Steinmacher ago

kikes create god-less society... then use girls raised in that society to make porn to sell to guys raised in that society to fap to in mommies basement.


WickedVocalist ago

That's normal for other perps to be in denial that the head of the whole operation was taken down.

WickedVocalist ago

Nice to see the FBI round these men up.

Lots of girls have a curiosity to see what they look like having sex with a boyfriend in a video. Lots of girls also have no idea the boyfriends and dates were a form of rape and sex trafficking that would ruin their lives just for wanting to satisfy the 'just for him and I' photo or video viewing fetish....

"I promise, I will give you a copy and show no one but us two" Provides link and vanishes forever

Herkules97 ago

500 women all kept silent? It's like they wanted others to fall for it too.

Oh yeah I know I was pressured to do it, but I'm not snitching.

Hammer82 ago

Kikes in prison? Hard to believe...

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Girls, Why do every last one of you think of your bodies as a commodity?

Steinmacher ago

(((feminism))) tells them it is. mommy and daddy don't care enough to tell them otherwise.

binrobinro ago

Guy turns 18, is strapped for cash, gets a job.

WickedVocalist ago

I think all the dudes who realized digital technology can be used to make money of a woman's sexual explorations in her twenties are pissed that they're going to federal prison to do 80% of good time and that there's no statue of limitations on exploiting women digitally even if they are over 18.

Harbinger88 ago

Death penalty to these assholes, that's the least they deserve.

shitstartercarter ago

Jews are the porn industry. Wonder why jews give porn out for free? It's to further your extinction.

MrTotenkopf ago


Link for our fellow coomers.

cursedcrusader ago


PizzaphilePodesta ago

hand clasping wanes

Intrixina ago

Girls Do Porn, a San Diego-based adult subscription service formed in 2006 by New Zealand man Michael Pratt, trafficked in XXX videos with amateur actresses, ages 18-22. They sought inexperienced models on Craigslist, promising viewers that each clip was “the one and only time [the girls] do porn.”

If the ad indeed said that, I have no sympathy for these whores. Especially those who supposedly had boyfriends - I hope the boyfriends took the whore to the cleaners financially.

WickedVocalist ago

How the fuck would the girls know that? One day you will be all over Meghans law like all the other boys on here blaming women for illegally fucking the wrong girl or having the wrong girls photo on your phone.

I look forward to the day no one feel sorry for you because you have the profile of a rapist creep.

HeroComplex ago

Your a white knight of the highest order and a fool the girl willingly engaged in sex for money and probably loved the attention then afterwords when reality set in she cried foul women love sexual liberation until it turns out they have to account for there actions

Intrixina ago

They were answering Craigslist ads for adult films. They knew they were going to a porn shoot. They also had a boyfriend, which they were cheating on.

Thus, no sympathy.

PS: I'm not a guy. There is also no price tag on me betraying my SO to participate in fucking other men on camera. It's disgusting, degenerate, and depraved to do so. There are always other ways to get money other than fucking strange on camera for the world to see.

Mjazz ago

Hard to believe but I guess it's possible. There's tons of chicks that will do it for the money without going through all the trouble of threats and stuff,

Gottmituns ago

Porn is lower than prostitution. If an attractive girl does her own thing she can prostitute her self and make a lot of money on her own. Still awful, yes, but porn is the lowest of the low, and yet so many women fall for it. You know whats better than either of those ~~getting married~~ being a twitch thot. Any attractive girl that considers porn should be encouraged to be a twitch/streaming thot instead. Yeah, yeah, i know, its still selling their bodies for money, but it is significantly better than strip mining their lives for a few bucks. We live in a world where a rando slut can make a six figure sallary for making a stupid face. Going the E-thot route will not only make them tons of money, but could still potentially keep them datable to honorable white men as long as they keep their wits about them. Porn obliterates women at the behest of jews. Strippers, are better off, and that says a lot.

They should be finding good white men to marry, but if the choice is between kikes forcing them to get raped by niggers, or showing a little cleavage to get 10k from orbiters, i think we all know what the better outcome is.

WickedVocalist ago

You are a sick grooming ally.

Prostitution is a horrible life on the streets where girls cannot escape their pimps.

You have no right to tell women who to marry, or where to work -- asshole.

Gottmituns ago

I don't think you understood what I was saying at all.

herbert_west ago

This girl was the one who cheated on her boyfriend who was deployed at the time. The room doesn't look like from a 5-stars hotel and she went on to make more films after breaking up with the guy. She doesn't look forced but thoroughly enjoying it. The Jews turned her into a slut years before.

Adriansun ago

Is it from Girls Do Porn or does the title just mean girls who do porn sometimes are forced to....?

smokratez ago

jews don't quality as men

WhiteChickens ago

Listing their real name and hometown was a bridge too far.

They didn't have to do that and it was probably the last straw.

WhiteChickens ago

Females aren't very smart in general.

The prettier ones get men to do things for them, the uglier ones are in the corporate world doing some kind of busywork.

None of them can really do anything useful beyond looking pretty, stripping naked or acting pleasant.




Jewish and perverse , gimp, white males are the problem, see it avoid it, if you need to be the worst nightmare in the world then be that. Protect yourself from the GIMP WHITE and the JEW.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

I propose the death penalty for the following; all acts of terrorism, including financing or aiding and abetting. All acts of child and adult sex trafficking, and all those tied to it. All acts of treason (must be upheld); all acts of fake hoax hate crimes by niggers, moozies, gays, trannies etc. ; all acts of violent rape which must be proved beyond any doubt. ; all acts of illegal alien illegal entry and those associated with it. ; all acts of hardcore drug dealing (excluding pot) with emphasis on meth, heroin, & fentanyl.; all acts involving attempted murder, or murder of police, armed forces at home, firefighters, and first responders. That's just for starters.

voat4895 ago

sounds like she should have had a gun with her so she could say no and walk out.

rejectedfromreddit ago

This gets complicated when you're traveling by plane to California

voat4895 ago

true, I hate why that is a problem, but it would be a problem.

boekanier ago

Too many girls are headless chickens.

templurker ago

Whores hate the reality of their state. Always avoiding accountability.

Lord0Trade ago

Good, glad those fuckers were arrested, it's one thing to say "hey come do this shoot" in the same town then lol it's porn and then she's allowed back out., but it's another to fly her out, scream at her, threaten her, lie to her, THEN PUBLISH THE FUCKING VIDEO WITH HER REAL NAME

WickedVocalist ago


I live in CA and I have a pretty good idea that someone might have already done this to me as I have been chronically homeless and while I was homeless I was also date gang raped out of a bar after being drugged since the day a guy pretended it was just for the two of us. I wonder if they filmed it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Afrowasp1 ago

Pretty girls have no judgement, moral compass, or spine.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Us, men, are to blame

MarauderShields ago

This did the rounds on Voat a few weeks back. I think one Goat investigated and found out they were white, not (((white))). Would not be unlike the (((whites))) to want to maintain full control over the industry. I don't know either way, just letting you Goats know what I read here first time around.

For all my sins, I noticed that once the news came out, all the GDP videos were suddenly being reupped on "those sites" and it appears to have been very carefully orchestrated. All were numbered and named, people in comments were requesting particular numbers and other users were linking and referencing. All GDP vids were getting bumped to the front page.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Shabbos goy are in the same line as the juden headed towards the oven.

For all my sins, I noticed that once the news came out, all the GDP videos were suddenly being reupped on "those sites" and it appears to have been very carefully orchestrated.

Yes oursite is being monitored. Yes you are on a list. Yes @Puttitout likely sold us out for golf in Scotland.

satisfyinghump ago

How can so many of you lack such basic empathy?

Yes, many of us believe if we were this girl, we would be so tough and tell them no and goto hell "mother fucker".

But think for a moment. What sort of girl needs money and decides to do modeling? We already can assume a few, negative, things about her right?

Reserve your anger for the people who did this to them. I get it, they had a choice. But think for a moment, the same way you are behaving now and daily, that is your persona. Her persona is much different. Much different. And shes probably from some small town, have you ever met people from there? Women? They are very different, I'm not saying weaker but I will say they trust more and this is the important part. They are very sadly innocent when it comes to the types of monsters who exist.

Monsters that we see for who they are and we reveal their fear. They are known to us and we are not scared of them. We know them.

WickedVocalist ago

You guys are all assholes. Its not an uncommon thing for someone to be curious to see what they look like having sex, especially if they're beautiful. If a guy lies and shows it to everyone, he should be in PRISON with a sex offender record forever.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Agreed. These are predators taking advantage of people that don't know better, or was not brought up in a strong, structured household.

Some of the justifications I see here are; well she's a dumb, slutty bitch for falling for this trick, and if it wasn't now, it was a matter of time till she whored herself out like this... I ask those of you that think that way this. Whats worse, the girl that is hard on times for money that turns to modeling or worse as a means to support her self (single mother strippers paying their way through law school joke come to mind?) Or the 7 shady, kike businessmen that got together throughout a week that formulated and implemented a business plan to take advantage of these girls? I know that it is a give-and-take scenario in these situations, but ultimately, I think it resides on the fact that there are people that take advantage of people on hard times, because (((they))) have rigged the system to produce these types of outcomes for which they can be profitable off of other people's misery.

The whole situation is disgusting, disappointing and angering. My heart goes out to the Thots that fall for this because they was never given good a good up bringing and parental guidance from the get go.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Believed everything till the FBI part.

RiseTheReich ago


HiJoker ago

Where are the dads in this equation? For one if you raise your little girl right, she's not going to do something this stupid. And if she is that stupid she should be able to call you for help and you come sort some jew/nigger/wtf ever porno fucks out via the business end of some professionally wielded firearms.

ScientiaPotentia ago

They should face life in prison. In the past, they would have been lynched.

tjay ago

Yea right.

whitesrbetter ago

The kikes also use a beaner as their male talent and then trap them now the girls are sheltered but, more desperate because of the jewish system set against goys telling them they need to be independent and when women are told that they go to their default of easiest thing possible. The tactics are downright evil employed against them, that it would work on young males (take a look at frats or gayforpay). So these kikes deserve a hanging.

The entire porn industry is run on this when you look into it but the ones really reliant on it like gdp purposefully use non-white actors when they are downright preying on mostly White women. Blacked was finally getting called out for taking advantage of mentally disabled girls but it went away with 8chan. Black ambush also got attention because they literally ambushed girls with a negro.

However on the other hand some of these women would of did this stuff privately we just didn't witness it like the average roastie life we only hear a portion. Women in general also think of the whole thing as easy money but, didn't like the public exposure of being a whore. So these women are complaining about not getting to eat there cake too.

Then theirs these exact things women do to males openly, like luring males with the promise of sex then robbing them. Women divorce raping men, or getting a beta to paypig for her. The fake rape and harassment accusations made up to get males kicked out of college or jobs and arrested.

sunshine702 ago

That is a pretty common tactic among sex traffickers / evil porn companies. Promise something light and easy and then as the scene starts have the male do WAY more ( anal, violence, degradation). Glad to have the FBI doing something

WickedVocalist ago

Me too.

Women like Tila Tequila or the wife of the old Nevada Cathouse brothel owner Cox who died running for office are legitimately in porn because they want to be and that's awesome. There's no excuse for this. The women shouldn't be shamed at all.

These people have more respect for sex workers than they do women who are forced into sex work against their will. Making a private porn tape isn't consent to do sex work.

Really what are the odds the guy turns out to be a pro porn peddler or male porn star and makes it viral.. Like one in a billion and then he makes himself rich of digital rape. Especially if there's no ongoing relationship, because then the guy only entered into a sexual relationship with the women to con her into doing porn without her express consent and knowledge.

HardCandies ago

I am glad this didn't happen to anyone I know.

AinzOown ago

Nice story. *Watches video

Camera man calmly, "want some sex?"

Girl smiles, "yes, let's have sex."

The end.

If anyone has a link to the girl in the pic I'd like to research it for science. I'm ok with the porn industry dying but still think this is all bullshit. I've only watched like two of their videos though.

HeroComplex ago

I sincerely doubt this girl was screamed at and coerced into doing porn, and sat down and smiled for her prefacial interview she sure dosent look like she’s in any distress %100 this girl knew what she was getting into and now rightly feels like a whore.

WickedVocalist ago

Doesn't look any different than an average date or FWB asking questions to me.

You basically think all women who embrace sexual freedom should be punished and publicly humiliated as whores.

HeroComplex ago

I think women like everyone else should have to face the consequences of there actions.

p4p ago

There people knew exactly what was going on and were well paid. They have the morals of an ally cat.

theLastPhilosopher ago

There's a difference between women and whores.

speedisavirus ago

Yeah bullshit. She wanted to do it just like all the other whores they picked up.

tokui ago

Lol now her children and grandchildren can fap to her.

bourbonexpert ago



To me it sounds like the worthless fucking whore got exactly what she deserved.

pimplepeter ago

What jew did this

smokratez ago

all of them would

ussliberty ago

I wonder if the producers wear little hats?

version7 ago

I don't feel bad for them in the least.

70times7 ago

Alot of anti-jew/porn talk here, yet get porn spammed and it gets -2, -3.

Not -80, - 200

Do your part.

gonight ago

Aye aye.

LordSporkington ago

This whole thread is a really good example of why whites don't come together to deal with these problems.

White men need to take care of white women. Maybe she got tricked into porn, maybe she fucked a nig, it doesn't matter. They've been even more a target of this war on whites than any men have.

They are casualties of this war and we do not leave our dead and wounded on the battlefield like some kind of fucking animal. We need to support these women, just like we need to support white men that made the mistake of relaxing.

These are our civilians, you don't hate civilians for being bombed, you use that rage to fucking end your opponents ability to fight.

If we cannot protect our women and civilians, we have no value as men. If we cannot accept our casualties back into the fold, we have no value as a civilization.

WickedVocalist ago

Why would you trust an anti semite who despises women on Western sexual freedom issues anyhow?

We really do need to rally behind these women.

LordSporkington ago

The fact that I received down votes for suggesting we not just throw away victims of organized crime is telling.

Greasy ago

How could/did they benefit from her friends and family finding out? Doesn't seem like there's blackmail involved if they just went ahead and told them.

ARsandOutdoors ago

because they can

It's a power trip / Control complex

Afterlife ago

These fuckers should hang for this

speedisavirus ago

For fucking a whore at 10x her rate that she knew she was going to be doing a fuck flick?

Afterlife ago

Are you really defending them?

Randy-Dreamweaver ago

They're jews, their grandparents should've been hanged.

thomastheglassexpert ago

Father of 4 kids here. Ya know what I call girls who get fooled into porn? "Idiots". Did the attempt made on my daughter happen why yes it did and I showed with her for those "tasteful bikini pics". Porn producers didn't like that. They had told her to come alone of course. My daughter turned out to be not such an idiot. She's today married, mother of two and doing just fine as stay at home mom.

ARsandOutdoors ago

close call. Great parenting on your part


thomastheglassexpert ago

Sex bomb blonde chick (she was 17 at the time) tells me she is going to get 1,000 cash for bikini shoot! Dad says really dear? Let's go. I had excellent pistola holstered for the meeting in San Diego. The "studio" reeked of evil. A smart man could feel it and smell it. Even my daughter caught that and she was still virgin at that time. I was not a virgin at that time. Now my daughter has 2 daughters and I have told her "now it's your turn dear you do it". Are young ladies idiots why yes they are but so are young men. We parents must guard them if we can.

ARsandOutdoors ago

idk how to react to you calling your daughter that...

I'm glad everything worked out though, and that you have been able to balance work life and home life so well. Congrats on the beautiful family

Quaintarrow303 ago

You know what I do when some thot tells me her sob story? I say I don't give a fuck, now heres your dollar bitch.

AmericanBannedStand ago

Yeah, sorry, I can’t feel bad for girls who decided that since they were pretty, they had found a way to make fast cash without working. You know what happens to 18 year old guys who are strapped for cash?

Nothing. They work. And that was totally available to these girls. Instead they wanted to get money for their sex appeal, and ironically these shithead porn producers made them be honest about the fact that they’re whores.

WickedVocalist ago

She didn't know about the tape being used commercially or shown to anyone besides her and the man she had sex with. That's the part that makes it a crime.

Will you murder or kidnap these women to save yourselves?

waritah ago

They signed consent forms agreeing to pornography and distribution. It’s in the contracts. The model release was a single page. That is the defense here.

AmericanBannedStand ago

What? That’s not what the things I said mean.

If a girl wants to make $5k for a bikini photo shoot, she’s trying to make easy money getting paid for her sex appeal without honestly working. That’s whoring. Making her actually fuck for the money is just making an honest whore of her.

DanBangles ago

Maybe there’s more to it, but according to the Vice write-up, the girls New before they ever left home to get on a plane to CA that they would be doing a fuck film. The producers even paid other girls to lie on the phone about what a great time it was and how no one would ever see.

As far as I can tell, and maybe I’m wrong, there was no bait and switch. There were shady porn shoots being performed by girls who knew they were doing open shoots.

Perhaps they were too dumb to realize that it was a scheister fucking deal, but they went out there fully intending to part their pretties on film.

WickedVocalist ago

Some of the girls lived in CA and were merely driving to a beach date, then drugged.

DanBangles ago

Haven't seen that written anywhere. Wouldn't be surprised though

10qo ago

This is going to sound like crazy lie, but I busted to this video earlier this morning. That particular female was most definitely into the sex. It was the part she’s getting soggy and saying, “you’re gonna make me...” it’s hot as fuck and when he slows down she literally start pushing back on his dick. Just saying how crazy that picture was used. 👌🏻

Floodthewestcoast ago

Don't feel bad for the whores. They knew exactly what they were doing. Most of them didn't seem too upset to be taking a fat dick up the ass at the time.

watts2db ago

must not have been on the FBIs preferred vendor list we know deepstate types don't like competition plus it maintains the appearance that they are doing something about the problem

Brawndosaurus ago

Thanks Jews

CaptnObvius ago

Where are these girls at when average guys are looking? Oh wait, they are stupid, greedy, selfish and want money for nothing. My sympathy meter reads zero.

WickedVocalist ago

Sorry I actually consume legit porn.

I do not enjoy the fact that girls who didn't consent are being used as porn actresses because that's human trafficking.

gonight ago

Exactly this. This is why I don't agree with the Roastie Internet Defense Force in these comments.

stealthninjataliban ago

Girls are Retarded

tokui ago

They look happy. I don't see the problem. Were they forced to do interracial?

calcy454 ago

Now who would cook up such a scheme

SadMacKabaam ago

Which episode was this?

TheGrandMaster ago

Great post, op. I was wondering what happened with this

Gigglestick ago

I don’t think I’ve ever came on a girl’s face. MAYBE twice. Never found it appealing. Call me vanilla, but I like my penis inside of a woman.

speedisavirus ago

I've lost track of the number of times I've done it.

uvulectomy ago

"I don't think I've ever came on a girl's face."

Followed immediately by

"MAYBE twice."

So which is it?

Gigglestick ago

Like I might’ve done it once, and then drunk? I don’t remember... I don’t like that kind of thing.

TheWorstImaginable ago

If this is actually somewhat true I hope these kikes get their shit pushed in. But I knew plenty of whores when I was a teenager. When I was 11 there were girls who wanted to fuck. When I was 14 probably 30-40 percent of the kids had experimented sexually. When I was 18 and started having sex there was always some 14 year old girl trying to lie about her age to get fucked. I agree with the thot patrol comment. The girls that weren't whores would have walked out and called their parents and tried to get home.

WickedVocalist ago

"The girls that weren't whores would have walked out and called their parents and tried to get home."

What if they took her phone? Gave her GHB in a water bottle? Had two or three other people force them to do it at the threat of violence?? Ah I see your MO - pretend she's lying.

TheWorstImaginable ago

That's totally different than what is claimed happened, and where did I claim anyone is lying? get your shit straight you whiny fuck.

AmericanBannedStand ago

The girls that weren’t whores would never have gotten on the plane

TheWorstImaginable ago

If it seemed like a legit modelling career, as degenerate as I think 'modeling' is, I can see them being fooled. $5000 is a fair bit of cash for a day or two of work. I've known women to take 50% of minimum wage for much worse jobs. Like another poster said, a man should have stopped them. It's insane we allow these people to vote.

Phantom42 ago

I, quite unironically, support the open slaughter and destruction of any involved in the porn industry. Those forced into it, leniency shall be shown.

No leniency for photographers, cameramen, producers (public execution to be recorded and posted all over the internet), and so on.

matthew-- ago

No leniency for unprofessional pornographers.

If you've sat down with all parties, in a professional environment, had them read and understand their contracts, and obtained their signatures of their own free will. They can do whatever they want to sign up for.

Calling it a "photoshoot", and then springing the porn thing on them should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Phantom42 ago

No leniency for unprofessional pornographers.


If you've sat down with all parties, in a professional environment, had them read and understand their contracts, and obtained their signatures of their own free will. They can do whatever they want to sign up for.

And they will be lined up and shot for contributing to degeneration of the West. What's so hard to understand?

Calling it a "photoshoot", and then springing the porn thing on them... wrong and earns a bullet for being a malicious sexual crime. Excecution.

should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Who's law? The US? Canada? Wherever they were at? Yeah, no. Not happening. Time and again the governments of the West have shown they don't even follow their own laws. The only law that matters is Truth.

And Truth is, porn producers get the bullet. Don't like it? Grab a weapon and fight to defend them. We'll deal with you too. If the whole fucking world has to burn to correct the problem then so be it. We have seen what "compromise" and "muh moral high ground" has got us in the past.

No more. This will be our own Order 227, though free of (((Soviet))) influence. Not one fucking step back. All or nothing. Victory, or death.

uvulectomy ago

Wouldn't recording the execution for public distribution also be porn? No matter what the subject matter, there's always someone who will fap to it.

Phantom42 ago

So kill the sick fuck that faps to an execution.

killkillkill ago

The dudes are shady motherfuckers; there is no denying that.

HOWEVER, if you have fucking sex on camera and don't expect it to get out there (especially when you have a BF like many of these girls did), you are fucking brain dead.

This is 2019. Any photo or video that exists will make it online, especially if someone filmed it with intent.

WickedVocalist ago

So I guess women can just go ahead and assume every guy they meet or fuck has the ability to press upload and make their tape go viral everywhere?

Go fuck yourself, who is the media people helping this get publicized?

killkillkill ago

Every woman who is approached to fuck on film for money should assume it's gonna get out, yeah...


I am slowly becoming less and less amazed with how stupid people can actually turn out to be. It's sad and then enraging when you consider their impact on society. I always end up thinking or saying aloud "and these fucks go out and vote..."

Joe_McCarthy ago

Dude that runs that outfit is a Kiwi named Michael Pratt. Probably Anglo-Saxon on the face of it and in searchesI see no indication he is Jewish. Predictably though Voat immediately goes for the echoes.

Barbarian ago

Imagine grown jewish men yelling at and threatening your daughters or sisters to debase themselves.

Hektik ago

Almost as satisfying as watching coal burners get treated to a life of solitude.

fluffyunbound ago

It's actually both. I have NO DOUBT that 75% or more of girls who have appeared on GDP are coalburners.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Imagine failing that much at being a parent.

BentAxel ago

Bullshit. Proof the jews were arrested or get the fuck out. None of those assholes are EVER arrested. Girl is 18, signs the doc. They're fucked. Legally.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Not that I doubt it happening but green text is hardly proof of this.

fluffyunbound ago

I simply don't believe either the girls or the FBI.

The GDP operation got caught up in the feminist crusade against so-called "revenge porn", otherwise known as "sluts should be able to do whatever they want and never face any consequences".

They did the same thing to the "Girls Gone Wild" guy. College-age girls were running each other over to get to the Girls Gone Wild van and get into their videos, because that's what you do when you're a drunken idiotic slut. Later when they faced consequences for their escapades as college students, they made up BS stories about how "manipulated" they were and the organizations that hand out pussy passes were right there to support them.

WickedVocalist ago

Consider this, women want the right to make tapes that don't end up used commercially for their own use. There is a right to consent that makes it human trafficking that was violated.

People like you think the sin of self vanity or fornication should be punished, but honestly you are not GOD.

SparklingWiggle ago

I would like source on this, not out of doubt, but for use in debates.

waucka ago

Yes! If OP can't produce a source, then we have to assume it's a ploy to harm our reputation. Sorry, OP, but screenshots like this are trivially faked.

CharlesVI ago

How is this not her fault? Flying out and an expensive hotel was not a clue?

matthew-- ago

You can't run a scam/pyramid scheme and then when you're caught out, you say, "I was promising you way too much return for your investment, of course it's a scam", and expect to be let off... you still owe the people you defrauded.

Is it her fault?, yeah, maybe. But as far as the law should be concerned, fuck no.

CharlesVI ago

Fair enough. I just have trouble feeling bad for her. I also get the feeling that her story is half true at best. As written yeah both people did wrong things. I'm guessing she signed something that she did not read.

WickedVocalist ago

Then maybe you're a predator yourself.

matthew-- ago

I'm guessing she signed something that she did not read.

I think you're right.

WickedVocalist ago

Bullshit. Signatures can be forged.

If she's not proud of it, that means she didn't consent to being a pornstar.

Most of you guys would use this to ban porn outright, all because you used women who don't consent.

fluffyunbound ago

The written contracts didn't include any of the limitations the girl says she was promised verbally. That's the source of the dispute.

matthew-- ago

That's the problem with not having the whole story.

When did she sign the contract? After the flight, or before? Did she get a chance to read it? Did it go in detail about what was required of her? All that shit matters.

user9713 ago

Craigslist should've been her first clue

SurfinMindWaves ago

Legitimate models make several hundred dollars an hour and aren't required to do porn. However, they also have agencies to back them and book their photo shoots.

DownByTheRiver ago

There are barely any legitimate agencies. The majority of them are fronts for prostitution.

Jeffrey Epstein was pimping girls out for a chance to appear in a Victoria's Secret catalog.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I understand that. But there are also normal modeling situations for newspaper ads and catalogs, etc. I had a friend that did that type of work and also worked for a photographer that did store ads. I do not deny that there are bad people in the industry, I was just responding to the statements that this girl had no realistic expectation of earning $5,000. I still think she was foolish.

speedisavirus ago

Die jew

CharlesVI ago

Legit salesmen don't have to buy their own product either and yet multi level marketing persist and those people are fools. Slap some tits on it and its a crime though. Just a dumb bitch thinking she is prettier and smarter than she is.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Between Jews and thots you always gotta side with the thots.

theLastPhilosopher ago

No I side with the popcorn vendor nearby.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

You win.

CharlesVI ago

No I don't. She was going to go make easy money for dancing around in a bikkini and was so stupid about it a free hotel and plane ride did not even make her think to be careful. Its like asking me to pick a side for crips vs bloods. They can go fuck them self, I don't care.

madmardigan ago

The Jews can fuck all the niglets and Jew broads they want. As soon as they go after human women I take issue.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Whoosh, dude. Whoosh.

Herkules97 ago

I don't get the joke.

Since I'm not going to laugh at it anyway, because I don't get it, mind explaining what you meant?

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

That was quite a switch.

urp ago

"Shut it DOWN! The Goyim know! They are onto us!"

anticlutch ago

Hopefully this starts the cascading destruction of the (((porn))) industry. The NoFap federal lawsuit is a good thing too.

Normies are going to be inundated with

not masturbating is antisemitic!!!

WickedVocalist ago

I think you need some time in a cell with the Bible.

anticlutch ago

(((he))) thinks any of the jew translated bibles are authentic

Commit suicide.

cursedcrusader ago

Misspelled parasites.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Remember, the Jews erradicated Sephardic and Khazar bloodlines, Ashkenazis had never stepped foot in Israel until 1946

GoldTester ago

Eradicated the Khazar bloodlines you say. You might wana check that one again. I can think of one prominent Khazar family thats very much not eradicated....

NoMeGustanLosNiggers ago

Those milkers though

golgo91 ago

Fuck off all kikes and anyone who tries to associate with them are evil. There was never any segment of kikes that aren't evil. No distinction is needed. Even attempting to distinguish between different shades of kikery is itself kike manipulation. Kill them all

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Fuck off, Black Israelites are absolutely based

anticlutch ago

(((he))) believes the nigger israelites D&C

Commit suicide.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Blacks stealing Judaism from Ashkenazis is a bad thing

CrudOMatic ago

>pretending this hard ashkenazi jews aren't khazars, and that khazars ever had a connection to judea

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

the only left over Khazar DNA is the Milkers Gene

slwsnowman40 ago

THOT Patrolled? I'm leaning yes.

LargePeter ago

It wouldn’t bother me at all if someone did porn. That’s their business. And if she’s in need for tuition of whatever, who cares? Lots of college girls get a sugar daddy, which makes them high priced whores. Wouldn’t bother me at all.

As for the shit eaters who abuse the girls, no mercy.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

It wouldn’t bother me at all if someone did porn. That’s their business. And if she’s in need for tuition of whatever, who cares? Lots of college girls get a sugar daddy, which makes them high priced whores. Wouldn’t bother me at all.

What a wonderful father you'll be.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

girl is told she will have to reimburse the company for tickets and suite

Save the ad outlining the deal, then sue the kikes for all they've got because they broke the agreement. Legal payout sounds like a better deal to me than $5k. Are women this retarded that they can't figure out how to hire a lawyer to defend themselves?

Broc_Lia ago

Yeah, but how does she get home? They (probably) have her passport and her return ticket.

Also, in order to escape the situation she has to go public and shame her family with how she ended up on a porn shoot. Or... she could do the shoot, take the money, and no one knows except a few rich Australians.

waritah ago

How does she get home? She books a ticket home. If she doesn’t have a credit card she can call her parents. If they don’t have a credit card she can call friends or extended family. Someone will get her home.

These girls were all American traveling domestically, they wouldn’t be carrying a passport. If they were, fuck it. Leave it.

Obviously a better solution than fucking some pornstar on camera for broadcast to the world.

WickedVocalist ago

That means the guys involved blackmailed her. Maybe if you ask the girl she will tell you she made a sex tape and thought it would stay private and not be posted online or commercialized, and then she will tell you she was date and gang raped from a bar after the tape made her homeless.

Alathon ago

So.. just a little sucking, a little fucking, and she can lie to the men back home and pretend she's chaste and worth having?

Filthy slut exposed as filthy slut. The only thing to mourn here is that she wasn't raised right, but so it goes.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

but how does she get home?

To be clear, there is no 'good' outcome for this girl. She could go to law enforcement, she could get raped (in which case, rape kit and then law enforcement ends this scam sooner for the kikes), or she could go along with the plan which is what happened (I didn't realize this was all real until a couple of hours ago. . I must have missed this from a month ago.)

Also, in order to escape the situation she has to go public and shame her family

Sucks, but then the kikes that are scamming don't get exposed to sunlight and can keep operating freely. Same mentality persists with rape victims - the victims are stupidly encouraged by feminists not to report and the rapists go on to rape another 200+ victims. What was Rottedam, like 13 Saudis that raped 2,000 girls/women?

and no one knows except a few rich Australians.

Again, I'll forgive you for not knowing there is a legit precedent to the screencap in OP, as I did not know. These girls got doxed regardless of the lie that was told to them by the scammers.

Broc_Lia ago

Sucks, but then the kikes that are scamming don't get exposed to sunlight and can keep operating freely. Same mentality persists with rape victims - the victims are stupidly encouraged by feminists not to report and the rapists go on to rape another 200+ victims. What was Rottedam, like 13 Saudis that raped 2,000 girls/women?

I agree, but I don't think that's a realistic perspective for some teenager in another country surrounded by angry men.

Again, I'll forgive you for not knowing there is a legit precedent to the screencap in OP, as I did not know. These girls got doxed regardless of the lie that was told to them by the scammers.

Well, yeah, we know with hindsight that they had every intention to make the film as public as possible, I was just trying to present it as how she might have seen it:

  • Back out of the film, have to find her own way home, possibly have everyone find out she signed up to be a video-whore

  • Go ahead and it stays her dirty little secret

4n0n3m0u5e ago

some teenager in another country

I should probably give replying to this thread a break until I actually read more in-depth about this scenario. I thought these might be U.S. girls all funneling to CA for these 'photo shoots.'

As for the second part, yeah, kids being easy victims for scams in general. Back to women in general having the mentality of children that need supervision, it's a similar mentality to battered wife syndrome. They seem to have a poor time understanding that things can get worse than embarrassment.

Broc_Lia ago

I should probably give replying to this thread a break until I actually read more in-depth about this scenario. I thought these might be U.S. girls all funneling to CA for these 'photo shoots.'

Actually you might be right, rereading it it doesn't actually say where she was from. Even if it was all internal in the US, she was still hundreds of miles from home, no doubt intentionally. If they recruited local girls they'd have the option of walking from the set and taking the bus. Not to mention having local contacts to rely on.

As for the second part, yeah, kids being easy victims for scams in general. Back to women in general having the mentality of children that need supervision, it's a similar mentality to battered wife syndrome. They seem to have a poor time understanding that things can get worse than embarrassment.

I watched an interesting video about that the other day, it's surprisingly simple: Men evolved in an environment where they were not physically dependent on their social group, women evolved in one where they were absolutely dependent on theirs. If a guy got kicked out of the clan he went and hunted for himself and eventually found a new one. If a woman got kicked out she got eaten by wolves.

The result is that women are much more suceptible to this kind of social hacking than men are. Embarrassment and ostracism aren't just annoying things, they're a threat to her future and possibly her life. Obviously this isn't literally true in the modern era, but those instincts are still there.

Kinda explains why women are willing to put up with years of abuse rather than break free and try to start fresh: The fear of being alone is worse than the abuse.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

That's an interesting take on the evolutionary behavior.

Also, as should be expected, OP is a faggot and duped everyone in this thread by misrepresenting what really happened with 4chin's pants-on-head retarded retelling of events.

Broc_Lia ago

Paywalled, can you copypaste?

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Fuck me, I failed at one of the most important rules of the internet: archive EVERYTHING. It was not paywalled when I linked it earlier. I don't know if someone clicked out from Voat (does Voat obfuscate link-clicks?) and they locked up shop or what. Sorry, man. If I figure out a way to get the article contents and can paste them, I will.

update: hey, @Broc_Lia, it turns out it was not paywalled for me when I accessed it through my web browser; but the direct link also locked me out. Here is a screencap for your perusal and sorry about the confusion.

Broc_Lia ago

Thanks man, and don't worry about it, I forget all the time.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Fuck me, I failed at one of the most important rules of the internet: archive EVERYTHING. It was not paywalled when I linked it earlier. I don't know if someone clicked out from Voat (does Voat obfuscate link-clicks?) and they locked up shop or what. Sorry, man. If I figure out a way to get the article contents and can paste them, I will.

Intrixina ago

In this day and age of "equality" though there is no excuse for a female to not have the ability to say "Fuck off" and start afresh.

If one is working, regardless of whether they are male or female, they should be making a plan B and a plan C and a plan D if the shit hits the fan.

Broc_Lia ago

Women still have womens' brains, even if the law requires us to treat them like men.

Intrixina ago

Well, if I were kicked out of my social group I'd go it alone. It's happened before, after all. Negative fucks given to that shit. In fact, in some ways I prefer being on my own - don't have to deal with all the vapid shit that females for the most part have to say.

That doesn't make me a man though.

Broc_Lia ago

There's always exceptions and I'm sure there's men out there who are highly socially dependent. On average though it makes more sense to assume men will act like men and women will act like women, for better or for worse.

Intrixina ago

That's a fair point.

matthew-- ago

Have you ever been to court?

Any fantasies about right/wrong are just that, fantasies. Doesn't matter which country, at the end of the day, the one with more money and better lawyers that play golf with the judge ever Saturday, usually wins.

When you have zero to spend on a lawyer, it's hopeless.

She lost the moment she jumped on the plane.

WickedVocalist ago

To her I am sure it was proposed as travel to a worksite.

Just like to some women it is some form of date rape or fraudulent relationships where the guy pretends to be romantically involved or even enters into a sham or temporary marriage to gain her trust before he gets very rich and jumps ship.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

usually wins

When you have zero to spend on a lawyer, it's hopeless.

A defeatist attitude. The kikes always win when they can convince their opponents of checkmate before they even consider the real options before them. I'm sure some girl could drum up easy GoFundMe money or something similar with a sob story and an email to any feminist outlet of their choosing.

She lost the moment she jumped on the plane.

For sure, these girls got fucked literally and figuratively in just about every way possible. I agree with a lot of the other posters in the thread - no father or theoretical significant other should have allowed these girls to be so clueless in the first place to allow this to happen.

matthew-- ago

I'm not being defeatist, I'm being realistic.

In uni, I ran into plenty of people that got busted for excessive speeding. 5k+ on a good lawyer, and they get it dropped or reduced to a fine and no points; they keep their licence.

I got pulled over for have a "bent number plate" on a motorcycle. Went to court, couldn't afford lawyer, represented myself because no mummy and daddy money, and living off of my first job out of uni, that paid less than when I was a student. The cop admitted that he had bent the numberplate prior to taking the photos that were presented as evidence. He claimed that I bent them first, and he was bending them back. Judge was furious at the cop and called a short break. Came back 30 minutes later, resumed proceedings. I was found guilty and had to pay court costs in addition to the fine and points.

Everyone should go to court at least once for something extremely minor (like a traffic ticket) so that they understand how it all works. It gets them prepared for when shit hits the fan and they have to go to court for something serious.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Legal prosecution is the same as legal defense

Traffic court is the same type of court as when bringing a civil suit

Sorry, man, I can't take you seriously when you grievously misclassify court proceedings. I have been to traffic court before - it's you vs. the cops and judge. It's not the same as when you're before a jury when you bring a civil suit.

Broc_Lia ago

Plus, she'd have to make everything public in order to take it to court. She was probably still hoping at that point it would be this anonymous thing she did once for tuition.

Niggardly_Jew ago

(((jewdicial system)))

zxcvbnasdf ago

What a fucking retarded comment.

You fucking lose when you take the flight, and are then threatened by people bigger and stronger than you who you don't know who are going to rape you, moron. You didn't teach her about the kikes and their evil, so she got raped, and now you want to feel morally superior?

Gas. Your. Self.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Brilliant projection! You win gold in the mental gymnastics competition, niggerfaggot!

zxcvbnasdf ago

Wew, because that was part of the scenario! Mental gymnastics in full swing here.

Yes kike, it was. Read the fucking complaint.

Oh shit, is she my daughter now?

You'd rather claim to be morally superior to the naive white girl for being too trusting because you're too stupid to explain to Americans how evil kikes are. Fucking gas yourself, traitor.

Flirp ago

I've heard if they mix a packet of grape (only grape!) Kool-aid it goes down much smoother.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Short answer... yes.

Firevine ago

Some of the GDP girls did multiple shoots. Many of these girls probably knew exactly what they were getting into.

WickedVocalist ago

I don't believe you because all they have to do is publish the first tape, ruin her life, and she's theirs.

After that she's on the streets where she cannot find or keep any job and the traffickers know that and probably meet her up on the streets or in bars to drug and rape her. Its that much more serious if the other tapes she 'stars in' feature her being in another town, taken or transported by the perp, and in gang bang features. At that point she can keep saying no and all they have to do is keep posting the videos.

Like why would a homeless girl do sex work to make men rich?? Because human trafficking.

10qo ago

The girl in this photo was basically a pro hoe. I watched her video earlier. She was quite good.

speedisavirus ago

Let me get the link

gosso920 ago

Ugh! But there are so many...

10qo ago

gdp 404 and 409, like I said pro hoe.

speedisavirus ago

Yeah, she definitely has sucked and fucked her way through school.

Gigglestick ago

You can figure out which one it is?

10qo ago

I remember the file I had it in will update you when I get back.

Gigglestick ago

Dude... I don’t jerk off and I don’t watch porn. Fix yourself.

tokui ago

Enjoy your prostate cancer.

Gigglestick ago

Enjoy your fake news

10qo ago

Okay, so you’re asking if I can remember what someone looks like from about 8-10 hours ago? Yes, yes I can. You do you about no fap, good on you.

Gigglestick ago

You need help dude...

10qo ago

Self righteous much?

gonight ago

He's right though, and I'd say he's coming from a good place. I was where you are, once. Improve yourself every day brother.

Gigglestick ago

You’re fueling degenerate habits and causing these girls to seek attention because it’s what they think you like. After all the brainwashing and conditioning and self degradation we’ve done, this shouldn’t be in the cards at all.

Unless you’ve already got 3+ kids, a steady support system, a happy house, and this just magically “helps you” so be it.

But I would like you to stop justifying trafficking stupid young girls, and maybe do something to better yours and our futures.

Hope you do better man. Maybe switch off the “chill pills”

Phantom42 ago

And they are not shown mercy.

Bullets make no discrimination.

petevoat ago

Sooo she thought 5000 bucks, a plane ride, a 5 star hotel... only for a photo shoot?

Is she dumb?

Then she actually did the porn shoot?

danimalplanimal ago

too dumb to call the police when being extorted apparently...

WickedVocalist ago

Every guy and chick on here blaming the girl is a different shade of predator.

petevoat ago

Wtf, there's a reason for being a parent and that's to be a parent and teach these things

LordSporkington ago

It happens gradually.

A very cold and professional introduction, a website with other models, male and female, doing all sorts of nonsexualized work. An offer for payment, "But you have to come to X." then offer to simply deduct the ticket from the final payment, a sort of advance. Surprise her with the room... Maybe explain it away as a corporate suite they the company maintains and it happens to be vacant.

If you can't imagine how someone else gets scammed, you're probably easy to scam.

Gigglestick ago

She did like 3 more after that one...

WickedVocalist ago

How simple is it when guys were travelling to Sweden to do sham weddings (the weddings were real, but they were using stolen identities and names and were not citizens) and then the girls thinking the man had a job travelling or doing IT or something had no idea their whole house, every hotel they lived in, etc. was a cam feed.

It doesn't matter how 'good she has it' because she was lured and lied to. Her consent was implied but not real.

metricisokay ago

Women don't lead, they are led. By men and by their own emotions. Dominance and power is all they will ever respond to because it is innate within the very core of their being.

Some powerful person man or woman comes up to me says "I'll give you $5,000 a flight and hotel to clean my fridge" I get that in writing. I also make sure everyone knows where I am going and what I am doing in case I don't come back. What I don't do is simply show up, find out I'm supposed to build a house, build the house, and then complain about it later.

The fact that this apparently worked 5,000 times makes everything I just said irrefutable.

WickedVocalist ago

So you and about 100 other guys with ties to ALT right, MGTOW, polyamory, and the LDS church all blame the girl.

Can't wait to find out what you're hiding.

metricisokay ago

The story in the OP if it's true could be a case study in reasoned thinking and taking accountability for your actions.

ForgottenMemes ago

Sooo she thought 5000 bucks, a plane ride, a 5 star hotel... only for a photo shoot?

Good looking models do make this much. A shoot can last a week or two though.

Then she actually did the porn shoot?

Women far more predisposed to being coerced or forced into sex than men. I can't tell you how many women I know who were on a date and ended up putting out simply because "he was really pushy"

WickedVocalist ago

"He was very pushy" = date rape.

Do you know how easy it is to drug these girls and con them into traps like that?

speedisavirus ago

putting out simply because "he was really pushy"

Bullshit. They put out because they are whores. If they weren't and didn't want it they wouldn't put out.

Intrixina ago


There have been times when someone I've been with, has pressured for sex, and I rightfully told them to fuck off.

Sex is a gift with someone that you truly love, and ideally with 1 person for life, and after some time of being with someone. Not something you give to every Tom, Dick and Harry.

Planetoftheclown ago

Doubtful.....she knew exactly what she was getting into, probably had second thoughts on the plane ride of which there was likely lots of booze, drugs and sex, then decided to play her victim card when it came time to do it all over again in front of the camera.

ForgotMyName ago

Sadly the - invited to model but it's actually porn - thing seems to be pretty real. Women can make a living modeling without being whores. Getting there is harrowing though and you will undoubtedly run into guys trying to bang you or just straight up liars like these guys. Young girls have no clue. It's like American Idol - how many talentless morons show up just for even a glimmer of a shot at making it big? These girls think a career has fallen in their lap. No parental guidance to tell them otherwise.

WickedVocalist ago

OK then enjpoy yourself when the FBI or Secret Service comes to arrest your ass.

If she doesn't consent afterward or seem to know shes a porn star its digital human trafficking. Its not funny when you make fun of her broke ass because she can't find a job.

ForgotMyName ago

I think you replied to the wrong person.

britt121 ago

I know a guy who was groomed into gay porn. Good looking 18 year old- starts off with shirtless pics and a fat paycheck.

Then a callback for another shoot with a few other shirtless dudes- fat paycheck.

Then the next shoot, the guys have to kiss- fatter paycheck.

Then a lot of shoots where a guy does something sexual to him- fatter paycheck and all done under a pseudonym.

Eventually he's sucking dick and getting paid a lot but it took a slippery slope of gay stuff to get him to that point.

The_black_stallion ago

Its not hard to say no

britt121 ago

I agree, its just insidious how they push people into it.

WickedVocalist ago

Sorry but there are troves of willing women sending in their model shots to hustler or playboy who love opportunities like that.

These men get off on doing it to girls who do not consent.

britt121 ago

For sure. I was simply referring to a guy I know who went down the slippery slope of modeling to gay porn.

ForgotMyName ago

It is. They normalize it. They slowly condition you to believe that it's normal. That's why grooming gangs exist in England.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

She knew what she was getting into. She just didn't know her friends and family would find out.

narcissist ago

Well she could sue for that. They did break that part of the deal.. i guess she needed it writing though.

WickedVocalist ago

Why should that be a civil matter? GFY

TopTierCIAShill ago

Verbal contracts are legally binding.

narcissist ago

They are... but proving what was said is the difficulty.

jxfaith ago

I'd be surprised if this entire exchange was set up and executed without there being a single text message between them with the details.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

These guys are slime and from what I've read they probably did commit some crimes and definitely both defrauded and breached their contracts with many of these women. But I also think these women are all incentivized to lie about their own culpability and stupidity. They want to save as much face as possible, try to reconstruct their reputations and also improve any legal cases against these guys.

DryerBox ago

Is she dumb?

She's a woman. She should have been stopped by a man.

Gigglestick ago

Jews aren’t men.

CowWithBeef ago

Her man. Back home. Who should protect her.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

He's busy watching niggerball.

Trousersnake1488 ago

yeah, that is a hard one to deal with. I take the social hit at work and always remind niggerballwatchers that they wear another mans name on their backs.

baphometsrage ago

He meant a father

Gigglestick ago

too much legal trouble. I miss when you could just kick some dudes ass and that was the end of it.

DryerBox ago

Father, brother, uncle, husband... someone

Father seems optimal, though.

GreenSlug ago

Exposing women for the degenerate sluts they all are one at a time... not sure i can be very mad at them

WickedVocalist ago

You're not allowed to expose unconsenting women just because you hate women. Thats a motive for human trafficking and grooming or child pornography.

GreenSlug ago

Sucks for her she consented and sucked those dicks for a few grand in payment, on camera. It is neither human trafficking, grooming, or child pornography. Its a shitty business doing its business and a regretful whore trying to cash in for more.

Kleemin ago

if you woulda just left out the "all" it woulda went over much better, there is a handful of good ones, but you don't meet them, they rarely go out in public, watch very little tv, and rarely look at the internet.

maaaxheadroom ago

Found the incel faggot

Herkules97 ago

You made the account 6 days ago and this is what you have to say?

GreenSlug ago

Found the whore apologist. The only problem here is that the slut decided to suck the dicks. Everyone deserves to know shes a stupid slut.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Are you Jewish?

GreenSlug ago

Oy vey! Thinking women shouldnt be stupid sluts, so catching and publicly shaming the ones who are, might not be all bad, must mean im Jewish! Yes! Because im advocating for women to go do these things! Except im not, im actually calling for the public shaming of all sluts in a similar manner. If she didnt suck the dicks there wouldnt be an issue, unfortunately, shes a dirty stupid whore

madmardigan ago

Not Jewish, but probably an incel. Being a misogynist is knowing that I am better than women and taking responsibility as the superior being to guide the women in my life. Not about hating women, that's what the Jewish Frankenstein monster know as the incel do.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Sooo are you Jewish or not? Answer the question faggot

GreenSlug ago

If i were jewish you'd see me at the next meeting where we discuss global domination, which youll be at, ya filthy kike bastard. I won't be, because im not some rat kike bastard like you

BearDolphin1488 ago

So are you Jewish?

gonight ago

This roastie is mad as fuck and has the reading comprehension of a child.

Get off the internet, get married and have kids.

stickyfingers1488 ago

Why don’t you do the same? For all we know, he probably is married and has children

BearDolphin1488 ago

Lol what?? I'm asking if this fsggot is Jewish and you think I'm a roastie?.

Classic jew tactic

clubberlang ago

You didn't have to explain he was masterbaiting you

GreenSlug ago

He was implying my "support" of the porn industry makes me jewish. I believe. Im just saying, use the jews tool to dig out the whores and remove them from our society with shame

BearDolphin1488 ago

I'm not arguing against your point, I'm asking if you are Jewish you retard.

GreenSlug ago

Jeez guys, get a load of this jew over here, showin up tryin to find his banker buddies so they can go rape some more kids. Sick fucks. Dontcha know this is a no jew zone?

Sosacms ago

You know what I do when some dude tries to get me to suck his dick?


thewebofslime ago

Their abuse and threats were way worse than that. Also, they paid the girls with a 100 wrapped around ones. They were forced to do a lot more than was ever shown on film (rape, gang rape) and they were filing police reports in San Diego constantly and the police ignored them for years, allowing other girls to get raped. I couldn't believe it when I finally saw them getting hauled up on trafficking charges.

Spiteful_Mutant ago often does some dude try to get you to suck his dick?

satisfyinghump ago

You serious?

This girl was stupid, yes, and easy to manipulate but... you seriously can't imagine such a girl existing in America who is oblivious to the monsters that run the porn industry and Hollywood?

Have some empathy.

Sosacms ago

I am empathizing. If I was in her position and a hot woman wanted to pay me to have sex with her. I would, but I wouldn't call it anything other than a willing choice.

If a guy offered to trade sex for money, I wouldn't.

Clubbooradley ago

I saw a different bim from this same site who brought her MOM to the shoot with her!

They even interviewed her mom as part of the shoot and her mom basically said she knew what it was all about and wanted to come to make sure it was legit.

Just your typical trashy, clueless, P.O.S. parent, perpetuating generational ignorance and dysfunction.


RoundWheel ago

Bet you're not a whore either. And maybe have morales.

Imagine how small their self worth that money is an easy exchange for their cunt. Worthless girls.

I've been offered much larger sums of money for things far less immoral and still passed.

The default position for women really does appear to be whore.


Trousersnake1488 ago

is it sad, though? what image did you have of women in your head? i think we are getting at some deep psycho stuff here.

stickyfingers1488 ago

How dare you!

RebeccaSugar ago

Bite his dick off.

clubberlang ago

I'm sure you tell all the shemales this

Sosacms ago

You saying you tell shemales something different?

MrPim ago

You know what I do when someone lures me somewhere under false pretense, changes the deal once I'm

there and then threatens me when I back out? I tell them to fuck off and Ill see you in court motherfucker.

But Im not an attractive 18 yr old female w the brains and life experience of a chia pet.

WickedVocalist ago

Either way the asshole knew damn well she had no way home and that's a form of date rape.

MrPim ago

I think you got lost on your way to Reddit.

HeavyBrain ago

Its nit just her brains but also the entitlement or "privilege" that caused all this.

Actually beliving that you get 5k for something eeryone is doing for free in instagram, also being double paid with tickets and kick ass room.

"Well sure they are going to pay me this money because its me"

Those things happens if you get to play your pussy pass that makes evreyone else solve your problems.

hang_em_high ago

If someone ever fucked with me to that level I would be the one ruining their lives; not the other way around. Ofc I'm not a young, dumb girl with shoddy parenting.

LordSporkington ago

No one is a victim until they are.

This is not just a random person threatening you. This is a well funded, criminal organization.

In a situation like that, the smart thing to do is do what you need to in order to get out safe. Then get support.

The dumb girls aren't in the lawsuit, they're still featured on milk cartons.

madmardigan ago

I've met retard dudes who have fallen for this trick.

Trumplican2 ago

I assume they have financial control over her flights, hotel stay, and transportation access to the airport...

watts2db ago

and they are lucky its just court. remember that scene in There Will be Blood where Daniel Day Lewis's character warns that preacher kid about how if he goes out there and there is no oil he will take back more than just his money

ardvarcus ago

You know what I do when someone lures me away to have sex with me? I'll let you know when it happens.

Maroonsaint ago

I’ll take you up on that

Niggertoes ago

Got to post some dick pics first.

Maroonsaint ago

My self esteem is too low for that right now

MrPim ago

LOL me too. Hell Im halfway old now and it didnt happen when I was 20, so the probability is pretty low

Planetoftheclown ago

You know what I do when complete strangers offer to pay me a ludicrous amount of money, fly me across the country, pay for my room and board for what can't be more than a $500 bikini photo shoot? I turn around and walk the other way because I wasn't born yesterday.

Wonder_Boy ago

But those girls basically were

Planetoftheclown ago

They acted like it, sure. But they weren't.

MrPim ago

This was kind of my other option for a reply. Right ON.

worthlesshope ago

I really wonder why so many attractive girls are so retarded. I guess it could be "learned helplessness" where guys and people in general just do everything and let them get away with everything. So they never learn how to actually problem solve.

Sheitstrom ago

Think of all the shit you've had to tolerate to learn how to live life. It takes being knocked down a few times, physically and metaphorically, to get smart enough to want to defend yourself and not take any bullshit.

These creeps target naive girls who have no (I mean NO) life skills. The types of girls whose parents watch over them like a hawk. For some stupid reason, "TO SHOW THEIR PARENTS HOW INDEPENDENT THEY ARE", the secretly do shit like this. And they literally get destroyed as a result.

The real truth is that no one in this day and age truly gives a shit, the girls worry themselves into a mental state...but the truth is if they had any self-confidence they'd walk away and say "oh well lesson learned". Hopefully in a few years they'll just be able to shrug it off.

selpai ago

Some would argue that there are only so many biological resources for evolution to designate. Attractiveness (i.e. larger breasts, genitalia, etc.) is more prominent in less developed countries, where "live fast & die young" is the dominant survival mechanism to offset higher mortality. This becomes more vestigial as time goes on, and in more developed societies, but so called "peacocking features" remain in the genepool. It has been shown that in women, attractiveness (divided into certain objective categories) can be associated with lower IQ.

There's a lot more to this, but that's the gist.

7e62ce85 ago

Women evolved to use ~33% less energy than men. The brain consumes 20% of our energy usage. The idea that women only have less muscles, but are otherwise equal just isn't true.

Littorio ago

Even Common, fat and ugly girls are

Rebooted ago

I honestly think this is why so many women/western weak men protest loudly in the street. They don't have the awareness to understand that they can develop solutions to their problems, so they scream and cry for someone else to fix things for them.

Take climate change protests as an example. People protest in the street over CO2 emissions but won't go and plant a tree or build a CO2 scrubber. Imagine if all the millions of people protesting CO2 actually built scrubbers and planted trees-plants everywhere would suffocate.

zech7 ago


satisfyinghump ago

Im sure this is a large part of it. The other way to see this is, the people who recruit the girls... just how GOOD are they at MANIPULATING people?

Damnpasswords ago

Learned uselessness*

NarrativeControl ago

Haven't you seen it? It's a common pattern. A cute girl (for our purposes at least 8.5/10) can't solve something. Her Windows partition is fucked, her vehicle's tires are below normal pressure, her homework is "hard", she can't do her taxes, etc...

She doesn't need to develop the skills to solve the problem at hand. A beta orbiter will be there to happily do whatever needs to be done in the false hopes that he'll score some of that pussy some day.

The end result is the beta orbiter doesn't fuck (not her not anyone passable), she doesn't work to develop the necessary skills to go through life (there's always some chum available) and therefore she doesn't stimulate her brain which ends up underdeveloped.

Cute girls have been spoiled and her only worth is in negotiating future access to her cunt.

No analytical skills need to be developed to cruise through life when you're an attractive girl.

Naturally, as Voat has pointed out and I have since learned, having a decent father maximizes the chances of her being worth more than her body.

Intrixina ago

This is why they go batshit crazy once they hit about 35, or slightly after, depending on how well said woman keeps herself. The more drugs, alcohol, smokes, fucking around and clown makeup she possesses, the earlier her looks hit the wall.

At that age they can no longer use their looks to get people to do things for them, and they have no means to do it themselves because they never learned, and don't have the ability to learn either.

frankenmine ago

They could also be literally retarded. Evolution allows pretty girl genes to spread even if they're retarded.

Unreasonable ago

Like 99% of women suffer learned helplessness.

gazillions ago

It isn't learned, it's inherent. They're just taught now to be submissive to feminist authority and prepare to spend their life serving a boss or a string of bosses. They used to be married off by that age specifically because they'd get in a world of trouble if they weren't. There's no logical reason in the world any of those girls wouldn't have called 911 immediately. Even the stupidest of them knows that would get them home. It isn't even about brains.

NakedWarrior ago

Why doesn't everyone reading this today who go on to have daughters later in life, remember this and make sure their future daughters aren't helpless. Maybe instead of buying dance classes, send your daughters to martial arts and teach them to be independent.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Shooting class

Fixed that for ya.

DerAngriff ago

Yeah or just be a father to a daughter and teach her not to be a slut while protecting her from the animals at the gate trying to turn her into a slut by showering her in attention for her looks. Nobody needs more 'independent' women, eventually they end up making bad decisions and probably even worse because they feel stronger.

NakedWarrior ago

You confuse independence/strength with feminism, they are vastly different. If you raise your daughter to look for you to protect her, congrats, she'll likely get date raped in college when you're not around.

beefartist ago

What kind of a fucking "decent' father lets his daughter go off to college? Not a good one. You are almost there but women have no need for martial arts classes and "independence" if they have family

DerAngriff ago

Ok, I see your point, although to me that falls under teaching your daughter to not be a slut.

NakedWarrior ago

I get the college thing, maybe tech school instead. And yes, if your daughter is going to be a stay-at-home mom that's great, but I've seen a lot of stay-at-home moms get fucked due to husband dying young and then they have no skills to make money and no one wants to marry a single mother (widow) with kids. So either make sure she can do something or make sure her husband has a HUGE life insurance policy.

MarauderShields ago

What needs to be taught (and as a father to a daughter 8 can say this) is looking for deception. Above all else teach the old stories and stop and question the child about people's motives in the story. Children learn through stories and these archetypes will be ingrained.

Martial arts and shooting clubs are great, but with lie detection you don't get in half as much mischief to begin with.

Also, teach the girl her worth and purpose. Again, old stories.

DerAngriff ago

Exactly this.

commonsenseisded ago

Looks or brains, they can't have both

Diggernicks ago

They're all crazy some just hide it better

Gargilius ago

Perhaps all 18 years old are that retarded / naive, but the ugly ones never get the attention and opportunity to demonstrate it...

The_Venerable ago

The only way they can be that retarded is growing up without a father.

sirRantsalot ago

I think you've nailed it. but it applies to the vast majority of men, women and children in this overly prosperous country. were soft. way too soft.

Sellyoulight ago

It’s a cruel god that makes them that way. Many of the most beautiful females I’ve ever personally known were absolutely batshit crazy or else dumber than a rock, and a few were both.

MarauderShields ago

See "hot crazy matrix".

MarauderShields ago

It is legendary. What is even more hilarious is womens attempts to match or trump it. Every single one is an utter failure.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

That's because truth is humorous; deceit is not. Why is it the left can't meme?

Ifckstacy ago

It's bad fathers. This is the 3rd generation of liberalism and this is what you get. This girl was failed by her parents, who are likely divorced.

beefartist ago

Thank you. Nice to see someone with a head on their shoulders instead of screaming "whhhyyyyyyy?" into the heavens. (cruel god, what a schmuck). Anyone who wants to know what God thinks we should be doing re: women can get the gist in like the first 10 pages

BlackGrapeDrank ago

this. and the (((electric jew))) holding their mind hostage

DerAngriff ago

Exactly, and, big DUH, the prettier your daughter, the more protective you need to be. And fight the whole clown world to defend yourself doing so.

Ifckstacy ago

Yeah, i may be preaching to the choir, but theres enough mgtow fags around here i thought it would be worth saying.

Fwiw...I teach my daughter to be legit racist (for lack of a better term) and that her heritage is a gift.

8483rene ago

Nailed it!

clubberlang ago


BearDolphin1488 ago

Easy to say when you're a man. But then again, what kind of weakling man thinks women are his equal.

satisfyinghump ago

Exactly. Thank you for being one of the rare sensible people here. Should the girls have been more responsible? Ofcourse!

But what are the same exact users on this site constantly yapping about? How differently women think from us. And this is a perfect example of that.

Muh-Shugana ago

"I love feminism. It makes men abandon their women for being women, and not being men like they were promised!"

"Makes the women easy prey."

"Feminism is for men. It promises them that women are just as strong and capable as any man, you can't just grab them by the wrist and hold them down, any man could just break the hold and fuck you up, and so could any woman too!"

t. jew

Feminism has ruined men. I think it was even designed to do so from the start.

No man who has ever held a woman by her wrist and watched her try and fail to pull away would ever imagine she was his physical equal, and would not expect her to be.

As for thinking that a group of criminals would just let a woman walk away instead of just re-labeling the porn tape as a rape genre has never dealt with a room full of loud angry criminals before.

Yeah, I'm sure the crooks would absolutely let you shit-talk them to their face, and then leave to tell the cops.

And a lawyer? What crackhead fantasy are these niggers fooling themselves with? You can really tell none of these people in this entire thread has ever been in a goddamn courtroom before!

BarbaricHamSammy ago

The kind of man that does bikini shots for $500?

GreatWhiteBeyond ago

Gotta get paid, son.

Sosacms ago

I'm pretty sure it's easier for woman. The entirety of society has their back.

satisfyinghump ago

Doesnt that mean they dont exercise those parts of their minds that men like the ones on this site have, that would allow them to defend themselves at least verbally?

Broc_Lia ago

The entirety of society has their back

If anything that makes it harder. They spend their entire lives being encouraged and supported and reaffirmed. Then they end up in a foreign country and everyone around is screaming at them and hating them.

wanderingblade ago

Yes except one on one then they have no experience dealing with it on top of naturally being weaker mentally

BearDolphin1488 ago

It is. My point is that women only do what men allow them. In this case, you're comment implies that women are equal, and I'm saying if you think that, then you are a weak man.

Its mens job to lead their women

Planetoftheclown ago

you're comment implies that women are equal, and I'm saying if you think that, then you are a weak man.

And your comments imply that women are not responsible for their own personal safety like so many others. It's time to put away the training wheels of equality and really let them be equal in all things.....including repercussions.

HiJoker ago

Who doesn't teach their girls how to defend themselves or how to not be retarded and end up in shit situations or who don't know to phone dad when shit gets weird?

Planetoftheclown ago

According to Reddit it's every woman's right to put themselves in vulnerable, completely unsafe situations, alone with no support ignoring the realities of human nature and for everything to turn out A-OK, but if it doesn't noone has the right to tell her she's at fault for doing so.

HiJoker ago

Reddit is full of mouth breathing knuckle dragging retards that lap up jew propaganda and regurgitate it as if it's their own original thoughts.

gonight ago


Boyakasha ago

It started with one step towards degeneracy. It’s how it all starts. The Jews just take it from there.

RustyEquipment ago

they shine the fancy life of a superstar in front of kids faces and then take advantage at their first opportunity

bambou1991 ago

Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself: are you really worth 5000$? Of course not, or you would already be a gold digger.

Stupid girls, playing stupid games, winning stupid prizes.

WickedVocalist ago

Wow, its almost like no one accepted your offer and you did it anyway.

Wanna explain your revenue and crypto investments to a judge?

matthew-- ago

Twitch thots get thousands of dollars by thirsty betas without any nudity. You'd be surprised how much ordinary young women can leverage themselves for, given enough desperate men.

videocodec ago

The porn producers just move to Israel and spend their money. There is no punishment.

Fuckyounigger ago


QueensNewYorkGuy ago

The Jew cries out in pain as he has your daughter Blacked on Pornhub.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SadMacKabaam ago

It was a kiwi.

blit416 ago

location means fuckall. they were jews, we've already done this.


Back when I watched degenerate porn, I noticed how there are two type of male porn actors, one is the "normal american" gymdude that just fucks as a job, the other is the slimy, out of shape (((other))) type that hates the girl and kinda does his best to really debase her.

spit #puke #prolapse #CumInThroat #gag

Justlikeus ago

That second group is always some slimy jew too

urp ago

"Shut it DOWN! The Goyim know! They are onto us!"

Broc_Lia ago

Those are some pretty crazy hashtags. Well done for kicking the habit.

Quicktor ago

Yep...and Burbank to Palm Springs is protected as well...

RustyEquipment ago

jewish culture and ideals promotes this

Gopherurself ago

Kill. Them. All.

ianadba ago

Easy now glownigger. You’re being a little too obvious.

Gopherurself ago


Gopherurself ago

The appearance of raw power and unwavering courage.

RustyEquipment ago

Holy crap... i thought birds would have been our allies!

Gopherurself ago


RustyEquipment ago

_#giant meteor 2016! we had a chance

has my voat for 2020 though!

RustyEquipment ago