so we can continue making fun of them.

blumen4alles ago

Is this a hint that you are going to invoke the lord's right, King Putt?

PuttItOut ago

What other option do we have? ;)

totes_magotes ago

Damn, why can't remember what movie/show that is??? That's gonna bug me all day.

blumen4alles ago

Pretty sure that is from Braveheart, goat. With a reference to the part he talks about Scotland being full of Scotts - and to breed them out (jus primae noctis).

totes_magotes ago

Oh yeah... Sounds about right. Thanks

dawnbandit1 ago


Give me an MDE badge and not this god dame Jude-Q badge I've got know.


MDE never dies! I wonder if I have a Jide-Q badge as well. Can't telle on mobile.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Nah you deserve that eddit fags shit

PuttItOut ago

You love it, don't lie.

So glad I don't have a Q badge. ;)

waterniggas ago

gimme a cringeanarchy badge cmon

CantDentTheBrent ago


Satirical ago

I want another blackmail wizard badge, can we get some shitty skids to threaten voat again so I can get a cool badge?

srayzie ago

Putt! What’s wrong with a Q Badge? 😱😰

PuttItOut ago

That's it, you're getting one now!

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Alpha badges FTW!

PuttItOut ago

Wow, you are alpha.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

There isnt many of us

srayzie ago

I would LOVE a Q badge! 😁

SandHog ago


dawnbandit1 ago

oy vey, i've been found out

ThisIsMyRealName ago

It should be a hat.

totes_magotes ago

I likey.

herbalism ago

This is gonna be good. I was a T_D faggot a couple years ago. I was willfully ignorant about the JQ and (((diversity))) issues. Then I found cringeanarchy and milliondollarextreme and voat. Their innocent little minds are about to be blown.

Zoldam ago

Same, though I took a break from these kind of sites for like a here before returning here like a month ago.

fuckingmockies ago

Ooooooh I hope it's just like last time. That was so fucking fun.

CRKT_M16Z ago

You must be new here.

bbylon ago

For me it show up as the second result with the first result being a Wikipedia article that had this to say

The subreddit has been described by mainstream media outlets as hosting conspiracy theories and content that is racist, misogynistic, islamophobic, and antisemitic. gives me the same order of results so the google-censoring is either fake news or not in affect yet. Either way the masses won't return to voat after what happened last time.

white_male30 ago

I've been using startpage since forever, AFAIK it's just google results with a few privacy features.

PMmeforStalagEdition ago

T_D was ran by a (((paid collective))) - the atmosphere changed dramatically on several occasions. It went from something organic, to something stale.

It happened around the time where 'muh based nigger'-posts went from being sarcastic, to being sincere. Effectively turning an entire swarm of ready-to-radicalise white men, into civcucks. Throw in some jewish faggotry (((Milo))), some more jewish faggotry (((shapiro))), some MORE jewish faggotry (((Peterstein))), even some random thot (((southers))) who farms shekels from fat beta fucks and pretends to be traditional, while dating niggers and kissing women - and you got a fucking party right?

Theyve dropped the facade after the election when the first pissrael-posts were made on a sub that banned people for talking about random shit.

waterniggas ago

lauren southern is jewish too, so it's 4/4!

PMmeforStalagEdition ago

I specifically remember a time where the lead moderator (a woman) had a hysterical hissyfit (women in power is always a good idea, theyre never emotional like that :^) ) and shut down the entire sub. Before they did they posted a list of moderators - and if anything changed about that list something was fucked.

Well 4 moderators were removed (entire accounts deleted as well) and 6 new moderators were added. Any mention of this in the T_D resulted in not only a ban from T_D, but a shadowban from Reddit as a whole.

And, in true kike-fashion, they project their own wrongdoing on others; Look at the Bernie-sub, hahaha, taken over by Clinton haha!

dodgesbullets ago

Milo was just a shield to hold up against the left crying about homophobia. He was funny and edgy but only the idiots really paid any attention to him.

Shapiro on the other hand is the epitome of a jewish subversive. He was ardently never Trump until the fucking inauguration. He gets the rope first.

You guys need to understand that The_Donald is the internet version of the mask most of us wear IRL. Not everyone is ready for the redpill yet. Fucking boomers have managed to dodge the consequences of marxism just by the timing of their births. Some got redpilled during the civil rights era and the issues busing caused but those were few. Most didn't have the diverse schools, college was merit based and as they got older their jobs and neighborhoods weren't at risk because they had already gotten high enough up the ladder. Those are the people in The_donald, boomers who only know minorities as TV characters and the one guy in middle management. My parents are the same way. They were told growing up, just like we were, that everyone is equal but they didn't have the first hand experience that their kids who live in 56% America do. They got to live in 85% America.

That's why we can't abandon it. You have to be subtle, lurk the comments posting nigger hate threads will just get a ban but linking crime stats to back up an argument will open eyes.

slwsnowman40 ago

Milo's run his course, and showed a large portion of the world how crazy the left has become and he started on feminists. The feminists revealed their fangs against a fag that could talk circles around them and didn't break a sweat.

The USA got fucked over by Boomers' decisions and the group between them and The Greatest. And my Boomer parents agreed with that in 2016 after my youngest brother and I tag teamed them with redpills after the muslim faggot shot up The Pulse. They learned so much about the religion of piece that day...

PMmeforStalagEdition ago

You have to be subtle, lurk the comments posting nigger hate threads will just get a ban but linking crime stats to back up an argument will open eyes.

Thats my point though. T_D in its earliest days skipped these entry-level redpills. Now its apparently an 'eye-opener' to talk about muh-13% (which is actually 4,1%).

(((Democracy))) is all a game. And if you have the script, you can predict and anticipate social responses.

dodgesbullets ago

Of course it was. So what? I started my Voat account when reddit banned coontown. Just like everything else that becomes popular reddit has lost its edge and has been infiltrated. I was posting in the_donald before ciswhitemaelstrom got booted for being too edgy.

You guys have to wake up to the reality that Voat is a fucking bubble. The real world out there frowns upon and in most places criminally prosecutes unfiltered opinion and speech. There has been a concerted effort for at least 60 years to de-legitimize race realism and brainwash generations of people across the globe. You don't overcome that in one election cycle and you sure as fuck don't defeat it with overusing the word nigger.

We're not the army, we're the small group of fanatics. We're the idealists that push the envelope. Normies are the army and we need them but they have to be convinced we're right when literally every world government, all mainstream media and decades of indoctrination have told them we're literally evil. You don't convince people you're not evil by hating others you convince them by loving and protecting them. I don't hate anyone, I love our people and I hate what's being done to them. Unfortunately, there are people who need to be dealt with in order to secure a future for my people.

waterniggas ago

that's why we taught gen z everything they know

boomers are in most cases hopeless

PMmeforStalagEdition ago

you guys

Dont lump me in with these people. 90% of Voat hasnt read a single letter of Mein Kampf, 90% of Voat cant make a distinction between communism and socialism, 90% of vote thinks happas are just swell. I was called a shill for telling people to stop circlejerking in this echochamber because its designed to lul them into apathy.

I assumed you were part of that 90%. That was my mistake. I see now that we could have had a completely different discussion if i hadnt made that mistake.

dodgesbullets ago

Don't sweat it. I get frustrated because there are so many people who want to walk around seig heiling, throw 1488 in a username and then wonder why their comments get no traction. This is a long road we're on and subtlety is our ally. Fortunately there are places like this where we can somewhat speak candidly without being censored.

We have a contingent of edgelords and shills who like to shit on anything that's not full natsoc or race realist without understanding that gradients can be useful.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Yeah You guys are so smart.

So much smarter than us goats

PMmeforStalagEdition ago

Proof it, tell me the difference between communism and socialism. Ill wait.

CantDentTheBrent ago

proof it


PMmeforStalagEdition ago

Thanks for proving my point.

CantDentTheBrent ago

You really wanna know?

PMmeforStalagEdition ago

Im not asking for a lesson, im confirming you have no idea what you are talking about. I doubt you even read The+Great+Replacement yet youre still using it as a name.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Yes I've read his manifesto.

I also know the difference is that communism is a political system, not just economic like socialism.

socialism is what comes after capitalism fails the people, if you're a Marxist, which then leads to communism or a communal goal.

Ruled by one government, not by the people.

PMmeforStalagEdition ago


In case you try to edit it.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Why would I edit it faggot?

That's what I believe.

Do you just believe what everyone tells you?

Do you have original thoughts?

PMmeforStalagEdition ago

The fact that you dont realise makes it even better.

CantDentTheBrent ago

You'll still die alone and sad.

That's why I don't care.

PMmeforStalagEdition ago

Yeah You guys are so smart.

So much smarter than us goats


CantDentTheBrent ago

So you decided that over a preselected question with no real answer?

Wow you are smart.

Hey you didn't tell me where I was Wrong?

I'd love to learn from you.

SpreeFeech ago

They must be listening. It's the first two results for me.

MetalAegis ago

They came once before and couldn't make the cut, the Voat filtration system filtered out the vast majority of them; however, even if they do decide to try again in an act of desperation Voat will not be able to accommodate three quarters of a million users, so what happens is Voat goes down for awhile and/or becomes invite only, and then things return to normal after a week or so.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Here's the DDG search result.
Fuck Google. I'm sure their suppressing the results.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

It's "they're", nigger. You know, short for "they are".

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Damn. I will need to correct that.

VicariousJambi ago

I see you're new here, they've already tried coming over here before. They got scared and ran off. Not before giving us a shit ton of money though.


lets_get_hyyerr ago

I see you're new here

OP's account is only 30 days old lol Yea they are still new

yt4cz9 ago

I have to admit one of the Jews was funny. When they briefly came over, he said voat almost had him believing his ancestors gassed themselves. I did get a chuckle out of that.

Truth is though no one was ever gassed.

teamviewer ago

They got scared and ran off.

That's not a shocker. Bunch of faggots.

DasReich ago

Also it provided us with a shit ton of top tier memes.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

I sought refuge here a while back.

Not a daily user here but I've cut out Reddit entirely.

Honkler_The_Third ago

I came here when CA got banned. I only use Reddit to look at stuff for a couple of games. I browse the front page of voat every day before work, and after I'm off of work. Then occasionally through the evening.

DamnLiquor ago

CA was banned? or do you mean GA, wake up faggot

oneinchterror ago

That's pretty much exactly what I do. Reddit is still pretty decent for niche hobby subs, the kind that are essentially impossible to politicize.

DamnLiquor ago

^absolute pussy

oneinchterror ago

Gas yourself, kike.

Son_Of_Hate ago

Welcome home, nigger faggot.

HowieHardcore ago

Im not new, I just create new accounts a lot.

Maroonsaint ago

I’m new it’s my first day people on voat are so friendly to me

VicariousJambi ago

Ah, I've thought about doing that too but don't really see the need to on voat.

cleverbird ago

Why not?

VicariousJambi ago

Because I don't get banned from anywhere on here and I don't post any identifying info.

cleverbird ago

Identiifying info is not just saying "my address is X and my name is Y".

Simply mentioning the weather once or twice, your posting habits being around certain times, mentioning some local event, something work related, etc etc. A bunch of small things that individually mean nothing, but altogether can be combined to build a pretty decent profile of you. Sorta like playing Sudoku, the more pieces you get into place, the easier it gets. A long enough post history, especially stretching over years, is almost always plenty to identify a person, or at least get enough info to feed into other services online to put the rest together.

ThisMachineKills ago

Just like every other exodus, a few stay but most leave

I suspect that we'll see several incidences of that as plebbit dies

ThisIsMyRealName ago

This happened before. We sent them away crying. They don't want to come here.

T1tus ago

Lol the majority of the_donald are lurkers.

The majority of posters in the T_D are either paid to be there one way or another or trolls fro one side for another

And it has been fully reddit controlled since the last migration.

That migration was caused by reddit ousting the orignal mods

I would.not be surprised if the original mod was a poster here, her style fit in here.


A few months ago I got a post to the front page of T_D some plbn even gifted me platinum lol. But it was an anti-immigration post.

waterniggas ago

well done, every little bit counts

waterniggas ago

t_d was originally run by white nationalists

I got away with a lot in the early days.

oneinchterror ago

Did AHS tranny jannies finally succeed in subverting unpopularopinions? I used to see it on the front page daily, and there was actual discussion and redpill potential in the comments, but lately I never even see it at all. I know the usual suspects were seething and crying about it for a while, since they can't handle any deviation from the globohomo narrative whatsoever, so I just assumed they ruined another good sub.

waterniggas ago

They tried to put all political opinions into a sticky ghetto, and when that didn't work they just went and locked every thread bEcAuSe YoU gUyS cAnT bEhAvE


/r/clownworldwar, /r/HONKLER /r/clown_world are doing fine. The mods of fren world are trying to be subtle, but what's the point if everyone knows.

waterniggas ago

well the national socialists are still there

it's funny, every time they can us, we get craftier. They're only fucking themselves over by suppressing us.

Apathy ago

T_D is controlled by the reddit admins and has been since just after the election. There was a lot of screwy stuff going on and random full mod changes a couple of times. Then they got all PC and started banning all the good (risky/offensive meme's) stuff right after. I used to hang out there daily before the election, but a few months later it all went to shit.

redpilldessert ago

Every other day, I see posts with plenty of comments about white genocide there. The mods don't censor those comments, so I don't think they're all bad.

phoenix883 ago

All that is true, but there are still a ton of people there who are about to be unplugged from the matrix. They will end up here and in the chans and that will ruffle some feathers initially, as usually.

The feeling of about a million souls getting suddenly deeply red pilled is going to be glorious, though. JIDF isn't ready for that, either.

LongyyBearr ago

I’m glad your here now :)

yt4cz9 ago

The election itself went to shit for me when the old white guy stood up in front of Trump and all his Jew buddies and said US first not Israel first. Trump said they were our friends and we'd treat them right. What a fucking joke.

Gitmo_money ago

OhSnapYouGotServed was the last good mod. Removal was orchestrated.

Went from breaking news to a meme farm. All the researchers went to the chans and here.

7e62ce85 ago

Can confirm. I got banned for anti-semitism even though my comment was only against communism.

A random leftist wouldn't do that so the subreddit is definitely under Jew control.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Then they got all PC and started banning all the good (risky/offensive meme's) stuff right after.

They were doing that right from the start. I was banned from the_zognald somewhere in spring/summer 2016 when Milo was still popular, and I questioned why the opinion of a gay british jew mattered re: us politics. They called me a nazi and booted me.

Not that they were wrong. Just that they've never ever been friendly to racially aware whites.

lanre ago

The big thing I saw was they tried to segregate election organizing into a separate subreddit in order to limit the impact it was having. So T_D became more of a circle jerk and less of a way to organize against clown world.

mcnuggett ago

If by "Reddit Admins" you mean JIDF, then yes you are correct. The Jewish Newhouse family has a majority stake in Reddit.

Crackrocknigga ago

JIDF is so obvious when there's no censorship. That's what I love about voat: in a society where one can't be controlled, the white man has an impeccable sense of semetic perception.

Kalergi ago


CantDentTheBrent ago

I won't go without a fight.

trevmon ago

this strategy still goes on but on the internet instead of newspapers:

Newhouse focused on purchasing bargain-priced papers in growing communities; he had no interest in starting papers or in unrelated ventures (he even declined an offer to purchase the New York Yankees). He typically acquired a city's oldest newspaper and then purchase the city's second newspaper thereby allowing him to set advertising rates. Although he generally promised to keep both papers in business and in competition, he typically merged the two, generally closing the afternoon paper and keeping the morning, effectively establishing a monopoly and then using the profits to purchase additional newspapers.[3]

waterniggas ago

he had no interest in starting papers

gEe I wOnDeR wHy

trevmon ago

rothschild agent whose job it is to spread propaganda

Trousersnake1488 ago

my nibba. yeah, it was so sad to see it turn to the fagside

VicariousJambi ago

To be fair, they've let the honkler meme run pretty wild and they seem to be ramping up on the "clown world".

They still suck israels cock though

grendelbiter ago

That should give food for thought about where that meme originates from.

CatsControlTheEU ago

They still suck israels cock though

When Trump ordered the bombing of the Syrian government airfield I said that it didn't make much sense to do that if our goal was supposedly to remove ISIS, and that only a few nations such as Israel benefit from that move.

-instabanned- apparently for being a shill, how ironic.

didn't matter that I was one of the earliest people on that sub and had made hundreds of submissions and thousands of comments. Mention the jew and you get removed.

Tallest_Skil ago

Yes, they let A JEWISH THINK TANK’S BASTARDIZATION OF REALITY* run pretty wild. What does that fucking TELL YOU about the goddamn faggot clown bullshit?


To be fair, they've let the honkler meme run pretty wild and they seem to be ramping up on the "clown world".

Thats probably b.c reddit recently banned /r/cringeanarchy with had like +300k subs which was pretty much a parallel to voat front page.

Cid ago

If you suck kosher, fag, or nigger dick you'll fit right in at T_D. Or any standard conservative group tbh.

Skins ago

"We have the best faggots, don't we?"


Look at this based nigger and this based faggot. Look we're not rascist the dems are the real racists!