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veteran88 ago

Every porn company does this shit and worse.

This one is getting nailed because Jews don't own it. The kike James Deen raped a porn star off set. She joined the me too thing and told on him. He then suicides her with no consequences or investigation. There is no Justice while these vermin are in power and able to bribed and blackmail police and judges that aren't in their cartel outright.

Not saying the euro porn producers shouldn't be executed for their crimes, just saying the rest of the porn industry should be likewise executed.

sunajAeon ago

So they all agreed to put their pussys in front of a camera for $$ but got screwed-

capnflummox ago

Why are you censoring words like "whore" ?? Either agree to use the word, or just find another. There is absolutely no reason to ever censor anything. Ever.

speedisavirus ago

Not buying the premise of the suit

illuminalto2 ago

What women will do behind closed doors when offered money and positive reinforcement... the even admit they have boyfriends.

How can one even begin to start a trusting relationship with a modern woman in this timeline?

Lord_Kristopf ago

If they are so easy to coerce, surely you might coerce your modern women of preference not to put herself into such vulnerable situations to begin with.

Deceneu ago

Not even behind close doors. Internet's in the room behind that camera.

p4p ago

So these guys get arrested and charged, but Hillary and who knows who else in the Obama admin are still doing whatever trafficking they want.

Deceneu ago

Do realize that Hillary is not directly handling her victimes.

People like the ones above are procuring, transporting & housing those victims while waiting on the Queen Bitch' call.

Without underlings & handlers, Hillary ain't doing shit. Convicting underlings, even on jaywalking, is a good thing overall.

p4p ago

They knew exactly what the video was for.

Landrictree ago

How much you wanna bet that army wife is a part of this.

forget-me-not ago

Which army wife?

Phantom42 ago

That cheating bitch which, if I may remind you, IS STILL NOT DEAD.

Astroqualia ago

So human trafficking charges because of fraud? How does that work? Fraud is not human trafficking.

yewotm8 ago

I still take the side of dumb thots over porn jews. Women are responsible for only the things that men let them get away with. Literally nothing is a woman's fault if there's no man telling her not to, and many men telling her to.

NotHereForPizza ago

This is why you simply walk away from any woman that reveals anything about sexual deviance to you.

This is also why any men who enable whorish behavior should be shamed relentlessly for being the man let they are.

Phantom42 ago


Our population is large enough, just shoot.

NotHereForPizza ago

fuck that. we need no violence to mend these issues.

we need to use social tools, ones our ancestors both used frequently and honed for us.

Phantom42 ago

You can't win a war playing by the enemy's rules. We may have built the system, sure, but they stole it out from under us.

NotHereForPizza ago


nomadriders ago

I could never see money as a sufficient incentive to do such evil things to other human beings. Wish we could bring back public lynchings?

Isaidshutup ago

You might not be able to, but jews do.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

You're a terrible capitalist, that's a good thing.

RoundWheel ago

Capitalism can be moral.

InTheWideningGyre ago

It's amoral by definition. Like fire, it is a powerful force that is destructive when left to its own devices and must be controlled with intention to be put to good use.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Yes, but usually is not.

cjtendon ago

I could never see money as a sufficient incentive to do such evil things to other human beings.

The porn industry has a large number of psychopaths who are dedicated to harming people, both as individuals and collectively. Ultimately, any society that survives finds ways to defend itself against psychopaths.

AinzOown ago

What are they being charged for? Making porn while not being Jewish?

ShinyVoater ago

If they hadn't lied about the type of work, distribution or payment, this would've all been above board. The massive degree of deception goes far beyond what's acceptable, to the point that any papers the "models" signed are legally meaningless(assuming all is as alleged, of course).

NotHereForPizza ago

Apologetic cucks like you are the reason we all got to this place, OP. You never fail to be an objectively gigantic faggot, do you (OP)?

Look, if women were simply given the responsibility they've demanded for decades, all of these feminists would all have been filtered out of the system by now. But, no, enabling fuck tards like you inspire feminism. You follow it around like it has you collard, just begging to receive, violently, some of the scraps they reluctantly give to you with a grimace.

You manlets are fucking deserving of the lonely, feeble, chaotic lives you concoct all on your own. We should have let them wither away, drowning in the responsibility they've begged for for so long. Don't worry - we'll step on your fingers while you hang off the cliff so you can be with them just as you desperately desire.

You pathetic fucks deserve each other. Fuck feminism and fuck its cucks.

Phantom42 ago

Pizza... You good brother?

Starting to sound like me. You really don't wanna do that.

NotHereForPizza ago

It's funny you guys are pushing calling me that so hard. Although, I'm not so sure what I expected when I lazily came up with the first thing that came to my mind when I was creating a username. I suppose it's my fault for being careless...

Still, I'm not sure what you mean. I've always had a severe disdain for feminists.

Phantom42 ago


I'm not sure what you mean by that reply. You just seemed a bit angrier than usual.

NotHereForPizza ago

I think I was pretty direct.

TheTrigger ago

Your comment reads like poetry. Good job.

NotHereForPizza ago

Few understand literary tools.

I'm still a novice, clearly. But just because I don't know its name doesn't mean I don't see the play.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Fucking awesome. Can't think of a better way to say it.

40KFTAGLView ago

Advertisement for “Girls Do Porn”?

lovehate123 ago


Octoclops ago

New Zealand. Basically backup Israel.

lovehate123 ago

The Clinton's have to run to some place.

New Zeland it is

forget-me-not ago

That's where he's originally from. So he went back to his homeland. Definitely a funny choice. Not sure about their extradition laws.

TheWorstImaginable ago

New Zealand, if you're actually a stunned cunt and not wondering why NZ but rather what is NZ.

SomeGuy ago

Yes, it’s an interesting choice.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Without even looking I bet they are jewish

Tb0n3 ago

Everyone you disagree with is a Jew if you believe hard enough.

forget-me-not ago

Not really. Pratt, anglo saxon. Wolfe, anglo-irish-french. Garcia is mexican. Moser is german, so maybe, but she wasn't the owner, just a higher level accomplice.

Brawndosaurus ago

British jew. Anglo jew. Mexijew. German jew.

Gigglestick ago

If anyone still has Netflix, check out “hot girls wanted” it’s this but documentary style. Describes the retardation.

speedisavirus ago

I watched it. Most fully agree, do it, then break down and run away. This lawsuit sounds like some kike trying to score notoriety.

tomdogg ago

Seconded. It’s a great documentary about terrible life decisions.

Gumbatron ago


- Michael James Pratt

- Matthew Isaac Wolfe

- Ruben Andre Garcia

- Valorie Moser

What are the chances that all of these folks are in the (((tribe)))?

NotHereForPizza ago

Exactly! It's gotta be something other than feminism being wrong. Great point, fellow yid... i mean, white person.

TheTrigger ago

Who created and pushed feminism?

NotHereForPizza ago

All the brainlets in this thread are so confused.

Is it feminists or is it "Jews" controlling feminists? Make up your fucking mind.

forget-me-not ago

I looked it up.

Pratt, anglo saxon. Wolfe, anglo-irish-french. Garcia is mexican. Moser is german, so maybe, but she wasn't the owner, just a higher level accomplice.

Ken_bingo2 ago

These first names are all very common jew names. Lots of jews have changed their sur-names to hide their tribe.

forget-me-not ago

I see. I was not aware. Thanks.

Brawndosaurus ago

Wolfe. Ruben. Moser. Pratt. All jews. Just because they live in England doesn't make them an Anglo

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Ruben is often jewish though, maybe a mischling or a crypto.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Obviously, dumb wh*res


but a few cases sounded like

TIL dumb whores lie.

ar151488 ago

I don't blame the girls. Women are like sheep. They'll do whatever authority permits them to do. It's our job to protect them from predators and parasites. This is entirely a failure of white men to protect their women.

This is a result of losing our grasp on moral, cultural and political authority.

Phantom42 ago

I don't blame the girls.


Women are like sheep.


They'll do whatever authority permits them to do.

So it would seem...

It's our job to protect them from predators and parasites.


This is entirely a failure of white men to protect their women.


Alright fucker, time to get edumacated.

  1. You should blame the fucking girls. They are whores, liars, cheaters, deceivers. All of the lowest and most corrupt level. They willingly went into it.

  2. Like sheep. But not sheep. I expect a higher level of conduct out of every single White woman, which I guarantee most if not all were, and if these standards are not met it is obvious they are openly and willingly betraying their own people, ancestors, God, and all else that gave them the opportunity to breathe. Traitorous, treason. Execute.

  3. In a way they will do what authority permits them to do, but in more ways they are simply rebellious, manipulative, and deceptive cunts.

  4. It is partly our job to protect them from predatirs and parasites, but White women are not feeble or weak. They shouldn't be, anyway. It is obvious coddling them and making things easier for them has led to a breakdown in their mental state to where they think they can run wild with no repercussions, even fucking strange men on camera to make a few bucks. Deceptive, traitorous. Execute.

  5. This is not our failure whatsoever. It is theirs. We aren't fucking random whores, cheating on our wives or girlfriends, or answering ads for "modeling" and when clearly told it was really for PORNOGRAPHY, still go along with it! The blame rests entirely on the porn producers and the girls themselves. Not to mention the laws have put a metaphorical boot over White men's necks to where if they even try to raise a finger the book will be thrown at them. It is up to White women to pick up the slack, show their absolute loyalty to their own kind, and help kill the metaphorical individual that has the boot over our necks. If they do not, they have shown their true colors and will be treated the same as all degenerates.

ar151488 ago

Nothing that you've written is compelling or interesting

Phantom42 ago

Ah, just another sleeper account I see.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, the women not being held responsible is moronic. If anyone has done anything wrong, it's the enabling faggots that simply permitted such behaviors.

These women were sufficiently aware of the situation they were in, that's for sure.

voatuser1128 ago

This is entirely a failure of white men to protect their women.

It was weak, naive men who passed the 17th Amendment that gave women the ability to vote which allowed for all sorts of degeneracy among women, the destruction of marriage and family values, and whole generations of incel men with no hope for the future without wives and children. Islam was right about women.

Sedatedinsomniac ago

It was the 19th amendment and I agree it was a mistake.

ar151488 ago

Giving women the right to vote was a failure to protect them from themselves.

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

Wanting a wife and children makes you an incel?

voatuser1128 ago

Wanting a wife and children makes you an incel?

What I'm trying to say is that women don't value marriage and having children like they used to (or were pressured/taught to) and now just want to fuck bad boys while the law-abiding, hard working, studious guys (the guys who historically built civilization) get ignored.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Time for a purge real soon.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

She said was kicked off her cheerleading squad, began suffering from panic attacks, and moved away from the campus to relieve her anxiety.

Additionally, it affected her relationship with her boyfriend, a college baseballer who was left 'humiliated'.

So she filmed porn while she had a boyfriend? Very classy young lady, I'm sure.

Phantom42 ago

Hang the bitch for all to see.

Firevine ago

There's one where there's pics of the girl seeing her boyfriend off to boot camp or something, and then she shot one of these videos probably the same day. She's wearing the exact same clothes.

Veridic ago

The soldier was her brother. I followed up on that. So no cheating.

speedisavirus ago

She did a second video if I recall

killkillkill ago

a few of them admitted to having a bf in the videos lol

Brawndosaurus ago

At least 50%of women are filthy whores.

voatuser1128 ago

At least 50%of women are filthy whores.

Which is why Islam is right about women. Women's liberation/Independence was a huge mistake.

RoundWheel ago

Their vote has only ever been harmful to society.

speedisavirus ago

If women faced real social consequences they would show restraint

TheTrigger ago

I never hold doors for bitches, either. My wife? Yes. Nice old lady? Of course. Bitches? Fuck you: equality.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

I think you low-balled that estimate.

AngelofDeath ago

80% at least are whores at heart.

JimSoddell ago

It's really weird that anyone would do this without thinking that it's completely obvious their family, future employers, and potential boyfriends would all eventually become aware they did this. Or that the videos would remain private or only be sold overseas in obscure markets. But I guess they are just naive. Won't say dumb, young people often are naive to the way the world works and too trusting. Don't trust a porn producer maybe?

What's the trafficking argument here though given it was consensual and they were paid?

THSenior ago

If the stunt dicks paid to fuck the girls it’s trafficking.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

I wonder if one could argue that if the given intent was never to post the videos on the internet, then that makes the whole transaction "prostitution" worthy and not as some sort of "art" value. Just guessing.

Le_Squish ago

Some people don't smart. Smart is not the average among humans. Many more people are retarded or borderline retarded even in higher IQ populations. Combine this with most humans being naive and trusting sheep and you get this situation.

NotHereForPizza ago

It's awfully nice of Voat's crypto-feminist to stop by and tell us all how stupid women are.

Don't you have anything else to say, like how it isn't their fault and that they should never have been given this responsibility in the first place?

give me more responsibility!

no, wait, I got caught doing something I know I shouldn't... You should never have given me this responsibility!

As always, you're hopelessly confused.

Le_Squish ago

Ooo, adding words I didn't say.

Not just women getting entrapped in porn trafficking. Many men as well. The trafficking of men is in many cases worse because there are no support networks to protect men.

NotHereForPizza ago

Can you blame me for attributing idiocy to a crypto-feminist?

They could simply decline any advances. Stop pretending these adults were coerced.

Women need to be socialized again. Letting the ones that fuck up get away with it is a mistake. They must be corrected, especially if that means letting them have their lives ruined for considering accepting offers like this in the first place.

Thanks again for stopping by, crypto-feminist.

Le_Squish ago

Lord, weak beta males always trying to gaslight...and failing at it.

Just ask if you want attention.

TheTrigger ago

Women need to be socialized again. Letting the ones that fuck up get away with it is a mistake. They must be corrected, especially if that means letting them have their lives ruined for considering accepting offers like this in the first place.

In all fairness: that paragraph is spot. fucking. on. I'd even take it a step further and shame their parents, for not preparing their kids enough for real life.

Le_Squish ago

I have always been a staunch advocate of not coddling women. Pizza pedo just wants my attention for some reason today.

NotHereForPizza ago

What a tired accusation. Do you seriously just do this to everyone that calls you guys out?

NotHereForPizza ago

You seriously think being told by some random woman on the internet that I'm not a man means literally anything at all to me?

Abandon your ego, you psycho bitch.

Le_Squish ago

Only beta males pick fights with women.

NotHereForPizza ago

I've never picked a fight with a woman.


Le_Squish ago

Don't contradict yourself. Pick a lore and stick with it. You are running immersion for the readers.

Ugh, Fucking low IQ niggers don't know how to troll a gal into a blind rage anymore. I want 2005 internet back.

NotHereForPizza ago

Feminists aren't women, Josh.

Brawndosaurus ago

Thanks, jews

Le_Squish ago

This is an activity that jews participate in but it is very common form of trafficking among all people these days.

Brawndosaurus ago

Maybe. But porn=👃

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Pretty sure the Mann Act makes it trafficking even if consentual and they get paid as long as they crossed state lines.

allahead ago

Bank robbin' is baby shit alongside of what this dude is doin'. Almost killed law officers. Drivin' through people's backyards, knockin' down mailboxes. He's got a broad in the car, took her across the state line. That's the Mann Act!

opa_was_SS ago

Best Movie Ever!!!

allahead ago

I want that car so bad.

opa_was_SS ago

Looks great...handles like shit in stock form.

allahead ago

I guarantee it handles like shit but I don't care. I want to burn 5 sets of tires off that car in one day.

opa_was_SS ago

Good Times!

JimSoddell ago

Hey thanks, that's helpful.

It was amended by Congress in 1978 and again in 1986 to limit its application to transport for the purpose of prostitution or other illegal sexual acts.

Hm, so it would have been a violation of federal law to recruit across state lines before the porn industry became legalized. But the amendments make clear it only applies to illegal acts, which consensual participation as an adult in porn is not.

So it's got to be something else they are arguing. Let's see...

Says they were sexually assaulted, raped, and coerced.

Sex Trafficking by Force, Fraud and Coercion, 18 U.S.C. § 1591(a) and (b)(1)

OK so that's it, and you are right about Mann. The sex was illegal because it involved assault, rape and coercion. This then made the crossing of state lines sex trafficking.

If you cross state lines and participate in porn shoots, that's legal. But if they rape you during the shoot, charges can now be federal trafficking charges in addition to the state rape code violations. Neat.

NotHereForPizza ago

These women were, 100%, not coerced.

Sedatedinsomniac ago

But see, they regretted it afterwards and makes it coercion because bad about it when they had to go through all those consequences and's totally not their fault they did porn because if they knew how it was going to make them feel there's no way they would have taken that money you know so it's totally not their fault and those producers totally coerced them into doing it. That girl whose boyfriend dumped her, he's a total asshole for not understanding....


Deceneu ago

I guess they may be referring to the contract bein breached, therefore nullified, therefore whatever sex scenes were shoot they were explicitly without consent (in this case with a nullified contract) ?

NotHereForPizza ago

You sound like a lawkike

Deceneu ago

I wish was paid like one. No lawkike here, fellow shape-s... whhhite person.

WD_Pelley ago

But if they rape you during the shoot, charges can now be federal trafficking charges in addition to the state rape code violations. Neat.

These guys are going to get fucked over hard, aren't they?

videocodec ago

THOTs to stupid to know the internet exists. I'm surprised they didn't just link to their Instagram or twitch accounts.

SearchVoatBot ago

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killkillkill ago

This is what I said. Scumbag dudes for sure, but you don't fuck on camera thinking it will never end up on the fucking internet.

Some of these girls admitted to cheating on their bfs too.

Phantom42 ago

Shoot the whores, then hang the bodies for everyone to see. Bonus points for adding a sign:

"I am a disgusting whore who had no self-respect for myself or my people"

videocodec ago

You probably got the too/to correct also.

Goys-R-Us ago


As you were.

Nonymous608 ago

I don't know... I'd have to see the videos to really feel like i could comment on this story...

gosso920 ago

Ugh. But there are so many...

speedisavirus ago

They all, the ones I've seen, were well aware what they were doing and many were cheating on boyfriends

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Hey brother, you're probably just joking, but don't poison your mind with that kike filth.

Nonymous608 ago

I am joking...i appreciate the advice my friend.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Here you go.

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago


Fuck off with posting the kike filth.

Tb0n3 ago

Yes, of course mister Puritan.

HaHawk ago

Oi vey, only bible thumpers would ever think pornography has negative effects! Watching another man fuck a woman while you masturbate is a healthy habit!

Another shekel for the good goy!

AmericanJew2 ago

Boy, sure looks like they were “coerced.”

Being female means never having to take responsibility for your stupidity. Reading crap like this makes me think twice about whether Islam is really all bad...

TheWorstImaginable ago

True enough, but there are claims that their phone numbers and personal information were 'spread around'.

Maybe there was something in the contract saying that the producers were allowed to share this information among others in the community, maybe there wasn't. It would be interesting to figure out what exactly was allowed and what exactly was done.