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SearchVoatBot ago

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neveragainfatty ago

You cvcks think this is porn?

Nadeshda ago

This is just taking advantage of that programming.

Yeah, manipulating the manipulated... yeah this can werk! :)

Nadeshda ago

You know I may be thinking more highly of men then I should but to trick them into learning truth?

I dunno, does this actually work or do they just laugh it off that which they do not believe and push on? Maybe one in a 1000? may stop to read the fine print?

I dunno, I just do not see how a woman dressed this way does anything for swinging people away from lies, I guess men will do anything for a cheap thrill, lol.

Also how young is she? Too many questions...

Firinmahlazer ago

Google "1918 German Revolution jews". (((Wikipedia))) has a lengthy article saying it is a myth and the Germans were anti-semitic before Hitler even came to power and somehow Nazi propaganda is to blame.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

Hmmm. I’m pretty sure any NPC who sees this is gonna forget about the historical facts and go masturbate instead of learning more about 20th-century history.

antiliberalsociety ago

Not all who will see that image and click on it is going to be an NPC. Seems kind of defeatist to assume it wouldn't work.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

I'm not defeatist. This is just a bad strategy. Other strategies are better.

antiliberalsociety ago

Name one that has worked.

Anon83 ago

This right here is the ticket. Soft education, that will eventually add up in the minds. Most people that I come in contact with are extremely resistant to a whole red pill. Hell, I lose them at "did you know..."

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

Pornography is used by our enemies to make people mentally weak and apathetic. I don’t think that images like this will push people toward the Right.

antiliberalsociety ago

This doesn't even qualify as porn, there is no nudity.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

This is definitely porn. If you get hard looking at it, especially if it's designed to produce that reaction, it's porn. This image is clearly designed to sexually stimulate men, and any healthy male will be massively aroused by looking at it.

antiliberalsociety ago

So by your definition, target ads are porn. Got it.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

I haven't seen a Target ad in years, I don't have TV

antiliberalsociety ago

They come with the newspapers you see in almost every waiting area, genius

Anon83 ago

I think that it would be useful for those individuals who are resistant to all other forms of education. We have a whole generation who were raised with peak degeneracy. I agree with you, but on the same token, the truth must get through the firewall anyway it can.

antiliberalsociety ago

The masses of people need things sugarcoated. The Jews are giving them that sugarcoating. Facts alone aren't going to do it, we need to adopt their tactics. Here we've been trying the same thing over and over and we keep losing! If a man keeps tripping over the same rock, and he doesn't change his path, there is something wrong with that man. If the Jews use comic books, WE should use comic books. We need to use the tactics that the masses will respond to.

v/GeorgeLincolnRockwel in his 1965 speech on how to win political power

Phantom42 ago

Rockwell was a meme warrior before memes were even popular in Merica.

VicariousJambi ago

Yes but using the things we hate them for using?

antiliberalsociety ago

They will hate us for getting the message out far worse than our hate for their tactics. Look around, their damage is done. People were eased into this and they must be eased out.

VicariousJambi ago

People were eased into this and they must be eased out.

Yes and I'm simply arguing for slightly less degenerate tactics and that this meme format isn't really that good. Sure, It's just a hot woman, normies love it, with some informative text. I've seen nudes of this kind of shit too, whats next, hardcore porn with info next to it? I would say shy away from the degenerate shit. Slippery slope people were right about faggots. I might be right or wrong about this but I'd rather not chance it on a meme format I don't think is that effective.

I don't think anyone who reads this/this is really intended to target is gonna go look up shit anyways, they're just going to be pissed that "nazis" put text all over the girl they're trying to jack it to and then move on to some other whore.

antiliberalsociety ago

Defeatist fagging

I have no time for you. You're acting pretty NPC yourself

VicariousJambi ago

So attempting to be better than kikes and not wanting to do the same shit they do is moral fagging? wew

antiliberalsociety ago

Offer a better solution then if you're too busy purity spiraling

VicariousJambi ago

It's hard for me to say. When I red pill people I know it's generally in response to something. Like them talking about the news or something else happening which I can then use to drop some hints about the longnoses. If we really get into it I tend to use articles, studies, books and logical conclusions rather than memes. I'm not the best meme creator either so that doesn't help.

I would suggest just not using this format and use another more effective one like the "it's ok to be white" and "muslims are right about women" that use simple logic to confuse and blue screen NPCs. I think that would work best on the targeted audience instead of OPs meme. I think that the audience for this meme are the NPCs that are very very deep in the hole. Talking about Hitler will just get them to ree about "fucking nazis" and stop there. A simple one liner logic bomb would be better, especially if you just have to use the beautiful naked women route.

"Only white women are this beautiful" or something, I dunno.

Unreasonable ago

Its typically not what they use, but how it's used.

Beating them at their own game, while maintaining your integrity, is entirely possible and is the path to victory.

VicariousJambi ago

Its typically not what they use, but how it's used.

Some things are degenerate in and of themselves, like porn.

Beating them at their own game, while maintaining your integrity, is entirely possible and is the path to victory.

Being cunning as well =/= stoop to their level

Unreasonable ago

Partially clothed women is not pornography.

You must have a hard time going to the beach.

The shills hate this one apparently. Means it must be effective.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

The bikini was designed by a Jew named Jacques Heim in 1946. The fact that the women on the beach look like whores is evidence that their many campaigns against us have been hugely successful.

VicariousJambi ago

Partially clothed women is not pornography.

I wasn't talking about this meme. I specified "porn" in my comment about things that are degenerate in and of themselves which is what I was referring to.

And actually referring to the meme I don't think it's really that bad but it's not really the direction I think we should head.

You must have a hard time going to the beach

The shills hate this one apparently. Means it must be effective.

Are you calling me a shill? Thats rich. Maybe come up with a better argument instead of lowering the bar to just insults. No wonder why you want to use kike tactics.

"We can't win unless we act like kikes" is a defeatist attitude.

Unreasonable ago

We can't win unless we use winning strategies is what I'm saying.

But kike up what I said fucker.

VicariousJambi ago

Like I previously said

Being cunning as well =/= stoop to their level

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

Agreed. I have no problem with comic books. But porn like this is a whole different story. Pornography is a powerful weapon, but it can only be used for evil.

Unreasonable ago

This is actually logical very good.

The stimulus shuts down the prefrontal cortex and allows the message to bypass the emotional filters installed by the brainwashing.

VicariousJambi ago

Thats pretty much my thoughts. We hate them for what they do - lying, deceit, manipulation, shit like that. Doing that stuff ourselves makes us hypocrites.

I do what I always do and just show pure sourced truth and sound reasoned arguments. You can't really argue with a sourced talmud quote that says "all heathens who study the torah must die" or "its ok to rape babies under 3"

Unreasonable ago

You're actually the illogical one.

To force logic on the illogic and to expect a logical response is, well... illogical.

Logically, to deal with the emotional, one would use emotional arguments, in a logical manner.

Thus, the logical conclusion is to attack them with emotional arguments, but be logical about it.

Thus why IOTBW works well.

Anything that can short circuit their emotional circuits.

You cant force the emotional to become logical, you have to trick them.

You've apparently never dated a woman, since this is also dating 101 advice.

VicariousJambi ago

I'm perfectly ok with short circuiting them, but that doesn't mean we have to be immoral about it which would be hypocritical.

And when you "short circuit" the NPC you pretty much counter their emotional shit with a logic bomb, not more emotion shit. "It's OK to be white" is a purely honest and logical statement, which goes against their weak morals because their morals have no logic to them. "Muslims are right about women" is also a logic bomb, it gets the noggin a boggin about what muslims actually believe about women and whether thats actually right or not. NPCs can't handle thinking about stuff logically like that so they short circuit. It goes against what they've been told.

Unreasonable ago

Your emotional response tells me you aren't as logical as you'd like to believe.

Sorry your morals include losing.

My morals include winning by any means necessary, since the alternative is to lose to absolute evil.

VicariousJambi ago

Your emotional response tells me you aren't as logical as you'd like to believe.

How was my response emotional? I used logical statements as to why the NPCs get short circuited from 2 examples.

Sorry your morals include losing.

My morals include winning by any means necessary, since the alternative is to lose to absolute evil.

And if we use absolute evil to win then we're no better then the people we hate. It's the same thing then. We don't need to become kikes in order to beat them.

Unreasonable ago

Even more emotional.

So much kvetching.

VicariousJambi ago

Are you even going to try to come up with an actual response or are you all out of arguments?

Unreasonable ago


You're obviously an emotionally centered person. Using logic is hopeless and frustrating.

VicariousJambi ago

The original claim was that I was emotional because of how I explained how the "it's ok to be white" and the "muslims are right about women" short circuit NPCs because it makes them think with logic which they're not used to.

So again I ask, how was I and how am I being emotional?

Unreasonable ago

Exactly like a woman or jew would be.

Now have I answered your question?

VicariousJambi ago

No, you haven't clarified how my statement is emotional and now you're just calling me a woman or a jew.

My statement that making NPCs think logically about their morals short circuits them because they cannot use logic is not an emotional statement so let me know why you think it is.

Unreasonable ago

You seem short circuited.

Sorry my answer wasn't what you were looking for.

That seems to upset you.

Just like a woman or a jew would be.

VicariousJambi ago

Well since you're not actually responding anymore and just calling me a kike I think I'll just bounce. If you've got an actual argument I'll respond to it but if it's just more "oh man you're so triggered you woman" stupidity enjoy having the last response, I hope it's a real gut wrencher.

Unreasonable ago

What's my username?

Then decide if it was emotional or logical to proceed to argue with me.

Fucking Jews are so damn dumb.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

Exactly. Sexual purity is at the core of our beliefs. There's no point in beating our enemies if we become them.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

I thought this sub was against degeneracy?

antiliberalsociety ago

It's using their own tactics against them. I say do it!

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

The way I see it: If I was a Jew, I’d be rubbing my hands together and laughing at the Nazi goyim doing my job for me by spreading porn around.