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26486589? ago

Someone tell him BRC is jew owned

26490779? ago

I'm not sure about the coffee but back in the days when almost nobody posted here and reddit, facebook, youtube was the only place, there were suddenly big efforts to shut free speech down .... cries out in pain as they strike you with all these guys in suits... Dannath says its just nerd rage but a heads up to a user websofslime and @Diane_Abbott @anticlutch @ARsandOutdoors @Mr_Wolf for giving names of a patriot food company and giving some context on what weird 4chan style shill shit happened back in the day ...they hired models to pose and take photos with guns but once you started to talk about Saudis, Black crime or Israel and make parody names they suddenly supported full censorship... but hey keep buying that coffee?

26490806? ago

Who remembers the coffee legal wars history @RM-Goetbbels @RageAgainstTheAmish ? @Mr_Wolf maybe people who support censorship /u/Dannath @Dannath can always fuck off back to reddit and facebook or some other shithole