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Nosferatjew ago


It's possible that this footage is a hoax of some kind. I cannot confirm one way or the other at this point, but I think it's important to at least include this as a possible piece of evidence to support the claims that these fires are the result of arson. If it can be proven that this video is in some way a fake, please go right ahead and do that.

albeit ago

Liveleak isn't the original source. I tried finding information about this. I didn't find any announcement from law enforcement yet. But I did find something very interesting however.

A facebook post (archive link) with this video is currently still up and is older than the Liveleak video. The English facebook post is a translation of and has embedded an older facebook post (currently 17 hours old) written in Chinese:


CCP spy drone arrested for arson

@FBI Officials revealed that the U.S. Department of Land Security's analysis model showed that most of the initial fires of the West Coast wildfires spread along forest roads and caused investigations. Li Jianjun, a 57-year-old Chinese who immigrated to the United States for 20 years, was searched for his residence and found a video from his laptop. GPS records of his car showed that he went to the fire area several times in early August.

The ROI of the CCP’s ultra-restricted warfare is extremely high, and a $10K investment can cause a loss of $10B. Assassination & destruction packaged as personal grudges

(I spot checked the translation myself of the English post vs pasting the text into a translator).

Unfortunately, the Liveleak video and the Facebook posts don't explicitly say which agency made the arrest (maybe FBI, maybe not). I haven't yet been able to find any corroborating announcements from law enforcement.

Here's a few things I do know:

Means: The notion of a high ROI makes a lot of sense. It doesn't cost much to set a fire.

Motive: Irregular warfare. It is openly admitted we are in a "trade war" with China.

Opportunity: It's an open secret that China has an extensive spy network operating in Silicon Valley (and elsewhere)

Pattern of behavior: They inflicted the wuhan flu onto the world. Shit like banning domestic flights out of Wuhan but not international. Another "coincidence" is that the US is in the midst what looks to be an attempted cultural revolution (similar to the one that China went through).

An open question is: Why wouldn't the CCP be doing this?