JJS1 ago

Go to he!!. If you need porn you dont deserve a real woman

Bigwhistle ago

Sodom and Gomorrah.

Glipglup ago

A new meme brings these implications into sharp relief. Coomer is a reference to a meme of an unkempt, skeezy-looking bearded man in a white tank top with vaguely Semitic features,

Like most memes, “coomer” carries with it more than a tinge of irony, and it’s not always easy to determine whether it’s being used flippantly or to actually deride men who masturbate. But the implication is clear: masturbating is an urge that should be resisted at all costs. (((David Ley))), PhD, a clinical psychologist and sex therapist who studies pornography and mental health, saw the meme after he tweeted his criticism of No Nut November, referring to it as “a creepy little smorgasbord of insecurity-driven hate with anti-Semitism, misogyny, and homophobia all rolled up in one,”

No one ever mentioned Jews.

Rikhart ago

Freudian slip :D

jesojr ago

a true rag mag

danimalplanimal ago

ok boomer...

Heathcliff ago

"They all want you to know that porn won’t hurt you or anyone else. After all, everyone is watching it."

Yeah, and look what a fucking mess everyone is.

neuschwabia ago

Damn straight. the jewish sickness is destroying America just like it was destroying Germany in 1930, same end results, same reasons. these people are poison.

joblotheragman ago

does that mean every Catholic priest save for the pedophiles?

Bigdickedelf ago

Then they must think I am a giant crocodile

allahead ago

Inversion is satanism.

Diggernicks ago

God doesnt exist.

Neither does satan.

allahead ago

If you study physics long enough, you will come to the conclusion that there is no way that this universe is random, it is truly a masterpiece and we barely understand it. Don't mistake mans child like vision of God for the Creator of the universe.

Gorillion ago

LOL. This is gonna really fuck with the UK. First they banned wanking without a loicense, now they'll have to literally prescribe it to BTFO dah nazzeez.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Try and be a good man and you will find a good woman.

Reymrgapurple ago

I'd go to a sex junk shop to pick up the subject.

anticlutch ago

The funny thing is that they aren't wrong. Just for the wrong reasons.

BentAxel ago

When did we give a shit what the Rolling Stone said? Today? When they fucking dog whistled and triggered you? No one gives a shit.

stonewallphysics ago

An old man said one time about a picture of a naked woman, "We used to have to work real hard to see something like that".

Which is exactly the point.

Who fucking cares. It is always your choice to do whatever you choose to do. Just because something is available and everyone tells you that its harmless doesn't mean you should choose to partake. And if you do, it's all on you. No one makes anyone do anything on this planet. People can't even make you mad. You allow yourself to become agitated by the way you react to what you see and hear. Period.

robot7247 ago

Invert everything and call the inverse normal and the obverse deviant.

satisfyinghump ago

I couldnt believe it when they first began attacking youths who were motivated to work out, eat right, read wholesome and educational books and not watch porn. I wonder how many parents, especially of teens, found themselves reading the title and then the article and wondering to themselves how the fuck any of this could create a future Hitler, as the left is so frightened of. Haha.

Although... when you begin to abstain you DO get a load of free time available to yourself... which COULD be used to "Save Europa!!!"



Anonfag ago

Boy nofap must have really cut into MindGeek’s bottom line. Never thought I’d be called dangerous for doing nothing at all.

jesojr ago

Still here, who buys your crappy mag-flakes and pedo,s-lol

combatveteran ago

Someone comment- "if porn isn't bad for you, why does the Isreali military broadcast it into Palestinian cities?"

kingssman1 ago

all this no nut nonsense is preventing kids from having post nut clarity

Phantom42 ago

Always chasing whores around to get their rocks off, yup.

I'll say this: I haven't watched porn (or, I should say looked at porn) since freshman year of HS. Something about the eyes was off-putting. As far as having a wank, as my Britbros eloquently put it, I really just don't anymore. I'm too busy to care about shit like that, honestly. Women are completely out of the question, and knowing what I know about them and how they work... I find as time marches on I struggle to find any reason to care. Caring about them, caring about base urges superior humans should be above at this point, or even caring about losing the ability to care. I just don't give a fuck about it anymore.

Where lots of guys my age watch porn for their entertainment, I just go to LiveLeak and watch war footage out of Syria. Partly for entertainment because those people..... Ugh. Some of the shit they do is a real headscratcher. Other part... I don't even know. All I know is I feel better watching a war than I ever will watching porn or bothering to enter a relationship, which is just mkre dead weight to carry.

Shit's fooked m8.

Soyboy69 ago

Breed white children.

Phantom42 ago

For what reason?

See, that's the problem with you people. You aren't getting the full scope of everything. It's over if millions of Whites worldwide do not stand up now and do something. If you have kids, you're just damning them to a Hellscape.

Soyboy69 ago

For what reason?

To repopulate.

See, that's the problem with you people. You aren't getting the full scope of everything. It's over if millions of Whites worldwide do not stand up now and do something. If you have kids, you're just damning them to a Hellscape.

If you fall in the line of duty before having children then you'll never get a chance to spread your genes.

Phantom42 ago

To repopulate.

In a world already filled to the brim with shitskins that will kill you, rape your wife, and use your children as slaves. Your daughter will grow up a sex slave. Your son, a nobody.

If you fall in the line of duty before having children then you'll never get a chance to spread your genes.

I couldn't care less. It's not about me, it's about what is Reich- ah... ahem right.

Soyboy69 ago

In a world already filled to the brim with shitskins that will kill you, rape your wife, and use your children as slaves. Your daughter will grow up a sex slave. Your son, a nobody.

And once those shitskins are dead there will be swaths of fresh land to colonize.

Phantom42 ago

And who the fuck is killing them guy?

Not a fucking soul.

Soyboy69 ago

Obviously you aren't, likely for the same reason as everyone else.

Phantom42 ago

Okay, I'm still right.

theLastPhilosopher ago

If men have mental clarity they will never produce more taxpayers for the state.

QBoomBoom ago

Jews that own the porn industry are dangerous Moloch worshipers.

SpitsMonsters ago

Rolling Stone IS dangerous. Duke Lacrosse anyone?

pr0nw4r ago

more than a year of noporn now, I think close to 2 years now, ph34r me. Tho if only I knew what I would be doing when I made my username more than 10 years ago.

Or maybe its my calling? To make war on porn?

AlphaOmega ago

This (((doctor))) is being interviewed on the Daily Show. He’s probably got big porn money behind him. The research he’s citing is total trash. People need to understand that the (((porn industry))) is making more money than most other industries on the face of the planet. They’re promoting this shit.

Diggernicks ago


ceginus ago

Fucken jews.

Gigglestick ago

Thanks goat, I appreciated the read.

AlphaOmega ago

For my simple entertainment, I’d like to know if that doctor is a a Jew. I already know he’s a quack who should lose his license.

madmardigan ago

Of course it was.

IM2abcd ago

Men who abstain from America First are dangerous Alt-Lefters

Phantom42 ago

Men who abstain from God, race, family, and nation are traitors.

1point21gigawatts ago

Last part of the article, "Strong men are capable of doing harm. Weak men are incapable of doing anything else." Well said. Make this your mantra. Strive for strength my dudes.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Without strength, there is no mercy: only weakness.

1point21gigawatts ago

Well said. The absence of an individual's strength only magnifies and builds upon his weaknesses; mercy as you rightly pointed out, honor, the ability to sub-create, the list goes on; all in shambles, in ruins, at the feet of a weak man.

alalzia ago

My eyes my choice

My dick my choice

Stop fucking with men's sexuality .

Phantom42 ago

"My "x" my choice!"

Lolbertarian cuckoldry detected.

Why are you holding lolbertarian principles? Have you not seen what "as long as they are not harming me haha everything is fine!" type of mentalities bring?

captainstrange ago

lolbertarians don't understand freedom vs liberty. How can you expect them to understand mussulini and machismo, let alone fascism?

They've been told left is right and right is left, up is down, good is evil, evil is good, and more, all their lives.

And despairing of ever discovering truth, drowned in the noise of an information war like the eye of sauron turned inward, for want of what is real entire generations have been lost, like slaves working at the manic face of bedlam.

We've all been waiting for the apocalypse, but we're already there.

Babylon is now. Like 1984, whoever controls the present, controls the past. Who controls the past controls the future.

HeebSlayer ago

Dude, if you are circumcised they've been messing with your sexuality since birth.

IM2abcd ago

Boo hoo ! You're not victim when you're told to stop jacking off, even if we all jack off.

Higgler ago

Not just those not watching porn but also those who try to limit their consumption. I saw someone claim moderation is dangerous because it leads to no fap.

madmardigan ago

The article is nonsense. Their experts make no distinction between porn consumption and masturbating. Make no remark of energy/time spent on said consumption. Make no remark on the neurology behind porn/masturbating. Their experts are pornographers and "physiologists" who have a money in the fight. Can't make money as a sex therapist if men are sexually healthy.

ardvarcus ago

Rolling Stone. Perverts. Pot heads. Drunks. Degenerates.

Trasheconomy ago

I still jerk off randomly but I haven’t jerked off TO pornography in 4 months now. Feels good.

midnightblue1335 ago

I asked about this "NoFaP" stuff on another post a few days ago- I was unsure what it really meant. The name implies "no masturbation at all".... but it seems like it's more about "NoPorn".

Masturbation without watching strange women turn their assholes inside out, 5-6 times a day, probably has a very, very different effect on the brain and body than "closing your eyes and wanking while fantasizing about a beautiful woman from time to time".

I think that's an important distinction that needs to be drawn. Masturbation on its own isn't a problem- it's the consumption of pornography.

Trasheconomy ago

Yeah I’m with you a hundred percent. Like, TMI (duh) but whatever, jerking off feels good. If I did it 5 times a day it probably would have some bad conditioning but here’s the thing, I DONT want to jerk it 5 times a day because without porn it just doesn’t draw me like it would otherwise. Porn is just another vice and this shit hole has enough vice in it to go around.

midnightblue1335 ago

I'm curious to know the physical effects that quitting porn has on your body.

Were you an actual "porn addict"? Like you had to watch it every day at least once and fap?

I also wonder how this is going to affect your future social interactions. I think a man who is watching women do horrifying, degenerate shit every day is going to have a significantly different attitude than if he wasn't watching that shit.

Over the last 4 months, have you felt any kind of "withdrawals"? Sudden depression or lack of energy, shit like that? Porn *is an addiction, and with all addictions come withdrawals.

Trasheconomy ago

I was never a porn addict like some people are. That said, I did pretty consistently need to jerk it to porn every morning and I’d shift my behavior pretty radically some times to ensure that I could. The most noticeable thing that I’ve noticed is I cum much more easily and satisfyingly with my gf, so that’s nice.

The thing that got me was I was falling into that trap of “oh man, that video was hot but THIS one is even hotter and more extreme!” Which it being such a private thing you can justify in your mind like, “it’s okay this time, it’s only me watching this this one time”. Except for the fact that it’s not, it’s me and everyone my age pleasuring ourselves to more and more graphic content and consistently practicing that every day.

shitstartercarter ago

Porn is a weapon. We all know who is behind it. Poisoning the minds of the majority.

Scablifter ago

Its got nothing to do with love, its there to destroy love.

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anticlutch ago


Maroonsaint ago

Iv known one guy in my life who I would consider a Christian. Him and his three brothers the nice set people Iv ever known. Never seen him mad never seen him cuss always in church. The embodiment of what a Christian person is. I always wonder if he has a secret. Married a gorgeous girl just like him. That’s the only one Iv ever known

Glipglup ago

People who spend all day begging for forgiveness despite appearing like good people are internally some of the worst people. Guy was probably a secret pedophile.

Maroonsaint ago

He wasn’t begging for forgiveness. He just was a nice dude. Would give you the shirt off his back. I knew him for years

Glipglup ago

The entirety of the Christian cult is based around begging for forgiveness.

Only the guilty ask to be forgiven. I'm 100% certain without a doubt he was hiding nasty skeletons. They always are, everytime, without fail.

verykindperson ago

you're a piece of shit!

smokratez ago

Nazis were normal white people, and still are.

ideologicidal ago

"normal" was subjective, and still is.

Bigdickedelf ago

Found the unrepentant degenerate

Diggernicks ago

You sound like a brainwashed reddit niglet

Bigdickedelf ago

KYS kike

ideologicidal ago

Found the faggot stating the obvious.

Gorillion ago

Nope. It's downstream from civilization which is downstream from biology.

Hence Normal and Abnormal. The Exception that proves the Rule etc. Even the pozfags can't avoid using "CIS" to delineate Norms from Freaks.

ideologicidal ago

Cis-/trans- are Chemistry prefixes.


Regardless, from any geographical/historical perspective y'all wanna take, nazis have never been normal.

anticlutch ago

Commit suicide faggot. You're useless.

In the purely literal sense.

ideologicidal ago


SexMachine ago

Normal may be subjective, I gave you an updoot for that, but normal is based on consensus. Normal people have two arms and two legs, but the average human has less than two legs and two arms.

madmardigan ago

Normal might be subjective, but abnormal is real. In any group there is outliers. Slowly but surely the idea of "normal" slides like the overton window. Hold the line.

ideologicidal ago

Or enjoy the slide. Whatevs.

smokratez ago

straight, conservative and religious. That's what I consider normal.

ideologicidal ago


Eww. Dogma's gross

QBoomBoom ago

Go back to your cuchsuxing and leave the posting to the adults.

ideologicidal ago

Sure, cause that's worked so well in the past. Hurry up and die, grampa.

Hyst ago

Ok oprah.

smokratez ago

I said relgious, not religion.

ideologicidal ago

Still a faggoty faggot (me, not [you]).

Hooray for abnormal!

Hyst ago

You should seek some therapy for your mental illness. You do realize that it was deemed a mental illness up until mentally ill faggots started bombing the homes of the individuals responsible for naming mental illnesses? There is plenty of scientific literature on it being a mental illness-- of which the only response to it is pure emotional pandering.

Anyways, congratulations on choosing to flush thousands of generations of evolution down the drain because you are lonely and need something trendy to identify with.

ideologicidal ago

K, thx, bai.

smokratez ago

Homosexuality comes from hormonal imbalance. Change your diet and your sexuality will change along with it. I can help you out if you don't know what you should and should not be eating.

PHXSunlight ago

Are you actually serious? They've tried giving gay males hormones in the past and it didn't change who they were attracted to. Nobody knows how sexual orientation is determined exactly, but it's not something that's malleable.

Hyst ago

If it's not malleable then why do so many faggots and lesbians end up turning straight? If it was set in their DNA then they wouldn't switch it up.

Some of the gayest people I knew growing up are all straight now...

PHXSunlight ago

Some people are attracted to both sexes to varying degrees. Some are exclusively attracted to one or the other.

Hyst ago

Some people rape others. Some people murder. Some people think birds speak to them. Some people mutilate their genitals because they don't feel at home in their bodies. Some people hear voices. Some people read the Quran. Some people are pedophiles.

What exactly is your point here?

PHXSunlight ago

Huh? I was just responding to why some gay people "turn" straight. Many gay people also force themselves into heterosexual relationships because it's much easier for them socially, and they end up having enough eventually and coming out when they're middle-aged.

smokratez ago

The first thing they do when they want you to "transition" is put you on hormones.

PHXSunlight ago

That's trannies, not standard gay males. Most trannies are autogynephiles, and interested in women to begin with, so they become "lesbians".

Regular gay males don't shoot themselves up with hormones.

smokratez ago

It's in our food, in our beer, in our hygiene products, in the plastic. There is estrogen being consumed or absorbed from all kinds of locations.

PHXSunlight ago

There's no evidence that makes men gay. Gay men are always relatively uncommon, somewhere between 1-5% of males.

smokratez ago

If you give a man female hormones, he will start to act like a woman. Trannies are the living proof of this.

PHXSunlight ago

Not really. "It's ma'am" was on hormones, and nobody mistakes him for a woman or feminine.

smokratez ago

Why do you seem desperate to not have female hormones turn men gay?

PHXSunlight ago

Because thy don't, if it were as simple as hormones, society would have forced hormonal treatment on all gay people.

smokratez ago

Society doesn't know about this. If men knew drinking beer is turning them into faggots, they would continue to do so?

PHXSunlight ago

Beer just makes men fatties, not gay. LOL

I don't drink any alcohol and I'm still very much a faggot.

smokratez ago

That's true. You are a faggot. Tell me your diet and I will point out the estrogen. Female hormones makes straight men gay. There is no born this gay. Everyone is born straight.

PHXSunlight ago

Then why is the gay population still so low?

I didn't have any kind of unusual diet, and I realized I was gay once adolescence hit.

smokratez ago

Because they want it to be a gradual process so people don't notice they are turning into trannies and faggots. If next week, 2 more millions men were gay, people would notice. You didn't. If it happened that early, you were most likely molested or raped.

PHXSunlight ago

I was neither molested nor raped.

smokratez ago

Children repress traumatic memories to protect themselves.

PHXSunlight ago

LOL, I had a nice childhood. Your ridiculous theories about homosexuality are amusing though.

smokratez ago

If you can't remember the bad stuff, I am sure the rest was nice. You prefer believing what jews say about homosexuality?

PHXSunlight ago

I actually have always been great at remembering things.

I don't view gayness as inherently negative. I have a boyfriend who I love and loves me. I'm perfectly happy and always have been.

smokratez ago

People that say actually don't live in reality. Faggotry is a genetic dead end. It destroys your families blood line. You are a lying piece of shit.

PHXSunlight ago

Many gay people still get surrogates and such though. Reproduction is hardly the only thing that makes people happy? Are all infertile people inherently unhappy? Strong interpersonal relationships make people happy, first and foremost.

smokratez ago

I am serious.

ideologicidal ago

Nope. Fuck off.

smokratez ago

lol. Suit yourself.

ideologicidal ago

Yep. [K]eep [Y]our normal to your[S]elf.

smokratez ago

Lol. You're addicted to female hormones.

ideologicidal ago

You're trying too hard.

Hyst ago

He's hardly even responding to you lol.

If hormones don't play a role, then why do trannies take hormone replacement therapy?

It's ok, I'll accept your inevitable attempt at humor in the form of a glib substancesless one liner as your admission of defeat.

smokratez ago

This is not even requiring any effort. I've figured it all out and am simply showing off. However I don't talk to faggots, so farewell faggot. Remember that I offered you the cure and you refused. lol

ideologicidal ago

kek, mind dat ego, nazi/normie.

smokratez ago

It's not ego when you can back it up, tranny.

ideologicidal ago

yawn cismale gayfag here.

Nice projection tho, nazi/normie tranny.

Hyst ago

Just to expand on what smokratez said; you're the normie.

Imagine doing something that every major corporation supports openly and thinking you're a rebel.

Imagine having the support of Starbucks, McDonalds, Major Banks, The Military Industrial Complex, and 95% of the media and thinking you're persecuted.

Seriously mate. You are mainstream to the core. You are what advertisements want you to be.

ideologicidal ago

Am I? kek

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yeah. But there are alt-right reasons to like, or at least tolerate, softcore pornography. The kind that reveals beautiful women and inspires men. It can be useful political messaging. It's in how receptive individuals are and in how they choose to take it. This is not a one size fits all, all or nothing movement - as much as many want to dissuade others from trying different kinds of approaching. Fundamentally the alt-right's hostility to porn is not even for some of the founder reasons - but out of belief in stupid Jewspiracies.


Shoot that down and the strident opponents left will be some socially conservative Christians.

Octoclops ago

Yeah. But there are alt-right reasons to like, or at least tolerate, softcore or borderline pornography

So? I can come up with left wing reasons to support segregation or anti-semitism. Anyone even mildly intelligent can twist the left-right dichotomy into nonsense because it was devised to describe french politics of over 200 years ago.

That doesn't mean pornography has any place in the modern right. Tastefull artistic nudes aren't porn in the first place so thats a poor excuse. Hostility to porn comes from realizing frequent use of it damages relationships, saps motivation, clouds the mind and is meant to pacify you (as these leftists whining every time men start taking a break from it clearly show). Lastly ive never even heard of effective political messaging in the form of porn.

Soyboy69 ago

Tastefull artistic nudes aren't porn in the first place so thats a poor excuse

I'd disagree, unless it's abstract and stylized enough to as not be arousing. There is no shortage of classic art that causes at least mild arousal in me.

Joe_McCarthy ago

There are well established reasons from left and right to dislike porn. Feminists sometimes dislike it. Religious conservatives sometimes do. So I'm broaching nothing fundamentally new here by offering another perspective.

In referring to political messaging I was referencing the use of beautiful women to highlight the importance of the movement at all. The display of their aesthetic superiority heightens the feeling of what is threatened and needs to be protected. And seeing them is pretty inspiring in it's own right for most normal, healthy males. These are some pretty basic white nationalist themes. The beauty of the white Aryan female must not perish from the earth and all that... and naked beautiful women inspire men in pretty unique ways.

In terms of specifics I think you may have missed some stuff even around here. Just one example:


She's not naked but that pic is provocative. We've had outright neo-Nazis like her using females to smooth a political message. Even here that thread got 66 upvotes. And that again is just of the ones that has been posted.

Your distinguishing porn from tasteful, artistic nudes may be arguing the same thing I am with different wording. Dunno. I doubt it. But this Playboy video in my profile is the kind of thing I'm talking about. Borderline to softcore with an artsy feel to it. This is basically a naked music video.


Lemme know if you approve or not. Or if you like it but still disapprove.

Diggernicks ago

Christ nigs here sure do get easily butthurt

Maroonsaint ago

LOL 3 dowbgoats for you homo let me see your cock. Pm me. Nobody has to know. Come on

Joe_McCarthy ago

If I were a homo and likely to be interested in showing you my dick I probably wouldn't be plastering Voat with naked women, homes.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Well you got the last part right at least.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I think all of my points are reasonable. Though that isn't to say I'm a huge porn booster. I'm not. Especially of hardcore. It isn't even pretty. Ugly more like. But I think I lay out a rationale for why this militant anti-porn routine should be moderated. There are arguments for both sides.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

You think your own points are reasonable, huh?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Probably. Or I wouldn't have said them.

I notice you didn't offer any serious rebuttal. And haven't here. So you'll have to excuse me if that increases my confidence here.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Wow, it's like you're right no matter what.

smokratez ago

most if not all porn companies are own by jews

Joe_McCarthy ago

Not so as I demonstrate at the link I posted. I mention Penthouse there for one. As it happens I'll been posting on 80s actress Monique Gabrielle, including her 1982 Penthouse pictorial. Penthouse was the product of Bob Guccione, an Italian of Catholic background.

You guys have a serious credibility gap. You can't look at her there and just automatically say it is Jewish. It just isn't true.

smokratez ago

So you found one white satanist, who are still jew dicksuckers and try to use that to pretend porn is not jew dominated. lol. You used to smarter. What happened?

beefartist ago

No there ins't.

Sosacms ago

I love this. How many parents are getting red pilled by this shit.

"Is your teen hard working? Maintains a healthy body and mind? Drug free? Vice free? Planning to get married and raised a family? And overall every parents dream teenager? Well your teen is a God damn Nazi!"

Well shit... My teen is just a fat lazy perverted little shit that won't get a job and drugged or drink half the time.... Where do I get one of these Nazi teens? They sound nice.

Wiserman ago

Perhaps a measurement on the retardation scale might help.

Silencedmajor ago

They keep pushing the narrative to people with a family and some actual stake in the future that they are right wing. After a while it's only going to make them feel at peace with it and actually see the benefits to themselves and society as a whole.

If I'm a nazi, then you're a likely a communist. I know who the bigger villains in history are. Because I can count.

Go fuck yourselves.

Hyst ago

I'm starting to see average joes realizing what's happening.

I always drive home, with evidence, ( because otherwise they dismiss it as lies ) that the OK hand symbol and the Bowl Haircut are considered hate symbols now.

KLDB ago

Mom yelling at fat lazy kid...


Kid: I grew up with the values you taught me...

olltre ago


zxcvbnasdf ago

It's all in the eye of the beholder.

To the degenerate fuck who wants to devolve into nothingness because they don't want to try/have been consumed by evil, then the description sounds horrible. Because anyone who is able to get out of the crab pot and make something of themselves proves that they could do it too, and it's their own deficiencies holding them back, so, like a crab, they grab onto the person and try to pull them back in.

To the person who's worked hard their whole life, tried to strives for goodness and be right with God, they tend to just not believe that this is a serious problem. Those that do understand that this is a fight against evil and the devil, and they're reading satanic propaganda.

The question is, have enough of the good God fearing men been killed through world wars, Korea, Vietnam, etc., such that they will be overwhelmed by demon spawn, or are there enough to fight back and rebuild society as God intended.

Betting against God seems like a bad bet, but the reasons for despair are undeniable.

Phantom42 ago

Where do I get one of these Nazi teens? They sound nice.

Greetings. Not a teen anymore, but at 20 I'm still trying to tell the difference. Twenteen is what it feels like.

Praise God, Hail Hitler, etc.

It's not hard to believe in the Reich once certain base Truths are understood.

neuschwabia ago

You broke the programming early, it most of us decades, Thank Tim Berners-Lee for the Internet, the truth is getting out.

Read Hitlers Revolution by Richard Tedor to start with, then move on to George Lincoln Rockwell.

Phantom42 ago

I got really into WWII history back in 4th grade. Always enjoyed the aesthetic of the Reich.

Once I learned the Truth, and what they really stood for (things I already agreed with at a basic level, though not specifically with the Reich... Conservative when I was smaller, seeing the decadence and degeneracy of America).

So... 2016 elections I headed to /pol/, learned a lot. Came here a year and some ago. Learned a fuckload.

Now, firmly NatSoc. Hail Victory, and may God be with us.

videocodec ago

You could ha e a worthless teen that does nothing but embarrass you or you could have a.teen that wants to gas the Jews. The gas the Jews is just a sign of perfection

Goys-R-Us ago

What is this gas you speak of?

mudbear ago

Zyklon B, the Nazis used it to kill off all of the jewish parasites from the prisoners clothes in the concentration camps... wait no they used it to kill all of the jewish parasites to stop the spread of typhus in the barracks... wait no, they dropped the pallets into the gas chambers from the ceiling that instantly disolved and melted the faces off all of the jews, and they couldnt bust out past the wooden doors on the outside.

We really need to stop memeing the holohoax for the jews by saying shit like 'gas the jews'

SexMachine ago

Some magic gas the Jews made up to get their own country.

Soyboy69 ago

Either that or some kind of pesticide.

combatveteran ago

pretty much the theme of The Authoritarian Personality.

Not the first time Jews pushed this meme.

jimibulgin ago

Authoritarian of the Self.

0rion ago

While I agree with most of what you said, your last paragraph has me scratching my head. If your kid ended up that way, I would say you are at least partly to blame for it.

Diggernicks ago

Only retarded Christ nigs enter into binding legal contracts which only favor women.

FaggotFinder ago

Voat has been overtaken by idiots, when they get screwed in jew court and lose everything they might regret downvoating, don't trust women you fucking idiots, they use to have less rights for a fucking reason.

Diggernicks ago

Christ cucks will never tire of drinking the bullshit flavored kool aid.

IsaacJan ago

Failed parent alert

4saken ago

I often wonder if you can blame teenagers given the indoctrination they face on a daily basis by public schools. It isn't excuse to do drugs, but I can understand the want to do something escape the reality they are faced.

well-oil-bee ago

It says in my psychology book that experimentation with drugs and alcohol is perfectly normal and healthy for teens. Really this behavior should not be shunned, but incouraged. Keeping kids away from drugs might cause them to kill theirselfs.

Scablifter ago

Don't let your kids grow up to be psychologists.

JJS1 ago

Keep your kids,away from those stupid books and psychologists

Plavonica ago

I can understand the want to do something escape the reality they are faced.

I used books, friends, D&D, camping, and 4x4 running. I think city kids are mostly the one's turning to drugs. And I can understand why.

Qsnoop ago

Not true. Here in New Hampshire our kids are dropping like flies from heroin/Fentanyl and meth UNFORTUNATELY. Thus is your gubberment fucking over a entire generation of young white people. Government gives huge grants, goes back to pharmaceutical companies for Suboxone, and shit hole housing that niggers wouldn't live in. Fucking tragic!

Plavonica ago

Huh, kids around here don't seem to be doing much more than weed. They mostly seem ok and do a lot of outdoors stuff. Then again it's a mostly white farming area.

Qsnoop ago

You and you're Family are very lucky then! The North East has been Epidemic status for 10 years and weed is scarce.

Sosacms ago

I think most teenagers are looking at society online and thinking the last normal people are high schoolers. Everyone else has lost their damn minds.

And they wouldn't be wrong.

Hyst ago

To be fair though, that's kind of typical of teenagers. I felt the same way when I was a teenager. I'm sure the generation before me felt the same way.

It might be even more true nowadays though, to be fair. Just noting that it does seem to be something that occurs in every generation.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Children are blessed with a special kind of innocence that allows them to see through the ruses that adults build for themselves to cope with the insanity of society. The emperor has no clothes.

TheTrigger ago

Meditation, or even simple introspection achieves this same end. Problem is, most adults are too chicken-shit to face their own ugly side and see it for what it is. They can't help but look away, and it's slowly killing this world that we allow these dark corners to fester. Every adult needs to meditate on mushrooms at least once in their life.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Sadly it's not that easy. Society is largely built on a collection of lies we tell ourselves in order to keep the peace.

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago


Joe_McCarthy ago

Given that high schools in the US are an interracial dating and hookup fuckfest I dunno why teenage right-wingers would look at them as a fixture of normalcy. I'm only around younger people occasionally and I look at that age demographic as Apocalypse Now. Unlikely edgy teens in the thick of it are likely to think that's where it's at. The opposite if anything.

LoveRight ago

Not really true. My high school is very "diverse", but not too many people are actually hooking up surprisingly.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, yours is one school. I dunno what to say other than that as I don't know where the school is or what you are considering in discussing interracial sex (some just see the problem as basically black-white), or what you think of as high amounts of interracial sex. So no, that isn't much of a refutation. It is somewhat useful information though.

LoveRight ago

Basically, it's kinda rare for white women to date ethnic guys where I am, but it is very common for white guys to date non white women, especially asians.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Okay. And that is barely better. The only reason I say barely is because women are a scarcer resource in reproductive terms so it is worse if they do it.

So what you have told me doesn't actually contradict my knowledge and experience much at all.

Uxg ago

It's not better in either direction.

ideologicidal ago

"no-fap supremecists" kek

Straight-edge was equally edgy.

Seventh_Jim ago

Oh man. Fuck sXe. Those little faggots were always the ones to start throwing elbows and try to hurt people in the pit.