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Recyclops14 ago

Where is the actual evidence they are leftists. I have yet to find anything that says they're leftists, only that they're arsonists.

AR47 ago

Long as we fight each other, we don't fight them.

Obrez ago

I agree that battle lines have been drawn and that our unity is deeply important however truth and the pursuit of it are still important.

Asking for and having evidence, at this stage at least, is still important.

AR47 ago

Evidence wont matter....the statement has been made and fingers pointed. 99% of the people that believe it is antifa now, will believe its them when police and local law says it isn't.

Obrez ago

Having evidence allows the "reputable" people with large audiences to make the claim and rally people to it cementing "truth".

I do agree, soon evidence wont matter, but for now evidence is still important.

AR47 ago

No it is able to be manipulated and used for personal gain at this point. No one wants the ability to make up there own minds. They want to be told what to do and think so when it goes wrong they can blame others for their actions.

That is where we are now.

Obrez ago

I disagree and I think this episode from the other day: is proof we aren't quite where you think we are, for certain some people are but they must be resisted for the moment.

Evidence, inscrutable evidence would change the way this all plays out.

AR47 ago

The ones who sensationalized the original post are still convinced and added to that the place where the video was.....they still belive it was antifa, voat is a very very small part of the net, and while I appreciate that persons quest for information I already know what the world will do.

Look you obviously think this place matters, and well...its entertainment only. People come here to make word salad.

I was in Kenosha when Kyle shot those people....2 blocks away...he had a large group following him with cameras the whole time.....75 came with his militia, and no one interviewed anyone else....just him.

On top of that the dude that got shot first was nice to all the others in the party, but kyle....the people that filmed the video and sold the rights......they have a stream where they somewhat foreshadow the events the day before cops shot that nigger.

Everything is staged to appear real in these events. Why cover specific things, and blow them up?

Like the "jogger" what have you heard about that?

The pregnant woman that held her gun on the nigger and went to jail for flashing a weapon?

The st Louis couple that started the karen meme and Ken meme?

The niggers that tortured that kid in Chicago a few years ago?

Its one crisis to the next to keep you distracted. Kyle fucking killed two people, and in that phone interview he was lacking ass of everyone in the room....he had no realization to the fact he killed two people.

The skateboard day his GF was wailing in the street over his pool of blood...she loved him, and media wont show that.

People want to be entertained and move along....they want to be secure in their own minds to what they think is how shit is. Make America great right? By beating the shit out of citizens and having a president that invites violence with militias and says retribution is what the dude in Portland got for killing that other guy a few days before?

Its all bullshit....all of it and no one cares or it would change overnight.

MrPim ago

Maybe it's an autocorrect thing but inscrutable isn't the word you want. Maybe irrefutable. Inscrutable means impossible to understand.