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yt4cz9 ago

So you just helped the far right lose credibility by framing your video as true until proven wrong. Nice Jew tactic.

Nosferatjew ago

A jew wouldn't do any of what I just did. A jew would have posted it as though it was true, and defended it to the end, shooting down and insulting anyone who claimed it was a hoax. And instead of making a retraction once someone found the source video, a jew would double and triple down. This is how the jew handled the "muh Russia" shit. They're still pushing the lie that Russia "meddled" in the 2016 election, even though it has been completely disproved. The holocaust myth has been completely destroyed by actual evidence and science, but they still push it, harder than ever. Me thinks your understanding of jew tactics is weak and uninformed.

yt4cz9 ago

I didn't read your bullshit. You posted something to get Internet points and discredited either your brothers or people you consider cattle. Either don't do it again or go fuck yourself.

Nosferatjew ago

Maybe you should read my "bullshit".

yt4cz9 ago

Do right next time.

Nosferatjew ago

I did right this time. You just don't like it.

yt4cz9 ago

You're a confirmed kike now in my book. You certainly did right for your people.

yt4cz9 ago

Kikes and those that benefit kikes are kikes. You kike.

Nosferatjew ago

Ok, I get it now. You're retarded. Good to know.

yt4cz9 ago


Recyclops14 ago

Look like a drone they use for back burning.

Nosferatjew ago

It's a tank suspended from a helicopter though. It's called "Heli-torch".

Recyclops14 ago

Oh ok, then a heli used for back burn.

mememeyou ago

if someone is setting these fires... they would have reason to be on boards like this, like Gislaine Maxwell was, trying to do some damage control & psyops. Think for yourselves.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Instagram video showing this method of aerial drip torching

Nosferatjew ago

Same sort of thing I found on youtube.

New-World-Ebola ago

things like this will see drones get completely banned.... let's have a bet.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

I've seen line workers use one to burn debris off high tension power lines.

Nosferatjew ago

I found a few videos of this while searching around for the Helitorch.

Obrez ago

Props to OP for the follow up, this community needs to be willing to make these sorts of corrections so that we can always keep our center in the truth, if we don't have the truth on our side then what do we even have.

ArcturianDeathTrap ago

Naw, he got emo and now thousands are misinformed. Thats real, thats permanent, can't go back and fix it

Obrez ago

I saw the original post, he warned it might be inaccurate and to take it all with a grain of salt, if people are misinformed it's someone else in the chain who was irresponsible.

Personally I'm glad to know this sort of disinfo is being engineered if the alternative is being unaware of a hoax attempting to blame the fires on the Chinese.

2-loot-the-boot ago

It's called a back burn to stop wild fires

imgettingmymen ago

This kinda shit is what separates Voat from Reddit. Acknowledging that the video may not be legit, then owning up to it and doing the right thing by tracking the actual video down and posting again. That fucking rarely happens on reddit, they are too indoctrinated to care about their fucking upvotes. Well done.

Nosferatjew ago

Reddit fags lack the necessary attention span.

heygeorge ago

And like any good retraction, this only has a fraction of the views.

Nosferatjew ago

Pretty much.

OandAPartyRock ago

I knew it wasn’t a drone operated by arsonists. You know how I knew? Because Qspiracy people said that it was. Betting against their accuracy is a nearly flawless technique.

offender ago

And they're everywhere going all "hurr hurr #17 sent me WAGWAGA" and making everyone look retarded and spreading disinfo.

Vc83 ago

I SAID BEFORE IN THE OTHER THREAD that you could literally hear the helicopter sounds as it was flying. If you had any sort of experience with quadcopters/hexa/octo then you would have realized that they don't make that sound or fly like that.

Nosferatjew ago

That's nice. Did anyone try to argue with you?

Atkho ago

They also try to frame a Chinese guy instead of antifa.

offender ago

There was an edited version on liveleak with chinese text added onto it.

Nosferatjew ago

Very worth noting.

shillaccount3344 ago

It was beside a road... back burning probably.

Haywood ago

Thanks for the clarification.

WhiteFathers ago

You guys believe everything you see

IAmTheOptimizer ago

Although that video was above-board, it shows how easy it would be to light the entire west on fire overnight. No DEWs required.

albeit ago

I think the video was of a helicopter, not a drone. The audio sounds like a helicopter, and the Instagram post appears to say so.

A drone could conceivably be used to start fires, but it wouldn't be able to carry nearly as much fuel.

Commonly available drones tend to be small and not able to lift very much weight. A gallon or two of gasoline/napalm (or another inflammable liquid) would likely be too heavy to lift, plus the rigging for a reservoir/pump/nozzle/igniter would add to the weight as well.

One thing about this higher-resolution video is that the forest receiving this controlled burn did not seem to be very dry. Which I guess is why it is a "controlled burn".

it shows how easy it would be to light the entire west on fire overnight. No DEWs required.

If conditions are very dry (and slightly windy), even a stray cigarette butt flicked from a vehicle can rapidly start a wildfire. Drones don't have a long range. If you think about it, lower-tech ways (jerry cans, molotov cocktails, etc) are a cheaper and more practical means than driving out to somewhere and fiddling around with a drone. Even with just one vehicle and an ice chest full of molotov cocktails, antifa/CCP/whoever arsonists can go for a road trip and inflict a tremendous amount of fire.

HootersMcBoobies ago

The drones in use have "dragon eggs" (I think that's the brand name) that have the fuel of a few boxes of matches. They help create lower brush fires.

In the original video everyone is posting, it does look like a controlled burn helicopter. They're seeding the side of a firebreak (the road) and the entire area is very green; idle conditions for burning off the under brush. I agree, it's much more likely to be a standard forest services controlled burn.

There are a lot of fires being started as people have listed in other threads. I'm curious if it's more or less than previous years (we've all seen stories before about fire bugs starting forest fires in California)

IAmTheOptimizer ago

If you think about it, lower-tech ways (jerry cans, molotov cocktails, etc) are a cheaper and more practical means than driving out to somewhere and fiddling around with a drone

My wildland fire engines have fusees (basically road flares) on them for lighting back burns. One person driving around chucking those out the window could create an extreme amount of fire. The drone approach seems more like what an urbanite would think up. And I agree, the video is probably of a helicopter. I've done a lot of broadcast burning with a helitorch and that's how it looks / sounds.

LoveDeadNiggers ago

Drones can be extremely long range, especially fixed wings.

Nosferatjew ago


derram ago