QueensNewYorkGuy ago

Wow. Great post! I knew that the chomo problem in general is bad, but 130 in a month is fucking CRAZY!

gazillions ago

The pedogressives don't care. They don't care about the victims of muslim pimps and rape games in the UK that the teachers groomed for them. They've made it abundantly clear that brown and black rapists raping children is exactly what they want.

Dark_ArrowDCU ago

If they're ILLEGAL they're absolutely NOT IMMIGRANTS.

anticlutch ago


ToxicWhiteMale ago

Dirty scum bag beaners.......hang em high!

MikeNelson ago

But I was told by the media that the crime rate among immigrants is lower than the general population. ThEY aRe juSST hEer tO WoRK!!!

Never mind the fact that the crime rate among illegals is 100% because they broke the law coming here, no matter how goddamn trivial or unimportant or unfair liberals think that law is.

If I decide to go over to Japan and break one of their laws because I think it is unjust or unimportant or racist, it is still their law and I’m still a criminal. Fucking liberals I hate them so fucking much.

Julia_YY ago

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PaddyMcInfidel ago

Fun fact: FBI crime stats will list all of them as "white".

NakeFews ago

NC loves their beans.

Crankbait ago

Ashville, Raleigh, Charlotte and Wilmington love the spics. The rest of the state tells them to fuck off. The ones that live in my county are just as based as anyone else. The ones I know that have families and own businesses are legal and pay taxes just like anyone else here. They hate the niggers and illegals.

Jujubean ago

legal? There weren't any fucking beaners in North Carolina in 1978. None of them are legal. I don't give a shit if they have a fucking paper that says they are legal. Fucking Reagan and his amnesty.

Crankbait ago

lol ok boomer.

RoBatten ago

Uhh no.


North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement

Stubbabubba ago

What pissed me off is that each of those pictures shows someone still alive after having done such horror. As a new father to my first child, my son, there is no chance in hell one would get away with such an act. Then again there is no chance in hell one would be able to touch my son in the first place.

Wowbagger ago

But thank God, no "school shootings" /s

thebearfromstartrack ago

were they illegal immigrants? If so, I only care that WE have to PAY for that shit!!! GET THE FUCK OUT! ALL OF YOU!!! we are NOT your servants or saviors. OUR resources are for OUR people, NOT lying, thieving parasitic EVIL pieces of SHIT like YOU!!!

capicua ago

interesting, they will catch the illegal immigrants that commit these acts but certain (((politicians))), (((bankers))), (((pizza restaurateurs))) and their close friends and families get a free pass?

Pllatinum ago

I don't see a pattern.

SirNiggsalot ago

They are only raping and molesting children Americans don't want to rape and molest

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

They are only raping and molesting children Americans don't want to rape and molest

  • Nancy Pelosi 2020

NoseSubversion ago

Hahahahaha!!!! Username checks out too

noob_tube ago

Statutory Rape

Isn't rape.

SearchVoatBot ago

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HeavyBrain ago

Fuck all the kids you want just don't whine when one day instead of the drop you get the wheel.

uvulectomy ago

This fucker gets the boats..

HeavyBrain ago

Fuck it lets go fancy and give him the helicopter.

uvulectomy ago

While nice and quick for getting rid of commies, helicopter rides lack a certain je ne sais quoi for dealing with kiddie-diddlers.

The Boats, however... That gets the message across quite nicely.

techieguyjames ago

I like this idea.it will be best to do this during the summer, in a state with near 100% humidity. For a nicer selection of insects and whatnot, the...things...yes, things....should be placed near a lake. The more bodies at a time, the better.

HeavyBrain ago

Yeah sounds not bad, but like a wast of resources, in the sense that we'd need to industrial scale it to get the numbers.

And then you have to rememeber that even the best cremation tech wouldn't be able to keep up with the demand.

uvulectomy ago

To steal an idiom from the chinks, "Shā yī jǐng bǎi."

Literal translation - "Kill one to warn a hundred."

Make the punishment swift (its application, anyway), severe, and very public. Would only need a few before the rest get the message.

noob_tube ago

HeavyBrain ago

Lucky for you, you are a faggot kiddy diddler so as previously stated you can continue to diddle all the kids you want.

badruns ago

You're a fucked up individual if you assume statutory rape is synonymous with consensual.

noob_tube ago


screamingrubberband ago

Charge(s): Statutory Rape (5-Year-Old Child) and Felony Incest of a Child

Oh, okay.

con77 ago

wont see that on the msm will we?

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Why would I can what jewish media has to say anyways?

HeavyBrain ago

Those pedos are undocumented, so any of their crimes can't be documented either, without documents no proof so MSM won't talk about because then its all a rightwing conspiracy about alleged spics who aren't even there because there is no record of them.

See we can come full circle if we just grab on to the meaning of one little word.