They made a statement that they have no relation with him. No disavowal yet, surprisingly. How long do you think it will take? Their actual customers are demanding an endorsement of Rittenhouse right now. I say they disavow their customers tomorrow, showing these decisions are never for business profit.
While we'er on the topic of retarded names for a coffee company, why not the grey alternator coffee company, or the green garden hose coffee company, or the tan index file coffee company?
It's probably redundant for me to explain it but the name of the company is cynically designed to appeal to and arise passions in defenders of the 1st amendment who associate firearms (and particularly the right to own 'black rifles') with the war of independence and the founding of the nation. As patriots they draw a direct emotional line between their group identify, national identity and also their responsibility to defend the precepts that the identity is founded upon. Therefore an implied association between the coffee company product and the target audience is elicited in the imagery of modern military rifle and the militias that claim the right to possess them. This is precisely why they gave the t-shirt to Rittenhouse hoping he would be photographed wearing it - he embodies the modern militia in the zeitgeist and reinforces that association. If the trannies in the pride parade were photographed wearing them the spell might be broken.
Black rifle coffee would not arouse these passions in consumers in nearly any other country, and it could feasibly be added as a prefix to any other consumable product as the association is not intrinsic to the consumable itself but rather the life choice it evokes. They may as well be selling black rifle shaving foam, or black rifle hamburgers. They could just as easily pick a random consumable and market it to 3rd wave feminists by prefixing 'womens choice' to the product name e.g. Women's Choice Shampoo or Women's Choice Batteries. So in the examples you gave you would need to not necessarily pick the correct product, or the correct color, but select something symbolic of a movement or identity. An evocative item I could think of that might appeal to lefties might be 'Red Hammer Coffee', or for stoners 'Green Leaf' coffee.
They're all just virtue-signaling about how loyal consumers they are. I doubt if even a single one of them has bought their coffee. Only a matter of time before the kike coffee co. disavows Kyle and 'distances from his vile behavior'.
They had to hire a PR firm to post pictures of cute dogs all day.
Later, I found out that Black Rifle Coffee was tangentially affiliated with some small businesses owned by people I care about. Ooops! Truth is the truth, though.
More recently, we actually got a coffee roaster and started a coffee business with a similar business model. I won't name them, but technically, it is now competition to BRCC.
As it turns out, the coffee community decided to immediately send out a variety of cease and desists (which we ignored). A variety of companies. So, apparently, the whole industry is (((legally vexatious))) and needs some good, non fake MAGA, patriots to enter the arena.
As WoS, I do not promote anything to make money for anyone.
This message brought to you by "HydroHomies." Drink only water.
This message brought to you by "No Fap". Stop consuming (((propaganda))).
This message brought to you by "Fuck Lawyers". Represent yourselves.
Companies with less legal resources will sometimes be more aggressive with Trademark claims because they don't want to flirt with losing access to their own trademark over non-enforcement ( a real thing where in courts screw over companies for not acting like dicks).
Web of slime is not really an authority. Last I chatted with him (we've been on podcasts together), he claimed that corona virus was 100% not a real virus. This was pretty late in the game too.
Let me guess, a sponsor for Joe Rogan. Aka men being men podcast. These men all worship jocko and want to be mounted by him, all shoot guns and wear overpriced huntin gear and listen to bad country music.
I go to see a pic of Kyle Rittenhouse freed from jail, and he's wearing a fucking Black Rifle Cuck-Coffee t-shirt. Talk about disappointment.
and he's killed 2 jews and permanently injured a 3rd.
more than anyone else here on voat can claim.
KR gets all the slack he needs. he is being educated directly by the Jewish-nigger hate complex putting him through hell of criminal litigation.
a humans brain doesn't fully develop until about 25. id say he's on the right track to become a shitlord as he learns the who and why of his false prosecution.
I think Kyle's a hero. I also think that kike company has a hell of a nerve using that hero to peddle its wares. Real lowdown jew behavior. Kyle is an innocent in that regard, which is why it pisses me off.
Why do kikes need the fake word antisemitism to throw out there when criticized? What other group has that? Also watch Greatest Story Never Told on bitchute
It's not the same at all. Any slight criticism of Jews gets completely shut down by "anti-semitic". Calling out kikes sniping children and pregnant women? Oh, that's anti-semitic you nazi. Notice anyone mainstream actually mentioning how jews control media, entertainment, banking? Nope.
It's the same Jew tricks as they always pull. This absolutely isn't a one off. Every single time is a meme here for a reason. Someone threatening legal action for something minuscule? Go figure, it's a jew as usual.
I used to think every CRV driver was a bad drivers because a disproportionate amount of them suck at driving... Then I started counting all the CRVs that didn't cut me off...
The statistics definitely are not on your side with that argument. Jews are 2% of the population. 1/50. Why are there so many in politics, SC, banking, media, or positions of power? It's not even close to 1/50.
I pay attention, there's just more circle-jerking than reason... like I get that there's a lot of jews in questionable positions and a lot of nepotism but I don't see where to make the jump to a blood guilt for all of them.
Antisemitism here is of exactly the same nature as hatred of ypipo in black-only FB groups: collectivists always blame others for mishaps of their own.
There's a interesting essay here that posits so-called anti-semitism as an inevitable consequence of semitism. I quite liked the authors style and the argument is quite convincing although the latin references are over my head unfortunately.
BRC is owned by Jews that play on goys of the "America is the Greatest," 2nd amendment crowd and veterans while holding dual loyalties and interests of another nations survival over the one they are pandering too. Jews look at "America as two nations one state" where Israel is the spiritual/cultural leader over the mutt army of goyim.
Ok so... they do that by fighting in our military, befriending others who do and then starting a company that supports most of the same things as us when few do?
Posted automatically (#147378) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Mr_Wolf: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
No. /v/Blackriflecoffee made the account for some reason, he like the name, the coffee or whatever. The the blackriflecoffee kikes found it on voat and everyone made other variations of it.
"black_rifle_coffee_is_for_niggers" would not have violated their "trademark". It was bullshit. Pure bullshit on the part of that kike vet begging whore.
There's a coffee company called 'Bolt Action Coffee' that is run by ex soldiers, if you must have a firearm related coffee. They apparently put the profits to good use and the name is a witty play on words.
Great Value value sized. 6lbs for $15. Capitalism at its finest. Anyone can buy some Columbian coffee and slap a stupid name on it and charge $10 a lb.
Pizzagate came mostly from here. When it was breaking, that was the peak of Voat. Then there was a campaign to get 8chan and Voat off the internet which intensified after Tarrant removed kebab, but it was mainly against 8chan. I suspect a lot of people didn't want the FBI attention for using 'the most vile site on the internet'.
I got on I think when it started (though I would have to look that up), saw no activity, and I left and didn't come back for a good while during one of the waves of reddit suppression. Then immediately I was accused of being a glownigger for having a barely-used account lol. At that point I saw a lot more activity and stayed. Activity seems to have increased since then, albeit steadily -- not with punctuation except in the latest round of reddit censorship when TheDonald got banned.
TheManyHands ago
They made a statement that they have no relation with him. No disavowal yet, surprisingly. How long do you think it will take? Their actual customers are demanding an endorsement of Rittenhouse right now. I say they disavow their customers tomorrow, showing these decisions are never for business profit.
Smokybubbles ago
Israel last.
isvoat86 ago
When the flock is herded in a certain direction, it's for a reason.
The path is already known, as is the destination.
And yet somehow most people believe they are sheep.
slvrsrfr ago
What is supposedly special about this coffee? Why should I care about them?
TheManyHands ago
They make funny videos on jewtube. That's the entirety of it.
Kat-the-Cat ago
I was chatting about this recently to my ma, and searchvoat it and found one thread. Just one. Thanks!
MagicNegro ago
Coffee? Like what fags drink?
ViperCarbz ago
Black Nigger Coffee more like it.
JewsControlYou ago
Mat Best = clearly a faggot who crossdresses. CIA ties. Probably a kike.
Evan Hafer = kike
Scott Harvey = kike
I'm willing to bet their so called military service is a lie.
Ciaglownigger ago
Nigger rifle coffee company
MetaCog ago
While we'er on the topic of retarded names for a coffee company, why not the grey alternator coffee company, or the green garden hose coffee company, or the tan index file coffee company?
Diane_Abbott ago
It's probably redundant for me to explain it but the name of the company is cynically designed to appeal to and arise passions in defenders of the 1st amendment who associate firearms (and particularly the right to own 'black rifles') with the war of independence and the founding of the nation. As patriots they draw a direct emotional line between their group identify, national identity and also their responsibility to defend the precepts that the identity is founded upon. Therefore an implied association between the coffee company product and the target audience is elicited in the imagery of modern military rifle and the militias that claim the right to possess them. This is precisely why they gave the t-shirt to Rittenhouse hoping he would be photographed wearing it - he embodies the modern militia in the zeitgeist and reinforces that association. If the trannies in the pride parade were photographed wearing them the spell might be broken.
Black rifle coffee would not arouse these passions in consumers in nearly any other country, and it could feasibly be added as a prefix to any other consumable product as the association is not intrinsic to the consumable itself but rather the life choice it evokes. They may as well be selling black rifle shaving foam, or black rifle hamburgers. They could just as easily pick a random consumable and market it to 3rd wave feminists by prefixing 'womens choice' to the product name e.g. Women's Choice Shampoo or Women's Choice Batteries. So in the examples you gave you would need to not necessarily pick the correct product, or the correct color, but select something symbolic of a movement or identity. An evocative item I could think of that might appeal to lefties might be 'Red Hammer Coffee', or for stoners 'Green Leaf' coffee.
Diane_Abbott ago
And right on queue -
Ozfer ago
Wow this is some next level cringe.
TheManyHands ago
They're all just virtue-signaling about how loyal consumers they are. I doubt if even a single one of them has bought their coffee. Only a matter of time before the kike coffee co. disavows Kyle and 'distances from his vile behavior'.
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
history of trump's master:
blumen4alles ago
This is not appropriate for v/news.
v/whatever dumbass
Also, there is a shit ton more info you could have included besides a Voater on twatter.
LibertyIsTheLaw ago
Or the part where the owner talks about watching his dogs take shits.
blumen4alles ago
Well I was thinking links to the blog where they mention they are jewish and links to the Voat threads where we discussed this before.
Nesano ago
What's sending DMCA takedowns to Voat gonna do?
krypt ago
DMCA is irrelevant topic : it was spurious trademark that comes into play :
Nesano ago
Well that went fuckin' nowhere.
thewebofslime ago
Ha! I forgot all about that.
They had to hire a PR firm to post pictures of cute dogs all day.
Later, I found out that Black Rifle Coffee was tangentially affiliated with some small businesses owned by people I care about. Ooops! Truth is the truth, though.
More recently, we actually got a coffee roaster and started a coffee business with a similar business model. I won't name them, but technically, it is now competition to BRCC.
As it turns out, the coffee community decided to immediately send out a variety of cease and desists (which we ignored). A variety of companies. So, apparently, the whole industry is (((legally vexatious))) and needs some good, non fake MAGA, patriots to enter the arena.
As WoS, I do not promote anything to make money for anyone.
This message brought to you by "HydroHomies." Drink only water.
This message brought to you by "No Fap". Stop consuming (((propaganda))).
This message brought to you by "Fuck Lawyers". Represent yourselves.
fusir ago
Companies with less legal resources will sometimes be more aggressive with Trademark claims because they don't want to flirt with losing access to their own trademark over non-enforcement ( a real thing where in courts screw over companies for not acting like dicks).
Web of slime is not really an authority. Last I chatted with him (we've been on podcasts together), he claimed that corona virus was 100% not a real virus. This was pretty late in the game too.
TheManyHands ago
If you didn't figure out by at least April that there was no virus, you're a literal retard who should not have rights.
buffalo_fart ago
Let me guess, a sponsor for Joe Rogan. Aka men being men podcast. These men all worship jocko and want to be mounted by him, all shoot guns and wear overpriced huntin gear and listen to bad country music.
TopTierCIAShill ago
Militaryfags are insufferable retards who LARP to be the heroes of old
DishingShitLikeA ago
Never had it. Never will.
PhilKDick ago
I go to see a pic of Kyle Rittenhouse freed from jail, and he's wearing a fucking Black Rifle Cuck-Coffee t-shirt. Talk about disappointment.
whatisbestinlife ago
I bet bbc coffee didnt donate a dime to Kyle.
PhilKDick ago
Just the shirt, if that!
whatisbestinlife ago
no he got that for free with his 2 ton purchase of beans
Nesano ago
Guarantee you he's not aware of any of this.
PhilKDick ago
His mom comes off as a kind but not-very-aware person as well. Just good hearted.
BlackGrapeDrank ago
he's a 17yr old kid for fucks sake.
and he's killed 2 jews and permanently injured a 3rd.
more than anyone else here on voat can claim.
KR gets all the slack he needs. he is being educated directly by the Jewish-nigger hate complex putting him through hell of criminal litigation.
a humans brain doesn't fully develop until about 25. id say he's on the right track to become a shitlord as he learns the who and why of his false prosecution.
well see what happens.
Sleuth222 ago
If it's not a false flag set up, then Kyle will be killed since a goya killing a chosen one can not be tolerated.
itssomatic ago
The final two shootings took place a block away from a synagogue, something to consider.
PhilKDick ago
I think Kyle's a hero. I also think that kike company has a hell of a nerve using that hero to peddle its wares. Real lowdown jew behavior. Kyle is an innocent in that regard, which is why it pisses me off.
BlackGrapeDrank ago
ShalomGoyim ago
Kikes have nonprobl m profiting off of ANYTHING, even killing other kikes.
Don't act surprised.
bubbahicks ago
Yep. Maybe it’s a troll? The 3 attackers he shot were jewish.
PhilKDick ago
That kike coffee doesn't deserve to advertise on Kyle's chest. Especially since he's being prosecuted for defending himself agsinst jew attackers
TwoNiggersandaHonky ago
Two of them were, one still is unfortunately.
Ifyouonlyknewhowbad ago
He’s still one over quota.
anticlutch ago
It's owned and ran by a jew.
All anyone should need to know.
Nevyn ago
And once again the small hat is using US soldiers to do all the work fighting for Israeli profits.
anticlutch ago
Every "race's" males but White are TERRIBLE at fighting in all metrics. They're cowards and have no honor for their own.
nwguy ago
so? start your own company
anticlutch ago
You forget to dilate?
tury ago
So true.
CaptainSpork ago
but, but... he has the camo hoodie, black ballcap and a beard! He must be a good one!! And rifle is right there in the name of the company!!!
Trope_ ago
All for Israel.
Dannath ago
I don't get the rage or antisemitism here.
Seems like the name wasn't just random. Just because voat didn't have a system to delete stuff doesn't really seem like a free speech issue per se.
I agree it's lame that they wouldn't get on the horn with Voat but can someone explain how this isn't just nerd rage?
Dannath ago
Down voting questions and regurgitating your circle-jerk spew... and I'm supposed to be the one "from reddit"?
Babadookk ago
antisemitism is good. the jews are our enemies
hang_em_high ago
Why do kikes need the fake word antisemitism to throw out there when criticized? What other group has that? Also watch Greatest Story Never Told on bitchute
Dannath ago
You don't say anti-white or anti-european ever? Even I do. Was the focus not on Jess? What word should I use?
hang_em_high ago
It's not the same at all. Any slight criticism of Jews gets completely shut down by "anti-semitic". Calling out kikes sniping children and pregnant women? Oh, that's anti-semitic you nazi. Notice anyone mainstream actually mentioning how jews control media, entertainment, banking? Nope.
Dannath ago
I asked what Evan Hafer did, I didn't say that criticizing Israeli snipers killing children was anti-sematic.
hang_em_high ago
It's the same Jew tricks as they always pull. This absolutely isn't a one off. Every single time is a meme here for a reason. Someone threatening legal action for something minuscule? Go figure, it's a jew as usual.
Dannath ago
I used to think every CRV driver was a bad drivers because a disproportionate amount of them suck at driving... Then I started counting all the CRVs that didn't cut me off...
hang_em_high ago
The statistics definitely are not on your side with that argument. Jews are 2% of the population. 1/50. Why are there so many in politics, SC, banking, media, or positions of power? It's not even close to 1/50.
LurkedForever ago
I haven't kept up with the drama on why we're supposed to hate them either other than that the owner is a jew, I guess?
Hand_of_Node ago
Have you considered paying attention? You're describing yourself as utterly clueless, with a 3 year account...
Dannath ago
I pay attention, there's just more circle-jerking than reason... like I get that there's a lot of jews in questionable positions and a lot of nepotism but I don't see where to make the jump to a blood guilt for all of them.
Hand_of_Node ago
Lots of information about the tribe there.
MrBloom ago
Antisemitism here is of exactly the same nature as hatred of ypipo in black-only FB groups: collectivists always blame others for mishaps of their own.
Babadookk ago
oh really. its our mishap that the federal reserve was created?
Hand_of_Node ago
A new jew on voat, eh.
Diane_Abbott ago
There's a interesting essay here that posits so-called anti-semitism as an inevitable consequence of semitism. I quite liked the authors style and the argument is quite convincing although the latin references are over my head unfortunately.
Hand_of_Node ago
Thanks, that's a great piece of writing.
ARsandOutdoors ago
BRC is owned by Jews that play on goys of the "America is the Greatest," 2nd amendment crowd and veterans while holding dual loyalties and interests of another nations survival over the one they are pandering too. Jews look at "America as two nations one state" where Israel is the spiritual/cultural leader over the mutt army of goyim.
Dannath ago
Are you assuming that's true based on the owner saying he's a jew or anything more substantial?
Dannath ago
Ok so... they do that by fighting in our military, befriending others who do and then starting a company that supports most of the same things as us when few do?
Like what?
JewsControlYou ago
Jews don't support the same things we do. They support the opposite and covertly try to control what we support.
blit416 ago
You "Don't get the antisemitism"?
Buddy, I don't know what to tell you then...
WNwoman ago
He was fooled by all the “my fellow whites” comments.
anticlutch ago
jews aren't semites faggot.
Also jews deserve any and all anti-jewish sentiment. They've earned it over thousands of years of loxism.
The other thing they've earned is an oven.
Dannath ago
What are they then?
Dannath ago
So, assuming all that, were you find out you're a little Jewish are you going to hop in an oven or consider yourself an exception?
anticlutch ago
If I were to find out I was a jew I'd take my right of return and kill as many jews squatting in Judea as possible.
Dannath ago
Lol. Let no man call this man a hypocrit!
RM-Goetbbels ago
More veterans vet begging or giv meh sum munny imma gotta suppert meh cuz I fawt fer yur fureedum! bullshit.
Edit: Israel iz ar guuurayest ally!
Mr_Wolf ago
at least include the voat thread
krypt ago
+200+ comment explains trademark law not DMCA, and tht voat never infringed (never used trademark with spaces) :
See? Puttiitout got confused, and did not have to reply to those jews.
ScreaminMime ago
Gotta love the top commenters name!
Splooge ago
It's like (((BRCC))) has never heard of the Streisand Effect. All their shit did was spawn a shitload of hilarious "____"CoffeeCo variants.
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.
Posted automatically (#147378) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Mr_Wolf: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
Mr_Wolf ago
wouldn't be surprised if BRC made the account then turned around and cried.
RageAgainstTheAmish ago
Wasnt this all over some username something like black_rifle_coffee_is_for_niggers
RM-Goetbbels ago
No. /v/Blackriflecoffee made the account for some reason, he like the name, the coffee or whatever. The the blackriflecoffee kikes found it on voat and everyone made other variations of it.
"black_rifle_coffee_is_for_niggers" would not have violated their "trademark". It was bullshit. Pure bullshit on the part of that kike vet begging whore.
RageAgainstTheAmish ago
No wait it was /u/NiggerRifleCoffee
Diane_Abbott ago
There's a coffee company called 'Bolt Action Coffee' that is run by ex soldiers, if you must have a firearm related coffee. They apparently put the profits to good use and the name is a witty play on words.
Ozfer ago
Great Value value sized. 6lbs for $15. Capitalism at its finest. Anyone can buy some Columbian coffee and slap a stupid name on it and charge $10 a lb.
prairie ago
Don't want to let that gun grit go to waste.
Dave_ph ago
Dunkin Donuts
bonghits4jeebus ago
I don't get it. What happend?
Mr_Wolf ago
they may have made an account on voat with their company name back when voat was highly active.
When they or his girl seen what voat is a hissy fit was had and they got attorneys involved.
theres a big thread about it
edit: found the thread
bonghits4jeebus ago
Thx for link
TIL voat was more highly active, at some point
TheManyHands ago
Pizzagate came mostly from here. When it was breaking, that was the peak of Voat. Then there was a campaign to get 8chan and Voat off the internet which intensified after Tarrant removed kebab, but it was mainly against 8chan. I suspect a lot of people didn't want the FBI attention for using 'the most vile site on the internet'.
bonghits4jeebus ago
I got on I think when it started (though I would have to look that up), saw no activity, and I left and didn't come back for a good while during one of the waves of reddit suppression. Then immediately I was accused of being a glownigger for having a barely-used account lol. At that point I saw a lot more activity and stayed. Activity seems to have increased since then, albeit steadily -- not with punctuation except in the latest round of reddit censorship when TheDonald got banned.
Hand_of_Node ago
Qtards invaded and the average IQ dropped 20 points. Was basically like a pack of niggers moving into your neighborhood.
mikenigger ago
q predicted dis
thebearfromstartrack ago
See how CLEVER MY screen name is now?
Haywood ago
And besides...Their coffee is over-priced and no better than Kirkland.