Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Since when do drones sound like helicopters? Listen to the track and then convince me that was a drone.

wipeyournose ago

We already know the fires were set by DEWs. Stop this antifa nonsense

chonkyjpg ago

What the fuck?! Is this China trying to start world war?

ScionOfZion ago

a 57-year-old Chinese who immigrated to the United States for 20 years

Communist activist and capable Asian.

Ddboomer ago

The lettering is Chinese. China makes most of the drones used in the US.

GoodGodKirk ago

Now that’s hot news!! Fire drone!

Xax ago

Why isn’t this happening in enemy neighborhoods?

Nosferatjew ago

It is... we are our enemy's enemies.

nwguy ago

back burning clip from firefighters

Landrictree ago

Li Jianjun, a 57-year-old Chinese who immigrated to the United States for 20 years, was raided and found a video from his laptop. GPS records of his car showed that he went to the fire area many times in early August.

Execution time.

Paulsmith1958 ago

Each country sets controlled back burning fires differently. In Australia they use what’s called dragon eggs which are basically a plastic shell into which ethylene glycol is injected to create a timed exothermic reaction before being ejected from the aircraft.

Nosferatjew ago

I've seen those, they're pretty rad.

RumpRangerRick ago

This is how a controlled burn is done via helicopter.

Notice they are doing along the roads. This is to prevent fires from skipping over roads.

Fake news.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

But Cuomo still think it's 'global warming', lol

binrobinro ago

Always a good idea to record and save your crimes.

J_Darnley ago

Same footage here:

SarahPalinReboot ago

If true this is unbelievable . [It may be a hoax] If not we should have a public hanging. (You get deplatformed if you say that on Twitter).

redditors_r_faggots ago

OY VEY, the goyim are finding out! Lets blame China! Just like the (((virus)))

TheSeer ago

True if big.

psilocyb ago

Fake and gay

SkrutinizeYou ago

Flame drone? Finally something 2020 that's at least cool.

mtlmjk ago

"GPS records of his car"

Vc83 ago

The video sound is a helicopter, drones dont sound like that, def not hexacopters or octas

Nosferatjew ago

Good observation.

happyfacemcgee ago

fuckkk! this is huge

Nosferatjew ago

If it's true.

Nukeisrael ago

I think this might need to be on a Q sub.

Nosferatjew ago

lol I'm banned from half of them for talking shit.

facepaint ago

Li Jianjun, a 57-year-old Chinese who immigrated to the United States for 20 years, was raided and found a video from his laptop. GPS records of his car showed that he went to the fire area many times in early August.

  1. Lousy English.

  2. There should be a news report or press release about this if true. But we see nothing.

Someone is trying to frame the Chinks.

Nosferatjew ago

Someone is trying to frame the Chinks.

Very possible. It certainly wouldn't be the first time.


They do have flame-throwing drones that are used to burn balloons and plastic bags that have been caught up on power lines. Maybe this is film of one emptying its fuel canister before landing. It does seem to be too high up for the flames to actually reach the ground.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I love all the sleeper accounts waking up to discount this single post.


DoOver ago

The footage is real, the story attached to it is 100% bullshit.

glassuser ago

Yeah this seems much closer to reality.

Nosferatjew ago

Very possible.

facepaint ago

Nuke China.

Dave_ph ago

The fires were started with


steven_feelsperg ago

FYI drone wars are an evolutionary step to irregular warfare. Antifa has already been caught with handheld Chinese superlasers to blind opposition, so its no leap to think dragon drones flown into suburbs isn't on the menu.

Enter the Drone Gun: a directional radio jammer. This assumes the drone is not on autopilot. To override that, you need a scoped rifle.

Fried-Laptop ago

seen it on youtube awhile ago. its a drone for killing giant hornets nests. some forestry nservices have adopted it for controlled burns

SaneandAware ago

The description certainly makes it seem like a hoax.

The name they chose for the FBI raided suspect turns up no hits for this investigation, but it does belong to a dissident reporter in China.

Li Jianjun (simplified Chinese: 李建军; traditional Chinese: 李建軍; born 1977) is an investigative journalist in the People's Republic of China from Shanxi province.[1] He is best known for speaking out against the corruption of the state-run conglomerate China Resources located in Hong Kong. In 2014 he was recognised by Reporters Without Borders as one of the "100 Information Heroes

albeit ago

He's not the only one with that name. The allegations are that this individual immigrated to the US 20 years ago. I did some of my own searching for this guy.

ChiCom ago

Twitter pundits said regular Chinese fire company doing backburns to help fight fire.

Nosferatjew ago

That sounds like a possibility.

Ozzsanity ago

Fake! Another tool trying to spread disinformation. I guess it's all these losers have.

Nosferatjew ago

I accept it could be fake, that's why I posted my disclaimer in the comments. Can you confirm that it's fake somehow?

steven_feelsperg ago

Drones have a distinctive whine from the propeller blades. This video does not. Instead, I hear what sounds like helicopter blades in between chaff releases, so this may be a legitimate backburn. However, drones are now used for backburns. See this recent article.

SparklingWiggle ago

Do you have knowledge of backburns? How does the smaller fire used to backburn not grow out of control itself? I understand how it can burn the fuel of the larger fire but would it not still grow into a large fire and continue the path the larger fire would have taken? I'm not seeing something.

steven_feelsperg ago

Yes, I have personally backburned, as have my family for many generations, but don't take my word for it. Use the gd internet to read articles / watch videos on the subject, or phone the forest management. They'll tell you how it works. It's not like this is an arcane science. Put some effort into learning. It's the only way you'll grow.

SparklingWiggle ago

I research a lot of stuff but if someone with 1st hand knowledge can provide information it's often mkre valuable than reading white papers or watching videos.

redmanjbj ago

it looked like it sprayed fire right onto a large house at one point.

Nosferatjew ago

A higher resolution copy of this video has been found on a fire fighter's instagram. In it you can see there are no houses being burned.

redmanjbj ago


Plavonica ago

That whine is what a very small helicopter blade sounds like. When you make the drones big enough they start sounding like helicopters.

steven_feelsperg ago

Possibly, but I'll need a source for that and proof this footage is from a big bladed drone. I'm not saying this is beyond (((antifa))), but the mass arrests of foot arsons sways me invoke occum's razor.

Plavonica ago

I'm just commenting about the noise being from the size of the rotor blade, nothing about any of that other stuff.

Tandemlee ago

GPS records of his car showed that he went to the fire area many times in early August.

How do you disconnect the gps of your car ?

Nosferatjew ago

lol you don't.

Tandemlee ago

I’m sure a mechanic worth their weight would know how the mechanism works and how to disconnect it, and the mic.

Xantha ago

The GPS system you're referring to is the navigation package that some people buy when they buy the car. Obviously using a nav system requires telemetry to be sent to a satellite and back to show your position correctly. Since GPS satellites are owned by the US Govt, they have all your data if you're using nav. If you don't use a nav system, then you aren't being spied on. Many higher end vehicles come with nav packages standard. All newer cars (>2013 by law) do have EDRs (Event Data Recorders) that records data on a loop. It has EPROM memory not RAM, so just shutting the engine (and therefore ECU off) doesn't wipe the memory. Oldest data is wiped approximately every 200-300 ignition cycles. It tells things like velocity changes, steering angle, throttle position, seatbelt status, airbag status/deployment, warning light statuses, if cruise control was enabled, etc.

Although most people carrying cell phones automatically fuck themselves since location finding is on no matter what, even if you turn it off in settings. So you're giving yourself away just by carrying a cell phone. There are also dash cams that sometimes come with built-in or optional GPS packages, so be aware of those as well.

Unfortunately you cannot remove or disable an EDR module without fucking up the ECU since they're often combined in the ECU/ECM itself. If you crash, your EDR will lock itself so it can be read by authorities (if needed) and has to be replaced when your car goes to the shop.

While I suppose it would be theoretically possible to hack an ECU wirelessly (like if you're the CIA with government bucks), they all pretty much require physically access to tamper with. I would say GPS data is far more sensitive information to protect than anything in the EDR, unless you were breaking the law (even if some are bullshit) when you crashed and are now in some sort of legal trouble.

Tandemlee ago

My car has a button “for safety” when you press it they can know your location and talk to you over the cars microphone.

I do not have navigation activated but this functionality “for safety” indicates at any point in time there is a mic and gps in my car. I would like to deactivate both these things because I have no use for them.


Fake news. This was demo footage that was circulated not long ago from a company that is selling drones for controlled burning.

Nosferatjew ago

Got any supporting links for that?

Fried-Laptop ago

you tube has the vid from the jap designer

Obrez ago

Please link it if you have it.

Nosferatjew ago

Link please.

Nosferatjew ago

That's not the same video.

NoBS ago

What does a marketing video have to do with reality based on probable evidence?

Did you not notice the (((public road))) for quick escape the the probable evidence video?

Back burns require chain saws, bulldozers and scrappers.


Fried-Laptop ago

Wow. I guess outfitting a drone with a flamethrower is only for genious niggers from wakanda such as yourself

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

None of that footage matches that in OP's

Fried-Laptop ago

Does it need to?;the fact it exists is enough.

Shit. YOU could discretely build one, assuming you have an average IQ

GoodGodKirk ago

You did imply that YouTube had the video of the drone developer, then posted a video of a completely different drone.

I too was expecting to see a steady drip of liquid fire, but that was an actual flamethrower on that drone.

Bond_Villain ago

Is that one of them wireless chargin' thingies?

Fried-Laptop ago

Yes. Yes it is.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I've seen videos showing guns are used for target shooting.

Doesn't suddenly magically make guns impossible to be used nefariously


I took a few minutes to look but search is on everything is broken af. I remember it being posted here at some point.

Ozzsanity ago

Quick everybody get out your downvoating crayons as this sure as hell does not fit the narrative.

SaneandAware ago

Of course you would be stupid enough to fall for this hoax hook line and sinker. LOL!

Because it DOES fit YOUR narrative.

Ozzsanity ago

Ye old I know you are but what am I routine. Damn you newbies can be so clueless.

Oldmanathome ago

Portland FBI would like to remind us all that the idea that Antifa being behind these fires is just wild conspiracy theory...

goatsandbros ago

Over engineered and poorly executed. The Lord's grace sometimes is in our enemies' incompetence.

Anam ago

It is a federal crime to use a drone to carry weapons. If this is true, there ought to be corroborating evidence from law enforcement.

videocodec ago

They should really be looking into the CCP funding this. I have little doubt the commies have things like this.

LarryWhiteContrary ago


Obrez ago

Israel itself is quite happy with their current level of parasitism, they aren't looking to rock the boat at this time, on the otherhand bolshevik jews would pursue a strategy of arson for the purpose of gaining more power in the US.

videocodec ago

The fact that the CCP chinks and jews work together against whites isn't hard. The CCP was started by jews in China.

mudbear ago

No goyim! its the CCP! they are your number1 foe! even liberals know its the CCP and russia!

c0ck ago

Probably true.

Nosferatjew ago


It's possible that this footage is a hoax of some kind. I cannot confirm one way or the other at this point, but I think it's important to at least include this as a possible piece of evidence to support the claims that these fires are the result of arson. If it can be proven that this video is in some way a fake, please go right ahead and do that.

albeit ago

This footage was apparently posted as early as August 21 on Instagram:

Fighting Fire with Fire

Drip Torch on Steroids from a helicopter.

Who can tell me why they are burning out and what this tool is truly called?

We are not just burning the forest. This is a tactic used to fight a brush fire, as well as other uses.

Thank you for sending brother:

be safe up there!


#helitorch #controlledburn

#fireseason #brushfire #helicopter #aviation #pilot #airattack #work #video #vid #videooftheday #firefighter #fireservice #hotshot > > #wildlandfirefighter #2020

So I'm thinking hoax. Regardless, I stand by my other comment questioning why the CCP wouldn't have people set fires (other than fear of being caught). I came across the Instagram video by looking over a bunch of posts in Chinese on facebook.

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Nosferatjew ago

Very nice find. Thanks for posting this.

albeit ago

Liveleak isn't the original source. I tried finding information about this. I didn't find any announcement from law enforcement yet. But I did find something very interesting however.

A facebook post (archive link) with this video is currently still up and is older than the Liveleak video. The English facebook post is a translation of and has embedded an older facebook post (currently 17 hours old) written in Chinese:


CCP spy drone arrested for arson

@FBI Officials revealed that the U.S. Department of Land Security's analysis model showed that most of the initial fires of the West Coast wildfires spread along forest roads and caused investigations. Li Jianjun, a 57-year-old Chinese who immigrated to the United States for 20 years, was searched for his residence and found a video from his laptop. GPS records of his car showed that he went to the fire area several times in early August.

The ROI of the CCP’s ultra-restricted warfare is extremely high, and a $10K investment can cause a loss of $10B. Assassination & destruction packaged as personal grudges

(I spot checked the translation myself of the English post vs pasting the text into a translator).

Unfortunately, the Liveleak video and the Facebook posts don't explicitly say which agency made the arrest (maybe FBI, maybe not). I haven't yet been able to find any corroborating announcements from law enforcement.

Here's a few things I do know:

Means: The notion of a high ROI makes a lot of sense. It doesn't cost much to set a fire.

Motive: Irregular warfare. It is openly admitted we are in a "trade war" with China.

Opportunity: It's an open secret that China has an extensive spy network operating in Silicon Valley (and elsewhere)

Pattern of behavior: They inflicted the wuhan flu onto the world. Shit like banning domestic flights out of Wuhan but not international. Another "coincidence" is that the US is in the midst what looks to be an attempted cultural revolution (similar to the one that China went through).

An open question is: Why wouldn't the CCP be doing this?

AR47 ago

OK I know thw system being used for is highly cost prohibited.

The attachment that allows this is around 2700 alone, and only has 1gal of fuel. The drone however is 6 or 8 motor.

It also requires multiple channels due to the safety systems in the flamethrower. The drone is around 13k or more alone.

Shitty flight time is another factor....maybe 20min if that. The drone will be somewhere with a record of this attachement and location being locked into flight logs.

I am pretty sure this video is of an authorized nature to show for operating demo. I could be wrong, but the sale of this device will be monitored....even my flamethrower (throwflame x-15) I know was.

freespeechplease ago

Back before jews had laws on the books about drones, I built a heavy ass 4 rotor drone out of knex and junk quality parts that could lift 2 full soda cans for 10 minutes. Wouldn't have been hard to add a small pump and Tazer to ignite a fuel. Not only that, the pump and it's control system would be dirt simple to control. I wouldn't be surprised if some asshole built a drone and is lighting those fires

ShalomGoyim ago

Don't be stupid, anyon can build drones, even me, I've built DOZENS from scratch.

It costs ya about 200 bucks to build a drone yourself, as sing a flamethrower to it is child's play, and it'd take me. A day or two tops to put together.

AND I don't even fly them that much I mostly just sell them.

AR47 ago

You made one that can carry the weight of all that, a gallon of fuel....sloching liquid, ans itself?

Lol....go ahead and make one for 200 that can fly as good as the one in the video and I will pay you joke.

I know for a fact the flamethrower alone is 2700.

ShalomGoyim ago

Bro you know nothing about drones clearly.


AR47 ago

Sure....easy as hell which is why dji makes so much money.....because anyone can do it right?

Don't want to shit in your cereal either....just that your Devine knowledge isn't shared among others, and that flamethrower being used.....isnt some make shift is the throwflame one.

I know it, and you do as well....

ScionOfZion ago

Sucker born every minute.


Thanks dronefag.

NiggadermCQ ago

This seems reasonable.

I could build a similar one myself for about 10-20k. Unregistered if I wanted.

captainstrange ago


Why not sub 2k?

Whats so expensive here other than

the skilled labor to build it?

NiggadermCQ ago

I can build a 2k drone too.

Don’t think it’ll be strong enough to lift fuel and flame thrower, and be able to fly 20min.

Sure I could load a small super soaker and a zippo on a drone. I wouldn’t be confident in getting the desired results.

Building drones is not my specialty so it’ll cost me more.

AR47 ago

Yeah its cost prohibited for just anyone really.....worth it to wait for more details to give this video any actual credibility I think.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago



AR47 ago

You are a fucking moron....we all know that now.

Back burning is a practice that was used by American Indians way back when to mitigate land area they wished to live in and grazing for game animals....but sure....fuck all that right?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Never said backburning wasn't a thing dingus

But you are acting like arsonists apparently aren't a thing.

AR47 ago

They indeed are, however the cost associated with something like this isn't arson like....its far more coordinated and beyond some gook

I get you need some far right agenda to maintain your agenda, and I can appreciate that.

This doesn't seem like that to me, where someone will spend upwards of 10k to get the required device, and then get cought??????

No. I call bullshit.

People with that kinda money and technical knowhow are not going to be caught with video evidence.

ScionOfZion ago

It's something a hobbyist maker could cobble together using off the shelf parts. You seem to think a flame-throwing drone is a billion dollar top secret cutting edge exclusive government program. It's not. It's redneck as fuck.

AR47 ago

No I know it isn't a secret, but I also know the one in that video isn't a piece of shit made with some super soaker and some duct tape..... civilians can buy it, and no doubt some have just like my x15.

ScionOfZion ago

"civilians can buy it"

Who do you think makes military equipment in the first place?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Groups like Antifa/BLM are being funded by m/billionaires.

The individual members aren't spending out of pocket money on this stuff, they're just the patsy pulling off the job.

AR47 ago

Blah blah...i keep hearing this and yet I see no criminal charges or actions being taken by a law standpoint for criminal conspiracy cases.

We live in a day and age where such things are traceable and furthermore prosecuted by law.

Always going to be a boogy man hiding in the shadows to scare the herd, but when you realize its just all horseshit you sure can just be alive.

Pretty sure the government would prosecute these people and seize the money if for nothing else a bigger budget and we as citizens would see a specific fool tweet about it.

So until that happens.....keep your closet conspiracy to makes you look less immature

AR47 ago

Is that illegal?

Perhaps you can say questionable, but without altering the ways our percived what is it you really hope to accomplish?

All of these fucking idiots that see instant gratification as a substitute for will happen again and again until we as a people demand the laws are written in a way that keeps shit like what you linked to keep happening

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I read your comment 4 times and am still having trouble understanding what you're trying to say.

un1ty ago

Well, if Netflix has taught me anything, you've got to burn down a forest to teach why purposefully burning down a forest is wrong.

blumen4alles ago

Thanks for that goat.

MAGA_WAGA_Boomer ago

I saw this video on twitter yesterday WITHOUT the Chinese text overlayed in the middle. I'm also having little luck finding the liveleak description (quoted below) anywhere else on the web.

On the 9th, @FBI officials revealed that the analysis model of the US Department of Homeland Security showed that most of the >initial fires of the west coast wildfires spread along forest roads and caused investigations. Li Jianjun, a 57-year-old Chinese who >immigrated to the United States for 20 years, was raided and found a video from his laptop. GPS records of his car showed that he >went to the fire area many times in early August.

u/Nosferatjew, where did you pull this liveleak link from?

Nosferatjew ago

It was in a comment on my other post about Snopes:

Thanks for looking into it... I'm sitting in my car right now, can't do a lot of fact checking from here.

modsrcuntz ago

I saw on twitter that this is a video of a controlled fire being done intentionally to reduce fuel for the larger fire. There's a specific phrase I think it's called back burning.

HaroldTheGhoul ago

I don't fire, but when I do. Controlled burn to reduce fuel, Backdraft is when O2 hits a super heated room causing and explosion.

Atkho ago

So it's Jews trying to blame it on Chinese.

gazillions ago

My immediate thought was the FBI trying to take the heat off antifa, because the internet is full of antifa people setting fucking fires. And we know the comey faction of the FBI is still in there being communist and pro antifa.

hedidnothingwrong ago

I think this one is a fake, why would you fly that high if you want to start a fire? The fuel will have burned before it hits the trees. I'm no expert in fire or anything but it seems a lot more interesting to fly at 3 to 5m above the ground and target dry bushes than fly at 20m and throw your fuel randomly.

Nosferatjew ago

Can you find the tweet?

modsrcuntz ago

I don't use Twitter it was linked through 4chan and that side is moving so fast it's hard to track it down

TheSeer ago

Or just controlled burn.

glassuser ago

Yeah I'm voting controlled burn here. There's nothing that associates it with arsonist reds.

AngryInVirginia ago

The burden of proof is on you to prove that the video corresponds to the story you are telling. Otherwise the video should speak for itself.

Bond_Villain ago

Let's hold reporters to that standard not people sharing interesting shit on Voat.

AngryInVirginia ago

Fair enough.

celestial-skylord ago

The burden of proof is on you to prove

This must be your first day on the internet. Welcome.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

I can't wait til he finds out about Goatse

PoopityScoopy ago

For real, don't trust anything ever on the internet

Dave_ph ago

I only trust things I hear from QTards

PoopityScoopy ago

I only trust .ping files I torrent from Ugandian witchcraft imageboards

Nuffin ago

If the Chinks are behind this we should nuke them.

Oldmanathome ago

Would have to do much more than thump the three gorges dam at this point.


Why are there chinese characters on the video?

Blood-is-Nature ago

Because the boys from Basel want war, and they are going to instigate deceptive moves until they get what they want.

Nosferatjew ago

Maybe because the suspect is from China?


Do people from china normally take video recordings with stuff written right in the middle of the footage?

Nosferatjew ago

Who knows. Are there any chinks around here who can at least translate what it says?

GenderPronoun ago

If this one is true, it could at least partially explain why all the houses were burned but not the trees or roadways in Paradise Falls and other places.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

This thing didn't look very effective. Probably would be on some asphalt or cedar shingles though.

sintaxi ago

That is not going to be regular gasoline. It's likely some sort of oil or petroleum jelly. Very energy dense and burn extremely hot.

magaloid ago

It looks plenty effective. Burning fuel over dry forest.